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Journal Articles

First observation of $$^{28}$$O

Kondo, Yosuke*; Achouri, N. L.*; Al Falou, H.*; Atar, L.*; Aumann, T.*; Baba, Hidetada*; Boretzky, K.*; Caesar, C.*; Calvet, D.*; Chae, H.*; et al.

Nature, 620(7976), p.965 - 970, 2023/08

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:95.78(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Urban Working Groups in the IAEA's model testing programmes; Overview from the MODARIA I and MODARIA II programmes

Thiessen, K. M.*; Boznar, M. Z.*; Charnock, T. W.*; Chouhan, S. L.*; Federspiel, L.; Gra$v{s}$i$v{c}$, B.*; Grsic, Z.*; Helebrant, J.*; Hettrich, S.*; Hulka, J.*; et al.

Journal of Radiological Protection, 42(2), p.020502_1 - 020502_8, 2022/06

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:68.13(Environmental Sciences)

Journal Articles

Analysis on effects of transverse electric field in an injector cavity of compact-ERL at KEK

Hwang, J.-G.*; Kim, E.-S.*; Miyajima, Tsukasa*; Honda, Yosuke*; Harada, Kentaro*; Shimada, Miho*; Takai, Ryota*; Kume, Tatsuya*; Nagahashi, Shinya*; Obina, Takashi*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 753, p.97 - 104, 2014/07

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:46.03(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Journal Articles

Development of high power long-pulse RF transmitter for ICRF heating in fusion researches and cyclotron accelerator

Kwak, J. G.*; Wang, S. J.*; Bae, Y. D.*; Kim, S. H.*; Hwang, C. K.*; Moriyama, Shinichi

Fusion Engineering and Design, 86(6-8), p.938 - 941, 2011/10

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:10.43(Nuclear Science & Technology)

KAERI have been developing the transmitters for ICRF heating for KSTAR and the cyclotron accelerator since 1996. The toroidal magnetic field of KSTAR is nominally 3 T so that 25-60 MHz transmitter is required to cover ICRF heating scenarios of the KSTAR. The first transmitter is operating up to 60 MHz and it succeeded in achieving 2 MW for 300 s in 2008. Up to 300 kW RF power was successfully injected to KSTAR plasmas. The second one is 70 kW/CW transmitter used for the cyclotron accelerator and their frequency range is from 25 to 50 MHz. Its engineering design was finished. The third one is 1 MW/VHF transmitter which was loaned from JAEA. As the operating ICRF frequency of KSTAR is lower, its cavity structure will be modified from 110 MHz to 60 MHz. The test results of 60 MHz and lessons from the high power test of 2 MW transmitter will be introduced and the circuit analysis and engineering design work for the second and third amplifiers will be shown.

Journal Articles

Hybridization between the conduction band and 3$$d$$ orbitals in the oxide-based diluted magnetic semiconductor In$$_{2-x}$$V$$_x$$O$$_3$$

Kobayashi, Masaki*; Ishida, Yukiaki*; Hwang, J. I.*; Song, G. S.*; Takizawa, Masaru*; Fujimori, Atsushi; Takeda, Yukiharu; Okochi, Takuo*; Okane, Tetsuo; Saito, Yuji; et al.

Physical Review B, 79(20), p.205203_1 - 205203_5, 2009/05

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:32.24(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Systematic changes of the electronic structure of the diluted ferromagnetic oxide Li-doped Ni$$_{1-x}$$Fe$$_x$$O with hole doping

Kobayashi, Masaki*; Hwang, J. I.*; Song, G.*; Oki, Yasuhiro*; Takizawa, Masaru*; Fujimori, Atsushi; Takeda, Yukiharu; Fujimori, Shinichi; Terai, Kota*; Okane, Tetsuo; et al.

Physical Review B, 78(15), p.155322_1 - 155322_4, 2008/10

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:29.33(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Soft X-ray absorption and photoemission studies of ferromagnetic Mn-implanted 3$$C$$-SiC

Song, G.*; Kobayashi, Masaki*; Hwang, J. I.*; Kataoka, Takashi*; Takizawa, Masaru*; Fujimori, Atsushi; Okochi, Takuo; Takeda, Yukiharu; Okane, Tetsuo; Saito, Yuji; et al.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47(9), p.7113 - 7116, 2008/09

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:14.15(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Electronic structure of Ga$$_{1-x}$$Cr$$_{x}$$N and Si-doping effects studied by photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Song, G.*; Kobayashi, Masaki*; Hwang, J. I.*; Kataoka, Takashi*; Takizawa, Masaru*; Fujimori, Atsushi; Okochi, Takuo; Takeda, Yukiharu; Okane, Tetsuo; Saito, Yuji; et al.

Physical Review B, 78(3), p.033304_1 - 033304_4, 2008/07

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:36.18(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Local electronic structure of Cr in the II-VI diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor Zn$$_{1-x}$$Cr$$_x$$Te

Kobayashi, Masaki*; Ishida, Yukiaki*; Hwang, J. I.*; Song, G. S.*; Fujimori, Atsushi; Yang, C. S.*; Lee, L.*; Lin, H.-J.*; Huang, D.-J.*; Chen, C. T.*; et al.

