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Journal Articles

Direction on characterization of fuel debris for defueling process in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Yano, Kimihiko; Kitagaki, Toru; Ikeuchi, Hirotomo; Wakui, Ryohei; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Kaji, Naoya; Koizumi, Kenji; Washiya, Tadahiro

Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference; Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads (GLOBAL 2013) (CD-ROM), p.1554 - 1559, 2013/09

Journal Articles

Applicability of single mode fiber laser for wrapper tube cutting

Wakui, Ryohei; Kitagaki, Toru; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Koizumi, Kenji; Washiya, Tadahiro

Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering and the ASME 2012 Power Conference (ICONE-20 & POWER 2012) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2012/07

Journal Articles

Development of short stroke shearing technology for FBR fuel pin

Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji; Hirano, Hiroyasu; Tasaka, Masayuki*; Washiya, Tadahiro; Kobayashi, Tsuguyuki*

Journal of Power and Energy Systems (Internet), 4(1), p.244 - 251, 2010/04

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Design and fabrication of the FBR fuel disassembly system

Kitagaki, Toru; Tasaka, Masayuki; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji; Hirano, Hiroyasu; Washiya, Tadahiro; Kobayashi, Tsuguyuki*

Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-17) (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2009/06

JAEA has been developing a reliable disassembly system for FBR fuel reprocessing as a part of Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development (FaCT). We fabricated the disassembly system testing machine. In this paper, we described design of it.

Journal Articles

Conceptual design study of the powdered fuel dissolver

Washiya, Tadahiro; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Sano, Yuichi; Aose, Shinichi

Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-13), P. 330, 2005/05

Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) has been developing the crystallization technology for the advanced aqueous reprocessing plant to realize the FBR fuel cycle. The crystallization process is applied in front of the extraction process for removing large amount of uranium and reducing the throughput of extraction process. The crystallization process requires high concentrated dissolution ($$>$$500g-HM/L) to mitigate the cooling conditions. The powdered fuel dissolution is a promising technology to obtain the high concentrated dissolution. Hot experiments of the powdered fuel dissolution were carried out at CPF to verify the dissolution speed and characteristics. As result, the speed is ten times faster than conventional sheared fuel. For the powdered fuel dissolution, particle handling is a key issue to prevent piling up of the fuel particles on the dissolver bottom and elutriation rate to the off gas system. In this paper, functional requirements and subjects for the powdered fuel dissolution were discussed. And an innovative dissolver design based on the cylindrical stirring type dissolver was proposed for reliable continuous dissolver system with the powdered fuel. Some engineering scale test and computer code evaluations were carried out to verify the dynamic performance of simulated fuel particles and water in the dissolver design.

Oral presentation

Engneering scale test of FBR fuel disassembly and pin bundle shearing technology

Wakui, Ryohei; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Kitagaki, Toru; Washiya, Tadahiro; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Kobayashi, Tsuguyuki*; Watanabe, Masayuki; Suganuma, Takashi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

FaCT phase-I evaluation on advanced aqueous reprocessing process, 2; Disassembly and shearing technologies for FBR fuel

Kitagaki, Toru; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Wakui, Ryohei; Koizumi, Kenji; Suganuma, Takashi; Washiya, Tadahiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Applicability of single mode fiber laser for FBR fuel disassembly

Wakui, Ryohei; Kitagaki, Toru; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Washiya, Tadahiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Basic tests of fiber laser for wrapper tube cutting

Wakui, Ryohei; Kitagaki, Toru; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Washiya, Tadahiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Selection of fuel-debris properties required for defueling work at post severe accident

Ikeuchi, Hirotomo; Kitagaki, Toru; Wakui, Ryohei; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji; Yano, Kimihiko; Kaji, Naoya; Washiya, Tadahiro

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Study of mechanical disassembly system for FBR fuel reprocessing

Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Toya, Yuichi*; Washiya, Tadahiro; Koizumi, Kenji; Hirano, Hiroyasu

no journal, , 

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been developing a reliable disassembly system for FBR fuel reprocessing as a part of FaCT. As For the disassembly system, laser type disassembly system had been developed, but it had some subjects as adhesion and fuel pin damage caused by dross. Then JAEA have proposed a new disassembly technology by mechanical disassembly system that consists of a mechanical cutting step and a wrapper tube pulling step. Mechanical cutting performance and pulling separation performance are confirmed by fundamental test, and Fundamental design of the mechanical disassembly system is established.

Oral presentation

Development of FBR fuel disassembly and pin bundle chopping technology, 10; Fundamental performance evaluation by the fuel disassembly test system

Kitagaki, Toru; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji; Hirano, Hiroyasu; Tasaka, Masayuki*; Washiya, Tadahiro; Kobayashi, Tsuguyuki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of FBR fuel disassembly and pin bundle shearing technology, 14; Short stroke shearing test using simulated fuel pin bundle

Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji; Hirano, Hiroyasu; Kitagaki, Toru; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Washiya, Tadahiro; Kobayashi, Tsuguyuki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Applicability of single mode fiber laser for wrapper tube cutting

Wakui, Ryohei; Kitagaki, Toru; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Washiya, Tadahiro; Koizumi, Kenji

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Selection of fuel debris properties required to develop defueling tools for decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Kitagaki, Toru; Yano, Kimihiko; Wakui, Ryohei; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Kaji, Naoya; Koizumi, Kenji; Washiya, Tadahiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Influence of UNH crystal on heat transfer performance of crystallizer

Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji; Washiya, Tadahiro; Morita, Shinichi; Chikazawa, Takahiro*; Nishimura, Kenji*; Kikuchi, Toshiaki*

no journal, , 

Influence of UNH crystal on heat transfer performance of Crystallizer.

Oral presentation

Development on the purification technology in crystallization process, 5; Basic sweating test with UNH crystal

Nakamura, Masahiro; Nakamura, Kazuhito; Koizumi, Kenji; Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Tsutomu; Washiya, Tadahiro

no journal, , 

A basic purification test was performed using uranium-simulated fission product elements solution in order to develop the purification technology for uranil nitrate crystal in crystallization of NEXT process. A decontamination factor with sweating, which is a release phenomenon of capsulated mother liquor from a crystal with high temperature, was estimated.

Oral presentation

Development of FBR fuel disassembly and pin bundle chopping technology, 8; Short piece chopping test of simulated fuel pin bundle

Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji; Hirano, Hiroyasu; Washiya, Tadahiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of shearing technology for FBR fuel pin bundle

Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Koizumi, Kenji; Hirano, Hiroyasu; Tasaka, Masayuki; Washiya, Tadahiro; Kobayashi, Tsuguyuki*

no journal, , 

From previous reports, the powdered fuel was considered to be suitable for the preparation of high concentrated solution efficiently. And the short stroke shearing technology is expected to make the powdered fuel rationally. In this study, the short stroke shearing tests with simulated fuel pin bundle has been carried out at engineering scale. From these tests, fundamental data of the short stroke shearing characteristics were obtained.

Oral presentation

Development of the mechanical disassembly system for FBR fuel; Study of the reliable cutting condition

Higuchi, Hidetoshi; Wakui, Ryohei; Watanabe, Masayuki; Suganuma, Takashi; Kitagaki, Toru; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Washiya, Tadahiro

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

24 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)