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下野 聖矢*; 石橋 広記*; 永吉 祐輔*; 池野 豪一*; 河口 彰吾*; 萩原 雅人; 鳥居 周輝*; 神山 崇*; 市橋 克哉*; 西原 禎文*; et al.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 163, p.110568_1 - 110568_7, 2022/04
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:8.12(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)The structural phase transition from cubic () to a
tetragonal (
) at
180 K was found in non-centrosymmetric oxyfluoride Co
by high-resolution neutron and synchrotron powder diffraction. To investigate this phase transition, specific heat, magnetization, and dielectric measurements were performed. Although the specific heat and dielectric constant showed anomalies at
, a phase transition to ferroelectricity was not observed in the polarization hysteresis loop down to 30 K. The rotation of the CoO
octahedron was observed at
from the structural analysis using synchrotron and neutron powder diffraction data. It was found that the magnetic phase transition from paramagnetic to G-type antiferromagnetic occurred at
67 K, at which a peak was observed in the specific heat measurements, via magnetic structure analysis using neutron powder diffraction data. The magnetic moments of Co
were aligned along the tetragonal
-axis direction with a Co
moment of 2.80(1)
at 13 K.
北條 元*; 藤田 晃司*; 池野 豪一*; 的場 智彦*; 溝口 照康*; 田中 功*; 中村 哲也*; 竹田 幸治; 岡根 哲夫; 田中 勝久*
Applied Physics Letters, 104(11), p.112408_1 - 112408_5, 2014/03
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:33.21(Physics, Applied)The solid solutions between ilmenite and hematite have recently attracted considerable attention as a spintronic material due to their interesting magnetic and electrical properties. In this study, the electronic and magnetic structures of epitaxially grown ilmenite-hematite solid solution thin films were investigated by combining X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES), X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) for two different crystallographic projections, and first-principles theoretical calculations.