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Journal Articles

Safety evaluation on the depressurization accident in the Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300)

Katanishi, Shoji; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 237(12-13), p.1372 - 1380, 2007/07

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:77.32(Nuclear Science & Technology)

One of the unique safety design concepts of a Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300) is that events with frequency of occurrence of higher than 10$$^{-8}$$/reactor-year are evaluated as design basis events (DBEs) in order to show that the frequency of large amount of FP release is less than 10$$^{-8}$$/reactor-year. According to this concept, a depressurization accident is postulated as a DBE. This accident is one of the most serious accidents in the high temperature gas-cooled reactors from the view point of loss of coolability. The safety evaluation on the accident was conducted based on the actual design of the system. The fuel temperature behavior, internal pressure of the reactor building, oxidation behavior of fuels and graphite structures were evaluated and exposure dose of general public was also estimated using the results of evaluations of temperature and fuel failure. All of the results meet the safety criteria and feasibility of the GTHTR300 was shown by this study.

Journal Articles

Economical evaluation on Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor 300 (GTHTR300)

Takei, Masanobu*; Kosugiyama, Shinichi*; Mori, Tomoaki; Katanishi, Shoji; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 5(2), p.109 - 117, 2006/06

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Research and development of future high temperature gas cooled reactor

Takada, Shoji; Katanishi, Shoji; Yan, X.; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

Koon Gakkai-Shi, 32(1), p.54 - 62, 2006/01

Design and development of the high temperature gas cooled reactor with a gas turbine electric generation system, the GTHTR300, was carried out by Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The GTHTR300 is expected to be a new electric generation system in the early 2010s. Design originalities of the GTHTR300 are a horizontally mounted highly efficient gas turbine system and an ultimately simplified safety system such as no containment building and no active emergency core cooling. These design originalities are proposed based on design and operational experiences in conventional gas turbine systems and Japanese first high temperature gas cooled reactor HTTR so that many R&Ds are not required for the development. Except these original design features, devised core design, fuel design and plant design are adopted to meet design requirements and attain a target cost. This paper describes the unique design features of the GTHTR300 and its deployment plan.

JAEA Reports

Annual report on experimental operation of mock-up model test facility with a full-scale reaction tube for HTTR hydrogen production system in 2001 fiscal year (Contract research)

Hayashi, Koji; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Kato, Michio; Fujisaki, Katsuo*; Aita, Hideki; Takeda, Tetsuaki; Nishihara, Tetsuo; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Ohashi, Hirofumi; Katanishi, Shoji; et al.

JAERI-Tech 2005-032, 46 Pages, 2005/06


This is annual report on the experimental operation of the mock-up test facility with a full-scale reaction tube for the HTTR hydrogen production system in 2001 fiscal year. The first experimental operation was performed during two weeks from March 1, 2002 to March 13, 2002 to test on the thermal hydraulic performance of the steam reformer and also to train the operators. The thermal hydraulic performance test of the steam reformer was performed to evaluate the heat transfer characteristics between helium gas and process gas in the steam reformer. This report is summarized with an overview of the test, the results and its operation records.

Journal Articles

Design study on passive cooling system of the Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300)

Katanishi, Shoji; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko; Tsuji, Nobumasa*; Maekawa, Isamu*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 3(3), p.257 - 267, 2004/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Research and development for gas turbine system in GTHTR300

Kunitomi, Kazuhiko; Katanishi, Shoji; Takada, Shoji; Takizuka, Takakazu; Yan, X.; Kosugiyama, Shinichi

JSME International Journal, Series B, 47(2), p.261 - 267, 2004/05

The GTHTR300 aiming at electric generation with its thermal efficiency of 46 % is a safe and economically competitive HTGR in 2010s. A helium gas turbine system connected with the reactor is designed based on existing technologies developed for fossil gas turbine systems. However, there are some uncertainties in performance of a helium gas compressor, electric magnetic bearings and control system. In order to confirm these technical uncertainties, a 1/3 scale model of the compressor and 1/3 scale magnetic bearings will be manufactured and tested in the simulated condition of the GTHTR300. This paper describes R&D plans focusing on the 1/3 scale compressor model test as well as unique design features of the GTHTR300.

