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Hiratsuka, Hajime; Hatano, Toshihisa; Abe, Tetsuya
JAEA-Testing 2013-001, 42 Pages, 2013/05
The Breath-Mass was put in practical use in the development of the gas analysis technology with quadrupole mass specrometer. Features of the Breath-Mass are measurement at short time, high sensitivity and reproducibility. Moreover, on-site measurement was added to features and application of the Breath-Mass in various fields was aimed at. In development of application, lectures of operation with the instrument were required. This report was summarized as operation manual whose contents ware handling, measurement and maintenance.
Hiratsuka, Hajime; Hatano, Toshihisa; Abe, Tetsuya
Heisei-24-Nendo Kyoto Daigaku Sogo Gijutsu Kenkyukai Hokokusho (CD-ROM), 3 Pages, 2013/03
no abstracts in English
Hiratsuka, Hajime; Hatano, Toshihisa; Abe, Tetsuya
Heisei-23-Nendo Kiki, Bunseki Gijutsu Kenkyukai Hokoku, p.64 - 65, 2011/09
no abstracts in English
Hatano, Toshihisa; Hiratsuka, Hajime; Abe, Tetsuya
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan, 54(9), p.474 - 477, 2011/09
This study focused on more reproducible pumping time constant of vacuum devices. The mass spectrum measured in non-steady state was corrected with a mathematical technique corresponding to constant pressure in steady state. The correction mass spectrum was evaluated from the viewpoint of the gas analysis. In measuring the sample gas was a pulse gas injection. After injection the gas pressure decreases exponentially. Here was confirmed reproducible pumping time constant by pulsing gas injection and investigated influence of the pumping time constant to the correction mass spectrum. N, O, Ar, CO were measured the above method and analyzed. The correction mass spectrum showed use from the comparison with mass spectrum in The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) mass spectra library as for the analysis enough.
Hatano, Toshihisa; Hiratsuka, Hajime; Hasegawa, Koichi; Kaifuku, Yuichiro*; Abe, Tetsuya
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan, 54(5), p.313 - 316, 2011/05
In the quantitative measure of air pollution gas and impurity gas in the aluminum recycle material etc, it is requested to show the amount of the gas directly by the weight value from the viewpoint of global standard. Therefore, standard gas sources expressed in units of weight are needed. The vapor-liquid equilibrium type of gas permeation sources (hereafter "P-tube") is used well in the atmosphere as calibration gas of the measuring equipment and a standard gas source for low concentration of gas. The study aims to estimate performance of P-tubes in the vacuum. Specifically, weight change of P-tubes were measured with the vacuum balance and at the same time concentration of gas constituents were also measured by Electron Ionization-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (hereafter, EI-QMS). The relation of both was examined. The prospect was obtained that the P-tube was able to be used as a standard gas source in the vacuum though the warming was needed.
Arai, Takashi; Hiratsuka, Hajime; Hasegawa, Koichi; Hatano, Toshihisa; Nemoto, Masahiro; Abe, Tetsuya
Heisei-18-Nendo Nagoya Daigaku Sogo Gijutsu Kenkyukai Sochi Gijutsu Kenkyukai Hokokushu, p.76 - 79, 2007/03
Recently, the accident because of drunken driving is taken up in the topic of news, and the concern is had at the amount of the drinking and the drinking time etc. of the inside of the body. It is said that there is a correlation in the alcoholic density included in an alcoholic amount and the expiration in blood so far, and is reported on the equipment that measures an alcoholic density of the expiration based on this. We also are executing the breath analysis as an example of applying QMS (four pile polar mass spectrometer) gas analyzer "Gravimas". This time, an alcoholic density in the expiration was measured, the performance of this device to alcoholic detection was examined, and the change at the time of an alcoholic density in the expiration high sensitivity was measured. These results suggest the utility of the breath analysis that uses QMS.
Enoeda, Mikio; Hirose, Takanori; Tanigawa, Hisashi; Tsuru, Daigo; Suzuki, Satoshi; Ezato, Koichiro; Hatano, Toshihisa; Nomoto, Yasunobu; Nishi, Hiroshi; Homma, Takashi; et al.
Proceedings of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2006) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2007/03
This paper presents progresses of the test strategy development, design and supporting R&Ds of solid breeder Test Blanket Modules (TBMs) in Japan. Japan is proposing to test its unique designs of Water Cooled Solid Breeder (WCSB) TBM and Helium Cooled Solid Breeder (HCSB) TBM from the beginning of the ITER operation. As for the design work, structure design showed steady progress and clarified detailed structure taking into account the fabrication procedure. As for supporting R&Ds, the corrosion characteristics of the structural material by high temperature and pressure water was clarified as one of critical structure integrity issues. Also, important design data of the breeder pebble bed has been clarfied. Along with the development progress, the test strategy has been investigated to obtain the most effective results of TBM test program.
