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Ren, Q.*; Gupta, M. K.*; Jin, M.*; Ding, J.*; Wu, J.*; Chen, Z.*; Lin, S.*; Fabelo, O.*; Rodriguez-Velamazan, J. A.*; 古府 麻衣子; et al.
Nature Materials, 22(8), p.999 - 1006, 2023/08
被引用回数:63 パーセンタイル:99.20(Chemistry, Physical)Ultralow thermal conductivity and fast ionic diffusion endow superionic materials with excellent performance both as thermoelectric converters and as solid-state electrolytes. Yet the correlation and interdependence between these two features remain unclear owing to a limited understanding of their complex atomic dynamics. Here we investigate ionic diffusion and lattice dynamics in argyrodite AgSnSe
using synchrotron X-ray and neutron scattering techniques along with machine-learned molecular dynamics. We identify a critical interplay of the vibrational dynamics of mobile Ag and a host framework that controls the overdamping of low-energy Ag-dominated phonons into a quasi-elastic response, enabling superionicity. Concomitantly, the persistence of long-wavelength transverse acoustic phonons across the superionic transition challenges a proposed 'liquid-like thermal conduction' picture. Rather, a striking thermal broadening of low-energy phonons, starting even below 50 K, reveals extreme phonon anharmonicity and weak bonding as underlying features of the potential energy surface responsible for the ultralow thermal conductivity (
0.5 Wm
) and fast diffusion. Our results provide fundamental insights into the complex atomic dynamics in superionic materials for energy conversion and storage.
Yan, S. Q.*; Li, X. Y.*; 西尾 勝久; Lugaro, M.*; Li, Z. H.*; 牧井 宏之; Pignatari, M.*; Wang, Y. B.*; Orlandi, R.; 廣瀬 健太郎; et al.
Astrophysical Journal, 919(2), p.84_1 - 84_7, 2021/10
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:25.22(Astronomy & Astrophysics)The long-lived Fe (with a half-life of 2.62 Myr) is a crucial diagnostic of active nucleosynthesis in the Milky Way galaxy and in supernovae near the solar system. The neutron-capture reaction
Fe on
Fe (half-life=44.5 days) is the key reaction for the production of
Fe in massive stars. This reaction cross section has been previously constrained by the Coulomb dissociation experiment, which offered partial constraint on the E1
-ray strength function but a negligible constraint on the M1 and E2 components. In this work, for the first time, we use the surrogate ratio method to experimentally determine the
Fe cross sections in which all the components are included. We derived a Maxwellian-averaged cross section of 27.5
3.5 mb at
= 30 keV and 13.4
1.7 mb at
= 90 keV, roughly 10%-20% higher than previous estimates. We analyzed the impact of our new reaction rates in nucleosynthesis models of massive stars and found that uncertainties in the production of
Fe from the
Fe rate are at most 25
. We conclude that stellar physics uncertainties now play a major role in the accurate evaluation of the stellar production of
Qi, J.*; Hou, D.*; Chen, Y.*; 齊藤 英治; Jin, X.*
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 534, p.167980_1 - 167980_6, 2021/09
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:11.80(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Temperature dependence of the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) has been investigated herein Pt/CrO
structure. Well below the N
el temperature of Cr
, the SMR is not observed at the noise level of 1.2 ppm. In vicinity of the N
el temperature, only a positive SMR tracks the YIG magnetic switching process, supporting that the SMR of normal metal/antiferromagnetic insulator/ferromagnetic insulator trilayer is controlled by the N
el vector of the antiferromagnetic insulator. A high field magnetoresistance is observed up to an external magnetic field of 20000 Oe which has a field angle dependence symmetry consistent with the SMR. We attribute this high field magnetoresistance to be induced by the Hanle magnetoresistance in Pt.
