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岡 弘; 丹野 敬嗣; 矢野 康英; 大塚 智史; 皆藤 威二; 舘 義昭
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 547, p.152833_1 - 152833_7, 2021/04
被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:75.35(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)本研究では、ODS鋼被覆管の強度決定因子であるナノサイズ酸化物粒子及び母相組織の高温・応力負荷下での安定性を評価するため、700Cで45,000時間を超える内圧クリープ試験に供して破断したODS鋼被覆管の微細組織観察を行った。観察したODS鋼は、焼き戻しマルテンサイトを母相とする9Cr-ODS鋼及び再結晶フェライトを母相とする12Cr-ODS鋼の製造まま材及びクリープ破断材である。破断後の内圧クリープ試験片から切り出した板片を電解研磨にて薄膜化し、透過電子顕微鏡JEOL 2010Fにて観察した。観察の結果、ナノ粒子のサイズ及び数密度は700
及川 健一; Harjo, S.; Pham, A. H.*; 川崎 卓郎; 森戸 茂一*; 鬼柳 善明*; 篠原 武尚; 甲斐 哲也; 大庭 卓也*; 伊藤 正和*
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011062_1 - 011062_6, 2021/03
The metallurgy of historic melee weapons is one of the most interesting topics in archaeometallurgy. In particular, Japanese swords are paid great admiration in the world as the honor of classical technology and of the art. There have been many reports in the past that tried to elucidate this Japanese sword's microstructure and/or manufacturing process scientifically. In this study, we tried to use neutron diffraction as the non-destructive testing method. TOF neutron diffraction experiment was performed at TAKUMI of J-PARC. The gauge volume for the mapping was limited to 2 2
2 mm. Data sets for the normal and transverse direction and the normal and axial direction were obtained for the four pieces of sliced Japanese sword. All diffraction data were analyzed by the Rietveld refinement program to obtain lattice constants, phase volume fractions, preferred orientation, the crystallite size and the microstrain from the line-broadening. Detailed analysis results will be presented.
大塚 智史; 丹野 敬嗣; 岡 弘; 矢野 康英; 舘 義昭; 皆藤 威二; 橋立 竜太; 加藤 章一; 古川 智弘; 伊藤 主税; et al.
2018 GIF Symposium Proceedings (Internet), p.305 - 314, 2020/05
Sonnenschein, V.*; 辻 義之*; 國立 將真*; 久保 渉*; 鈴木 颯*; 富田 英生*; 鬼柳 善明*; 井口 哲夫*; 松下 琢*; 和田 信雄*; et al.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(3), p.033318_1 - 033318_12, 2020/03
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)For the purpose of future visualization of the flow field in superfluid helium-4, clusters of the triplet state excimer He
are generated along the micro-scale recoil tracks of the neutron-absorption reaction n +
T + p. This reaction is induced by neutron irradiation of the
He fraction contained in natural isotopic abundance liquid helium with neutron beams either from the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (J-PARC)/Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility or from the Kyoto University Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science. These
clusters are expected to be ideal tracers of the normal-fluid component in superfluid helium with several advantageous properties. Evidence of the excimer generation is inferred by detection of laser induced fluorescence emitted from the
clusters excited by a purpose-built short pulse gain-switched titanium:sapphire (Ti:sa) laser operating at a wavelength of 905 nm. The setup and performance characteristics of the laser system including the Ti:sa and two continuous wave re-pumping lasers are described. Detection at the fluorescence wavelength of 640 nm is performed by using optical bandpass filtered photomultiplier tubes (PMT). Electrical noise in the PMT acquisition traces could successfully be suppressed by post-processing with a simple algorithm. Despite other laser-related backgrounds, the excimer was clearly identified by its fluorescence decay characteristics. Production of the excimer was found to be proportional to the neutron flux, adjusted via insertion of different collimators into the neutron beam. These observations suggest that the apparatus we constructed does function in the expected manner and, therefore, has the potential for groundbreaking turbulence research with superfluid helium.
及川 健一; 鬼柳 善明*; 佐藤 博隆*; 大前 良磨*; Pham, A.*; 渡辺 賢一*; 松本 吉弘*; 篠原 武尚; 甲斐 哲也; Harjo, S.; et al.
Materials Research Proceedings, Vol.15, p.207 - 213, 2020/02
Japanese swords are very attractive not only as a work of art but also a metallurgical point of view. Since Japanese vintage swords became valuable, it is indispensable to establish non-destructive analysis method to identify some peculiar characteristics. Bragg edge imaging gives real-space distributions of bulk information in a crystalline material as well as neutron tomography. In this work, we investigated crystallographic information of a Japanese sword made by Sukemasa in Izumi province in the first quarter of the 16th century. The experiments have been performed at RADEN at J-PARC. The Sukemasa sword was measured with a counting-type 2D detector and with a CCD camera. We are now analyzing the measured 2D-transmission spectra using RITS code to obtain spatial distribution of the crystallite size, the texture variation, the d110 shift and its broadening. Complementary data analysis using white beam tomography is also on going. Detailed analysis results will be presented.
