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Wei, D.*; Wang, L.*; Zhang, Y.*; Gong, W.; Tsuru, Tomohito; Lobzenko, I.; Jiang, J.*; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Bae, J. W.*; et al.
Acta Materialia, 225, p.117571_1 - 117571_16, 2022/02
Times Cited Count:85 Percentile:99.69(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Tamegai, Tsuyoshi*; Taen, Toshihiro*; Yagyuda, Hidenori*; Tsuchiya, Yuji*; Mohan, S.*; Taniguchi, Tomotaka*; Nakajima, Yasuyuki*; Okayasu, Satoru; Sasase, Masato*; Kitamura, Hisashi*; et al.
Superconductor Science and Technology, 25(8), p.084008_1 - 084008_14, 2012/08
Times Cited Count:95 Percentile:93.79(Physics, Applied)Various kinds of energetic particles are irradiated into iron-based superconductors, and their effects on the critical current density and vortex dynamics have been systematically studied. It is found that is enhanced and vortex dynamics is strongly suppressed by energetic particles having a sufficient energy deposition rate, similar to the case of high temperature cuprate superconductors. The enhancement of , in general, persists up to much higher irradiation doses than in cuprates. However, details of the effect of irradiation depend on the kind of ion species and their energies. Even with the same ions and energies, the effect is not universal for different kinds of iron-based superconductors. The correlated nature of defects created by heavy-ion irradiation is confirmed by the angular dependence of irreversible magnetization.
Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Kisohara, Naoyuki; Hishida, Masahiko; Fujii, Tadashi; Konomura, Mamoru; Ara, Kuniaki; Hori, Toru*; Uchida, Akihito*; Nishiguchi, Yohei*; Nibe, Nobuaki*
JAEA-Research 2006-049, 75 Pages, 2006/07
In the feasibility study on commercialized fast breeder cycle system, a medium scale sodium cooled reactor with 750MW electricity has been designed. In this study, EMPs are applied to the secondary sodium main pump. The EMPs type is selected to be an annular linear induction pump (ALIP) type with double stators which is used in the 160m/min EMP demonstration test. The inner structure and electromagnetic features are decided reviewing the 160m/min EMP. Two dimensional electromagnetic fluid analyses by EAGLE code show that Rms (magnetic Reynolds number times slip) is evaluated to be 1.08 which is less than the stability limit 1.4 confirmed by the 160m/min EMP test, and the instability of the pump head is evaluated to be 3% of the normal operating pump head. Since the EMP stators are cooled by contacting coolant sodium duct, reliability of the inner structures are confirmed by temperature distribution and stator-duct contact pressure analyses. Besides, a power supply system, maintenance and repair feature and R&D plan of EMP are reported.
Murakami, Tsutomu; Hishida, Masahiko; Kisohara, Naoyuki; Hayafune, Hiroki; Hori, Toru; Fujii, Tadashi; Uchita, Masato; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Uno, Osamu; Saigusa, Toshiie; et al.
JNC TY9400 2004-014, 78 Pages, 2004/07
This report summarizes the results of the design study on the sodium-cooled large-scale reactor performed in JFY2003, which is the third year of Phase 2. In the JFY2003 design study, critical subjects related to safety, structural integrity and thermal hydraulics which found in the last fiscal year has been examined and the plant concept has been modified. Furthermore, fundamental specifications of main systems and components have been set and economy has been evaluated. In addition, as the interim evaluation of the candidate concept of the FBR fuel cycle is to be conducted, cost effectiveness and achievability for the development goal were evaluated and the data of the three large-scale reactor candidate concepts were prepared.
Hishida, Masahiko; Murakami, Tsutomu; Kisohara, Naoyuki; Fujii, Tadashi; Uchita, Masato; Hayafune, Hiroki; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Hori, Toru; Saigusa, Toshiie; Uno, Osamu; et al.
JNC TY9400 2004-012, 97 Pages, 2004/07
Based on the concept of a plant consisting of four modules with a capacity of 750 MWe each, which has been established by the end of FY2002, a concept of the entire plant was proposed, reflecting the modifications related to the high internal conversion type core, the double-wall straight tube steam generator (SG), and the fuel storage system. Concept studies were also performed to overcome the drawbacks of the sodium and to achieve in-service inspection and repair as easily as in light water reactor. Furthermore, feasibility studies were carried out to confirm the design, which included safety, thermal-hydraulics and the structures of the primary reactor auxiliary cooling system and the double-wall straight tube SG. A prospect for realization of this plant concept has been obtained through the evaluation results. In addition, as the interim evaluation of the candidate concepts of the FBR fuel cycle is to be conducted, cost effectiveness and achievability for the development goal were evaluated and the data of the three medium-scale reactor candidate concepts were prepared.
Konomura, Mamoru; Ogawa, Takashi; Okano, Yasushi; Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki; Murakami, Tsutomu; Takaki, Naoyuki; Nishiguchi, Youhei; Sugino, Kazuteru; Naganuma, Masayuki; Hishida, Masahiko; et al.
