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Journal Articles

Solidification and stabilization of strontium and chloride ions in thermally treated calcium aluminate cement modified with or without sodium polyphosphate

Irisawa, Keita; Namiki, Masahiro*; Taniguchi, Takumi; Garcia-Lodeiro, I.*; Kinoshita, Hajime*

Cement and Concrete Research, 156, p.106758_1 - 106758_8, 2022/06

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:61.08(Construction & Building Technology)

Cementation of aqueous radioactive waste contaminated with a significant $$^{90}$$Sr is challenging, and utilization of calcium aluminate cement (CAC) modified with sodium polyphosphate (CAP) is interesting. The present study investigated solidification and stabilization of Sr$$^{2+}$$ and Cl$$^{-}$$ ions in CAC and CAP cured in open system at 90$$^{circ}$$C and in closed system at 20$$^{circ}$$C. A leaching test showed that Sr$$^{2+}$$ ion could be stabilized more effectively in the CAP than in the CAC. On the other hand, the CAC cured at 20$$^{circ}$$C had the best stabilization for Cl$$^{-}$$ ion among the samples. Friedel's salt formed in the CAC may have contributed to the immobilization of Cl$$^{-}$$ ion. Although the stabilization of Cl$$^{-}$$ ion by CAP was less effective than CAC, it was significantly improved by the thermal treatment. The results may suggest that Cl$$^{-}$$ ion in the CAP was incorporated in the poorly crystalline apatite structure.

Journal Articles

Structural characterization by X-ray analytical techniques of calcium aluminate cement modified with sodium polyphosphate containing cesium chloride

Takahatake, Yoko; Watanabe, So; Irisawa, Keita; Shiwaku, Hideaki; Watanabe, Masayuki

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 556, p.153170_1 - 153170_7, 2021/12

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:53.33(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Influence of mixing solution on characteristics of calcium aluminate cement modified with sodium polyphosphate

Irisawa, Keita; Garcia-Lodeiro, I.*; Kinoshita, Hajime*

Cement and Concrete Research, 128, p.105951_1 - 105951_7, 2020/02

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:40.57(Construction & Building Technology)

This study investigated characteristics of a calcium aluminate cement modified with a phosphate (CAP) by changing an amount and concentration of mixing solution with sodium polyphosphate. When the amount of mixing solution was increased with a constant amount of sodium polyphosphate, an enhanced consumption of monocalcium aluminate was observed compared with gehlenite in calcium aluminate cement (CAC). Formation of gibbsite, Al(OH)$$_{3}$$, was also increased as a hydration product in the CAP and the possible reduction of water in the amorphous gel phase. When the amount of mixing solution was increased with a constant concentration of sodium polyphosphate, the enhanced consumption of monocalcium aluminate was not observed. Neither gibbsite nor any other crystalline hydration products were identified in this series. In addition, unreacted sodium polyphosphate remained in the system. The increased formation of gibbsite and the possible reduction of water from the amorphous gel phase appears to contribute to the improvement of the microstructure in the products.

Journal Articles

Development of phosphate modified CAC cementitious systems with reduced water content for the immobilization of radioactive wastes

Garcia-Lodeiro, I.*; Irisawa, Keita; Meguro, Yoshihiro; Kinoshita, Hajime*

Proceedings of 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC 2019) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2019/09

The immobilization of low or intermediate-level radioactive wastes in cements is a common practise. Grout, a mixture of Portland cement and supplemental cementitious materials, is commonly used to encapsulate the wastes. However, the conventional cementing process based on portland cement has the risk of hydrogen gas generation, due to the radiolysis of the water intrinsically present in the cement matrix both in the pore solution and the hydrated products. The addition of phosphates to calcium aluminate cement (CAC) is interesting because this system sets and hardens via the acid-based reaction, between the acid phosphate solution and the basic CAC cement. Due to this different mechanism of reaction, it would be possible to generate a solid cementitious product with a reduced water content, which can be beneficial to minimize the risk of hydrogen gas generation associated with the radiolysis of water by radioactive wastes. The present study investigates the effect of water reduction on a phosphate modified CAC systems at different temperatures (35$$^{circ}$$C, 60$$^{circ}$$C, 95$$^{circ}$$C, 110$$^{circ}$$C,180$$^{circ}$$C) in the initial 7 days of curing. Experimental results indicate that these phosphate-based cements do not form the conventional CAC crystalline hydration products in the condition tested, but provide a structural integrity despite a significant amount of water loss. The results also suggest the formation of hydroxyapatite in samples cured at 95$$^{circ}$$C.