Journal Articles

Performance test results of mock-up test facility of HTTR hydrogen production system

Ohashi, Hirofumi; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Nishihara, Tetsuo; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Takeda, Tetsuaki; Hayashi, Koji; Katanishi, Shoji; Takada, Shoji; Ogawa, Masuro; Shiozawa, Shusaku

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 41(3), p.385 - 392, 2004/03

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:74.76(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Prior to construction of a HTTR hydrogen production system, a mock-up test facility was constructed to investigate transient behavior of the hydrogen production system and to establish system controllability. The Mock-up test facility with a full-scale reaction tube is an approximately 1/30 scale model of the HTTR hydrogen production system and an electric heater is used as a heat source instead of a reactor. Before the mock-up test, a performance test of the test facility was carried out in the same pressure and temperature conditions as those of the HTTR hydrogen production system to investigate its performance such as hydrogen production ability, controllability and so on. It was confirmed that hydrogen was stably produced with a hot helium gas about 120Nm$$^{3}$$/h which satisfy the design value and thermal disturbance of helium gas during the start-up could be mitigated within the design value by using a steam generator.

Journal Articles

Development of plant dynamics analytical code named Conan-GTHTR for the Gas Turbine High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor, 1; Code validation by Use of the experimental data of HTTR

Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi; Katanishi, Shoji; Nakagawa, Shigeaki; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 3(1), p.76 - 87, 2004/03

The Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor 300 (GTHTR300) composed of an inherent safe 600MWt reactor and a closed gas turbine power conversion system is a high efficient and economically competitive HTGR to be deployed in 2010s. To analyze the plant dynamics and the thermal hydraulics of the GTHTR300, a new analytical code (Conan-GTHTR) based on 'RELAP5/MOD3' has been developed and applied to heat transfer calculations of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) for its verification. The results proved that the new code was available for transient simulations in Higt Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor systems.

Journal Articles

Feasibility study on high burnup fuel for Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300), 2

Katanishi, Shoji; Takei, Masanobu; Nakata, Tetsuo*; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 3(1), p.67 - 75, 2004/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Reprocessing of Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300) spent fuel

Takei, Masanobu; Katanishi, Shoji; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko; Izumiya, Toru*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 2(4), p.490 - 499, 2003/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Nuclear, thermal and hydraulic design for Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300)

Nakata, Tetsuo*; Katanishi, Shoji; Takada, Shoji; Yan, X.; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 2(4), p.478 - 489, 2003/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Basic policy of maintenance for the power conversion system of the Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor 300 (GTHTR300)

Kosugiyama, Shinichi; Takizuka, Takakazu; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko; Yan, X.; Katanishi, Shoji; Takada, Shoji

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 2(3), p.319 - 331, 2003/09

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Performance test results of mock-up model test facility with a full-scale reaction tube for HTTR hydrogen production system (Contract research)

Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Hayashi, Koji; Kato, Michio; Fujisaki, Katsuo; Aita, Hideki; Takeda, Tetsuaki; Nishihara, Tetsuo; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Ohashi, Hirofumi; Katanishi, Shoji; et al.

JAERI-Tech 2003-034, 129 Pages, 2003/05


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Performance test results of helium gas circulator of mock-up test facility with full-scale reaction tube for HTTR hydrogen production system (Contract research)

Shimizu, Akira; Kato, Michio; Hayashi, Koji; Fujisaki, Katsuo; Aita, Hideki; Takeda, Tetsuaki; Nishihara, Tetsuo; Katanishi, Shoji; Takada, Shoji; Inaba, Yoshitomo; et al.

JAERI-Tech 2003-033, 105 Pages, 2003/03


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Safety design philosophy of Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300)

Katanishi, Shoji; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 2(1), p.55 - 67, 2003/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Feasibility study on high burnup fuel for Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300),1

Katanishi, Shoji; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko; Takei, Masanobu; Nakata, Tetsuo; Watanabe, Takashi*; Izumiya, Toru*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 1(4), p.373 - 383, 2002/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Design study on Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300)

Kunitomi, Kazuhiko; Katanishi, Shoji; Takada, Shoji; Takizuka, Takakazu; Nakata, Tetsuo; Yan, X.; Takei, Masanobu; Kosugiyama, Shinichi; Shiozawa, Shusaku

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 1(4), p.352 - 360, 2002/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Design study of power conversion system for the Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300)

Takada, Shoji; Takizuka, Takakazu; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko; Yan, X.; Katanishi, Shoji; Kosugiyama, Shinichi; Minatsuki, Isao*; Miyoshi, Yasuyuki*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 1(4), p.341 - 351, 2002/12

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Study on the fuel cycle cost of Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300) (Contract research)

Takei, Masanobu; Katanishi, Shoji; Nakata, Tetsuo; Oda, Takefumi*; Izumiya, Toru*; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

JAERI-Tech 2002-089, 44 Pages, 2002/11


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Maintenance for power conversion system of Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300)

Kosugiyama, Shinichi; Takada, Shoji; Katanishi, Shoji; Yan, X.; Takizuka, Takakazu; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

JAERI-Tech 2002-088, 70 Pages, 2002/11


no abstracts in English

45 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)