Hiratsuka, Hajime; Abe, Tetsuya; Nemoto, Masahiro; Hasegawa, Koichi; Arai, Takashi; Hatano, Toshihisa
Heisei-18-Nendo Kiki, Bunseki Gijutsu Kenkyukai Hokoku, p.163 - 166, 2006/09
no abstracts in English
Hasegawa, Koichi; Abe, Tetsuya; Nemoto, Masahiro; Hiratsuka, Hajime; Arai, Takashi; Hatano, Toshihisa
Heisei-18-Nendo Kiki, Bunseki Gijutsu Kenkyukai Hokoku, p.169 - 172, 2006/09
no abstracts in English
Suzuki, Satoshi; Enoeda, Mikio; Hatano, Toshihisa; Hirose, Takanori; Hayashi, Kimio; Tanigawa, Hisashi; Ochiai, Kentaro; Nishitani, Takeo; Tobita, Kenji; Akiba, Masato
Nuclear Fusion, 46(2), p.285 - 290, 2006/02
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:10.50(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)This paper presents significant progress in R&D of key technologies on the water-cooled solid breeder blanket for the ITER-TBM in JAERI. By the improvement of heat treatment process for blanket module fabrication, a fine-grained microstructure of F82H, can be obtained by homogenizing it at 1150 C followed by normalizing at 930 C after the HIP process. Moreover, a promising bonding process for a tungsten armor and an F82H structural material was developed by using a uniaxial hot compression without any artificial compliant layer. Also, it has been confirmed that a fatigue lifetime correlation, which was developed for ITER divertor, can be applicable for F82H first wall mock-up. As for R&D on a breeder material, LiTiO, the effect of compression loads on thermal conductivity of pebble beds has been clarified. JAERI have extensively developed key technologies for ITER-TBM, and now steps up into an engineering R&D stage, where integrated performance of TBM structures will be demonstrated by scalable mock-ups.
Tanigawa, Hisashi; Hatano, Toshihisa; Enoeda, Mikio; Akiba, Masato
Fusion Engineering and Design, 75-79, p.801 - 805, 2005/11
Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:91.56(Nuclear Science & Technology)In order to elucidate thermo-mechanical behaviour of the blanket with the water-cooled ceramic breeders, the effective thermal conductivity of a compressed LiTiO pebble bed was measured by the hot wire method. The measurement chamber for the thermal conductivity was inserted into a tensile test-apparatus. Under controlled temperature, atmosphere and mechanical loads, the stress-strain property and the effective thermal conductivity of the pebble beds were measured simultaneously. At the temperatures ranging from 673 to 973K, increases of the effective thermal conductivity due to the compressive deformation were confirmed. In addition, it was found that history of the mechanical and thermal loads on the bed affected the thermo-mechanical properties of the pebble bed.
Enoeda, Mikio; Hatano, Toshihisa; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Ochiai, Kentaro; Kawamura, Yoshinori; Hayashi, Kimio; Nishitani, Takeo; Nishi, Masataka; Akiba, Masato
Fusion Science and Technology, 47(4), p.1060 - 1067, 2005/05
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:35.15(Nuclear Science & Technology)Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) has been assigned as a leading institute for developing the solid breeder blanket in the long-term research program of fusion blankets in Japan, which was approved by the Fusion Council of Japan in 1999. In accordance with the long term research program, element technology development of solid blanket has been performed at JAERI and showed significant progress. Based on the achievement of the element technology development, the development phase is now stepping further to the engineering development phase. This paper presents the major achievements of the element technology development of solid breeder blanket in JAERI.
Enoeda, Mikio; Kosaku, Yasuo; Hatano, Toshihisa; Kuroda, Toshimasa*; Miki, Nobuharu*; Homma, Takashi; Akiba, Masato; Konishi, Satoshi; Nakamura, Hirofumi; Kawamura, Yoshinori; et al.
Nuclear Fusion, 43(12), p.1837 - 1844, 2003/12
Times Cited Count:102 Percentile:93.25(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)no abstracts in English
Hatano, Toshihisa; Enoeda, Mikio; Suzuki, Satoshi; Kosaku, Yasuo; Akiba, Masato
Fusion Science and Technology, 44(1), p.94 - 98, 2003/07
Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:84.60(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Kosaku, Yasuo; Kuroda, Toshimasa*; Enoeda, Mikio; Hatano, Toshihisa; Sato, Satoshi; Sato, Shinichi*; Osaki, Toshio*; Miki, Nobuharu*; Akiba, Masato
JAERI-Tech 2003-058, 69 Pages, 2003/06
The design of the breeding blanket in ITER applies pebble bed breeder in tube (BIT) surrounded by multiplier pebble bed. It is assumed to use the same module support mechanism and coolant manifolds and coolant system as the shielding blankets. This work focuses on the verification of the design of the breeding blanket, from the viewpoints which is especially unique to the pebble bed type breeding blanket, such as, tritium breeding performance, tritium inventory and release behavior and thermo-mechanical performance of the ITER breeding blanket.
Kuroda, Toshimasa*; Hatano, Toshihisa; Miki, Nobuharu*; Hiroki, Seiji; Enoeda, Mikio; Omori, Junji*; Sato, Shinichi*; Akiba, Masato
JAERI-Tech 2002-098, 136 Pages, 2003/02
no abstracts in English
Hatano, Toshihisa
Meintenansu, 235(1), p.81 - 83, 2003/01
no abstracts in English
Uchida, Munenori*; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Hatano, Toshihisa; Barabash, V.*; Kawamura, Hiroshi
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 307-311(Part2), p.1533 - 1536, 2002/12
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:22.91(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Hatano, Toshihisa; Kuroda, Toshimasa*; Barabash, V.*; Enoeda, Mikio
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 307-311(2), p.1537 - 1541, 2002/12
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:28.74(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Kosaku, Yasuo; Kuroda, Toshimasa*; Hatano, Toshihisa; Enoeda, Mikio; Miki, Nobuharu*; Akiba, Masato
JAERI-Tech 2002-078, 58 Pages, 2002/10
Shielding blanket for ITER-FEAT applies the unique first wall structure which is separable from the shield block for the purpose of radio-active waste reduction in the maintenance work and cost reduction in fabrication process. Also, it is required to have various types of slots in both of the first wall and the shield block, to reduce the eddy current for reduction of electro-magnetic force in disruption events. This report summarizes the achievement of such R&Ds as, slit grooving techniques for Be/DSCu/SS first wall panel and SS shield block, demonstration of Be armor joining to the real scal first wall panel, and demonstration of full scale first wall panel.