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Kameda, Mai*; Hirobe, Daichi*; Daimon, Shunsuke*; Shiomi, Yuki*; Takahashi, Saburo*; Saito, Eiji
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 476, p.459 - 463, 2019/04
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:4.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Watanabe, Shingo*; Hirobe, Daichi*; Shiomi, Yuki*; Iguchi, Ryo*; Daimon, Shunsuke*; Kameda, Mai*; Takahashi, Saburo*; Saito, Eiji
Scientific Reports (Internet), 7, p.4576_1 - 4576_6, 2017/07
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:27.46(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Imaizumi, Tomomi; Miyauchi, Masaru; Ito, Masayasu; Watahiki, Shunsuke; Nagata, Hiroshi; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Naka, Michihiro; Kawamata, Kazuo; Yamaura, Takayuki; Ide, Hiroshi; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2011-031, 123 Pages, 2012/01
The number of research reactors in the world is decreasing because of their aging. However, the planning to introduce the nuclear power plants is increasing in Asian countries. In these Asian countries, the key issue is the human resource development for operation and management of nuclear power plants after constructed them, and also the necessity of research reactor, which is used for lifetime extension of LWRs, progress of the science and technology, expansion of industry use, human resources training and so on, is increasing. From above backgrounds, the Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center began to discuss basic concept of a multipurpose low-power research reactor for education and training, etc. This design study is expected to contribute not only to design tool improvement and human resources development in the Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center but also to maintain and upgrade the technology on research reactors in nuclear power-related companies. This report treats the activities of the working group from July 2010 to June 2011 on the multipurpose low-power research reactor in the Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center and nuclear power-related companies.
Onishi, Takeo*; Gelberg, A.*; Sakurai, Hiroyoshi*; Yoneda, Kenichiro*; Aoi, Nori*; Imai, Nobuaki*; Baba, Hidetada*; Von Brentano, P.*; Fukuda, Naoki*; Ichikawa, Yuichi*; et al.
Physical Review C, 72(2), p.024308_1 - 024308_7, 2005/08
Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:77.20(Physics, Nuclear)no abstracts in English