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Journal Articles

Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, 2; Neutron scattering instruments

Nakajima, Kenji; Kawakita, Yukinobu; Ito, Shinichi*; Abe, Jun*; Aizawa, Kazuya; Aoki, Hiroyuki; Endo, Hitoshi*; Fujita, Masaki*; Funakoshi, Kenichi*; Gong, W.*; et al.

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 1(3), p.9_1 - 9_59, 2017/12

The neutron instruments suite, installed at the spallation neutron source of the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), is reviewed. MLF has 23 neutron beam ports and 21 instruments are in operation for user programs or are under commissioning. A unique and challenging instrumental suite in MLF has been realized via combination of a high-performance neutron source, optimized for neutron scattering, and unique instruments using cutting-edge technologies. All instruments are/will serve in world-leading investigations in a broad range of fields, from fundamental physics to industrial applications. In this review, overviews, characteristic features, and typical applications of the individual instruments are mentioned.

Journal Articles

Ultrasonic guided wave approach for inspecting concave surface of the laser butt-welded pipe

Furusawa, Akinori; Nishimura, Akihiko; Takebe, Toshihiko*; Nakamura, Masaki*; Takenaka, Yusuke*; Saijo, Shingo*; Nakamoto, Hiroyuki*

E-Journal of Advanced Maintenance (Internet), 9(2), p.44 - 51, 2017/08

The aim of this work is to investigate the applicability of ultrasonic guided wave for evaluation of laser beam butt-welding quality. Ten in total test pipes having welding seam is prepared. Two piece of pipe are jointed and continuous laser beam is irradiated on the edges, varying laser irradiation power, welding side and surface profile of the adjacent edges of the pipe. Ultrasonic guided wave testing experiment is performed on the pipes. Torsional mode guided wave is excited by EMAT. The experimental results are analyzed and issues are discussed. The reflection wave bullet from the poor interface of the welding seam is clearly observed, whereas no reflection from fine welded line. From the aspect of laser irradiation power, welding side and surface profile of the adjacent edges, the relation between the interface condition and detection wave bullet are analyzed. It is found that the ultrasonic guided wave technologies have the potential for evaluating laser beam butt-welding seam.

Journal Articles

Preparing of novel fibrous ligand exchange adsorbent for rapid column-mode trace phosphate removal from water

Awual, M. R.; Shenashen, M. A.*; Jo, Akinori*; Shiwaku, Hideaki; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(5), p.2840 - 2847, 2014/09


 Times Cited Count:157 Percentile:97.82(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Evaluating of arsenic(V) removal from water by weak-base anion exchange adsorbents

Awual, M. R.; Hossain, M. A.*; Shenashen, M. A.*; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Suzuki, Shinichi; Jo, Akinori*

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20(1), p.421 - 430, 2013/01

 Times Cited Count:177 Percentile:97.43(Environmental Sciences)

Journal Articles

Efficient arsenic(V) removal from water by ligand exchange fibrous adsorbent

Awual, M. R.; Shenashen, M. A.*; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Shiwaku, Hideaki; Jo, Akinori*

Water Research, 46(17), p.5541 - 5550, 2012/11

 Times Cited Count:217 Percentile:99.02(Engineering, Environmental)

Journal Articles

Development of fibrous adsorbent for polyols

Jo, Akinori*; Matsuura, Hirotaka*; Ishizaki, Junro*; Seko, Noriaki; Ueki, Yuji

JAEA-Review 2011-043, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2010, P. 54, 2012/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Anion exchange fibres derived from chloromethylstyrene grafted POLYOLEIN FIBRES for rapid column-mode removal of nitrate in water

Go, Yasuhiro*; Yoshida, Hiromi*; Jo, Akinori*; Tamada, Masao; Katakai, Akio

Proceedings of 2008 Conference on Ion Exchange Technology (IEX 2008), p.353 - 361, 2008/07

Although granular anion exchange resins are useful for column-mode removal of nitrate in water, sizes of granular resins used in industrial scale columns are ca. 0.5 mm to reduce pressure loss in column operations. Since large granular resins bring down adsorption kinetics, it is difficult to supply water polluted with nitrate to granular resin packed columns at extremely high flow rates more than 1000 h$$^{-1}$$ in space velocity (SV). In this work, we have prepared an anion exchange fiber named FBDA, which rapidly takes up nitrate in column-mode even at the flow rate of feed of 3000 h$$^{-1}$$ in SV. FBDA was prepared by electron beam irradiation induced liquid phase graft polymerization of chloromethylstyrene (CMS) onto polyethylene-coated polypropylene fiber (PPPE; 1.5 denier) and the subsequent quaternization of the CMS-grafted fiber with n-butyldimethylamine (BDA). The resulting BDA-fixed fiber (FBDA) has anion exchange capacity of 2.2 meq/g. To the column (i.d. 1.3 cm) containing 2.0 mL wet FBDA, 1 mM nitrate feeding solutions in the absence and presence of a competing anion was fed to the column at given flow rates. In the absence of a competing anion, shapes of breakthrough profiles of nitrate are independent of the flow rates from 1000 to 3000 h$$^{-1}$$ in SV, giving the constant breakthrough capacity for nitrate as high as 1.1 mmol/g. Effect of chloride and sulfate was tested at the flow rate of 1000 h$$^{-1}$$. In the presence of 1 mM and 5 mM chloride, breakthrough capacities for nitrate were reduced to 0.83 and 0.48 mmol/g, respectively. However, equimolar sulfate reduced the breakthrough capacity down to 0.43 mmol/g. Thus, the presented FBDA is useful for rapid purification of water contaminated with low concentration levels of nitrate, so long as concentrations of chloride and sulfate are nearly equal orders as those in most river waters. Almost the same results were also obtained in case of the triethylamine-fixed fiber named FTEA.