松下 琢*; Sonnenschein, V.*; Guo, W.*; 林田 洋寿*; 廣井 孝介; 広田 克也*; 井口 哲夫*; 伊藤 大介*; 北口 雅暁*; 鬼柳 善明*; et al.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 196(1-2), p.275 - 282, 2019/07
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:4.09(Physics, Applied)For flow visualization study of quantum turbulence in superfluid He,
excimers are unique tracers which follow only normal-fluid component flow above 1 K. To generate detectable small
clouds (clusters) required for full-space velocity field measurements, we have adopted a new method based on neutron absorption reaction of
He impurities in
He and conducted proof-of-principle experiments. Generation of the
excimers was detected by laser-induced fluorescence using photomultiplier tubes. The fluorescence was observed to increase proportionally to the neutron flux, suggesting that a sufficient amount of
excimers were generated by neutrons. We also estimated the number of
excimers possibly generated by
-rays and found that the relevant contribution was less than 40%. Thus, the majority of the
excimers was confirmed to be generated via n-
He absorption reactions.
Li, S.*; 豊田 真幸*; 小林 義明*; 伊藤 正行*; 池内 和彦*; 米田 安宏; 大谷 彬*; 松村 大樹; 浅野 駿*; 水木 純一郎*; et al.
Physica C, 555, p.45 - 53, 2018/12
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:9.37(Physics, Applied)鉄系超伝導体のBaFeAs
宮坂 聡*; 宇野女 草太*; 田村 恵子*; 伊藤 嘉高*; 石崎 梓; 眞田 幸尚
日本リモートセンシング学会第63回(平成29年度秋季)学術講演会論文集(CD-ROM), p.81 - 84, 2017/11
Vaquero, V.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Wimmer, K.*; Gargano, A.*; Tostevin, J. A.*; Chen, S.*; Ncher, E.*; Sahin, E.*; 志賀 慶明*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 118(20), p.202502_1 - 202502_5, 2017/05
被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:76.91(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Excited states in Sn were populated following one-neutron knockout reaction from an unstable
Sn beam at the RIBF laboratory in RIKEN. In addition to the already known
rays, additional
strength was observed for the first time in the excitation-energy range 3.5-5.5 MeV. Since the neutron separation energy of
Sn is low, this observation provides direct evidence for the radioactive decay of neutron-unbound states in this nucleus. The ability of
decay to compete with neutron emission was attributed to a mismatch between the wave functions of the initial and final states in the neutron emission case. These findings suggest that in the region south-east of
Sn, nuclear structure effects play a significant role in the decay of unbound states, which are instead usually ignored in the evaluation of neutron-emission probabilities in astrophysical simulations.
志風 義明; 西澤 幸康; 眞田 幸尚; 鳥居 建男; Jiang, J.*; 島添 健次*; 高橋 浩之*; 吉野 将生*; 伊藤 繁樹*; 遠藤 貴範*; et al.
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(12), p.1907 - 1918, 2016/12
被引用回数:40 パーセンタイル:96.41(Nuclear Science & Technology)無人ヘリ搭載用に軽量・低消費電力のコンプトンカメラ方式のガンマカメラを開発した。検出器に関して、散乱体・吸収体の各層のGAGGシンチレータ・アレイの44から8
池内 和彦*; 小林 義明*; 鈴木 一範*; 伊藤 正行*; 梶本 亮一; Bourges, P.*; Christianson, A. D.*; 中村 博樹; 町田 昌彦; 佐藤 正俊*
Journal of Physics; Condensed Matter, 27(46), p.465701_1 - 465701_7, 2015/11
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:4.59(Physics, Condensed Matter)中性子非弾性散乱実験による超伝導体CaPt
柴田 晃; 加藤 佳明; 大石 誠; 田口 剛俊; 伊藤 正泰; 米川 実; 川又 一夫
KAERI/GP-418/2015, p.151 - 165, 2015/05
JMTRは2006年に改修のため運転を停止し、その再稼働に向けた整備を2007年から行っている。再稼働後、JMTRホットラボでは様々な照射後試験を実施することが期待されている。本発表では、新しい試験装置の導入と、JMTRホットラボにおける照射後試験の現状について紹介する。(1)球状圧子を用いた超微小硬さ試験。有限要素法を援用した逆解析にて球状圧子を用いた荷重-深さ曲線から材料定数を同定することが可能である。ジルコニウム合金の酸化皮膜や照射済ステンレス鋼についてこの解析を行う予定である。(2)透過型電子顕微鏡(TEM)の整備。透過型電子顕微鏡は光学顕微鏡や通常のSEMに比べて非常に高い解像度の画像を見ることが可能である。JMTRホットラボでは、TEM装置(JEOL JEM-2800)を整備した。同顕微鏡の最大倍率150,000,000倍であり、また、この装置はパソコンとネットを使用し遠隔にて操作することが可能である。これにより、研究者は簡易に、被ばく量を低減してTEMを使用することが可能である。
Pirozhkov, A. S.; 神門 正城; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Faenov, A. Y.*; Pikuz, T. A.*; 河内 哲哉; 匂坂 明人; Koga, J. K.; 森 道昭; 川瀬 啓悟*; et al.
