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Huang, Z.*; Wang, W.*; Ye, H.*; Bao, S.*; Shangguan, Y.*; Liao, J.*; Cao, S.*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Deng, G.*; et al.
Physical Review B, 109(1), p.014434_1 - 014434_9, 2024/01
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Bao, S.*; Gu, Z.-L.*; Shangguan, Y.*; Huang, Z.*; Liao, J.*; Zhao, X.*; Zhang, B.*; Dong, Z.-Y.*; Wang, W.*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi; et al.
Nature Communications (Internet), 14, p.6093_1 - 6093_9, 2023/09
Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:92.03(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Fang, Y.*; Kong, L.*; Wang, R.*; Zhang, Z.*; Li, Z.*; Wu, Y.*; Bu, K.*; Liu, X.*; Yan, S.*; Hattori, Takanori; et al.
Materials Today Physics (Internet), 34, p.101083_1 - 101083_7, 2023/05
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:68.49(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The layered van der Waals halides are particularly sensitive to external pressure, suggesting a feasible route to pinpoint their structure with extraordinary behavior. However, a very sensitive pressure response usually lead to a detrimental phase transition and/or lattice distortion, making the approach of materials manipulation in a continuous manner remain challenging. Here, the extremely weak interlayer coupling and high tunability of layered RhI crystals are observed. A pressure-driven phase transition occurs at a moderate pressure of 5 GPa, interlinking to a change of layer stack mode. Strikingly, such a phase transition does not affect the tendency of quasi-linear bandgap narrowing, and a metallization with an ultra-broad tunability of 1.3 eV redshift is observed at higher pressures. Moreover, the carrier concentration increases by 4 orders of magnitude at 30 GPa, and the photocurrent enhances by 5 orders of magnitude at 7.8 GPa. These findings create new opportunities for exploring, tuning, and understanding the van der Waals halides by harnessing their unusual feature of a layered structure, which is promising for future devices based on materials-by-design that are atomically thin.
Sheng, J.*; Wang, L.*; Candini, A.*; Jiang, W.*; Huang, L.*; Xi, B.*; Zhao, J.*; Ge, H.*; Zhao, N.*; Fu, Y.*; et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(51), p.e2211193119_1 - e2211193119_9, 2022/12
Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:89.41(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Zhang, M. M.*; Tian, Y. L.*; Wang, Y. S.*; Zhang, Z. Y.*; Gan, Z. G.*; Yang, H. B.*; Huang, M. H.*; Ma, L.*; Yang, C. L.*; Wang, J. G.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 106(2), p.024305_1 - 024305_6, 2022/08
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:49.32(Physics, Nuclear)Bao, S.*; Wang, W.*; Shangguan, Y.*; Cai, Z.*; Dong, Z.-Y.*; Huang, Z.*; Si, W.*; Ma, Z.*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; et al.
Physical Review X, 12(1), p.011022_1 - 011022_15, 2022/02
Times Cited Count:29 Percentile:94.47(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Shangguan, Y.*; Bao, S.*; Dong, Z.-Y.*; Cai, Z.*; Wang, W.*; Huang, Z.*; Ma, Z.*; Liao, J.*; Zhao, X.*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi; et al.
Physical Review B, 104(22), p.224430_1 - 224430_8, 2021/12
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:12.24(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Doherty, D. T.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Seweryniak, D.*; Woods, P. J.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Auranen, K.*; Ayangeakaa, A. D.*; Back, B. B.*; Bottoni, S.*; Canete, L.*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 127(20), p.202501_1 - 202501_6, 2021/11
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:67.42(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Dimitriou, P.*; Dillmann, I.*; Singh, B.*; Piksaikin, V.*; Rykaczewski, K. P.*; Tain, J. L.*; Algora, A.*; Banerjee, K.*; Borzov, I. N.*; Cano-Ott, D.*; et al.
Nuclear Data Sheets, 173, p.144 - 238, 2021/03
Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:95.35(Physics, Nuclear)-delayed neutron emission has been of interest since the discovery of nuclear fission. In nuclear power reactors, delayed-neutron data play a crucial role in reactor kinetics calculations and safe operation.
-delayed neutron data also have a significant impact in the field of nuclear structure and astrophysics especially as nuclei farther away from stability are explored at the new generation of radioactive beam facilities. Several compilations of
-decay half-lives and delayed-neutron emission probabilities are available, however, complete documentation of measurements and evaluation procedures is often missing for these properties. Efforts to address this gap in nuclear data and create an updated compilation and evaluation of
-delayed neutron properties were undertaken under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which formed a Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on "Development of a Reference Database of Beta-delayed Neutron Emission Data". In this paper we summarize the work that was performed and present the results of the CRP.
Dimitriou, P.*; Basunia, S*; Bernstein, L.*; Chen, J.*; Elekes, Z.*; Huang, X.*; Hurst, A.*; Iimura, Hideki; Jain, A. K.*; Kelley, J.*; et al.
EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, p.15004_1 - 15004_4, 2020/09
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)The Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) includes the most extensive and comprehensive set of nuclear structure and decay data evaluations performed by the international network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data evaluators (NSDD) under the auspices of the IAEA. In this report we describe some of the recent NSDD activities and provide future perspectives.
