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Journal Articles

Laser prepulse dependency of proton-energy distributions in ultraintense laser-foil interactions with an online time-of-flight technique

Yogo, Akifumi; Daido, Hiroyuki; Fukumi, Atsushi*; Li, Z.*; Ogura, Koichi; Sagisaka, Akito; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Nakamura, Shu*; Iwashita, Yoshihisa*; Shirai, Toshiyuki*; et al.

Physics of Plasmas, 14(4), p.043104_1 - 043104_6, 2007/04

 Times Cited Count:63 Percentile:87.78(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Fast protons are observed by a newly-developed $textit{online}$ time-of-flight spectrometer, which provides $textit{shot-to-shot}$ proton-energy distributions immediately after the irradiation of a laser pulse having an intensity of $$sim 10^{18}$$ W/cm$$^2$$ onto a 5-$$mu$$m-thick copper foil. The maximum proton energy is found to increase when the intensity of a fs-prepulse arriving 9 ns before the main pulse increases from 10$$^{14}$$ to 10$$^{15}$$ W/cm$$^2$$. Interferometric measurement indicates that the preformed-plasma expansion at the front surface is smaller than 15 $$mu$$m, which corresponds to the spatial resolution of the diagnostics. This sharp gradient of the plasma makes a beneficial effect on increasing the absorption efficiency of the main-pulse energy, resulting in the increase in the proton energy. This is supported by the result that the X-ray intensity from the laser plasma clearly increases with the prepulse intensity.

Journal Articles

A Simulation on homogeneous isotropic turbulent flows on the earth simulator

Yokokawa, Mitsuo; Saito, Minoru*; Ishihara, Takashi*; Kaneda, Yukio*

Hai Pafomansu Komputingu To Keisan Kagaku Shimpojium (HPCS2002) Rombunshu, p.125 - 131, 2002/01

With the advent of supercomputers, large-scale direct numerical simulations(DNS) of the Navier-Stokes equations are possible to carry out. However, larger scale DNS is required to make turbulence clear and to make a parameterization of turbulence. The Earth Simulator is a distributed memory parallel supercomputer whose peak speed is 40 Tflop/s and it is very useful to make a very large-scale DNS. Simulation codes named ${tt Trans7}$ have been developed for the Earth Simulator and their correctness have been validated by compareing the simulation results by ${tt Trans7}$ with ones by a conventinal code. The sustatined performance of 3.72Gflop/s is obtained in the execution of the serial version with the problem size of $$256^3$$ on an arithmetic processor(AP) of the Earth Simulator. Speedup of about 7 is achieved in 8APs by the parallelized code. Sppedup is degraded by the execution of 8 processor nodes, however, efficiency of 25% against the peak performance is obtained for the problem size of $$512^3$$.

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