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Journal Articles

Cu $$K$$-edge X-ray absorption fine structure study of $$T'$$-type $$RE$$$$_{2}$$CuO$$_{4+alpha-delta}$$ ($$RE$$ = Rare Earth); Toward unified understanding of electronic state of $$T'$$-type cuprate

Chen, Y.*; Asano, Shun*; Wang, T.*; Xie, P.*; Kitayama, Shinnosuke*; Ishii, Kenji*; Matsumura, Daiju; Tsuji, Takuya; Taniguchi, Takanori*; Fujita, Masaki*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 38, p.011050_1 - 011050_6, 2023/05

Journal Articles

Structural and compositional characteristics of Fukushima release particulate material from Units 1 and 3 elucidates release mechanisms, accident chronology and future decommissioning strategy

Martin, P. G.*; Jones, C. P.*; Bartlett, S.*; Ignatyev, K.*; Megson-Smith, D.*; Satou, Yukihiko; Cipiccia, S.*; Batey, D. J.*; Rau, C.*; Sueki, Keisuke*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 10, p.22056_1 - 22056_17, 2020/12

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.63(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

Compositional and structural analysis of Fukushima-derived particulates using high-resolution X-ray imaging and synchrotron characterisation techniques

Martin, P. G.*; Jones, C. P.*; Cipiccia, S.*; Batey, D. J.*; Hallam, K. R.*; Satou, Yukihiko; Griffiths, I.*; Rau, C.*; Richards, D. A.*; Sueki, Keisuke*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 10(1), p.1636_1 - 1636_11, 2020/01

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:37.55(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

Effect of water for the oxygen adsorption on surface of PtCo catalysts

Cui, Y.-T.*; Harada, Yoshihisa*; Niwa, Hideharu*; Oshima, Masaharu*; Hatanaka, Tatsuya*; Nakamura, Naoki*; Ando, Masaki*; Yoshida, Toshihiko*; Ishii, Kenji*; Matsumura, Daiju

NanotechJapan Bulletin (Internet), 11(4), 6 Pages, 2018/08

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Observation of momentum-dependent charge excitations in hole-doped cuprates using resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at the oxygen $$K$$ edge

Ishii, Kenji*; Toyama, Takami*; Asano, Shun*; Sato, Kentaro*; Fujita, Masaki*; Wakimoto, Shuichi; Tsutsui, Kenji*; Sota, Shigetoshi*; Miyawaki, Jun*; Niwa, Hideharu*; et al.

Physical Review B, 96(11), p.115148_1 - 115148_8, 2017/09


 Times Cited Count:29 Percentile:77.38(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Wetting induced oxidation of Pt-based nano catalysts revealed by ${{it in situ}}$ high energy resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Cui, Y.-T.*; Harada, Yoshihisa*; Niwa, Hideharu*; Hatanaka, Tatsuya*; Nakamura, Naoki*; Ando, Masaki*; Yoshida, Toshihiko*; Ishii, Kenji*; Matsumura, Daiju; Oji, Hiroshi*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 7(1), p.1482_1 - 1482_8, 2017/05

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:48.90(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

Kondo interactions from band reconstruction in YbInCu$$_4$$

Jarrige, I.*; Kotani, Akio*; Yamaoka, Hitoshi*; Tsujii, Naohito*; Ishii, Kenji; Upton, M.*; Casa, D.*; Kim, J. H.*; Gog, T.*; Hancock, J. N.*

Physical Review Letters, 114(12), p.126401_1 - 126401_5, 2015/03

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:62.66(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering study of intraband charge excitations in hole-doped high-$$T_c$$ cuprates

Wakimoto, Shuichi; Ishii, Kenji; Kimura, Hiroyuki*; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Yoshida, Masahiro*; Adachi, Tadashi*; Casa, D.*; Fujita, Masaki*; Fukunaga, Yasushi*; Gog, T.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 87(10), p.104511_1 - 104511_7, 2013/03

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:43.17(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering study of charge excitations in superconducting and nonsuperconducting PrFeAsO$$_{1-y}$$

Jarrige, I.*; Nomura, Takuji; Ishii, Kenji; Gretarsson, H.*; Kim, Y.-J.*; Kim, J.*; Upton, M.*; Casa, D.*; Gog, T.*; Ishikado, Motoyuki*; et al.

Physical Review B, 86(11), p.115104_1 - 115104_4, 2012/09

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:35.17(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We report the first observation by momentum-resolved resonant inelastic X-ray scattering of charge excitations in an iron-based superconductor and its parent compound, PrFeAsO$$_{0.7}$$ and PrFeAsO respectively, with two main results. First, using calculations based on a 16 band $$dp$$ model, we show that the energy of the lowest-lying excitations, identified as $$dd$$ interband transitions of dominant $$xz$$, $$yz$$ orbital character, exhibits a dramatic dependence on electron correlation. This enables us to estimate the Coulomb repulsion $$U$$ and Hund's coupling $$J$$, and to highlight the role played by $$J$$ in these peculiar orbital-dependent electron correlation effects. Second, we show that short-range antiferromagnetic correlations, which are a prerequisite to the occurrence of these excitations at the $$Gamma$$ point, are still present in the superconducting state.

