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Journal Articles

Investigation on natural circulation for decay heat removal in reactor vessel of sodium-cooled fast reactor

Aizawa, Kosuke; Tsuji, Mitsuyo; Kobayashi, Jun; Kurihara, Akikazu; Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Nakane, Shigeru*; Ishida, Katsuji*

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2022/04

In sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs), optimizing the design and operate decay heat removal systems (DHRSs) is important for safety enhancement against severe accidents that could lead to core melting. The natural circulation phenomena in a reactor vessel during operating a DHRS were clarified by conducting water experiments using a 1:10 scale experimental facility (PHEASANT) simulating the reactor vessel of loop-type SFRs. In this study, we investigated the natural circulation phenomena under conditions of operating the dipped-type DHX and RVACS using the results of temperature and particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements, respectively. Furthermore, the effects of temperature fluctuation on the PIV measurement were quantitatively evaluated.

Journal Articles

Velocity distribution in the subchannels of a pin bundle with a wrapping wire; Evaluation of the Reynolds number dependence in a three-pin bundle

Aizawa, Kosuke; Hiyama, Tomoyuki; Nishimura, Masahiro; Kurihara, Akikazu; Ishida, Katsuji*

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 8(4), p.20-00547_1 - 20-00547_11, 2021/08

A sodium-cooled fast reactor has been designed to attain a high burn-up core in commercialized fast reactor cycle systems. The sodium-cooled fast reactor adopts a wire spacer between fuel pins. The wire spacer performs functions of securing the coolant channel and the mixing between subchannels. In high burn-up fuel subassemblies, the fuel pin deformation due to swelling and thermal bowing may decrease the local flow velocity in the subassembly and influence the heat removal capability. Therefore, understanding the flow field in a wire-wrapped pin bundle is important. This study performed particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements using a wire-wrapped three-pin bundle water model to grasp the flow field in the subchannel under conditions, including the laminar to turbulent regions. In the region away from the wrapping wire, the maximum flow velocity was increased by decreasing the Re number. Accordingly, the PIV measurements using the three-pin bundle geometry without the wrapping wire were also conducted to understand the effect of the wrapping wires on the flow field in the subchannel. The results confirmed that the mixing due to the wrapping wire occurred, even in the laminar condition. These experimental results are useful not only for understanding the pin bundle thermal hydraulics, but also for the code validation.

Journal Articles

Investigation on velocity distribution in the subchannels of pin bundle with wrapping wire; Evaluation of Reynolds number dependence in 3-pin bundle

Aizawa, Kosuke; Hiyama, Tomoyuki; Nishimura, Masahiro; Kurihara, Akikazu; Ishida, Katsuji*

Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2020/08

A sodium-cooled fast reactor is designed to attain a high burn-up core in commercialized fast reactor cycle systems. In high burn-up fuel subassemblies, the deformation of fuel pin due to the swelling and thermal bowing may decrease local flow velocity in the subassembly and influence the heat removal capability. Therefore, it is important to obtain the flow velocity distribution in a wire wrapped pin bundle. In this study, the detailed flow velocity distribution in the subchannel has been obtained by PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) measurement using a wire-wrapped 3-pin bundle water model. Flow velocity conditions in the pin bundle were set from 0.036 m/s ($$Re$$ = 270) to 1.6m/s ($$Re$$ = 13,500). From the PIV results, the maximum flow velocity was increased by decreasing the $$Re$$ number in the region away from the wrapping wire. Moreover, the PIV measurements by using the 3-pin bundle geometry without the wrapping wire were conducted. From the results, the effect of the wrapping wire on the flow field in the subchannel was understood. There experimental results useful not only for understanding of pin bundle thermal hydraulics but also code validation.

Journal Articles

Measurement of Velocity Field in Five Jets Water Test (FIWAT) for thermal striping in sodium-cooled fast reactor

Aizawa, Kosuke; Kobayashi, Jun; Tanaka, Masaaki; Kurihara, Akikazu; Ishida, Katsuji*; Nagasawa, Kazuyoshi*

Proceedings of 11th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-11) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2018/11

A conceptual design of an advanced loop type sodium cooled reactor has been carried out in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Temperature fluctuation is caused by mixing of fluids at different temperature from the control rod channels and the core fuel assemblies, high cycle thermal fatigue may arise on the Core Instrument Plane (CIP) at bottom of the Upper Internal Structure (UIS). In JAEA, 1/3-scaled five jets water tests (FIWAT) have been performed in order to investigate thermal striping phenomena around the CIP. In this study, the velocity field was measured in the mixing area between the jet outlet and the bottom of the structure by using particle image velocimetry (PIV) to compare with the temperature fluctuation characteristics.

Oral presentation

Study on cooling process of decay heat removal systems in a reactor vessel of sodium-cooled fast reactor by scaled water experiments, 4; Effect of heat generation condition on natural convection flow field in reactor vessel

Tsuji, Mitsuyo; Aizawa, Kosuke; Kobayashi, Jun; Kurihara, Akikazu; Nakane, Shigeru*; Ishida, Katsuji*

no journal, , 

Thermal-hydraulic phenomena caused by the natural circulation in a reactor vessel were investigated using scaled model water experiments simulating the reactor vessel in order to enhance safety and optimize the design and operation of decay heat removal systems under normal operation and severe accident conditions. This report shows the measurement results of temperature and PIV of natural convection flow field in the reactor vessel simulating an operation of dipped type direct heat exchanger. In addition, it is shown that the effect of dispersal condition of molten fuel on natural convection flow field in the reactor vessel.

Oral presentation

Study on cooling process of decay heat removal systems in a reactor vessel of sodium-cooled fast reactor by scaled water experiments, 3; Temperature measurement in a reactor vessel simulating operation of reactor vessel auxiliary cooling system

Aizawa, Kosuke; Tsuji, Mitsuyo; Kobayashi, Jun; Kurihara, Akikazu; Nakane, Shigeru*; Ishida, Katsuji*

no journal, , 

Thermal-hydraulic phenomena driven by natural circulation in a reactor vessel was investigated by using scaled model water experiments simulating a reactor vessel in order to enforce of safety and optimize design and operation of decay heat removal systems under normal operation and severe accident conditions. This paper shows temperature measurement results of natural convection flow field in reactor vessel simulating operation of reactor vessel auxiliary cooling system. In addition, it is shown that the affect of dispersal condition of molten fuel on temperature distribution in reactor vessel.

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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