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Tsukada, Takashi; Miwa, Yukio; Ugachi, Hirokazu; Matsui, Yoshinori; Itabashi, Yukio; Nagata, Nobuaki*; Dozaki, Koji*
Proceedings of International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2004/10
IASCC initiation and propagation tests will be performed on the per-irradiated specimen in the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR). Since in core, the radiolysis of water causes a generation of various kind of radical species and some oxidizing species such as hydrogen peroxide, the water chemistry in irradiation capsules must be assessed by measurements of the electrochemical corrosion potential (ECP). For the in-core measurement of ECP in JMTR, we fabricated and tested the Fe/FeO
type ECP sensor. After the fabrication, the function of each sensor was examined in high temperature water by out-of-core thermal cycling and high temperature holding tests.
Kikuchi, Taiji; Ishikawa, Kazuyoshi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Itabashi, Yukio
JAERI-Tech 2004-043, 21 Pages, 2004/03
In the JMTR, the irradiation examinations for nuclear reactor material are usually requested high accurate irradiation temperature, neutron fluence and neutron spectrum. The general demands satisfy to choice the best irradiation hole in the JMTR. However, for more accuracy, it is necessary to produce capsule with special mechanisms. To get the expectant neutron spectrum (ratio of fast neutron and thermal neutron), the thickness of cadmium is calculated by nuclear calculation code. Cadmium is the material to absorb the thermal neutron. Therefore, the necessary thickness was plated the outside of the specimen container with the cadmium. This paper is reported (1) the various base examinations for the development, (2) the result of the evaluations and (3) the evaluation result of an actual irradiation examination about uniform irradiation capsule of the reversing mechanism.
Ito, Haruhiko; Homma, Kenzo; Itabashi, Yukio; Tabata, Toshio; Akashi, Kazutomo; Inaba, Yukio; Kumahara, Hajime; Takahashi, Kunihiro; Kitajima, Toshio; Yokouchi, Iichiro
JAERI-Review 2003-024, 76 Pages, 2003/10
no abstracts in English
Ide, Hiroshi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Nagao, Yoshiharu; Komori, Yoshihiro; Itabashi, Yukio; Tsuji, Hirokazu; Tsukada, Takashi; Nagata, Nobuaki*; Dozaki, Koji*; Takiguchi, Hideki*
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-11) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2003/04
The advanced water chemistry controlled irradiation research device has been developed in JAERI to perform irradiation tests for research on IASCC. The irradiation device consists of the SATCAP (Saturated Temperature Capsule) inserted into the JMTR core and the water control unit installed out-of-core. Regarding the SATCAP, thermohydraulic design of the SATCAP was performed aiming at controlling the specimen temperature with high accuracy and increasing water flow velocity on the specimen surface to improve the controllability of water chemistry. As a result of irradiation test using the new type SATCAP, each specimen temperature and water chemistry were able to be controlled as designed.
Ide, Hiroshi; Matsui, Yoshinori; Itabashi, Yukio; Komori, Yoshihiro; Nagao, Yoshiharu; Komukai, Bunsaku; Tsuji, Hirokazu; Akimoto, Hajime; Onuki, Akira; Araya, Fumimasa
JAERI-Tech 2002-079, 58 Pages, 2002/10
no abstracts in English
Tobita, Masahiro*; Itabashi, Yukio
JAERI-Tech 2002-042, 40 Pages, 2002/03
In relation to aging of light water reactors (LWRs), Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking (IASCC) has been regarded as a significant and urgent issue for reliability of in-core components of LWRs. It is essential for IASCC studies to irradiate test materials under well-controlled of Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) conditions simulating the in-core environment. Therefore, the study for the design of the new water control unit to supply high temperature water into saturated temperature capsules in the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) has been carried out. This report summarizes the results of estimation using ORIGEN-2 and QAD-CGGP2 codes of dose equivalent rate on outer surface of the concrete wall of installation room and dose equivalent rate around the ion-exchangers where the highest dose equivalent rate is expected in the unit after the reactor shutdown.
Matsui, Yoshinori; Ide, Hiroshi; Itabashi, Yukio; Kikuchi, Taiji; Ishikawa, Kazuyoshi; Abe, Shinichi; Inoue, Shuichi; Shimizu, Michio; Iwamatsu, Shigemi; Watanabe, Naoki*; et al.
UTNL-R-0416, p.5_1 - 5_10, 2002/03
no abstracts in English
Nagao, Yoshiharu; Itabashi, Yukio; Komori, Yoshihiro; Niimi, Motoji; Fujiki, Kazuo
KAERI/GP-195/2002, p.49 - 55, 2002/00
An improved analysis procedure has been introduced to evaluate irradiation field at each specimen in the irradiation capsule by using the MCNP code, which is able to model the complicated structure of the capsule directly. As the verification results, it was confirmed that the calculated fast and thermal neutron flux/fluence were agreed with measured ones within 10% and
30%, respectively, for the irradiation tests in the JMTR. Concerning gamma dose/spectrum, it was confirmed that the calculated temperature was evaluated within -3
+14% using gamma heating obtained by MCNP calculations. The evaluations of neutron flux/fluence and specimens temperature with high accuracy are therefore possible in the irradiation test of the JMTR.