Qin, J.*; Hou, D.*; Chen, Y.*; 齊藤 英治; Jin, X.*
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 501, p.166362_1 - 166362_4, 2020/05
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:21.63(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Spin transmission in CrO
films of different crystalline textures is studied experimentally. With Y
/Pt trilayer devices, a spin current is injected into Cr
by spin pumping from Y
, and the spin transmission is monitored by the inverse spin Hall voltage (
) in Pt. For (0001) plane textured Cr
vanishes quickly below the N
el temperature. However, the
shows a broad shoulder below the N
el temperature for
plane co-textured Cr
. Such a difference in the temperature dependence of Cr
can be understood by the different N
el vector orientations with respect to the injected spin moment direction.
Xu, Z.*; Dai, G.*; Li, Y.*; Yin, Z.*; Rong, Y.*; Tian, L.*; Liu, P.*; Wang, H.*; Xing, L.*; Wei, Y.*; et al.
npj Quantum Materials (Internet), 5(1), p.11_1 - 11_7, 2020/02
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:34.99(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We use neutron scattering to study Vanadium (hole)-doped LiFeV
As. In the undoped state, LiFeAs exhibits superconductivity at
K and transverse incommensurate spin excitations similar to electron overdoped iron pnictides. Upon Vanadium doping to form LiFe
, the transverse incommensurate spin excitations in LiFeAs transform into longitudinally elongated ones in a similar fashion to that of potassium (hole)-doped Ba
but with dramatically enhanced magnetic scattering and elimination of superconductivity. This is different from the suppression of the overall magnetic excitations in hole-doped BaFe
and the enhancement of superconductivity near optimal hole doping. These results are consistent with density function theory plus dynamic mean field theory calculations, suggesting that Vanadium doping in LiFeAs may induce an enlarged effective magnetic moment
with a spin crossover ground state arising from the inter-orbital scattering of itinerant electrons.
河野 俊彦*; Cho, Y. S.*; Dimitriou, P.*; Filipescu, D.*; 岩本 信之; Plujko, V.*; Tao, X.*; 宇都宮 弘章*; Varlamov, V.*; Xu, R.*; et al.
Nuclear Data Sheets, 163, p.109 - 162, 2020/01
被引用回数:110 パーセンタイル:99.65(Physics, Nuclear)We report our coordinated efforts to address these data needs such as radiation shielding design and radiation transport analyses, and present the results of the new evaluations of more than 200 nuclides included in the new updated IAEA Photonuclear Data Library, where the photon energy goes up to 200 MeV. We discuss the new assessment method and make recommendations to the user community in cases where the experimental data are discrepant and the assessments disagree. In addition, in the absence of experimental data, we present model predictions for photon-induced reaction cross section on nuclides of potential interest to medical radioisotope production.
Wang, H.*; Hou, D.*; Qiu, Z.*; 吉川 貴史*; 齊藤 英治; Jin, X.*
Journal of Applied Physics, 122(8), p.083907_1 - 083907_6, 2017/08
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:13.90(Physics, Applied)An electric method for measuring magnetic anisotropy in antiferromagnetic insulators (AFIs) is proposed. When a metallic film with strong spin-orbit interactions, e.g., platinum (Pt), is deposited on an AFI, its resistance should be affected by the direction of the AFI Nel vector due to the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR). Accordingly, the direction of the AFI N
el vector, which is affected by both the external magnetic field and the magnetic anisotropy, is reflected in resistance of Pt. The magnetic field angle dependence of the resistance of Pt on AFI is calculated by considering the SMR, which indicates that the antiferromagnetic anisotropy can be obtained experimentally by monitoring the Pt resistance in strong magnetic fields. Calculations are performed for realistic systems such as Pt/Cr
, Pt/NiO, and Pt/CoO.
西森 信行; 永井 良治; 森 道昭; 羽島 良一; 山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 内山 隆司*; Jin, X.*; 帯名 崇*; et al.
Proceedings of 12th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.511 - 515, 2015/09
吉川 貴史*; 内田 健一*; 大門 俊介*; 塩見 雄毅*; 安立 裕人; Qiu, Z.*; Hou, D.*; Jin, X.-F.*; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Physical Review B, 88(21), p.214403_1 - 214403_11, 2013/12
被引用回数:133 パーセンタイル:96.33(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The longitudinal spin Seebeck effect and the anomalous Nernst effect are investigated in various metal/insulator junction systems, and the clear separation of the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect from the anomalous Nernst effect induced by static magnetic proximity is demonstrated. It is shown that, in Pt/YFe
samples, the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect is three orders of magnitude greater than the proximity-driven anomalous Nernst effect.
