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田中 琢朗*; 福岡 将史*; 戸田 賀奈子*; 中西 貴宏; 寺島 元基; 藤原 健壮; 庭野 佑真*; 加藤 弘亮*; 小林 奈通子*; 田野井 慶太朗*; et al.
ACS ES&T Water (Internet), 4(8), p.3579 - 3586, 2024/08
Radioactive cesium released by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in March 2011 remains in the forest environment and is being transported to the ocean via residential areas by runoff into river systems. Most of the Cs in river water exists as suspended forms, being strongly fixed by micaceous clay minerals. If this fraction can change its form into dissolved forms, this results in additional input of bioavailable
Cs. In this study, in-situ sampling of
Cs at multiple rivers in Fukushima Prefecture was conducted using the DGT (diffusive gradient in thin film) devices to investigate the dynamics of radioactive cesium in river environments. At almost all sampling points, the DGT
Cs concentrations exceeded dissolved
Cs concentrations, revealing the existence of a flux from the suspended to the dissolved forms. This additional input was found to have higher
Cs ratios, compared those of Cs in the dissolved form. This study demonstrates that the bioavailability of
Cs can be underestimated by assessing only the dissolved form due to
Cs flux from the suspended particles likely caused by their dissolution.
藁科 友朗*; 佐藤 朝子*; 比内 浩; Shaikhutdinov, N.*; Shagimardanova, E.*; 森 宙史*; 玉木 聡志*; 斎藤 元文*; 眞田 幸尚; 佐々木 祥人; et al.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 90(4), p.e02113-23_1 - e02113-23_23, 2024/04
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)A major incident occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station following the tsunami triggered by the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake in March 2011, whereby seawater entered the torus room in the basement of the reactor building. Here, we identify and analyze the bacterial communities in the torus room water and several environmental samples. Samples of the torus room water (1 10
Cs/L) were collected by the Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings from two sampling points between 30 cm and 1 m from the bottom of the room (TW1) and the bottom layer (TW2). A structural analysis of the bacterial communities based on 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing revealed that the predominant bacterial genera in TW1 and TW2 were similar. TW1 primarily contained the genus Limnobacter, a thiosulfate-oxidizing bacterium.
-Irradiation tests on Limnobacter thiooxidans, the most closely related phylogenetically found in TW1, indicated that its radiation resistance was similar to ordinary bacteria. TW2 predominantly contained the genus Brevirhabdus, a manganese- oxidizing bacterium. Although bacterial diversity in the torus room water was lower than seawater near Fukushima,
70% of identified genera were associated with metal corrosion. Latent environment allocation - an analytical technique that estimates habitat distributions and co-detection analyses - revealed that the microbial communities in the torus room water originated from a distinct blend of natural marine microbial and artificial bacterial communities typical of biofilms, sludge, and wastewater. Understanding the specific bacteria linked to metal corrosion in damaged plants is important for advancing decommissioning efforts.
勝田 長貴*; 梅村 綾子*; 内藤 さゆり*; 益木 悠馬*; 板山 由依*; 丹羽 正和; 城野 信一*; 吉田 英一*; 川上 紳一*
Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, 210, p.106817_1 - 106817_11, 2023/12
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:0.00(Spectroscopy)湖成堆積物から過去の気候変動を読み取る上で、蛍光X線分析による化学組成マッピングは非常に有効な分析手法の一つとなっている。ただしその際、粒子径や鉱物組成がX線強度に及ぼす影響、すなわち「不均一効果」の評価が課題となっていた。本研究では、組成既知のいくつかの2種混合粉末試料、およびバイカル湖の湖成堆積物を対象とした走査型X線顕微鏡による分析を行い、X線強度や粒子径などとの関係を検証した。その結果、粒子径が小さい場合において、不均一効果の影響が大きくなることが分かった。
岩崎 悠真*; 齊藤 英治; 他2名*
Communications Materials (Internet), 2, p.31_1 - 31_7, 2021/03
Discovery of new magnets with high magnetization has always been important in human history because it has given birth to powerful motors and memory devices. Currently, the binary alloy FeCo
exhibits the largest magnetization of any stable alloys explained by the Slater-Pauling rule. A multi-element system is expected to include alloys with magnetization beyond that of Fe
, but it has been difficult to identify appropriate elements and compositions because of combinatorial explosion. In this work, we identified an alloy with magnetization beyond that of Fe
by using an autonomous materials search system combining machine learning and ab-initio calculation. After an autonomous and automated exploration in the large material space of multi-element alloys for six weeks, the system unexpectedly indicated that Ir and Pt impurities would enhance the magnetization of FeCo alloys, despite both impurity elements having small magnetic moments. To confirm this experimentally, we synthesized FexCoyIr
and FexCoyPt
alloys and found that some of them have magnetization beyond that of Fe
岩崎 悠真*; 澤田 亮人*; Stanev, V.*; 石田 真彦*; 桐原 明宏*; 大森 康智*; 染谷 浩子*; 竹内 一郎*; 齊藤 英治; 萬 伸一*
npj Computational Materials (Internet), 5, p.103_1 - 103_6, 2019/10
被引用回数:59 パーセンタイル:88.65(Chemistry, Physical)Machine learning is becoming a valuable tool for scientific discovery. Particularly attractive is the application of machine learning methods to the field of materials development, which enables innovations by discovering new and better functional materials. To apply machine learning to actual materials development, close collaboration between scientists and machine learning tools is necessary. However, such collaboration has been so far impeded by the black box nature of many machine learning algorithms. It is often difficult for scientists to interpret the data-driven models from the viewpoint of material science and physics. Here, we demonstrate the development of spin-driven thermoelectric materials with anomalous Nernst effect by using an interpretable machine learning method called factorized asymptotic Bayesian inference hierarchical mixture of experts (FAB/HMEs). Based on prior knowledge of material science and physics, we were able to extract from the interpretable machine learning some surprising correlations and new knowledge about spin-driven thermoelectric materials. Guided by this, we carried out an actual material synthesis that led to the identification of a novel spin-driven thermoelectric material. This material shows the largest thermopower to date.
