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Journal Articles

Effect of electromagnetic pulse transverse inhomogeneity on ion acceleration by radiation pressure

Lezhnin, K.*; Kamenets, F. F.*; Beskin, V.*; Kando, Masaki; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Bulanov, S. V.

Physics of Plasmas, 22(3), p.033112_1 - 033112_9, 2015/03

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:28.00(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Journal Articles

Experimental studies of the high and low frequency electromagnetic radiation produced from nonlinear laser-plasma interactions

Kando, Masaki; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Fukuda, Yuji; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Daito, Izuru; Kawase, Keigo; Ma, J. L.*; Chen, L. M.*; Hayashi, Yukio; Mori, Michiaki; et al.

European Physical Journal D, 55(2), p.465 - 474, 2009/09

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:63.80(Optics)

Nonlinear interaction of intense laser beams with plasma causes a number of different regimes of generation of high energy particle beams and of strong radiation with the emitted photon energy from the X-ray to THz frequency range. The review of the first proof-of-principle experiment and the latest progress on the flying mirror is presented. A low frequency EM radiation emission has also been observed in our experiments. The interpretation invokes the relativistic electromagnetic solitons. The solitons are formed in an underdense plasma in the process of the laser pulse frequency downshift. They store a portion of EM wave energy with the polarization inherited from the laser and emit it at the plasma-vacuum interface in a form of the low frequency EM bursts. We present the results of the polarization-resolved measurements.

Journal Articles

External feedback effect on magnetic islands in tokamaks

Konovalov, S. V.; Mikhailovskii, A. B.*; Kovalishen, E. A.*; Kamenets, F. F.*; Ozeki, Takahisa; Shirokov, M. S.*; Takizuka, Tomonori; Tsypin, V. S.*

Doklady Physics, 49(7), p.405 - 408, 2004/07

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:11.76(Mechanics)

Effect of feedback system, placed outside the vacuum vessel, on neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) in tokamaks is analytically studied. External matching parameters for magnetic island chain are derived for the simplest case of step profile of equilibrium parallel current. The structure of dynamical equations for the island width and island rotation frequency in terms of matching parameters is explained. It is shown that such a feedback system can lead to essential shift of the island rotation, in particular, for stabilization of NTMs by the polarization current effect.

Journal Articles

Microislands in tokamaks

Mikhailovskii, A. B.*; Kovalishen, E. A.*; Shirokov, M. S.*; Konovalov, S. V.; Tsypin, V. S.*; Kamenets, F. F.*; Ozeki, Takahisa; Takizuka, Tomonori

Physics of Plasmas, 11(2), p.666 - 676, 2004/02

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:19.94(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Analytical treatment of magnetic islands with high poloidal mode numbers and widths smaller than ion Larmor radius (microislands) is presented. The profile functions and rotation frequencies of microislands are investigated with the two-fluid magnetohydrodynamics. The microislands are described in terms of two profile functions, one of which characterizes the electric field and perturbed plasma density, and second the perturbed electron temperature. The problem of rotation frequencies of microislands is discussed.

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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