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Yatsuka, Eiichi; Hatae, Takaki; Suito, Satoshi*; Ohara, Miyuki*; Hagita, Koji*; Inoue, Kazunori*; Bassan, M.*; Walsh, M.*; Itami, Kiyoshi
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 11(1), p.C01006_1 - C01006_12, 2016/01
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:33.19(Instruments & Instrumentation)Yatsuka, Eiichi; Hatae, Takaki; Bassan, M.*; Vayakis, G.*; Walsh, M.*; Itami, Kiyoshi
Fusion Engineering and Design, 100, p.461 - 467, 2015/11
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:43.38(Nuclear Science & Technology)Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi; Hashimoto, Yasunori*; Kitazawa, Sin-iti; Yatsuka, Eiichi; Hatae, Takaki; Sugie, Tatsuo; Ogawa, Hiroaki; Takeuchi, Masaki; Kawano, Yasunori; Itami, Kiyoshi
Fusion Engineering and Design, 96-97, p.1012 - 1016, 2015/10
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:37.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)Japan Domestic Agency (JADA) is responsible for six diagnostic systems in the ITER project. We have successfully developed an instrumentation and control (I&C) system for the diagnostic systems. The I&C system manages internal operations for measurement such as health checks of sensors, configuration of measurement parameters, and consistency checks between measurement parameters. We developed a conversion tool to convert operational flowcharts to EPICS records. The sequencing management function coordinates the execution of operation steps by monitoring changes in the record values. It was designed so that the relationship between the records and steps is determined automatically according to the flowcharts as much as possible. We validated the performance of the I&C system for the thermocouple measurement system, and are continuing the development of even more complex I&C systems for other JADA diagnostic systems.
Tojo, Hiroshi; Yamada, Ichihiro*; Yasuhara, Ryo*; Yatsuka, Eiichi; Funaba, Hisamichi*; Hatae, Takaki; Hayashi, Hiroshi*; Itami, Kiyoshi
Review of Scientific Instruments, 85(11), p.11D865_1 - 11D865_3, 2014/11
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:10.70(Instruments & Instrumentation)Yatsuka, Eiichi; Bassan, M.*; Hatae, Takaki; Ishikawa, Masao; Shimada, Takahiko; Vayakis, G.*; Walsh, M.*; Scannell, R.*; Huxford, R.*; Bilkova, P.*; et al.
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 8(12), p.C12001_1 - C12001_10, 2013/12
Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:52.98(Instruments & Instrumentation)Tojo, Hiroshi; Hatae, Takaki; Hamano, Takashi; Sakuma, Takeshi; Itami, Kiyoshi
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 8(12), p.C12025_1 - C12025_13, 2013/12
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:16.56(Instruments & Instrumentation)Yatsuka, Eiichi; Hatae, Takaki; Vayakis, G.*; Bassan, M.*; Itami, Kiyoshi
Review of Scientific Instruments, 84(10), p.103503_1 - 103503_6, 2013/10
Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:48.39(Instruments & Instrumentation)Tojo, Hiroshi; Hatae, Takaki; Hamano, Takashi; Sakuma, Takeshi; Itami, Kiyoshi
Review of Scientific Instruments, 84(9), p.093506_1 - 093506_8, 2013/09
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:16.56(Instruments & Instrumentation)Hatae, Takaki; Yoshida, Hidetsugu*; Yatsuka, Eiichi
Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 88(10), p.555 - 574, 2012/10
no abstracts in English
Hatae, Takaki; Yatsuka, Eiichi; Hayashi, Toshimitsu; Yoshida, Hidetsugu*; Ono, Takehiro; Kusama, Yoshinori
Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(10), p.10E344_1 - 10E344_3, 2012/10
Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:55.03(Instruments & Instrumentation)A prototype YAG laser system for the edge Thomson scattering system in ITER has been newly developed. Performance of the laser amplifier was improved by using flow tubes made of samarium-doped glass; the small signal gain reached 20 at its maximum. As a result, an output energy of 7.66 J at 100 Hz was successfully achieved, and the performance exceeded the target performance (5 J, 100 Hz).