Matsui, Yoshinori; Ide, Hiroshi; Itabashi, Yukio; Kikuchi, Taiji; Ishikawa, Kazuyoshi; Abe, Shinichi; Inoue, Shuichi; Shimizu, Michio; Iwamatsu, Shigemi; Watanabe, Naoki*; et al.
KAERI/GP-195/2002, p.33 - 40, 2002/00
Studies on the irradiation damage of the material of the RPV are inevitable for the LWR. Recently, the researches of annealing effect on the irradiation damage of RPV material were extensively carried out using specimens irradiated in the JMTR of the JAERI. As the next step, an annealing test of irradiated specimens and re-irradiation of annealed specimens were planned. The aim of the test is to evaluate the effect of annealing by comparing the damage of irradiated specimen, its recovery by annealing and the damage after re-irradiation. For the re-irradiation test of this study, JAERI developed a new capsule in which the specimens can be exchanged before and after annealing, and, re-irradiated afterward. The development of the capsule consisted of the design and fabrication of airtight connector for thermocouples and mechanical seal device which was fit to remote handling. Remote operation procedures for handling the radioactive capsule and for exchanging specimens were carefully performed. The results of the re-irradiation proved that the development was technically successful.
Komori, Yoshihiro; Matsui, Yoshinori; Itabashi, Yukio; Yamaura, Takayuki; Nagao, Yoshiharu
KAERI/GP-195/2002, p.59 - 69, 2002/00
JAERI has been developing irradiation technique and facilities for irradiation tests in the JMTR to improve irradiation capability keeping up with progress of nuclear fuels and materials research. This paper summarizes recent development on irradiation technique for the JMTR. Design study and installation of the IASCC (Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking) irradiation test facility was main and the most urgent task of the field in the last five years since two large projects for IASCC were planned in Japan to start irradiation tests in 2002. Almost four years were devoted to preliminary design study, detail design and installation of the facility, then IASCC irradiation test started in March, 2002. Instrumentation technique and capsules development for other research purposes also have been steadily progressing during the term, and new type of off-line temperature monitor, dual re-instrumentation device and the uniform irradiation capsule became available for the irradiation tests.
Kanno, Masaru; Nabeya, Hideaki; Mori, Yuichiro*; Matsui, Yoshinori; Tobita, Masahiro*; Ide, Hiroshi; Itabashi, Yukio; Komori, Yoshihiro; Tsukada, Takashi; Tsuji, Hirokazu
JAERI-Tech 2001-080, 57 Pages, 2001/12
no abstracts in English
Takeyama, Tomonori; Chiba, Masaaki; Isozaki, Futoshi*; Amezawa, Hiroo; Itabashi, Yukio; Kikuchi, Taiji; Otabe, Yoshikiyo*; Hirata, Yuji*; Taka, Isamu; Oba, Toshihiro
JAERI-Tech 2001-024, 32 Pages, 2001/03
no abstracts in English
Matsui, Yoshinori; Itabashi, Yukio; Shimizu, Michio; Tsuji, Hirokazu
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 283-287(Part.2), p.997 - 1000, 2000/12
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Kurata, Yuji; Itabashi, Yukio; Mimura, Hideaki*; Kikuchi, Taiji; Amezawa, Hiroo; Shimakawa, Satoshi; Tsuji, Hirokazu; Shindo, Masami
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 283-287(Part.1), p.386 - 390, 2000/12
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:42.07(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)no abstracts in English
Tsuji, Hirokazu; ; Miwa, Yukio; Itabashi, Yukio; ; Shimakawa, Satoshi; Mimura, Hideaki; ; ; Tsukada, Takashi; et al.
Advances in Science and Technology, 24, p.483 - 490, 1999/00
no abstracts in English
; ; Baba, Osamu; Itabashi, Yukio
JAERI-M 94-020, 36 Pages, 1994/02
no abstracts in English
Matsumoto, Mikio; Endo, Yasuichi; ; Itabashi, Yukio; ; Yokouchi, Iichiro; Ando, Hiroei
JAERI-M 92-212, 62 Pages, 1993/01
no abstracts in English
M.Li*; ; ; Saito, Takashi; ; Itabashi, Yukio;
JAERI-M 90-190, 35 Pages, 1990/11
no abstracts in English
Iwai, Takashi; ; Nakagawa, Tetsuya; ; Miyata, Seiichi; Kawamata, Kazuo; Komukai, Bunsaku; Saito, Junichi; Itabashi, Yukio; ; et al.
JAERI-M 90-027, 28 Pages, 1990/02
no abstracts in English
Miyazawa, Masataka; Itabashi, Yukio; ; ; ; ; ; Oyamada, Rokuro;
9th Int. Symp. on Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, Vol. 3, p.1686 - 1693, 1989/00
no abstracts in English