New Journal of Physics (Internet), 10, p.055011_1 - 055011_15, 2008/05

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:65.22(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Exchange bias and uncompensated spins in a Fe/Cr(100) bilayer

Kim, K. Y.*; Hwang, Y. S.*; Park, J.-G.*; Torikai, Naoya*; Takeda, Masayasu; Han, S. W.*; Shin, S. C.*

Physica Status Solidi (B), 244(12), p.4499 - 4502, 2007/12

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.36(Physics, Condensed Matter)

We have investigated the effect of the field cooling on the exchange bias and the coercivity in an exchange-biased Fe/Cr(100) bilayer using SQUID magnetometer. After the field cooling, magnetization shifted upwards, indicative of surplus magnetic moments, which could be interpreted as an evidence of pinned and uncompensated Cr magnetic moments induced by the cooling field. Interestingly enough, we also discovered that not all the pinned and uncompensated spins seem to be involved in producing the exchange bias, although they contribute to increasing the coercivity and inducing the surplus magnetization.

Journal Articles

Effects of process parameters of the IS process on total thermal efficiency to produce hydrogen from water

Kasahara, Seiji; Hwang, G.*; Nakajima, Hayato; Choi, H.*; Onuki, Kaoru; Nomura, Mikihiro

Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 36(7), p.887 - 899, 2003/07

 Times Cited Count:69 Percentile:88.15(Engineering, Chemical)

Thermal efficiency of the IS thermochemical hydrogen production process was evaluated. Sensitivities of operation conditions (HI conversion ratio, pressure and reflux ratio at HI distillation and concentration of HI after EED) and nonidealities of the process (electric energy loss in EED, loss at heat exchangers and loss of waste heat recovery as electricity) were investigated. Concentration of HI after EED had the most significant effect of 13.3 % on thermal efficiency in operation conditions. Nonidealities had importance on thermal efficiency. Thermal efficiency was 56.8 % with optimized operation conditions and no nonidealities.

Journal Articles

Stability of a silica membrane prepared by CVD using $$gamma$$- and $$alpha$$-alumina tube as the support tube in the Hi-H$$_{2}$$O gaseous mixture

Hwang, G.*; Kim, J.*; Choi, H.*; Onuki, Kaoru

Journal of Membrane Science, 215(1-2), p.293 - 302, 2003/04

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:55.84(Engineering, Chemical)

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Journal Articles

Electro-electrodialysis of hydriodic acid using the cation exchange membrane cross-linked by accelerated electron radiation

Arifal; Hwang, G.; Onuki, Kaoru

Journal of Membrane Science, 210(1), p.39 - 44, 2002/12

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:60.50(Engineering, Chemical)

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Journal Articles

Bulk-sensitive photoemission spectroscopy of $$A_{2}$$FeMoO$$_{6}$$ double perovskites ($$A$$=Sr, Ba)

Kang, J.-S.*; Kim, J. H.*; Sekiyama, Akira*; Kasai, Shuichi*; Suga, Shigemasa*; Han, S. W.*; Kim, K. H.*; Muro, Takayuki*; Saito, Yuji; Hwang, C.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 66(11), p.113105_1 - 113105_4, 2002/09

 Times Cited Count:65 Percentile:89.91(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The electronic structures of Sr$$_{2}$$FeMoO$$_{6}$$ (SFMO) and Ba$$_{2}$$FeMoO$$_{6}$$ (BFMO) double perovskites have been investigated using Fe 2p-3d resonant photoemission spectroscopy (PES) and the Cooper minimum in the Mo 4d photoionization cross section. The states close to the Fermi level are found to have a strongly mixed Mo–Fe t$$_{2g}$$ character, indicating that the Fe valence is far from pure 3+. The Fe 2p$$_{3/2}$$ x-ray absorption spectroscopy spectra reveal the mixed-valent Fe $$^{3+}$$–Fe$$^{2+}$$ configurations, and a larger Fe$$^{2+}$$ component for BFMO than for SFMO, suggesting an operative double exchange interaction. The valence-band PES spectra reveal good agreement with the local-spin-density-approximation (LSDA+U) calculation.

Journal Articles

Simulation study on the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen iodide in a membrane reactor with a silica membrane for the thermochemical water-splitting IS process

Hwang, G.; Onuki, Kaoru

Journal of Membrane Science, 194(2), p.207 - 215, 2001/12

 Times Cited Count:62 Percentile:87.18(Engineering, Chemical)

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Journal Articles

Electrodialysis of hydriodic acid in the presence of iodine

Onuki, Kaoru; Hwang, G.; Shimizu, Saburo

Journal of Membrane Science, 175(1), p.171 - 179, 2000/07

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Journal Articles

Separation of hydrogen from H$$_{2}$$-H$$_{2}$$O-HI gaseous mixture using a silica membrane

Hwang, G.; Onuki, Kaoru; Shimizu, Saburo

AIChE Journal, 46(1), p.92 - 98, 2000/01

 Times Cited Count:38 Percentile:77.12(Engineering, Chemical)

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Journal Articles

Hydrogen separation in H$$_{2}$$-H$$_{2}$$O-HI gaseous mixture using the silica membrance prepared by chemical vapor deposition

Hwang, G.*; Onuki, Kaoru; Shimizu, Saburo;

J. Membr. Sci., 162(1-2), p.83 - 90, 1999/00

 Times Cited Count:67 Percentile:90.01(Engineering, Chemical)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

High temperature electrodialysis of hydriodic acid containing iodine

Onuki, Kaoru; Hwang, G.; Shimizu, Saburo

Maku Shimpojium '99 Hobunshu, (11), p.37 - 40, 1999/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Studies on hydrogen separation membrane for IS process; Membrane preparation with porous $$alpha$$-alumina tube

Hwang, G.*; Onuki, Kaoru; Shimizu, Saburo

JAERI-Research 98-002, 8 Pages, 1998/01


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20 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)
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