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Journal Articles

Stability of non-stoichiometric clusters in the MA957 ODS ferrtic alloy

Sakasegawa, Hideo; Legendre, F.*; Boulanger, L.*; Brocq, M.*; Chaffron, L.*; Cozzika, T.*; Malaplate, J.*; Henry, J.*; de Carlan, Y.*

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 417(1-3), p.229 - 232, 2011/10

 Times Cited Count:67 Percentile:97.57(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In our past work, the commercial ferrtic Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) alloy MA957 had at least two types of nanometer-sized oxide particles: non-stoichiometric Y-, Ti-, O-enriched clusters and Y$$_{2}$$Ti$$_{2}$$O$$_{7}$$ particles. The size of the non-stoichiometric clusters was much smaller than that of Y$$_{2}$$Ti$$_{2}$$O$$_{7}$$ particles and it was confirmed that the non-stoichiometric clusters possibly dominate the oxide dispersion strengthening. Therefore, this study dealt with the stability and evolution mechanisms of non-stoichiometric nanoclusters after the annealing (1473K $$times$$ 1h). This annealing condition was determined considering the actual condition of consolidation processes. After the annealing, most non-stoichiometric Y-, Ti-, O-enriched clusters were stable, but some clusters became Y$$_{2}$$Ti$$_{2}$$O$$_{7}$$ particles with increasing size. The diffusion of yttrium had an important role for the evolution of these oxides.

Journal Articles

Status of JT-60SA tokamak under the EU-JA broader approach agreement

Matsukawa, Makoto; Kikuchi, Mitsuru; Fujii, Tsuneyuki; Fujita, Takaaki; Hayashi, Takao; Higashijima, Satoru; Hosogane, Nobuyuki; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Ide, Shunsuke; Ishida, Shinichi; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 83(7-9), p.795 - 803, 2008/12

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:71.63(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The JT-60SA cryoplant current design status

Henry, D.*; Michel, F.*; Roussel, P.*; Reynaud, P.*; Journeaux, J. Y.*; Mar$'e$chal, J. L.*; Balaguer, D.*; Roux, C.*; Matsukawa, Makoto; Yoshida, Kiyoshi

AIP Conference Proceedings 985, p.445 - 452, 2008/03

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Thermodynamics)

In the framework of the ITER Broader Approach, CEA is carrying out the procurement of the Cryogenic System to the JA-EU Satellite Tokamak JT-60SA, which should be operated in Japan at JAEA, Naka in 2014. According to the Conceptual Design Report, JT-60SA is to operate for periods of at least 6 months per year, with major shutdown periods in between for maintenance and further installation upgrades. For this operation scenario, the cryoplant and the cryodistribution have to cope with different heat loads which depend on the different JT-60SA operating states. The cryoplant consists of one 4.5 K refrigerator and one 80 K helium loop, each pre-cooled by LN2. These cryogenic subsystems have to operate simultaneously in order to remove the heat loads from the superconducting magnets, 80 K shields and the divertor cryopumps. The first part of this study is based on the Process Flow Diagram (PFD) and presents the current design status of the JT-60SA cryogenic system. The second part is dedicated to the analysis of the cryoplant normal operation modes including the regeneration mode of the divertor cryopumps.

Journal Articles

Triple ion beam irradiation tests on window materials of spallation targets

Futakawa, Masatoshi; Kurata, Yuji; Henry, J.*; Ioka, Ikuo; Saito, Shigeru; Naito, Akira

FZKA-6876, p.166 - 171, 2003/12

A report at MEGAPIE(Megawatt Pilot Experiment) Technical R & D Meeting is collected into an FZK report. Triple ion beam irradiation tests on T91 specimens were conducted under MEGAPIE condition using TIARA facility at JAERI. Results of triple ion beam irradiation up to 15dpa, 1400appm He, 10000appm H at 320$$^{circ}$$C were compared with those of single or dual beam irradiation of Fe or He ions by use of a micro-indentation method. Hardsness increase was mainly attributed to displacement damage by Fe ions. A little effect on hardness was found on simultaneous implantation of He and H ions. An analysis method to predict mechanical characterization form micro-indentation test results was developed on ion irradiated materials.

Journal Articles

Structure of the 11/2$$^{-}$$ analog state in $$^{91}$$Nb populated by the $$^{90}$$Zr($$alpha$$, t) reaction

Van der Molen, H. K. T.*; Akimune, Hidetoshi*; Van den Berg, A. M.*; Daito, Izuru*; Fujimura, Hisako*; Fujita, Yoshitaka*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; Harakeh, M. N.*; Ihara, F.*; Inomata, Toru*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 502(1-4), p.1 - 8, 2001/03

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:28.14(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

no abstracts in English

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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