Journal Articles

Magnetic nature of the 500 meV peak in La$$_{2-x}$$Sr$$_x$$CuO$$_4$$ observed with resonant inelastic X-ray scattering at the Cu $$K$$-edge

Ellis, D. S.*; Kim, J.*; Hill, J. P.*; Wakimoto, Shuichi; Birgeneau, R. J.*; Shvyd'ko, Y.*; Casa, D.*; Gog, T.*; Ishii, Kenji; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; et al.

Physical Review B, 81(8), p.085124_1 - 085124_12, 2010/02

 Times Cited Count:40 Percentile:80.26(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in electronically quasi-zero-dimensional CuB$$_2$$O$$_4$$

Hancock, J. N.*; Chabot-Couture, G.*; Li, Y.*; Petrakovski$u{i}$, G. A.*; Ishii, Kenji; Jarrige, I.; Mizuki, Junichiro; Devereaux, T. P.*; Greven, M.*

Physical Review B, 80(9), p.092509_1 - 092509_4, 2009/09

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:63.70(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Use of positron-emitting tracer imaging system for measuring the effect of salinity on temporal and spatial distribution of $$^{11}$$C tracer and coupling between source and sink organs

Suwa, Ryuichi*; Fujimaki, Shu; Suzui, Nobuo; Kawachi, Naoki; Ishii, Satomi; Sakamoto, Koichi*; Nguyen, N. T.*; Saneoka, Hirofumi*; Mohapatra, P. K.*; Moghaieb, R. E.*; et al.

Plant Science, 175(3), p.210 - 216, 2008/09

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:45.09(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Journal Articles

Observation of radial particle transport induced by the fluctuation measured with a gold neutral beam probe

Kojima, Atsushi; Ishii, Kameo*; Miyata, Yoshiaki*; Kakiuchi, Hideto*; Kaido, Norihiro*; Yoshikawa, Masayuki*; Itakura, Akiyoshi*; Ichimura, Makoto*; Chujo, T.*

Fusion Science and Technology, 51(2T), p.274 - 276, 2007/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:18.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Interaction between nitrogen nutrients acquisition function and distribution of photosynthetic products

Oyama, Takuji*; Sueyoshi, Kuni*; Otake, Norikuni*; Ito, Sayuri*; Ishibashi, H.*; Hara, T.*; Kimura, T.*; Matsuhashi, Shimpei; Fujimaki, Shu; Suzui, Nobuo; et al.

JAEA-Review 2006-042, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2005, P. 122, 2007/02

Journal Articles

Incident energy and polarization-dependent resonant inelastic X-ray scattering study of La$$_2$$CuO$$_4$$

Lu, L.*; Hancock, J. N.*; Chabot-Couture, G.*; Ishii, Kenji; Vajk, O. P.*; Yu, G.*; Mizuki, Junichiro; Casa, D.*; Gog, T.*; Greven, M.*

Physical Review B, 74(22), p.224509_1 - 224509_9, 2006/12

 Times Cited Count:34 Percentile:77.71(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We present a detailed Cu $$K$$-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) study of the Mott insulator La$$_2$$CuO$$_4$$ in the 1-7 eV energy loss range. As initially found for the high-temperature superconductor HgBa$$_2$$CuO$$_{4+delta}$$, the spectra exhibit a multiplet of weakly dispersive electron-hole excitations, which are revealed by utilizing the subtle dependence of the cross section on the incident photon energy. The close similarity between the fine structures for in-plane and out-of-plane polarizations is indicative of the central role played by the 1s core hole in inducing charge excitations within the CuO$$_2$$ planes. On the other hand, we observe a polarization dependence of the spectral weight, and careful analysis reveals two separate features near 2 eV that may be related to different charge-transfer processes. The polarization dependence indicates that the $$4p$$ electrons contribute significantly to the RIXS cross section.

Journal Articles

Progress of the ITER central solenoid model coil programme

Tsuji, Hiroshi; Okuno, Kiyoshi*; Thome, R.*; Salpietro, E.*; Egorov, S. A.*; Martovetsky, N.*; Ricci, M.*; Zanino, R.*; Zahn, G.*; Martinez, A.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 41(5), p.645 - 651, 2001/05

 Times Cited Count:57 Percentile:83.34(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Scattering intensity from crystalline and non-crystalline materials including correlations of thermal displacements of atoms

Sakuma, T.*; ; Murakami, A.*; ; Ishii, Yoshinobu

High Temp. Mater. Process., 18(1-2), p.41 - 48, 1999/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Photoemission and ion-scattering study of Ce/Ni(110) and Ce/Cu(110) systems

Okane, Tetsuo; Yamada, Mitsuki*; Suzuki, S.*; Sato, S.*; Kinoshita, Toyohiko*; Kakizaki, A.*; Ishii, T.*; Kobayashi, Takane*; Shimoda, S.*; Iwaki, M.*; et al.

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 80, p.241 - 244, 1996/05

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:26.09(Spectroscopy)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Spin-resolved core-level photoemission spectra of ferromagnetic nickel

Saito, Yuji; Suga, Shigemasa*; Kakizaki, A.*; Matsushita, T.*; Imada, S.*; Daimon, H.*; Ono, Kanta*; Fujisawa, M.*; Kinoshita, T.*; Ishii, T.*; et al.

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 78, p.329 - 332, 1996/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.03(Spectroscopy)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


; Horita, M.*; Ishii, T.*; Yamamoto, Isamu*; Horie, Y.*; Hokari, T.*;

PNC TJ1060 92-006, 128 Pages, 1992/11



33 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)