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Journal Articles

A Study on stress measurement of weld part using double exposure method

Suzuki, Kenji*; Kura, Komoe*; Miura, Yasufumi*; Shiro, Ayumi*; Toyokawa, Hidenori*; Saji, Choji*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Shobu, Takahisa

Zairyo, 71(12), p.1005 - 1012, 2022/12

This paper describes a stress measurement from a welded part of an austenitic stainless steel using synchrotron X-rays. Difficulty measuring the X-ray stress of the welded part is caused by the broadening of the diffraction spot in the radial and circumferential directions. The bending strains of the rectangular bar made of the welded part were measured using synchrotron white X-rays and the double exposure method. To improve the energy resolution, monochromatic synchrotron X-ray of 70 keV was used. The diffraction pattern showed the sharp arc like a pattern from texture material. The diffraction profile was obtained from the integral of the diffraction intensity in the direction of the circumference. The diffraction angle was determined using the double exposure method. As a result, the distribution of the residual stresses of the welded part could be measured.

Journal Articles

Development of cryogenic tensile testing apparatus for lattice strain measurement using synchrotron radiation for REBCO composite conductors

Sugano, Michinaka*; Machiya, Shutaro*; Shobu, Takahisa; Shiro, Ayumi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Nakamoto, Tatsushi*

Superconductor Science and Technology, 33(8), p.085003_1 - 085003_10, 2020/08

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:32.86(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Internal residual stress evaluation of bearing balls for automobile parts

Miyakawa, Susumu*; Ito, Toshimasa*; Iwahori, Keisuke*; Aoyama, Yoshihiko*; Kubo, Ryosuke*; Murata, Shinji*; Shobu, Takahisa; Shiro, Ayumi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*

Zairyo, 69(4), p.308 - 314, 2020/04

White etching area which looks white with nital corrosive liquid may be recognized at the flaking part of a rolling bearing on which high contact stress of several GPa is applied repeatedly. Up to now, studies of white etching area of a ball have been less than studies of white etching area of inner and outer rings. In this study, as part of the flaking mechanism explication with white etching area of a ball, internal residual stress distributions of ball by using high energy white X-ray of SPring-8 (A method) and laboratorial X-ray measurement equipment (B method) were investigated. The former was modified by surface residual stress according to B method. The latter was modified by releasing stress in the form of electrolytic polishing. The results showed modified residual stress distributions almost agree qualitatively.

Journal Articles

Inverted-parabolic and weak strain dependencies on the critical current in practical $$<$$110$$>$$ and $$<$$100$$>$$ oriented REBCO tapes

Osamura, Kozo*; Machiya, Shutaro*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.; Zhang, Y.*; Fujita, Shinji*; Iijima, Yasuhiro*; Hampshire, D. P.*

AIP Advances (Internet), 9(7), p.075216_1 - 075216_11, 2019/07

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:41.30(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Journal Articles

Development of CdTe pixel detectors combined with an aluminum Schottky diode sensor and photon-counting ASICs

Toyokawa, Hidenori*; Saji, Choji*; Kawase, Morihiro*; Wu, S.*; Hurukawa, Yukihito*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Sato, Masugu*; Hirono, Toko*; Shiro, Ayumi*; Shobu, Takahisa; et al.

Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 12(1), p.C01044_1 - C01044_7, 2017/01

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:19.59(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We have been developing CdTe pixel detectors combined with a Schottky diode sensor and photon-counting ASICs. The hybrid pixel detector was designed with a pixel size of 200 micro-meter by 200 micro-meter and an area of 19 mm by 20 mm or 38.2 mm by 40.2 mm. The photon-counting ASIC, SP8-04F10K, has a preamplifier, a shaper, 3-level window-type discriminators and a 24-bits counter in each pixel. The single-chip detector with 100 by 95 pixels successfully operated with a photon-counting mode selecting X-ray energy with the window comparator and stable operation was realized at 20$$^{circ}$$C. We have performed a feasibility study for a white X-ray microbeam experiment. Laue diffraction patterns were measured during the scan of the irradiated position in a silicon steel sample. The grain boundaries were identified by using the differentials between adjacent images at each position.