Deng, Z.*; Zhao, K.*; Gu, B.; Han, W.*; Zhu, J. L.*; Wang, X. C.*; Li, X.*; Liu, Q. Q.*; Yu, R. C.*; 後神 達郎*; et al.
Physical Review B, 88(8), p.081203_1 - 081203_5, 2013/08
被引用回数:75 パーセンタイル:91.70(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We report the discovery of a diluted magnetic semiconductor, Li(Zn,Mn)P, in which charge and spin are introduced independently via lithium off-stoichiometry and the isovalent substitution of Mn for Zn
, respectively. Isostructural to (Ga,Mn)As, Li(Zn,Mn)P was found to be a
-type ferromagnetic semiconductor with excess lithium providing charge doping. First-principles calculations indicate that excess Li is favored to partially occupy the Zn site, leading to hole doping. Ferromagnetism with Curie temperature up to 34 K is achieved while the system still shows semiconducting transport behavior.
Hou, D.*; Qiu, Z.*; 針井 一哉; 梶原 瑛祐*; 内田 健一*; 藤川 安仁*; 中山 裕康*; 吉野 達郎*; 安 東秀*; 安藤 和也*; et al.
Applied Physics Letters, 101(4), p.042403_1 - 042403_4, 2012/07
被引用回数:78 パーセンタイル:91.94(Physics, Applied)ビスマス/パーマロイ二層膜における逆スピンホール効果をスピンポンピングを用いて室温下で測定した。その結果、強磁性共鳴の吸収線幅からビスマスが良いスピン吸収材であることわかった。また、二層膜の逆スピンホール電圧と抵抗値の測定により、ビスマス膜厚の増大とともに逆スピンホール電流が減少することを見いだした。これは白金/パーマロイのような従来の二層膜における逆スピンホール効果の理解とは異なるものである。ビスマス/パーマロイ界面のスピン伝導の変調を考慮することで、この逆スピンホール電流の膜厚依存性を定量的に説明できるモデルを構築した。
Deng, Z.*; Jin, C. Q.*; Liu, Q. Q.*; Wang, X. C.*; Zhu, J. L.*; Feng, S. M.*; Chen, L. C.*; Yu, R. C.*; Arguello, C.*; 後神 達郎*; et al.
Nature Communications (Internet), 2, p.1425_1 - 1425_5, 2011/08
被引用回数:168 パーセンタイル:93.61(Multidisciplinary Sciences)(Ga,Mn)Asは典型的な強磁性III-V族半導体として知られている。これは3価のGa原子を2価のMnで置き換えたものであるが、化学的溶解度が限られているため準安定であり、薄膜でしか製作できないものであった。また電子ドープも行うことができなかった。この困難な条件を超えるため、Masekらは理論的にI-II-V族半導体LiZnAsを提案した。この物質では原子価が等しい(Zn,Mn)の置き換えによる磁性の発現とLi濃度を過剰あるいは不足させることによるキャリアードープを独立に制御可能である。本研究では世界で初めてバルクな状態でのLi(Zn
Adare, A.*; Afanasiev, S.*; Aidala, C.*; Ajitanand, N. N.*; Akiba, Y.*; Al-Bataineh, H.*; Alexander, J.*; Aoki, K.*; Aphecetche, L.*; Armendariz, R.*; et al.
