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検索結果: 16 件中 1件目~16件目を表示
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Atomistic simulations for the effects of stacking fault energy on defect formations by displacement cascades in FCC metals under Poisson's deformation

早川 頌*; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋; 川畑 友弥*; 鈴木 克幸*

Journal of Materials Science, 54(16), p.11096 - 11110, 2019/08

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:44.36(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We performed molecular dynamics simulations of displacement cascades in FCC metals under Poisson's deformation using interatomic potentials differing in stacking fault energy (SFE), in order to investigate the effect of tensile strain on the SFE dependence of defect formation processes. There was no clear SFE dependence of the number of residual defects and the size distribution of defect clusters under both no strain and the applied strain, while the strain enhanced the defect formation to a certain extent. We also observed that the strain affected the formations of self-interstitial atom (SIA) clusters depending on their size and the Burgers vector. These results were consistent with the analysis based on the defect formation energies. Meanwhile, the number of SIA perfect loops was higher at lower SFE under both no strain and the applied strain, leading to an increase in the ratio of glissile SIA clusters with a decrease in SFE. Further, the absolute number of SIA perfect loops was increased by the applied strain, while the SFE dependence of the number of SIA perfect loops was not affected. These findings were associated with the difference in formation energy between an SIA perfect loop and an SIA Frank loop. The insights extracted from this study significantly contribute to the modeling of microstructural evolution in nuclear materials under irradiation, especially for low SFE metals such as austenitic stainless steels.


Effects of stacking fault energies on formation of irradiation-induced defects at various temperatures in face-centred cubic metals

中西 大貴*; 川畑 友弥*; 土井原 康平*; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋; 鈴木 克幸*

Philosophical Magazine, 98(33), p.3034 - 3047, 2018/09

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:46.89(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Encapsulating mobile proton carriers into structural defects in coordination polymer crystals; High anhydrous proton conduction and fuel cell application

犬飼 宗弘*; 堀毛 悟史*; 板倉 智也*; 篠崎 良太*; 荻原 直希*; 梅山 大樹*; Nagarker, S.*; 西山 裕介*; Malon, M.*; 林 灯*; et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(27), p.8505 - 8511, 2016/07

 被引用回数:135 パーセンタイル:95.39(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

We describe encapsulation of mobile proton carriers into defect sites in non-porous coordination polymers. The proton carriers are encapasulated with high mobility and provide high proton conductivity at 150$$^{circ}$$C under anhydrous condition. The high proton conductivity and non-porous nature allow power generation by fuel cell in which CPs are used as electrolyte. To observe defects and mobile proton carriers, we carried out solid-state NMR, XAFS, XRD, and ICP-AES/EA. On the basis of these analyses, we elucidated that the defect sites provide space for mobile uncoordinated H$$_{3}$$PO$$_{4}$$, H$$_{2}$$PO$$_{4}$$$$^{-}$$, and H$$_{2}$$O. These mobile carriers play a key role to expand proton hopping path and promote the mobility of all protons in coordination frameworks, leading to high proton conductivity and fuel cell power generation.


Electron and ion coincidence momentum imaging of multichannel dissociative ionization of ethanol in intense laser fields

板倉 隆二; 穂坂 綱一*; 横山 淳; 生田 朋也*; 神成 文彦*; 山内 薫*

Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XI; Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Vol.109, p.23 - 42, 2015/00



Separation of ionization and subsequent electronic excitation for formation of electronically excited ethanol cation in intense laser fields

生田 朋也*; 穂坂 綱一*; 赤木 浩; 横山 淳; 山内 薫*; 神成 文彦*; 板倉 隆二

Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(19), p.191002_1 - 191002_5, 2011/10

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:46.93(Optics)

エタノールから生成した光電子と生成イオンを同時計測することによって、400nm, 96fs, 1.3-18TW/cm$$^{2}$$のレーザーパルス中にて起こるイオン化とその後の電子励起を分離して調べることができた。イオン化によって電子励起状態に生成するイオン化の分岐比は、レーザー強度の増加とともに減少した。一方、その後の電子励起は共鳴イオン化によって増大する。イオン化と電子励起の機構をエタノールカチオンの電子状態分布をもとに明らかにした。


