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Journal Articles

High-sensitive XANES analysis at Ce L$$_{2}$$-edge for Ce in bauxites using transition-edge sensors; Implications for Ti-rich geological samples

Li, W.*; Yamada, Shinya*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Okumura, Takuma*; Hayakawa, Ryota*; Nitta, Kiyofumi*; Sekizawa, Oki*; Suga, Hiroki*; Uruga, Tomoya*; Ichinohe, Yuto*; et al.

Analytica Chimica Acta, 1240, p.340755_1 - 340755_9, 2023/02

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:52.44(Chemistry, Analytical)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Thermally altered subsurface material of asteroid (162173) Ryugu

Kitazato, Kohei*; Milliken, R. E.*; Iwata, Takahiro*; Abe, Masanao*; Otake, Makiko*; Matsuura, Shuji*; Takagi, Yasuhiko*; Nakamura, Tomoki*; Hiroi, Takahiro*; Matsuoka, Moe*; et al.

Nature Astronomy (Internet), 5(3), p.246 - 250, 2021/03

 Times Cited Count:44 Percentile:96.99(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Here we report observations of Ryugu's subsurface material by the Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) on the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Reflectance spectra of excavated material exhibit a hydroxyl (OH) absorption feature that is slightly stronger and peak-shifted compared with that observed for the surface, indicating that space weathering and/or radiative heating have caused subtle spectral changes in the uppermost surface. However, the strength and shape of the OH feature still suggests that the subsurface material experienced heating above 300 $$^{circ}$$C, similar to the surface. In contrast, thermophysical modeling indicates that radiative heating does not increase the temperature above 200 $$^{circ}$$C at the estimated excavation depth of 1 m, even if the semimajor axis is reduced to 0.344 au. This supports the hypothesis that primary thermal alteration occurred due to radiogenic and/or impact heating on Ryugu's parent body.

Journal Articles

The Surface composition of asteroid 162173 Ryugu from Hayabusa2 near-infrared spectroscopy

Kitazato, Kohei*; Milliken, R. E.*; Iwata, Takahiro*; Abe, Masanao*; Otake, Makiko*; Matsuura, Shuji*; Arai, Takehiko*; Nakauchi, Yusuke*; Nakamura, Tomoki*; Matsuoka, Moe*; et al.

Science, 364(6437), p.272 - 275, 2019/04

 Times Cited Count:262 Percentile:99.73(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

The near-Earth asteroid 162173 Ryugu, the target of Hayabusa2 sample return mission, is believed to be a primitive carbonaceous object. The Near Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) on Hayabusa2 acquired reflectance spectra of Ryugu's surface to provide direct measurements of the surface composition and geological context for the returned samples. A weak, narrow absorption feature centered at 2.72 micron was detected across the entire observed surface, indicating that hydroxyl (OH)-bearing minerals are ubiquitous there. The intensity of the OH feature and low albedo are similar to thermally- and/or shock-metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. There are few variations in the OH-band position, consistent with Ryugu being a compositionally homogeneous rubble-pile object generated from impact fragments of an undifferentiated aqueously altered parent body.

Journal Articles

Magneto-electric effect in charge-ordered LuFe$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$

Kambe, Takashi*; Komatsu, Takuma*; Michiuchi, Takamasa*; Hayakawa, Hiroki*; Oishi, Daisuke*; Hanasaki, Noriaki*; Yoshii, Kenji; Ikeda, Naoshi*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 200, p.012077_1 - 012077_4, 2010/02

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:80.26(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

A magneto-electric effect (ME) was observed in a charge-ordered ferroelectric LuFe$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$. The dielectric response in a three-dimensional charge-ordered phase is strongly influenced by magnetic field, especially around the ferri-magnetic ordering temperature. We also show the relation between the oxygen stoichiometry and the ME signal character above the magnetic transition temperature.

JAEA Reports

Thermal-hydraulic analysis of plant dynamics test (II) SSC-L input manual for PLANDTL

Hayakawa, Hiroki*; Haraguchi, Tetsuharu*; Tanigawa, Shingo*

PNC TN9520 89-007, 499 Pages, 1989/03


In the studies using PLANDTL, it would be planned to conduct the LOPI simulation experiment, the plant-wide natural circulation experiment, the DHX operational transient experiment, and so on. The goal of these R&D is to establish an assessment method for plant dynamics and to propose some design considerations on core conditions for the achievement of inherent safety features, passive decay heat removal capability. SSC-L (Super System Code - Loop Version) is to be as the main code in these studies and is used for the PLANDTL design analysis through test analysis. SSC-L is the most advantageous computational tool because the code is designed to analyze various kinds of transients and has been widely used for the safety analysis of LMFBR. In the first step of the plant dynamics tests, model development and modification of SSC-L has been achieved, and new models for PLANDTL are installed because the PLANDTL has the unique system and components to simulate LOPI conditions. After the modification and the experience of SSC-L application, we have made the input manual to conduct timely the pre- or post-analysis for the plant dynamics tests. The present document consists of the items corresponding to the various test conditions in order to quickly generate the input data.

Oral presentation

Spectral characteristics of asteroid (162173) Ryugu with Hayabusa2 NIRS3

Takir, D.*; Kitazato, Kohei*; Milliken, R. E.*; Iwata, Takahiro*; Abe, Masanao*; Otake, Makiko*; Matsuura, Shuji*; Arai, Takehiko*; Nakauchi, Yusuke*; Nakamura, Tomoki*; et al.

no journal, , 

JAXA spacecraft and sample return mission Hayabusa2 has arrived at the near-Earth asteroid 162173 Ryugu, which is classified a primitive carbonaceous object. Here we report recent results of near-infrared spectrometer (NIRS3) on the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. The observations provide direct measurements of the surface composition of Ryugu and context for the returned samples. NIRS3 has detected a weak and narrow absorption feature centered at 2.72 micrometer across entire observed surface. This absorption feature is attributed to the presence of OH-bearing minerals. The NIRS3 observations also revealed that Ryugu is the darkest object to be observed up-close by a visiting spacecraft. The intensity of the OH feature and low albedo are consistent with thermally-and/or shock-metamorphosed, and/or carbon-rich space-weathered primitive and hydrated carbonaceous chondrites.

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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