Physical Review D, 84(1), p.012006_1 - 012006_18, 2011/07
被引用回数:32 パーセンタイル:74.89(Astronomy & Astrophysics)重心エネルギー200GeVでの縦偏極陽子陽子衝突からのジェット生成のイベント構造と二重非対称()について報告する。光子と荷電粒子がPHENIX実験で測定され、イベント構造がPHYTIAイベント生成コードの結果と比較された。再構成されたジェットの生成率は2次までの摂動QCDの計算で十分再現される。測定された
Adare, A.*; Afanasiev, S.*; Aidala, C.*; Ajitanand, N. N.*; 秋葉 康之*; Al-Bataineh, H.*; Alexander, J.*; 青木 和也*; Aphecetche, L.*; Armendariz, R.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 83(6), p.064903_1 - 064903_29, 2011/06
被引用回数:191 パーセンタイル:99.42(Physics, Nuclear)200GeVと62.4GeVでの陽子陽子の中心衝突からのの横運動量分布及び収量をRHICのPHENIX実験によって測定した。それぞれエネルギーでの逆スロープパラメーター、平均横運動量及び単位rapidityあたりの収量を求め、異なるエネルギーでの他の測定結果と比較する。また
Adare, A.*; Afanasiev, S.*; Aidala, C.*; Ajitanand, N. N.*; 秋葉 康之*; Al-Bataineh, H.*; Alexander, J.*; 青木 和也*; Aphecetche, L.*; Aramaki, Y.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 83(4), p.044912_1 - 044912_16, 2011/04
被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:55.04(Physics, Nuclear)重いフレーバーのメソンの崩壊からの電子の測定は、このメソンの収量が金金衝突では陽子陽子に比べて抑制されていることを示している。われわれはこの研究をさらに進めて二つの粒子の相関、つまり重いフレーバーメソンの崩壊からの電子と、もう一つの重いフレーバーメソンあるいはジェットの破片からの荷電ハドロン、の相関を調べた。この測定は重いクォークとクォークグルオン物質の相互作用についてのより詳しい情報を与えるものである。われわれは特に金金衝突では陽子陽子に比べて反対側のジェットの形と収量が変化していることを見いだした。
Adare, A.*; Afanasiev, S.*; Aidala, C.*; Ajitanand, N. N.*; Akiba, Y.*; Al-Bataineh, H.*; Alexander, J.*; Aoki, K.*; Aphecetche, L.*; Armendariz, R.*; et al.
Physical Review D, 83(5), p.052004_1 - 052004_26, 2011/03
被引用回数:180 パーセンタイル:98.41(Astronomy & Astrophysics)RHIC-PHENIX実験で重心エネルギー200GeVの陽子陽子衝突からの,
山本 将博*; 本田 洋介*; 宮島 司*; 内山 隆司*; 小林 正則*; 武藤 俊哉*; 松葉 俊哉*; 坂中 章悟*; 佐藤 康太郎*; 斉藤 義男*; et al.
Proceedings of 6th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (CD-ROM), p.860 - 862, 2009/08
Harjo, S.; 岩橋 孝明; 阿部 淳; 辺見 努; 相澤 一也; 中本 建志*; Jin, X.*; 菅野 未知央*
no journal, ,
西森 信行; 羽島 良一; 永井 良治; 本田 洋介*; Jin, X.*; 宮島 司*; 帯名 崇*; 内山 隆司*; 山本 将博*; 栗木 雅夫*
no journal, ,
Beam commissioning of the compact ERL (cERL) has been performed since Apr. 2013 for the next generation ERL light source project (PEARL), and X-ray generation via laser Compton scattering was demonstrated recently. We will present two years operational experience and future upgrade plan of the DC photoemission gun at the cERL.
Harjo, S.; 相澤 一也; 伊藤 崇芳*; 阿部 淳; 長村 光造*; 辺見 努; Jin, X.*; 中本 建志*; 淡路 智*; 高橋 弘紀*
no journal, ,
Phase strains are always generated in the superconducting composites, due to differences on thermal expansion and deformability among the constituent phases. In contrast, internal strain state has high influences on superconducting properties, e.g. the presence of internal strain degrades critical current densities. Therefore, clarifying internal strains behaviors accurately will help us to develop superconducting composites having optimum superconducting performances during uses. However, the internal strains in superconducting composites have not been measured so far because of the composites configurations. Neutrons that have high penetration ability into metals may be a powerful tool to measure internal strains in the superconducting composites by the diffraction technique. Here, we introduce internal strain measurement techniques, our engineering materials diffractometer at J-PARC facility and our trials on measuring internal strains in several kinds of superconducting composites.