Journal Articles

Non-destructive damage assessment in CFRP/Ti laminates by synchrotron radiation laminography

Nakatani, Hayato*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Akita, Koichi; Ogihara, Shinji*

Proceedings of 14th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-14) (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2015/12

Journal Articles

Spin-electricity conversion induced by spin injection into topological insulators

Shiomi, Yuki*; Nomura, Kentaro*; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Eto, Kazuma*; Novak, M.*; Segawa, Koji*; Ando, Yoichi*; Saito, Eiji

Physical Review Letters, 113(19), p.196601_1 - 196601_5, 2014/11

 Times Cited Count:292 Percentile:99.04(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Uniaxial strain dependence of the critical current of DI-BSCCO tapes

Osamura, Kozo*; Machiya, Shutaro*; Hampshire, D. P.*; Tsuchiya, Yoshinori*; Shobu, Takahisa; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Osabe, Goro*; Yamazaki, Kohei*; Yamada, Yuichi*; Fujikami, Jun*

Superconductor Science and Technology, 27(8), p.085005_1 - 085005_11, 2014/08

 Times Cited Count:29 Percentile:73.19(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Evaluation of ductile damage in aluminum single crystal with prior activity of single slip system under tensile loading

Shibano, Junichi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Tsukamoto, Takuya*; Kawai, Hirokazu*; Miura, Setsuo*; Zhang, S.*; Shobu, Takahisa

Zairyo, 63(7), p.533 - 538, 2014/07

A ductile damage progress of an aluminum single crystal with the prior activity of the single slip system under tensile loading was verified by a profile analysis using white X-ray obtained in BL28B2 beam line of SPring-8. In profile analysis, an instrumental function was defined in consideration both of a divergence by slits and a response function peculiar to the energy dispersive method. As a result, dislocation density increased as ductile damage progressed, but it was relatively low near the notch. The influence of a release of the strain energy by a ductile damage progress was expected. The characteristics of ductile damage progress near the notch of the aluminum single crystal with a prior activity of a single slip system under the tensile loading were clarified from the distribution of dislocation density.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of ductile damage progress of aluminum single crystal with prior activity of single slip system under tensile loading by using synchrotron white X-ray

Shibano, Junichi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Tsukamoto, Takuya*; Kawai, Hirokazu*; Miura, Setsuo*; Zhang, S.*; Shobu, Takahisa; Kobayashi, Michiaki*

Materials Science Forum, 777, p.176 - 181, 2014/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:52.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Study on evaluation of ductile damage of aluminum single crystal using synchrotron white X-ray

Shibano, Junichi*; Kiso, Minoru*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Shobu, Takahisa; Miura, Setsuo*; Kobayashi, Michiaki*

Zairyo, 62(7), p.443 - 450, 2013/07

The ductile damage progress of the FCC single crystal was verified by the profile analysis using the white X-ray obtained in BL28B2 beam-line of SPring-8. In this study, an aluminum single crystal of the purity 6N was used as a specimen prepared in the I-type geometry for tensile test. The notch was introduced into one side of the center of a parallel part of the specimen by wire electric discharge machining. White X-ray, which has 200 microns in height and 100 microns in width, was incident into the specimen on the Bragg angle of 3$$^{circ}$$ in the horizontal plane using energy dispersive X-ray diffraction technique. As a result, in 1.1% of applied strain, increase of the lattice strain was observed in the direction of about 45$$^{circ}$$ of slant from the notch bottom. In 2.2% of applied strain, the lattice strain reduced in the direction of about 45$$^{circ}$$ of slant from the notch bottom. Non-uniform strain and dislocation density decreased similarly.