Two-body Coulomb explosion and hydrogen migration in methanol induced by intense 7 and 21 fs laser pulses

板倉 隆二; Liu, P.*; 古川 裕介*; 沖野 友哉*; 山内 薫*; 中野 秀俊*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 127(10), p.104306_1 - 104306_5, 2007/09

 被引用回数:48 パーセンタイル:84.64(Chemistry, Physical)




生田 朋也; 板倉 隆二; 穂坂 綱一*; 赤木 浩; 山内 薫*; 神成 文彦*; 横山 淳

no journal, , 




生田 朋也; 板倉 隆二; 穂坂 綱一*; 横山 淳; 山内 薫*; 神成 文彦*

no journal, , 



Photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy of ethanol in two-color intense laser fields

板倉 隆二; 生田 朋也*; 穂坂 綱一*; 横山 淳; 山内 薫*; 神成 文彦*

no journal, , 




板倉 隆二; 生田 朋也*; 穂坂 綱一*; 赤木 浩; 横山 淳; 山内 薫*; 神成 文彦*

no journal, , 



強レーザー場中エタノールの解離性イオン化ダイナミクス; 光電子と解離イオンのエネルギー相関

板倉 隆二; 生田 朋也*; 穂坂 綱一*; 赤木 浩; 横山 淳; 山内 薫*; 神成 文彦*

no journal, , 




生田 朋也; 板倉 隆二; 穂坂 綱一*; 赤木 浩; 山内 薫*; 神成 文彦*; 横山 淳

no journal, , 



Dissociative ionization of ethanol in intense UV laser fields studied by photoelectron-photoion coincidence momentum imaging

板倉 隆二; 生田 朋也*; 穂坂 綱一*; 赤木 浩; 山内 薫*; 横山 淳; 神成 文彦*

no journal, , 



Ionization of ethanol and subsequent electronic excitation in ethanol cation in intense laser fields

板倉 隆二; 生田 朋也*; 穂坂 綱一*; 赤木 浩; 横山 淳; 山内 薫*; 神成 文彦*

no journal, , 

光電子光イオン同時計測法を用いて、高強度紫外レーザー場(400nm, 96fs)中における電子励起エタノールカチオン生成の2つのイオン化経路を明らかにした。レーザー強度を1.3TW/cm$$^{2}$$から18.1TW/cm$$^{2}$$へ増加するとイオン化直後の電子励起状態のエタノールカチオンの分岐比は大きく減少する。また、レーザー強度を増加したときには、同一レーザーパルス内でイオン化に続いて起こる電子励起の確率が増強することも明らかにした。


Molecular dynamics simulations of effects of stacking fault energies on defect formation process in FCC metals

沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋; 中西 大貴*; 川畑 友弥*

no journal, , 

Molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to evaluate the influence of the stacking fault energy on defect formation by collision cascades in FCC metals. The simulations were performed for PKA energies of 1-50 keV by using six sets of EAM potentials that differed only in SFEs. Neither the number of residual defects nor their clustering behavior is affected by SFE, except for the mean size of vacancy clusters at highest PKA energy. The mean size increases as the SFE decreases because of enhanced formation of large vacancy clusters, which prefer to comprise stacking fault structure inside them. The ratio of glissile SIA clusters decreases as the SFE increases. At higher SFEs, both the number of Frank loops and perfect loops tend to decrease; instead, three-dimensional clusters form with higher densities. The effect of SFE on the number of Frank loops becomes apparent only at the highest PKA energy, where comparably large SIA clusters can be formed with a higher density.



生田 朋也; 穂坂 綱一; 板倉 隆二; 赤木 浩; 山内 薫*; 神成 文彦*; 横山 淳

no journal, , 


16 件中 1件目~16件目を表示
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