Journal Articles

Precise intensity measurements in the $$^{14}$$N(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{15}$$N reaction as a $$gamma$$-ray intensity standard up to 11 MeV

Miyazaki, Itaru*; Sakane, Hitoshi*; Takayama, Hirokazu*; Kasaishi, Masafumi*; Tojo, Akinori*; Furuta, Masataka*; Hayashi, Hiroaki*; Suematsu, Osamu*; Narasaki, Hiromichi*; Shimizu, Toshiaki*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 45(6), p.481 - 486, 2008/06

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:34.88(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The intensities of the prompt $$gamma$$ rays from the $$^{14}$$N(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{15}$$N reaction have been precisely measured. As the samples, a liquid nitrogen target and a deuterated melamine (C$$_{3}$$D$$_{6}$$N$$_{6}$$) were used. The previous values widely used as intensity standards agreed with those obtained in this study within 4-5% in the 2-11 MeV region, however, showed a monotonous decrease with the increase of $$gamma$$-ray energy.

Journal Articles

Zirconium(IV) loaded bifunctional fiber containing both phosphonate and sulfonate as arsenate adsorbent

Awual, Md. R.*; Jo, Akinori*; Tamada, Masao; Katakai, Akio

Nihon Ion Kokan Gakkai-Shi, 18(4), p.422 - 427, 2007/10

Fibrous arsenate adsorbent was prepared by loading Zr(IV) onto a bifunctional cation exchange fiber containing both phosphonate and sulfonate. This bifuctional cation exchange fiber was prepared by phosphorylation and sulfonation of the precursory fiber, which was obtained by co-graft polymerization of chloromethylstyrene and styrene onto polyethylene coated polypropylene fiber. Performances of the Zr(IV) loaded fiber as arsenate adsorbent was studied in columnar mode. The column packed with Zr(IV) loaded fiber removed arsenate from a weakly acidic pH solution containing 0.016 mM arsenate (1.2 mg of As dm$$^{-3}$$) even at a flow rate of 200 h$$^{-1}$$ in space velocity. Sodium salts of chloride, nitrate and sulfate did not interfere with uptake of arsenate but they slightly enhanced arsenate uptake. Adsorbed arsenate was quantitatively eluted with aqueous sodium hydroxide, and then the column was able to be regenerated by contact with dilute sulfuric acid for the next arsenate adsorption operation.

Journal Articles

Development of bifunctional chelating fibers with high performance in metal ion adsorption kinetics

Jo, Akinori*; Shibata, Yoshikazu*; Tamada, Masao; Seko, Noriaki; Katakai, Akio

JAEA-Review 2006-042, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2005, P. 43, 2007/02

Adsorbent fiber of bifunctional chelating was synthesized by grafting of the precursor of aminomethylphosphpnate and sulfonate onto polyethylene fiber. Breakthrough curve showed the same characterisctics in the space velocity from 50 to 1000 h$$^{-1}$$ when 0.01 M Zn solution was pumped into the column of the synthesized fiber adsorbent. In thease cases, the adsorption capacities of Zn were 0.72-0.85 mmol/g-ad. The adsorped Zn could be eluted quantitaively by 1 M HCl solution.

Journal Articles

Development and application of fiberous bifunctional phosphonate-sulfonate cation exchanger

Okada, Kenji*; Seko, Noriaki; Tamada, Masao; Jo, Akinori*

JAEA-Review 2006-042, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2005, P. 44, 2007/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Bifunctional cation exchange fibers having phosphoric and sulfonic acid groups

Jo, Akinori*; Okada, Kenji*; Tamada, Masao; Kume, Tamikazu; Sugo, Takanobu; Tazaki, Masato*

Chemistry for the Protection of the Environment 4; Environmental Science Research, Vol. 59, p.49 - 62, 2005/00

Bifunctional cation exchange fibers were synthesized by co-grafting of chloromethylstylene and styrene. on polyethylene-coated polypropylene fibers. The grafted fibers were fictionalized by Arbuzov reaction, suffonation, and acid hydrolysis. Batchwise evaluation of metal ion selectivity clarified that the bifunctional fiber exhibited cooperative recognition of metal ions by both functional groups. The bifunctional fiber took up Pb(II) more rapidly than the monofunctional phosphoric acid fiber and commercial resin adsorbent. Column-mode experiment revealed that flow rate was independent of break through profiles of Pb(II) up to flow rate of 900 h$$^{-1}$$ in space velocity.