Taya, Hidetoshi*; Park, A.*; Cho, S.*; Gubler, P.; Hattori, Koichi*; Hong, J.*; Huang, X.-G.*; Lee, S. H.*; Monnai, Akihiko*; Onishi, Akira*; et al.
Physical Review C, 102(2), p.021901_1 - 021901_6, 2020/08
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:62.95(Physics, Nuclear)Naeem, M.*; He, H.*; Zhang, F.*; Huang, H.*; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Wang, B.*; Lan, S.*; Wu, Z.*; Wang, F.*; et al.
Science Advances (Internet), 6(13), p.eaax4002_1 - eaax4002_8, 2020/03
Times Cited Count:207 Percentile:99.24(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Sun, M. D.*; Liu, Z.*; Huang, T. H.*; Zhang, W. Q.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Ding, B.*; Wang, J. G.*; Liu, X. Y.*; Lu, H. Y.*; Hou, D. S.*; et al.
Physics Letters B, 800, p.135096_1 - 135096_5, 2020/01
Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:76.16(Astronomy & Astrophysics)Kim, S. B.*; Zhang, Y.*; Won, S. M.*; Bandodkar, A. J.*; Sekine, Yurina; Xue, Y.*; Koo, J.*; Harshman, S. W.*; Martin, J. A.*; Park, J. M.*; et al.
Small, 14(12), p.1703334_1 - 1703334_11, 2018/03
Times Cited Count:121 Percentile:96.03(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Wilson, G. L.*; Takeyama, Mirei*; Andreyev, A. N.; Andel, B.*; Antalic, S.*; Catford, W. N.*; Ghys, L.*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Heberger, F. P.*; Huang, M.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 96(4), p.044315_1 - 044315_7, 2017/10
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:56.42(Physics, Nuclear)Kaji, Daiya*; Morita, Kosuke*; Morimoto, Koji*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Asai, Masato; Fujita, Kunihiro*; Gan, Z.*; Geissel, H.*; Hasebe, Hiroo*; Hofmann, S.*; et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86(3), p.034201_1 - 034201_7, 2017/03
Times Cited Count:31 Percentile:82.79(Physics, Multidisciplinary)The fusion reaction of Ca +
was studied using the gas-filled recoil-ion separator GARIS at RIKEN. A total of seven
and spontaneous-fission decay chains were observed, which would originate from the reaction products of the element 116,
Lv and
Lv. Decay properties observed in the chains are in good agreement with the previously published ones. However, one of the chains showed a discrepancy, indicating the new spontaneous-fission branch in
Cn or the production of the new isotope
Katsuyama, Jinya; Huang, L.; Li, Y.; Onizawa, Kunio
Proceedings of 2015 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2015) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2015/07
When the structural integrity of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) under pressurized thermal shock (PTS) events is assessed, an underclad crack is postulated at the inner surface of RPV and the stress intensity factor (SIF) is evaluated for this crack. On the inner surface of RPV, cladding of stainless steel is overlay-welded as a means for corrosion protection. Because the cladding is a ductile material, it is important to evaluate the SIF considering the plasticity of cladding. A SIF evaluation method considering the effect of plasticity has been established in France. In this study, we examined the SIF evaluation method for underclad cracks during PTS transients. The elastic and elastic-plastic analyses based on the finite element method considering PTS events and inner pressure were performed using three-dimensional models including an underclad semi-elliptical crack with different geometry. We showed the conservativeness of plastic correction method based on the analysis results.
Wray, L. A.*; Huang, S.-W.*; Jarrige, I.*; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Ishii, Kenji; Li, J.*; Qiu, Z. Q.*; Hussain, Z.*; Chuang, Y.-D.*
Frontiers in Physics (Internet), 3, p.32_1 - 32_11, 2015/05
Times Cited Count:4Yang, L.-W.*; Kitao, Akio*; Huang, B.-C.*; Go, Nobuhiro*
Biophysical Journal, 107(6), p.1415 - 1425, 2014/09
Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:56.15(Biophysics)Even, J.*; Yakushev, A.*; Dllmann, Ch. E.*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Asai, Masato; Sato, Tetsuya; Brand, H.*; Di Nitto, A.*; Eichler, R.*; Fan, F. L.*; et al.
Science, 345(6203), p.1491 - 1493, 2014/09
Times Cited Count:67 Percentile:82.82(Multidisciplinary Sciences)A new superheavy element complex, a seaborgium carbonyl, has been successfully synthesized, and its adsorption property has been studied using a cryo-thermochromatography and -detection apparatus COMPACT. Nuclear reaction products of short-lived
Sg preseparated with a gas-filled recoil ion separator GARIS at RIKEN were directly injected into a gas cell filled with He/CO mixture gas, and chemical reaction products of volatile carbonyl complexes were trasported to COMPACT. The Sg carbonyl complex detected with COMPACT was found to be very volatile with adsorption enthalpy of
50 kJ/mol, from which we have concluded that this complex should be a Sg hexacarbonyl Sg(CO)
. This is the first synthesis of organometallic compounds of transactinide elements for which only simple inorganic comounds have been synthesized so far.