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Journal Articles

High temperature gas-cooled reactors

Takeda, Tetsuaki*; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Aihara, Jun; Aoki, Takeshi; Fujiwara, Yusuke; Fukaya, Yuji; Goto, Minoru; Ho, H. Q.; Iigaki, Kazuhiko; Imai, Yoshiyuki; et al.

High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.5, 464 Pages, 2021/02

As a general overview of the research and development of a High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) in JAEA, this book describes the achievements by the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) on the designs, key component technologies such as fuel, reactor internals, high temperature components, etc., and operational experience such as rise-to-power tests, high temperature operation at 950$$^{circ}$$C, safety demonstration tests, etc. In addition, based on the knowledge of the HTTR, the development of designs and component technologies such as high performance fuel, helium gas turbine and hydrogen production by IS process for commercial HTGRs are described. These results are very useful for the future development of HTGRs. This book is published as one of a series of technical books on fossil fuel and nuclear energy systems by the Power Energy Systems Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

JAEA Reports

Simulator for materials testing reactors

Takemoto, Noriyuki; Sugaya, Naoto; Otsuka, Kaoru; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Onuma, Yuichi; Hosokawa, Jinsaku; Hori, Naohiko; Kaminaga, Masanori; Tamura, Kazuo*; Hotta, Koji*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2013-013, 44 Pages, 2013/06


A real-time simulator for operating both a reactor and irradiation facilities of a materials testing reactor, Simulator of Materials Testing Reactors, was developed for understanding reactor behavior and upskilling in order to utilize for a nuclear human resource development and to promote partnership with developing countries which have a plan to introduce nuclear power plant. The simulator is designed based on the JMTR (Japan Materials Testing Reactor) and it simulates operation, irradiation tests and various kinds of anticipated operational transients and accident conditions caused by the reactor and irradiation facilities. The development of the simulator was sponsored by the Japanese government as one of the specialized projects of advanced research infrastructure in order to promote basic as well as applied researches. This report summarizes the simulation model, hardware specification and operation procedure of the simulator.

Journal Articles

Development of simulator for materials testing reactors; Model overview

Kollryd, T.*; Romas, A.*; Porter-Peden, M.*; Takemoto, Noriyuki; Kimura, Nobuaki; Ooka, Makoto; Kaminaga, Masanori; Ishitsuka, Tatsuo*; Tamura, Kazuo*

Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ISMTR-5) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2012/10

A simulator for materials testing reactors has been developed to be utilized for human resource development with an advancement of technology in mind. The simulator is designed based on the JMTR, and the reactor core is modeled with REMARK$$^{TM}$$, in which a 3-dimensional, 4-energy group, time dependent, diffusion theory model is applied. The thermo-hydraulic properties in the reactor vessel are modeled using RELAP5-HD$$^{TM}$$, which is the real-time version of RELAP5-3D code. REMARK$$^{TM}$$ interacts with the RELAP5-HD$$^{TM}$$ thermal hydraulic model by providing power to the moderator. The RELAP5-HD$$^{TM}$$ model, in return, provides thermal hydraulic feedback to the REMARK$$^{TM}$$ model. For the primary and secondary cooling loops, main heat exchangers, purification system and cooling towers, the 2-phase, 6-equation matrix solution modeling tool JTopmeret$$^{TM}$$ is used. The high fidelity level of modern simulators is not only a valuable tool for human resource training, but also an analysis tool for safety in normal/transient/accident conditions of materials testing reactors.