Journal Articles

Hydrogen gas measurements of phosphate cement irradiated during heat treatment

Irisawa, Keita; Kudo, Isamu*; Taniguchi, Takumi; Namiki, Masahiro*; Osugi, Takeshi; Nakazawa, Osamu

QST-M-16; QST Takasaki Annual Report 2017, P. 63, 2019/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Application of phosphate modified CAC for incorporation of simulated secondary aqueous wastes in Fukushima Daiichi NPP, 1; Characterization of solidified cementitious systems with reduced water content

Garcia-Lodeiro, I.*; Lebon, R.*; Machoney, D.*; Zhang, B.*; Irisawa, Keita; Taniguchi, Takumi; Namiki, Masahiro*; Osugi, Takeshi; Meguro, Yoshihiro; Kinoshita, Hajime*

Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Cement-based Materials for Nuclear Wastes (NUWCEM 2018) (USB Flash Drive), 4 Pages, 2018/11

Journal Articles

Reduction of water content in calcium aluminate cement with/out phosphate modification for alternative cementation technique

Garcia-Lodeiro, I.*; Irisawa, Keita; Jin, F.*; Meguro, Yoshihiro; Kinoshita, Hajime*

Cement and Concrete Research, 109, p.243 - 253, 2018/07

 Times Cited Count:30 Percentile:69.61(Construction & Building Technology)

Journal Articles

Characterization of phosphate cement irradiated by $$gamma$$-ray during dehydration

Irisawa, Keita; Kudo, Isamu*; Taniguchi, Takumi; Namiki, Masahiro*; Osugi, Takeshi; Nakazawa, Osamu

QST-M-8; QST Takasaki Annual Report 2016, P. 63, 2018/03

A solidification technique with minimized water content is being developed using a phosphate cement for safe storage of secondary radioactive wastes in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. To understand the applicability of the solidification technique for the actual secondary wastes, phosphate cement during dehydration was irradiated by $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$-ray. The G(H$$_{2}$$) for the phosphate cement decreased with time during dehydration, and was not detected after 7 days. Moreover, the $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$-ray irradiation during dehydration did not change the crystalline and amorphous phases of the phosphate cement.

Journal Articles

Heat treatment of phosphate-modified cementitious matrices for safe storage of secondary radioactive aqueous wastes in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Irisawa, Keita; Taniguchi, Takumi; Namiki, Masahiro; Garc$'i$a-Lodeiro, I.*; Osugi, Takeshi; Sakakibara, Tetsuro; Nakazawa, Osamu; Meguro, Yoshihiro; Kinoshita, Hajime*

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2017/04

A solidification technique with minimized water content is being developed using phosphate cements for the safe storage of secondary radioactive wastes in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Conventional cement systems become solidified via hydration reactions, and need a certain water content. Phosphate cement systems, however, become solidified via an acid-base reaction, and so they only require water mainly for reasons of workability. A reduced water content of phosphate cement systems is beneficial for the immobilization of the radioactive wastes from mitigating the potential to generate hydrogen gas by the radiolysis of water by radioactive wastes. The current study investigated the water content and mineralogy of calcium aluminate cement (CAC) and phosphate-modified CAC (CAP) cured in open systems at 60, 90 and 120 $$^{circ}$$C and in a closed system at 20 $$^{circ}$$C as a reference case. Water contents in both the CAC and the CAP were seen to decrease as curing progressed. For $$geq$$ 90 $$^{circ}$$C, the CAP contained less water than CAC. Free water in CAC converted to structural water by heat treatment, but this was not the case for CAP. An orthophosphate hydrate salt, a precursor phase of hydroxyapatite, was found in CAP when cured at 20 and 60 $$^{circ}$$C, and a mixture of the orthophosphate hydrate salt and hydroxyapatite, Ca$$_{10}$$(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{6}$$(OH)$$_{2}$$, were formed in the CAP when cured at 90 $$^{circ}$$C. Phosphate products in CAP cured at 120 $$^{circ}$$C appears to consist of a different phosphate phase compared with the CAP cured at 20, 60 and 90 $$^{circ}$$C.

Journal Articles

Swelling pressure and leaching behaviors of synthetic bituminized waste products with various salt contents under a constant-volume condition

Irisawa, Keita; Meguro, Yoshihiro

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 54(3), p.365 - 372, 2017/03

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:26.37(Nuclear Science & Technology)

JAEA Reports

Development of denitration technique for MA-type bituminized waste product by aqueous leaching method

Irisawa, Keita; Komatsuzaki, Toshio; Kawato, Yoshimi; Sakakibara, Tetsuro; Nakazawa, Osamu; Meguro, Yoshihiro

JAEA-Technology 2015-008, 28 Pages, 2015/03


In JAEA, 16,671 drums of intermediate-radioactive bituminized waste products (BWPs) have been stored in asphalt solidification storages. As a way of reduction of uncertainty in assessment of disposal of the BWPs, a processing technique of separation of nitrate salts from the BWP by means of an aqueous leaching method was studied. As elemental techniques for the denitration process, (1) crushing techniques of a BWP and (2) denitration techniques for the crushed BWP by the aqueous leaching method were investigated. In order to promote leaching amounts of nitrates, the BWP was crushed, and the grain size distribution was investigated by sieving. Moreover, leaching behaviors of nitrate, nitrite and elements as radionuclides including in the BWP were investigated.