岩崎 悠真*; 竹内 一郎*; Stanev, V.*; Gilad Kusne, A.*; 石田 真彦*; 桐原 明宏*; 井原 和紀*; 澤田 亮人*; 寺島 浩一*; 染谷 浩子*; et al.
Scientific Reports (Internet), 9, p.2751_1 - 2751_7, 2019/02
被引用回数:77 パーセンタイル:94.00(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Thermoelectric technologies are becoming indispensable in the quest for a sustainable future. Recently, an emerging phenomenon, the spin-driven thermoelectric effect (STE), has garnered much attention as a promising path towards low cost and versatile thermoelectric technology with easily scalable manufacturing. However, progress in development of STE devices is hindered by the lack of understanding of the fundamental physics and materials properties responsible for the effect. In such nascent scientific field, data-driven approaches relying on statistics and machine learning, instead of more traditional modeling methods, can exhibit their full potential. Here, we use machine learning modeling to establish the key physical parameters controlling STE. Guided by the models, we have carried out actual material synthesis which led to the identification of a novel STE material with a thermopower an order of magnitude larger than that of the current generation of STE devices.
桐原 明宏*; 近藤 幸一*; 石田 真彦*; 井原 和紀*; 岩崎 悠真*; 染谷 浩子*; 松葉 明日華*; 内田 健一*; 齊藤 英治; 山本 直治*; et al.
Scientific Reports (Internet), 6, p.23114_1 - 23114_7, 2016/03
被引用回数:64 パーセンタイル:89.75(Multidisciplinary Sciences)ヒートフローセンシングは、将来的にスマート熱管理の重要な技術要素となることが期待されている。従来、ゼーベック効果に基づく熱電変換技術は、熱の流れを電圧に変換することによって熱流を測定するために使用されてきた。しかし、ユビキタス・ヒートフロー可視化のためには、非常に低い熱抵抗を有する薄く柔軟なセンサが非常に望まれている。近年、別のタイプの熱電効果である縦スピンゼーベック効果が大きな関心を集めている。これは縦スピンゼーベック効果が、単純な薄膜デバイス構造のような熱電アプリケーションにとって有利な機能を潜在的に提供するためである。ここでは、縦スピンゼーベック効果ベースのフレキシブル熱電シートを紹介する。このシートは、熱流検出の用途に特に適している。この熱電シートは、「フェライトめっき」として知られているスプレーコーティング法を用いてフレキシブルプラスチックシート上に形成されたNiZn
益木 悠馬*; 勝田 長貴*; 丹羽 正和; 内藤 さゆり*; 由水 千景*; 陀安 一郎*
no journal, ,
甲斐 健師; 樋川 智洋; 松谷 悠佑; 平田 悠歩; 手塚 智哉*; 土田 秀次*; 伊東 祐真*; 横谷 明徳*
no journal, ,
江田 脩真*; 伊東 佑真*; 小畑 結衣*; 廣瀬 エリ; 横谷 明徳*
no journal, ,
We have previously reported that the plasmid DNA with a double-strand breaks (DSBs) introduced using one restriction enzyme was subjected to real-time PCR analysis using primers set within the sequence between the EGFP and its promoter. The results indicated that the rejoining the DSB ends was apparently promoted in vitro even though they were linear forms. In this study, plasmid DNA was linearized using the other two types of restriction enzymes to cut the EGFP and promoter sequences to separate them completely. The linearized fragments were analyzed by real-time PCR (rtPCR) and the products were analyzed by agarose electrophoresis Evidence suggests that 6.25 % of the enzyme-treated DNA was noncovalently bound in vitro, suggesting that the linearized fragments could be rejoined presumably non-covalent bonds and amplified by rtPCR, however the bonding was re-cleaved during electrophoresis due to voltage or current during electrophoresis.
江田 脩真*; 伊東 佑真*; 小畑 結衣*; 廣瀬 エリ; 横谷 明徳*
no journal, ,
本研究では制限酵素処理したプラスミドDNAのDSB末端が、トランスフェクション前にin vitroで自己再結合できるかを明らかにすることを目的とした。酵素的に二本鎖切断した各直鎖化EGFPプラスミドDNAを、EGFP遺伝子とそのプロモーターの間の配列内に設定したプライマーを用いてリアルタイムPCR法によって解析した結果、制限酵素処理プラスミドDNAはin vitroで6.25%が非共有結合性の再結合をしていることが推測された。一方アガロースゲル電気泳動法では、非切断プラスミドDNAの残存は観察されず、電気泳動時の電圧あるいは電流により泳動中に再び切断されたと考えられる。