JNC TN9400 2004-035, 2071 Pages, 2004/06
The attractive concepts for Sodium-, lead-bismuth-, helium- and water-cooled FBRs have been created through using typical plant features and employing advanced technologies. Efforts on evaluating technological prospects of feasibility have been paid for these concepts. Also, it was comfirmed if these concepts satisfy design requierments of capability and performance presumed in the feasibilty study on commertialization of Fast Breeder Reactor Systems. As results, it was concluded that the selection of sodium-cooled reactor was most rational for practical use of FBR technologies in 2015.
Iguchi, Tadashi; Shibamoto, Yasuteru; Asaka, Hideaki; Nakamura, Hideo
Proceedings of 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-10), 16 Pages, 2003/10
Thermal-hydraulic and neutronic dynamics are always interrelated in BWR core. This is called thermal-hydraulic and neutronic (T/N) coupling. Channel stability experiments with T/N coupling under non-nuclear condition are very limited. This is mainly due to the difficulties in the real-time simulation of neutron dynamics and in the fast-response void fraction measurement under high-pressure and temperature conditions. Authors have developed techniques to solve the above difficulties, and have succeeded in experimentally simulating T/N coupling under non-nuclear conditions with the THYNC facility. Using THYNC facility, T/N coupling effect on channel stability was investigated. Experiments were performed under Pressure=2-7MPa, Subcooling=10-40K, and Mass flux=270-660kg/ms. THYNC results indicated T/N coupling lowered the channel stability threshold. The reduction of channel stability threshold due to T/N coupling was small within 10% at 7MPa in the present THYNC experiment, although the experimental condition was set to be more severe than that supposed in a reactor.
Kisohara, Naoyuki; Hishida, Masahiko; Nibe, Nobuaki; Hori, Toru; Fujii, Tadashi; Uchita, Masato; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Saigusa, Toshiie; Uno, Osamu; Soman, Yoshindo; et al.
JNC TY9400 2003-015, 103 Pages, 2003/09
In Phase I of the "Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle Systems (F/S)", an advanced loop type reactor has been selected as a promising concept of sodium-cooled middle-scale modular reactor, which has a possibility to fulfill the design requirements of the F/S. This report summarizes the results of the design study on the sodium-cooled middle-scale modular reactor performed in JFY2002, which is the second year of Phase 2. The construction cost of the sodium-cooled middle-scale modular reactor, which has been constructed in JFY2002, was almost achieved the economical goal. But its achievability was not sufficient to accept the concept. In order to reduce the construction cost, the plant concept has been re-constructed based on the 50 MWe plant studied in JFY2002. After that, fundamental specifications of main systems and components for the new concept have been set, and critical subjects have been examined and evaluated. In addition, in order to achieve the further cost reduction, the plant with simplified secondary system, the plant with electric magnetic pump in secondary system, and the fuel handling system are examined and evaluated. As a result of this study, the plant concept of the sodium-cooled middle-scale modular reactor has been constructed, which has a prospect to satisfy the economic goal (construction cost: less than 200,000 yens/kWe, etc.) and has a prospect to solve the critical subjects. From now on, reflecting the results of elemental experiments, the preliminary conceptual design of this plant will be preceded toward the selection for narrowingdown candidate concepts at the end of Phase 2.
Kisohara, Naoyuki; Hishida, Masahiko; Nibe, Nobuaki; Hori, Toru; Fujii, Tadashi; Uchita, Masato; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Saigusa, Toshiie; Uno, Osamu; Soman, Yoshindo; et al.
JNC TY9400 2003-014, 52 Pages, 2003/09
In Phase 2 of the F/S, it is planed to precede a preliminary conceptual design of a sodium-cooled large-scale reactor based on the design of the advanced loop type reactor. Through the design study, it is intended to construct such a plant concept that can show its attraction and competitiveness as a commercialized reactor. This report summarizes the results of the design study on the sodium-cooled large-scale reactor performed in JFY2002, which is the second year of Phase 2. In the JFY2002 design study, critical subjects related to safety, structural integrity and thermal hydraulics which found in the last fiscal year has been examined and the plant concept has been modified. Furthermore, fundamental specifications of main systems and components have been set and economy has been evaluated.As a result of this study, the plant concept of the sodium-cooled large-scale reactor has been constructed, which has a prospect to satisfy the economic goal (construction cost: less than 200,000yens/kWe, etc.) and has a prospect to solve the critical subjects.