Journal Articles

Real time simulator for material testing reactor

Takemoto, Noriyuki; Imaizumi, Tomomi; Izumo, Hironobu; Hori, Naohiko; Suzuki, Masahide; Ishitsuka, Tatsuo*; Tamura, Kazuo*

JAEA-Conf 2011-003, p.271 - 275, 2012/03

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is now developing a real time simulator for a material testing reactor in order to utilize a nuclear human resource development and promotion of partnership with developing countries which have a plan to introduce nuclear power plant and/or experimental research reactor. The simulator is scheduled to be operated in JFY2012. The simulator is based on Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR), and treats most of JMTR, e.g. reactor, primary cooling system, secondary cooling system, emergency cooling system, instrumentation and control system, safety and protection systems and electricity system. It simulates normal operation condition, transient operation condition such as excess reactivity addition due to testing material insertion and condition of the LOCA. Moreover, it simulates an irradiation experiment using irradiation equipments such as material testing under BWR condition. The simulator is composed of a computer system, a console for reactor control, process control, irradiation equipments, and an instructor and large-size displays. The simulator has the control functions, such as load and store of initial conditions, selection of core conditions, control of execution (run/freeze/fast/slow), save of backtrack snapshots at regular intervals, etc. in order to increase education effects. Furthermore, it has actions, such as malfunctions, remote functions, global component failures, annunciator master control, etc.

Journal Articles

Functional materials for diagnostics and plasma control

Nishitani, Takeo; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; To, Kentaro; Shikama, Tatsuo*; Takahashi, Koji

Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 84(10), p.635 - 645, 2008/10

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Journal Articles

Radiation-induced thermoelectric sensitivity in the mineral-insulated cable of magnetic diagnostic coils for ITER

Nishitani, Takeo; Vayakis, G.*; Yamauchi, Michinori*; Sugie, Tatsuo; Kondoh, Takashi; Shikama, Tatsuo*; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Kawashima, Hisato

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 329-333(Part2), p.1461 - 1465, 2004/08

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:69.80(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

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Journal Articles

In-situ irradiation test of mica substrate bolometer at the JMTR reactor for the ITER diagnostics

Nishitani, Takeo; Shikama, Tatsuo*; Reichle, R.*; Hodgson, E. R.*; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Kasai, Satoshi; Yamamoto, Shin

Fusion Engineering and Design, 63-64, p.437 - 441, 2002/12

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:65.38(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

Irradiation effects on diagnostic components for ITER

Nishitani, Takeo; Shikama, Tatsuo*; Reichle, R.*; Sugie, Tatsuo; Kakuta, Tsunemi; Kasai, Satoshi; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Yamamoto, Shin

Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 78(5), p.462 - 467, 2002/05

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JAEA Reports

Irradiation effects on plasma diagnostic components, 2

Nishitani, Takeo; Shikama, Tatsuo*; Sugie, Tatsuo; Kasai, Satoshi; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Kakuta, Tsunemi; Yagi, Toshiaki; Tanaka, Shigeru; Narui, Makoto*; et al.

JAERI-Research 2002-007, 149 Pages, 2002/03


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Journal Articles

Neutron irradiation test of optical components for fusion reactor

Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Sagawa, Hisashi; Nagashima, Akira; Sugie, Tatsuo; Nishitani, Takeo; Yamamoto, Shin; Kawamura, Hiroshi

Effects of Radiation on Materials (ASTM STP 1366), p.1176 - 1185, 2000/00

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JAEA Reports

Irradiation effects on plasma diagnostic components

Nishitani, Takeo; ; Ikeda, Yujiro; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Kakuta, Tsunemi; Kasai, Satoshi; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Morita, Yosuke; Nagashima, Akira; Nakamichi, Masaru; et al.

JAERI-Research 98-053, 105 Pages, 1998/10


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Journal Articles

Japanese contribution to ITER task of irradiation tests on diagnostics components

Nishitani, Takeo; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Kakuta, Tsunemi; Sagawa, Hisashi; Oyama, Yukio; ; Sugie, Tatsuo; Noda, Kenji; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Kasai, Satoshi

Fusion Engineering and Design, 42, p.443 - 448, 1998/00

 Times Cited Count:22 Percentile:83.16(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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JAEA Reports

Irradiation tests on diagnostics components for ITER in 1995

Nishitani, Takeo; ; Ikeda, Yujiro; Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Kakuta, Tsunemi; Kasai, Satoshi; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Maekawa, Fujio; Morita, Yosuke; Nagashima, Akira; et al.

JAERI-Tech 96-040, 22 Pages, 1996/10


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13 (Records 1-13 displayed on this page)
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