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Journal Articles

Space weather benchmarks on Japanese society

Ishii, Mamoru*; Shiota, Daiko*; Tao, Chihiro*; Ebihara, Yusuke*; Fujiwara, Hitoshi*; Ishii, Takako*; Ichimoto, Kiyoshi*; Kataoka, Ryuho*; Koga, Kiyokazu*; Kubo, Yuki*; et al.

Earth, Planets and Space (Internet), 73(1), p.108_1 - 108_20, 2021/12

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:54.78(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)

We surveyed the relationship between the scale of space weather events and their occurrence rate in Japan and we discussed the social impact of these phenomena during the Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction (PSTEP). The information was compiled for domestic users of space weather forecasts for appropriate preparedness against space weather disasters. This paper gives a comprehensive summary of the survey, focusing on the fields of electricity, satellite operations, communication and broadcasting, satellite positioning usage, aviation, human space activity, and daily life on the Earth's surface, using the cutting-edge knowledge of space weather. Quantitative estimations of the economic impact of space weather events on electricity and aviation are also given.

Journal Articles

Radiation biology of ${it Caenorhabditis elegans}$; Germ cell response, aging and behavior

Sakashita, Tetsuya; Takanami, Takako*; Yanase, Sumino*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*; Suzuki, Michiyo; Kimura, Takafumi*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ishii, Naoaki*; Higashitani, Atsushi*

Journal of Radiation Research, 51(2), p.107 - 121, 2010/03

 Times Cited Count:39 Percentile:64.96(Biology)

The study of radiation effect in ${it Caenorhabditis (C.) elegans}$ have been carried out over three decades and now allow for understanding at the molecular, cellular and individual levels. This review describes the current knowledge of the biological effects of ionizing irradiation with a scope of the germ line, aging and behavior. ${it C. elegans}$ may be a good ${it in vivo}$ model system in the field of radiation biology.

Journal Articles

Progress in R&D efforts on the energy recovery linac in Japan

Sakanaka, Shogo*; Ago, Tomonori*; Enomoto, Atsushi*; Fukuda, Shigeki*; Furukawa, Kazuro*; Furuya, Takaaki*; Haga, Kaiichi*; Harada, Kentaro*; Hiramatsu, Shigenori*; Honda, Toru*; et al.

Proceedings of 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC '08) (CD-ROM), p.205 - 207, 2008/06

Future synchrotron light sources based on the energy-recovery linacs (ERLs) are expected to be capable of producing super-brilliant and/or ultra-short pulses of synchrotron radiation. Our Japanese collaboration team is making efforts for realizing an ERL-based hard X-ray source. We report recent progress in our R&D efforts.

3 (Records 1-3 displayed on this page)
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