Tojo, Hiroshi; Hatae, Takaki; Yatsuka, Eiichi; Itami, Kiyoshi
Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(10), p.10E346_1 - 10E346_3, 2012/10
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)Kajita, Shin*; Hatae, Takaki; Sakuma, Takeshi; Takamura, Shuichi*; Ono, Noriyasu*; Itami, Kiyoshi
Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2405121_1 - 2405121_4, 2012/09
Yatsuka, Eiichi; Hatae, Takaki; Fujie, Daijiro*; Kurokawa, Atsuo*; Kusama, Yoshinori
Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(10), p.10E328_1 - 10E328_3, 2012/07
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:11.89(Instruments & Instrumentation)On the edge Thomson scattering (TS) system in ITER, the filter polychromator is used for dispersing the scattered radiation. Since the signal in TS system is very small, it is crucial to reduce the signal loss from the collection optics to the spectrometer. A band of wavelength in the signal is extracted by an interference filter, and the remaining part is reflected at the interference filter. On the conventional polychromator, a number of reflections are necessary for extracting all wavelength bands. We proposed a new type of polychromator. On the new polychromator, both transmitted and reflected signal from an interference filter are dispersed into transmitted and reflected parts again. It enables to reduce the number of reflection at the interference filters. We showed it is possible to apply in the edge TS system in ITER by setting the injection angle of signal light into the interference filters to be approximately less than 10 degrees.
Tojo, Hiroshi; Hatae, Takaki; Itami, Kiyoshi
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 7(5), p.C05004_1 - C05004_11, 2012/05
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:42.86(Instruments & Instrumentation)Tojo, Hiroshi; Ejiri, Akira*; Hiratsuka, Junichi*; Yamaguchi, Takashi*; Takase, Yuichi*; Itami, Kiyoshi; Hatae, Takaki
Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 7(4), p.P04005_1 - P04005_11, 2012/04
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:16.82(Instruments & Instrumentation)Tojo, Hiroshi; Ejiri, Akira*; Hiratsuka, Junichi*; Yamaguchi, Takashi*; Takase, Yuichi*; Itami, Kiyoshi; Hatae, Takaki
Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(2), p.023507_1 - 023507_4, 2012/02
Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:45.61(Instruments & Instrumentation)Yatsuka, Eiichi; Hatae, Takaki; Kusama, Yoshinori
Nuclear Fusion, 51(12), p.123004_1 - 123004_4, 2011/12
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:36.81(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)no abstracts in English
Asakura, Nobuyuki; Hayashi, Takao; Ashikawa, Naoko*; Hatae, Takaki; Nakano, Tomohide
Fusion Science and Technology, 60(4), p.1572 - 1575, 2011/11
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:37.29(Nuclear Science & Technology)Dust research has been performed in JT-60U in order to predict the plasma performance and the tritium retention in a fusion reactor. Laser scattering measurement showed, in specific discharge after disruptions, both the size and number were peaked in the far-SOL and they decreased near the separatrix. This result shows that sublimation of dust is dominant in the SOL. Dust collection after the experiment campaign showed that large weight of the dust was cumulated on the exhaust route of gas flow under the divertor. The total amount of the hydrogen isotope contained in the dust were estimated for the cases with deposited in the volume and near the surface.
Ishikawa, Masao; Kawano, Yasunori; Imazawa, Ryota; Sato, Satoshi; Vayakis, G.*; Bertalot, L.*; Yatsuka, Eiichi; Hatae, Takaki; Kondoh, Takashi; Kusama, Yoshinori
Fusion Engineering and Design, 86(6-8), p.1286 - 1289, 2011/10
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:10.43(Nuclear Science & Technology)The nuclear heating rates of the optical mirrors of the poloidal polarimeter installed in the equatorial port plug of ITER are calculated. Since the system cannot have a sufficiently labyrinthine structure and the second mirrors are located nearly as close to the plasma as the first mirrors due to limited space, the nuclear heating rate of the second mirrors is as high as that of the first mirrors. However, it is possible to reduce the nuclear heating rates of the mirrors if the blanket shield module provides a sufficient degree of neutron shielding.
Pitcher, C. S.*; Andrew, P.*; Barnsley, R.*; Bertalot, L.*; Counsell, G. G.*; Encheva, A.*; Feder, R. E.*; Hatae, Takaki; Johnson, D. W.*; Kim, J.*; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 415(Suppl.1), p.S1127 - S1132, 2011/08
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)