Journal Articles

Fibrous iminodiacetic acid chelating cation exchangers with a rapid adsorption rate

Jo, Akinori*; Kugara, J.*; Trobradovic, H.*; Yamabe, Kazunori*; Sugo, Takanobu; Tamada, Masao; Kume, Tamikazu

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43(7), p.1599 - 1607, 2004/03

 Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:67.15(Engineering, Chemical)

Fibrous iminodiacetic acid cheating cation exchangers were derived from chloromethylstyrene radiation-grafted polyethylene-coated polypropylene filamentary fiber and its nonwoven cloth. Ligand contents and acid capacities of the resulting cation exchangers were ca. 2 mmol/g and ca. 4 mmol/g for the filamentary fiber and for the non-woven cloth, respectively. The selectivity sequence of nonwoven cloth shape for dialect metal ions is Mg(II) $$sim$$ Ca(II) $$<$$ Co(II) $$sim$$ Zn(II) $$<$$ Cd(II) $$sim$$ Ni(II) $$<$$ Pb(II) $$<$$ Cu(II). Capacities in mmol/g at pH 5 were Ca(II) 0.91, Mg(II) 0.98, Cd(II) 1.5, Ni(II) 1.5, Pb(II) 1.6, Cu(II) 1.8. Column mode for filamentary fiber shape revealed that breakthrough capacities for Cu(II) (ca. 1 mmol/g) were not dependent on flow rates up to 200 $$sim$$ 300 h$$^{-1}$$ in space velocity.

Journal Articles

Bifunctional phosphonate fiber derived from vinylbiphenyl-grafted polyethylene-coated polypropylene fiber for extremely rapid removal of iron(III)

Jo, Akinori*; Okada, Kenji*; Nakao, Mitsuhiro*; Sugo, Takanobu; Tamada, Masao; Katakai, Akio

Nihon Ion Kokan Gakkai-Shi, 14(Suppl.), p.69 - 72, 2003/00

The titled bifunctional fiber (FVCPS-f) were prepared by treating chloromethylated vinylbiphenyl-grafted polyethylene-coated polypropylene fiber (0.9 denier, length 3.8 cm) with triethyl phosphite, chlorosulfonic acid, and conc. hydrochloric acid, in successive. Phosphorus and sulfur contents of FVCPS-f were 1.8 and 0.7 mmol/g, respectively (acid capacity 4.2 meq/g). Its breakthrough capacity (BC) for Fe(III) gradually decreased with an increase in flow rate of feeds from 20/h to 1000/h in space velocity (SV); for instance, its BC at a SV 1000/h was 0.12 mmol/g, whereas both a commercially available phosphonate resin and a monofunctional phosphonate fiber were not able to give practically meaningful BC at such an extremely high flow rate.

Journal Articles

Behavior of iminodiacetate fiber in column-mode adsorption of lead(II)

Kugara, J.*; Trobradovic, H.*; Jo, Akinori*; Sugo, Takanobu; Tamada, Masao; Katakai, Akio

Nihon Ion Kokan Gakkai-Shi, 14(Suppl.), p.77 - 80, 2003/00

Chloromethylstyrene-grafted polyethylene-coated polypropylene fiber (0.9 denier) was functionalized by reaction with diethyl iminodiacetate and hydrolysis of the ester introduced. An acid capacity of the resulting chelating fiber (FIDA-f) was 4.3 meq/g. Although a maximum permissible flow rate of feeds was depressed with an increase in the conditioning pH of the FIDA-f column, breakthrough profiles of Pb(II) were independent of the flow rate of feeds up to 800/h in space velocity (SV). The usefulness of FIDA-f was demonstrated by quantitative removal of Pb(II) from 600 bed volumes of a Pb(II)-spiked river water (5 ppm) at a flow rate of SV 400/h.

JAEA Reports


Jo, Akinori*

PNC TJ6614 97-001, 30 Pages, 1997/03



Oral presentation

Phosphate removal from water by zirconium(IV) loaded bifunctional fiber containing phosphonate and sulfonate groups

Jo, Akinori*; Awual, Md. R.*; Katakai, Akio; Tamada, Masao

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Synthesis and metal ion adsorption properties of bifunctional chelating fiber containing iminodiacetateand sulfonate groups by graft polymerization after electron beam irradiation

Matsuura, Hirotaka*; Fujii, Yuki*; Jo, Akinori*; Katakai, Akio; Tamada, Masao

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Xylose adsorption/elution behavior of bifunctional chelating adsorbent having phenylboronic acid and hydrophilic groups

Iki, Sayaka*; Ishizaki, Junro*; Matsuura, Hirotaka*; Ihara, Toshihiro*; Jo, Akinori*; Ueki, Yuji; Seko, Noriaki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Rapid removal of nitrate ion by nitrate selective anion exchange fiber

Kanemaru, Ryota*; Nakaatari, Hiroshi*; Matsuura, Hirotaka*; Ihara, Toshihiro*; Jo, Akinori*; Seko, Noriaki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

53 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)