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Journal Articles

Project management efforts in the decommissioning project of Tokai Reprocessing Plant

Taguchi, Shigeo; Taguchi, Katsuya; Makino, Risa; Yamanaka, Atsushi; Suzuki, Kazuyuki; Takano, Masato; Koshino, Katsuhiko; Ishida, Michihiko; Nakano, Takafumi; Yamaguchi, Toshiya

Nihon Hozen Gakkai Dai-17-Kai Gakujutsu Koenkai Yoshishu, p.499 - 502, 2021/07

In 2018, Tokai Reprocessing Plan (TRP) shifted to the decommissioning stage. In order to proceed with steady decommissioning work, TRP effort to enhance project management function. This paper describes the establishment and role of the Decommissioning Project Management Office, effectiveness of applying the project management tool and its utilization concept, and the method of materialize the equipment dismantling plan.

Journal Articles

Design loads and structural member modelling to shock-resistant design of buildings

Ikawa, Nozomu*; Mukai, Yoichi*; Nishida, Akemi; Hamamoto, Takuji*; Kano, Toshiya*; Ota, Toshiro*; Nakamura, Naohiro*; Komuro, Masato*; Takeuchi, Masato*

Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures (SI 2017) (USB Flash Drive), p.259 - 268, 2017/06

Accidental actions on building structures involve impact and explosion loads. The design loads due to impact are determined by experiment data, impact simulation and energetics approach. These loads are presented in the form of load-time (F-t) curves caused by collision and explosion. It is assumed that the structure is rigid and immovable and that impacting body absorbs all the energy (i.e., hard impact condition is supposed), because this assumption gives conservative results in general. Responses of individual structural members directly-subjected to an impulsive load are evaluated. These responses are classified into three types; impulsive response, dynamic response, and quasi-static response. The maximum responses are basically estimated by direct integration method with a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model. The procedure of the SDOF modelling based on the classification of types of members and failure modes is proposed in AIJ guideline.

Journal Articles

Design examples

Nishida, Akemi; Ohashi, Yasuhiro*; Obi, Hirotoshi*; Takeuchi, Yoshitaka*; Kano, Toshiya*; Ryuzaki, Hibiki*; Ota, Toshiro*; Kishi, Tokumitsu*; Komuro, Masato*; Nakamura, Naohiro*

Kenchikubutsu No Taishogeki Sekkei No Kangaekata, p.161 - 202, 2015/01

Though design guidelines for earthquake and wind loads are specified for buildings, the guideline for impulsive load as explosion and impact is not specified yet in architectural field. This document corresponds to Chapter 8 of the book titled "Introduction to Shock-Resistant Design of Buildings" which made towards the impact design guideline. Some design examples are presented to illustrate the applicability of the tentative guideline for impulsive loads. Two buildings - a steel frame and a reinforced concrete frame building structures - located at the corner of a crossroads are selected. Dynamic responses and the corresponding damage states are illustrated for the cases of two buildings subjected to impact loads due to road vehicle crashes, internal and external explosions. The idea has been shown in this document are those that can be applied to nuclear facilities.

Journal Articles

Transmissible and nontransmissible mutations induced by irradiating ${it Arabidopsis thaliana}$ pollen with $$gamma$$-rays and carbon ions

Naito, Ken*; Kusaba, Makoto*; Shikazono, Naoya; Takano, Toshiya*; Tanaka, Atsushi; Tanisaka, Takatoshi*; Nishimura, Minoru*

Genetics, 169(2), p.881 - 889, 2005/02

 Times Cited Count:108 Percentile:87.94(Genetics & Heredity)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Neutron-diffraction study of Na- and K-jarosites

Inami, Toshiya*; Maegawa, S.*; Takano, Mikio*

J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 177-181, p.752 - 753, 1998/00

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:66.35(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Design load on buildings; Impact actions from vehicles

Kano, Toshiya*; Mukai, Yoichi*; Nishida, Akemi; Hamamoto, Takuji*

no journal, , 

WG4 was newly established under SC3/TC98 (Bases for design of structures) in 2015 to formulate the international standard ISO10252 for accidental actions by artifacts. Accidental action refers to an impact load that acts on the structure accidentally as a result of a collision with an automobile, a train, an aircraft, and so on or a gas explosion that occurs indoors or outdoors. Collisions of flying objects caused by tornadoes or volcanoes are also included in accidental action. The guides established in recent year, for example, the Impact Assessment Guide on Tornado for NPP, which was established in June 2013, require impact assessment for nuclear facilities caused by flying objects. This international standard presents the basic concept for calculating impact loads in these impact assessments. This presentation will introduce examples of design load for some kinds of impact action.

Oral presentation

Introduction to shock-resistant design of buildings and initiatives of the Architectural Institute of Japan

Mukai, Yoichi*; Nishida, Akemi; Hamamoto, Takuji*; Takeuchi, Yoshitaka*; Kano, Toshiya*

no journal, , 

The Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) published a book titled "Introduction to shock-resistant design of buildings" on the theme of accidental actions in Jan. 2015. In addition, based on this book, a new chapter on impact loads was added to the revised version of "Recommendations for Loads on Buildings" in March 2015. In this presentation, the outline of the "Introduction to shock-resistant design of buildings" will be outlined. And the activities by AIJ on the shock-resistant design in a concrete and rational manner after the publication of this book will be introduced.

Oral presentation

Study of disassembly on JT-60U tokamak device

Okano, Fuminori; Miyo, Yasuhiko; Nishiyama, Tomokazu; Sato, Yoji; Sasaki, Noboru*; Oikawa, Akira; Sakai, Toshiya; Sato, Masayasu

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

8 (Records 1-8 displayed on this page)
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