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Journal Articles

Development of a tracking method for augmented reality applied to NPP maintenance work and its experimental evaluation

Bian, Z.*; Ishii, Hirotake*; Shimoda, Hiroshi*; Yoshikawa, Hidekazu*; Morishita, Yoshitsugu; Kanehira, Yoshiki; Izumi, Masanori

IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E90-D(6), p.963 - 974, 2007/06

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:33.00(Computer Science, Information Systems)

This study designed linecode marker, a new type of paper-based marker and proposed recognition, tracking algorithm for it in order to resolve these problems. In comparison of the conventional paper-based markers, such as square markers, circle markers, the linecode marker is not only just easier to set up in complex industrial environment, but also makes it possible to use AR in industrial plant. In order to evaluate the tracking accuracy, trackable distance of the proposed tracking method, an evaluation experiment was conducted in a large room. The experiment results show that: comparing with traditional marker-based tracking method, tracking possible distance extends extremely; tracking accuracy improved to a level of 20cm in 10m distance.

JAEA Reports


Ijima, Takashi; Kiyota, Shiko; Miyamoto, Hisami; KANEHIRA, Yoshiki

JNC TN4410 2004-008, 49 Pages, 2004/10



Journal Articles

Development of Decommissioning Engineering Support System(DEXUS) of the Fugen Nuclear Power Station

Iguchi, Yukihiro*; Kanehira, Yoshiki*; Tachibana, Mitsuo*; Johnsen, T.*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 41(3), p.367 - 375, 2004/03

The Fugen Nuclear Power Station (NPS) was shut down permanently in March 2003, and preparatory activities are underway to decommission the Fugen NPS. An engineering system to support the decommissioning is being developed to create a dismantling plan using state-of-the-art software such as 3-dimentional computer aided design (3D-CAD) and virtual reality (VR). In particular, an exposure dose evaluation system using VR has been developed and tested. The total system can be used to quantify radioactive waste, to visualize radioactive inventory, to simulate the dismantling plan, to evaluate workload in radiation environments and to optimize the decommissioning plan. The system will also be useful for educating and training workers and for gaining public acceptance.

Journal Articles

Development of Decommissioning Engineering Support System (DEXUS) of the Fugen NPS

Iguchi, Yukihiro; Sekiguchi, Mineo; Kanehira, Yoshiki

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 41(3), p.367 - 375, 2004/03

 Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:90.95(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The Fugen Nuclear Power Station has shut down permanently in March 2003, and preparatory activities are underway to decommission Fugen NPS. An engineering system to support the decommissioning is being developed to create a dismantling plan.

Oral presentation

Development and evaluation of tracking method for augmented reality system for nuclear power plant maintenance support

Ishii, Hirotake*; Bian, Z.*; Sekiyama, Tomoki*; Shimoda, Hiroshi*; Yoshikawa, Hidekazu*; Izumi, Masanori; Kanehira, Yoshiki; Morishita, Yoshitsugu

no journal, , 

This study is to development of line-marker and hybrid tracking technology including Multi camera and gyro sensor. Evaluation experiment for new tracking technology is conducted in Nuclear power plant.

Oral presentation

Proposal and evaluation of decommissioning support method of nuclear power plants using augmented reality

Ishii, Hirotake*; Shimoda, Hiroshi*; Bian, Z.*; Nakai, Toshinori*; Izumi, Masanori; Morishita, Yoshitsugu; Kanehira, Yoshiki*

no journal, , 

A support method of decommissioning work of nuclear power plants using Augmented Reality was proposed and a prototype system was developed. Then, using the prototype system, the proposed method was evaluated. Three workers used the prototype system along with a scenario which dismantles an ion tower, and then questionnaire and interview investigation was conducted. As the results, it was found that the proposed method that records the cutting parts on the CAD data using a stylus pen was easy and effective compared to the legacy recording method using paper documents, but a new tablet PC that has a larger screen with lighter weight is necessary in order to apply the proposed method to the real decommissioning work.

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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