JAEA Reports

Development of refilling techniques of LA-type bituminized waste products

Irisawa, Keita; Komatsuzaki, Toshio; Kawato, Yoshimi; Sakakibara, Tetsuro; Nakazawa, Osamu; Meguro, Yoshihiro

JAEA-Technology 2014-039, 28 Pages, 2014/12


In JAEA, 13,296 drums of low-radioactivity bituminized waste products (BWPs) have been stored in asphalt solidification storages. In order to effectively utilize the space of the BWP in a repository site, we studied refilling techniques of the BWP from the drum to a box-shaped container. Tentative processes, which we devised, consisted of (1) take-off of BWP from the drum, (2) separation of a post filling part from BWP and (3) filling of BWP to a box-shaped container. Two methods for each process were selected, and work efficiencies of the methods were investigated by using a synthetic BWP.

Journal Articles

Expansion control for cementation of incinerated ash

Nakayama, Takuya; Suzuki, Shinji; Hanada, Keiji; Tomioka, Osamu; Sato, Junya; Irisawa, Keita; Kato, Jun; Kawato, Yoshimi; Meguro, Yoshihiro

Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Cement-based Materials for Nuclear Wastes (NUWCEM 2014) (CD-ROM), 12 Pages, 2014/06

Journal Articles

Effects of salt content on leaching properties of synthetic bituminized wastes

Irisawa, Keita; Osone, Osamu; Meguro, Yoshihiro

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 51(3), p.323 - 331, 2014/03

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:41.02(Nuclear Science & Technology)

We determined the leaching ratios and effective diffusion coefficients of water-soluble components (Na$$^{+}$$, NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$, NO$$_{2}$$$$^{-}$$, SO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$) in synthesized bituminized wastes by means of water leaching tests. Both leaching ratio and effective diffusion coefficient of the soluble component were consistent among all ionic species. This indicated that the effective diffusion coefficient for the synthesized bituminized wastes including 45wt% of the salt concentration did not depend on whether the ionic components were cations or anions or on the valence of the ion. This suggests that the interaction between the soluble components and the wall surface of the pores in the synthesized bituminized wastes was negligibly small. Moreover, the effective diffusion coefficient increased with increasing salt/bitumen ratio. We found that the effective diffusion coefficient of the soluble component was determined mainly by the salt/bitumen ratio.

Journal Articles

Development of separation technique of sodium nitrate from low-level radioactive liquid waste using electrodialysis with selective ion-exchange membranes

Irisawa, Keita; Nakagawa, Akinori; Onizawa, Takashi*; Kogawara, Takafumi*; Hanada, Keiji; Meguro, Yoshihiro

Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM 2013) (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2013/09

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:59.46(Engineering, Environmental)

Oral presentation

Isotopic fractionation of tungsten for meteoritical materials

Irisawa, Keita; Hirata, Takafumi*; Tanimizu, Masaharu*

no journal, , 

Currently, the best chronometer for metal-silicate separation is 182Hf-182W systematics. In the previous studies, the Earth's core could have separated from the silicate mantle within the first 30 million years of accretion, if Earth's accretion was terminated by a giant impact and accompanied by complete metal-silicate equilibration. In order to constrain the age of the core-mantle differentiation and of the Moon-forming giant impact in the Earth, we should estimate W behavior between metal and a silicate phases through the planetary formation. To determine W isotopic fractionation for chondrites, achondrites, and iron meteorites have potential interpretation of planetary core-mantle differentiation. In this study, an external correction technique using 185Re/187Re ratio was applied in order to detect W isotopic fractionation for various meteoritic materials, and therefore, we will discuss about a new interpretation of the age of Moon-forming giant impact.

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Leaching behavior of inorganic ions from simulated bituminized waste forms with concentrated salts

Irisawa, Keita; Meguro, Yoshihiro; Hayasaka, Hiromi; Takahashi, Kuniaki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of solidification techniques with minimised water content for secondary radioactive aqueous wastes in Fukushima, 2; Roles of phosphate on mineral formation of calcium aluminate cement

Irisawa, Keita; Garc$'i$a-Lodeiro, I.*; Osugi, Takeshi; Nakazawa, Osamu; Meguro, Yoshihiro; Kinoshita, Hajime*

no journal, , 

In order to reduce hydrogen gas explosion and leakage risks for these wastes, we are aiming to develop phosphate cements with minimised water content. The present study investigates roles of phosphate modification on mineral formation in calcium aluminate cement.

Oral presentation

Effects of composition on calcium aluminate phosphate cement for caesium nitrate incorporation

Irisawa, Keita; Yeung, S. W.*; Suriwong, P.*; Kinoshita, Hajime*

no journal, , 

In order to evaluate the applicability of calcium aluminate phosphate (CAP) cement as a matrix for nuclear wastes, we investigated the compositional effects on the CAP cement focusing on the caesium incorporation. The CAP samples were prepared by mixing calcium aluminate cement (CAC) with the aqueous solution of (NaPO$$_{3}$$)$$_{n}$$ and CsNO$$_{3}$$. CsNO$$_{3}$$ re-precipitated in the conventional CAC sample, suggesting a limited interaction of CAC with CsNO$$_{3}$$. The increase in the polyphosphate content limited the conventional hydration of CAC and the relative amount of CsNO$$_{3}$$ re-precipitation. This is interesting as it may show a potential interaction between CAP matrix and CsNO$$_{3}$$.

39 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)