Journal Articles

Transmission imaging and strain mapping in the vicinity of internal crack tip using synchrotron white X-ray

Shibano, Junichi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Kiriyama, Koji*; Shobu, Takahisa; Suzuki, Kenji*; Nishimura, Suguru*; Miura, Setsuo*; Kobayashi, Michiaki*

Materials Science Forum, 638-642, p.2476 - 2481, 2010/01

Journal Articles

Observation of internal crack of steel bar by computed tomography and strain mapping near its tip using synchrotron white X-ray

Shibano, Junichi*; Kiriyama, Koji; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Shobu, Takahisa; Suzuki, Kenji*; Arai, Takayuki*; Miura, Setsuo*; Kobayashi, Michiaki*

Zairyo, 58(7), p.596 - 602, 2009/07

Journal Articles

Study on imaging and strain mapping in the vicinity of internal crack tip using synchrotron white X-ray

Shibano, Junichi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Kiriyama, Koji; Shobu, Takahisa; Suzuki, Kenji*; Nishimura, Suguru*; Miura, Setsuo*; Kobayashi, Michiaki*

Zairyo, 57(7), p.667 - 673, 2008/07

Journal Articles

Measurement of internal strain in materials using high energy white X-ray at SPring-8

Shibano, Junichi*; Shobu, Takahisa; Suzuki, Kenji*; Kiriyama, Koji; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Kaneko, Hiroshi; Kobayashi, Michiaki*

Materials Science Forum, 571-572, p.267 - 270, 2008/00

Oral presentation

Strain measurement and computed tomography of cracking zone in steel material by high energy white synchrotron radiation

Kiriyama, Koji; Shibano, Junichi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Shobu, Takahisa; Suzuki, Kenji*; Kaneko, Hiroshi; Nishimura, Suguru*; Arai, Takayuki*

no journal, , 

Residual stress measurement is important to understand SCC (Stress Corrosion Cracking) process. In this study, CT (Computed Tomography) imaging and inner strain mapping of steel material (alpha-Fe) have performed at BL28B2 at SPring-8. The result showed that artificial cracking in the sample was clearly measured by CT and that strain maps quite correspond to CT image. Therefore, these methods are very effective tool to measure an inner state of steel material.

Oral presentation

Measurement of stress and imaging in the vicinity of fatigue crack in steel material using synchrotron radiation white X-rays

Kiriyama, Koji; Shibano, Junichi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Shobu, Takahisa; Suzuki, Kenji*; Kaneko, Hiroshi; Nishimura, Suguru*; Arai, Takayuki*; Miura, Setsuo*; Kobayashi, Michiaki*

no journal, , 

Residual stress measurement is important to understand Stress Corrosion Cracking process. In this study, measurements of imaging and inner stress mapping around a crack-tip in steel material (alpha-Fe) have performed at beam-line BL14B1 and BL28B2 at SPring-8. The results showed that artificial cracking in the sample was clearly measured by imaging and that stress maps quite correspond to the result of imaging. Therefore, these methods are very effective tool for measurement of inner state of steel material.

Oral presentation

Computerized tomography of fatigue cracks in steel material using synchrotron radiation white X-rays

Kiriyama, Koji; Shibano, Junichi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Shobu, Takahisa; Suzuki, Kenji*; Arai, Takayuki*; Miura, Setsuo*; Kobayashi, Michiaki*

no journal, , 

Residual stress measurement and fractographycal study of cracks are important to understand SCC (Stress Corrosion Cracking) process. In this study, CT (Computerized Tomography) imaging of steel material (alpha-Fe) have performed at BL28B2 at SPring-8. The result showed that artificial crack in the sample was clearly measured by CT, and CT are very effective tool to measure an inner state of steel material.

Oral presentation

Laser assisted thoracic surgery for the tiny nodule in the lung

Furumoto, Hideyuki*; Usuda, Jitsuo*; Maehara, Sachio*; Imai, Kentaro*; Ishizumi, Taichiro*; Honda, Hidetoshi*; Oka, Kiyoshi; Kajiwara, Naohiro*; Ohira, Tatsuo*; Ikeda, Norihiko*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Observation of grouting material in fractured granite by non-destructive integrated CT-XRD method

Hitomi, Takashi*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Sugiyama, Takafumi*; Sato, Toshinori

no journal, , 

As a part of research and development of high-level radioactive waste disposal, the effect upon rocks of grouting materials, which are used lining of galleries and water stopping, are studied. Non-destructive integrated CT-XRD method was developed, that is consist of X-ray CT observation and X-ray diffraction of test pieces using X-ray source of large scale synchrotron radiation facility. This report described the effectiveness of this observation method that is applied to observation of constitution minerals of the rock and the grout about a crack part of the granite which was injected grout materials.

25 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)