Fujii, Tadashi; Nishiguchi, Yohei; Konomura, Mamoru
JNC TN9400 2003-063, 73 Pages, 2003/08
The conceptual design study of the large-scale sodium-cooled reactor is in progress in the "Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle Systems (F/S)".The cooling system of a large-scale sodium-cooled reactor is composed of two loops in order to reduce construction cost. According to reduction of the loop number, the large diameter pipings are adopted in the primary cooling system (for example, inner diameter of a hot leg piping is 1.27m). And the average velocity in the piping increases to 9 m/s level, which is well over to a conventional plant design, therefore, Reynolds number reaches 10order levels. The hydraulic behaviors of the piping elbow, such as pressure fluctuation characteristics and formation range of flow separated layer near an elbow, under high velocity and high Reynolds number conditions are expected to be different to those under lower Reynolds number which is the highest existing number. Further, there would be the possibility of vibration of the piping by flow instability under high velocity condition. However, information of flow-induced vibration behaviors for large diameter piping is limited.Then, flow visualization and flow-induced vibration tests using 1/3 scale water test facility, which simulates hot leg piping, have been planned in order to confirm the realization of the piping design for primary cooling system. Flow pattern in the piping and pressure fluctuation near the elbow, which is a main cause of flow-induced vibration, will be measured in the flow visualization tests using the acrylic elbow model. Moreover, vibration modes and vibration response characteristics of the piping system will be measured in the flow-induced vibration tests using the stainless steel elbow model.The design of the test facility and production of the elbow models and the loop pipings were finished by 2002. In 2003, fabrication and installation of the test facility will be finished and a part of flow visualization tests will be started.
Shibamoto, Yasuteru; Sagawa, Jun*; Iguchi, Tadashi; Nakamura, Hideo
JAERI-Tech 2003-056, 29 Pages, 2003/06
no abstracts in English
Shibamoto, Yasuteru; Iguchi, Tadashi; Nakamura, Hideo; Kukita, Yutaka*
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-11) (CD-ROM), 11 Pages, 2003/04
The pressure effect on the onset of flow instability in a vertical upflow through a boiling channel is studied both analytically and experimentally. The analytical model is based on the Wallis-Heasley model for linear analysis of one-dimensional homogeneous two-phase flow in thermal equilibrium. The dead-time elements commonly used to represent the time lag in the responses of variables to the inlet velocity perturbation is replaced by first-order lag elements to allow the system characteristic equation to be solved analytically. This approach, although approximate, makes it much easier to identify the main contributor to the instability because the individual components are represented by separate terms in the characteristic equation. The predictions are in reasonable agreement with the data when the system pressure effect on the irreversible pressure loss in the two-phase region is appropriately considered based on calibration experiments.
Iguchi, Tadashi; Shibamoto, Yasuteru; Asaka, Hideaki; Nakamura, Hideo
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-11) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2003/04
Authors investigated the cooling limit under flow instability, by conducting THYNC experiments using a 22 bundle test section of electrical rod heaters、whose heated lengths and diameters were 3.71m and 12.3mm. The experimental result indicated periodic rise and rapid drop of the rod temperature under flow oscillation, indicating periodic film boiling. When the heating power increased further, the rod temperature indicated continuous film boiling. The power at the onset of continuous film boiling (cooling limit) under flow oscillation was about 50%-80% of the cooling limit under steady flow condition in THYNC. The ratio of both cooling limits almost agreed with the Umekawa model prediction in cases of P2MPa and G400kg/m2s. For high pressure and high mass flux conditions, the ratio almost agreed with the empirical model based on the heat balance during one cycle of flow oscillation. TRAC-BF1 code simulated periodic film boiling qualitatively, but the cooling limit under the flow oscillation was not predicted well probably due to inaccurate rewetting prediction.
Iguchi, Tadashi; Asaka, Hideaki; Nakamura, Hideo
JAERI-Research 2002-006, 152 Pages, 2002/03
no abstracts in English
Iguchi, Tadashi; Iwaki, Chikako*; Anoda, Yoshinari
JAERI-Research 2001-060, 91 Pages, 2002/02
no abstracts in English
Shimizu, Hiroyasu*; Utsumi, Wataru; Kume, Tetsuji*; Kondo, Tadashi*; Shimizu, Katsuya*; Sotani, Tomohiro*; Taniguchi, Takashi*; Nakamura, Kazutaka*
Koatsuryoku No Kagaku To Gijutsu, 11(4), p.334 - 338, 2001/12
no abstracts in English
Iguchi, Tadashi; Watanabe, Hironori; Kimura, Mamoru*; Anoda, Yoshinari
JAERI-Research 2001-032, 111 Pages, 2001/05
no abstracts in English
Iguchi, Tadashi; Ito, Hideo; Kiuchi, Toshio; Watanabe, Hironori; Kimura, Mamoru*; Anoda, Yoshinari
JAERI-Data/Code 2001-013, 502 Pages, 2001/03
no abstracts in English
Watanabe, Hironori; Iguchi, Tadashi; Kimura, Mamoru; Anoda, Yoshinari
JAERI-Research 2000-043, 77 Pages, 2000/11
no abstracts in English
Iguchi, Tadashi
JAERI-Research 2000-050, 107 Pages, 2000/09
no abstracts in English