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Oral presentation

The Development of the magnetic order in multiferroic material NdCrTiO$$_{5}$$ revealed by the neutron diffraction study

Kori, Shunsuke*; Igarashi, Taichi*; Okazaki, Ryuji*; Taniguchi, Hiroki*; Tanisaki, Ichiro*; Yasui, Yukio*; Igawa, Naoki; Hoshikawa, Akinori*; Ishigaki, Toru*

no journal, , 

The neutron powder diffraction for the multiferroic material, NdCrTiO$$_{5}$$ has been carried out to investigate the development of the magnetic order in the material. We found the intensities of magnetic peaks increased with decreasing temperature below the transition temperature T$$_{N}$$. We discuss temperate dependence of magnetic moments and the development of magnetic order.

Oral presentation

Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Ba$$_{3}$$Co$$_{1-x}$$Ca$$_{x}$$Ru$$_{2}$$O$$_{9}$$

Horie, Akihiro*; Yasui, Yukio*; Igarashi, Taichi*; Yamamoto, Takafumi*; Misaswa, Kazuki*; Terasaki, Ichiro*; Matsukawa, Takeshi*; Hoshikawa, Akinori*; Ishigaki, Toru*; Igawa, Naoki

no journal, , 

The crystal and magnetic structures of Ba$$_{3}$$Co$$_{1-x}$$Ca$$_{x}$$Ru$$_{2}$$O$$_{9}$$ has been studied by using the neutron powder diffraction. We also carried out the measurements of magnetic properties of this sample. $$T_mathrm{N}$$ is decreased with increasing the fraction of Ca ion, and we found that $$T_mathrm{N}$$ is 76 K at the fraction of Ca = 0.3. although the lattice constants of the sample are increased by the substituting Ca for Co ion, a Ru-Ru bond length decreases with increasing fraction of Ca ion. In this presentation, the details of the magnetic properties and magnetic structure of this material will be discussed.

Oral presentation

Development of performance test methods for small aerial vehicles flying without GPS

Kawabata, Kuniaki; Ogane, Katsuji*; Sato, Noritaka*; Yamada, Taichi; Abe, Hiroyuki*; Igarashi, Hiroki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Magnetic and crystal structures of Ba$$_{3}$$Co$$_{1-x}$$Ca$$_{x}$$Ru$$_{2}$$O$$_{9}$$

Horie, Akihiro*; Yasui, Yukio*; Igarashi, Taichi*; Yatagai, Ryo*; Yamamoto, Takafumi*; Terasaki, Ichiro*; Matsukawa, Takeshi*; Hoshikawa, Akinori*; Ishigaki, Toru*; Igawa, Naoki

no journal, , 

The magnetic and crystal structures, and magnetic properties of Ba$$_{3}$$Co$$_{1-x}$$Ca$$_{x}$$Ru$$_{2}$$O$$_{9}$$ have been studied by using the neutron powder diffraction and the magnetization analysis. With increasing ${it x}$, an antiferromagnetic transition temperature $$T_mathrm{N}$$ decreases such as $$T_mathrm{N}$$ = 88 K (${it x}$=0.1), 82 K (${it x}$=0.2), and 76 K (${it x}$=0.3), respectively. We have observed magnetic reflections, which can not be explained by the collinear structure. Though the lattice volume increases, we have found that a Ru-Ru bond length decreases with increasing ${it x}$. It is considered to be related with the Ru-Ru dimerization. By the combined studies of the magnetic properties and neutron diffraction analysis, we will discuss the change of Ru$$^{5+}$$-spins with varying ${it x}$.

Oral presentation

Development of performance evaluation methods for drones flying in non-GPS environment

Kawabata, Kuniaki; Ogane, Katsuji*; Sato, Noritaka*; Yamada, Taichi; Abe, Hiroyuki*; Igarashi, Hiroki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Study for the behavior of tritiated water vapor on the organic materials

Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Hayashi, Takumi; Igarashi, Emi*; Suda, Taichi*; Oya, Yasuhisa*; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Okuno, Kenji*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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