RAL-TR-2015-025, P. 22, 2015/00
We provide a description of experiments performed with the J-KAREN and Astra Gemini lasers where we discovered a new regime of relativistic high-order harmonic generation by multi-terawatt femtosecond lasers in gas targets. The results were explained using particle-in-cell simulations and catastrophe theory. Our work paves the way towards a bright coherent X-ray source based on compact lasers and accessible, repetitive, and debris-free gas jet targets. Such a source will be crucial for fundamental research and numerous applications requiring pumping, probing, imaging of microscopic objects and for attosecond science.
伊藤 啓; 江連 俊樹; 大島 宏之; 河村 拓己*; 中峯 由彰*
Proceedings of 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-9) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2014/11
Pirozhkov, A. S.; 神門 正城; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Gallegos, P.*; Ahmed, H.*; Ragozin, E. N.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T. A.*; 河内 哲哉; 匂坂 明人; et al.
New Journal of Physics (Internet), 16(9), p.093003_1 - 093003_30, 2014/09
被引用回数:31 パーセンタイル:80.57(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We present a detailed description of our discovery of a new regime of high-order harmonic generation, including experimental data, simulations, and description of new harmonic generation mechanism. The harmonics are generated by multi-terawatt relativistic-irradiance ( 10
) femtosecond (
30-50 fs) lasers focused to gas jet targets. According to our model, the harmonics are produced by sharp, structurally stable, oscillating electron spikes at the joint of boundaries of wake and bow waves excited by the laser pulse.
吉井 賢資; 米田 安宏; Jarrige, I.*; 福田 竜生; 西畑 保雄; 鈴木 知史; 伊藤 嘉昭*; 寺嶋 孝仁*; 吉門 新三*; 福島 整*
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 75(3), p.339 - 343, 2014/03
被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:40.37(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)強誘電体BaTiO3について、共鳴X線発光(RXES)及び部分蛍光法を用いたX線吸収分光(PFY-XAS)により電子状態を分析した。実験はSPring8の原子力機構ビームラインBL14B1と物質・材料研究機構ビームラインBL15XUで行った。Ba L
イオンの位置はキュリー点で変位しないか変位が小さいことを示唆する。また、Ti K吸収端でのRXESスペクトルからは、発光ピークのエネルギーは入射光エネルギーによらずほぼ一定であった。この結果は、Ti 3d軌道が非局在的な性質を持っており、それによりTiイオンが変位して電気双極子の生成して強誘電体となるという、理論計算から提案された機構を支持することが分かった。
伊藤 啓; 江連 俊樹; 大野 修司; 上出 英樹; 中峯 由彰*; 今井 康友*
JAEA-Research 2013-007, 75 Pages, 2013/10
綿引 俊介; 花川 裕規; 今泉 友見; 永田 寛; 井手 広史; 小向 文作; 木村 伸明; 宮内 優; 伊藤 正泰; 西方 香緒里; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2013-021, 43 Pages, 2013/07
吉井 賢資; Jarrige, I.; 鈴木 知史; 松村 大樹; 西畑 保雄; 米田 安宏; 福田 竜生; 田村 和久; 伊藤 嘉昭*; 向山 毅*; et al.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 73(9), p.1106 - 1110, 2012/09
被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:45.15(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)強誘電体BaTiOのBa 5d軌道の電子状態を放射光共鳴発光により調べ、誘電性を持たないBaSO
吸収端近傍において共鳴発光スペクトルを測定したところ、両方の化合物ともBa 5d電子は局在していることがわかった。一方、共鳴発光を利用した部分蛍光法吸収スペクトルを測定したところ、BaTiO
のBa 5d軌道は、O 2p軌道と混成していることがわかった。これは、BaTiO
Pirozhkov, A. S.; 神門 正城; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Gallegos, P.*; Ahmed, H.*; Ragozin, E. N.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T.; 河内 哲哉; 匂坂 明人; et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings 1465, p.167 - 171, 2012/07
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:45.69(Physics, Applied)We experimentally demonstrate new regime of high-order harmonic generation by relativistic-irradiance lasers in gas jet targets. Bright harmonics with both the odd and even orders are emitted in the forward direction, while the base harmonic frequency is downshifted. The harmonics are generated by linearly as well as circularly polarized pulses. With the 9 TW laser, the harmonics reach 360 eV, within the "water window" spectral region. Using 120 TW laser producing 40 uJ/sr per harmonic at 120 eV, we demonstrate the photon number scalability. The experimentally demonstrated harmonics cannot be explained by previously known mechanisms. We introduce a novel high-order harmonics generation mechanism, which explains our experimental findings.