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Teshigawara, Makoto; Tsuchikawa, Yusuke*; Ichikawa, Go*; Takata, Shinichi; Mishima, Kenji*; Harada, Masahide; Oi, Motoki; Kawamura, Yukihiko*; Kai, Tetsuya; Kawamura, Seiko; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 929, p.113 - 120, 2019/06
Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:89.56(Instruments & Instrumentation)A nano-diamond is an attractive neutron reflection material below cold neutron energy. The total neutron cross section of a nano-diamond was derived from a neutron transmission measurement over the neutron energy range of 0.2 meV to 100 meV because total neutron cross section data were not available. The total cross section of a nano-diamond with particle size of approximately 5 nm increased with a decrease in neutron energy to 0.2 meV. It was approximately two orders of magnitude larger than that of graphite at 0.2 meV. The contribution of inelastic scattering to the total cross section was to be shown negligible small at neutron energies of 1.2, 1.5, 1.9, 2.6, and 5.9 meV in the inelastic neutron scattering measurement. Moreover, small-angle neutron scattering measurements of the nano-diamond showed a large scattering cross section in the forward direction for low neutron energies.
Nakajima, Norihiro; Miyamura, Hiroko; Kawakami, Yoshiaki; Kawamura, Takuma
Kashika Joho Gakkai-Shi, 35(Suppl.1), p.233 - 238, 2015/07
no abstracts in English
Ito, Kei; Ezure, Toshiki; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Kawamura, Takumi*; Nakamine, Yoshiaki*
Proceedings of 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-9) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2014/11
The authors have been studied the vortex cavitation in sodium-cooled fast reactors. In this paper, the authors present a modified evaluation method for vortex cavitation, in which a surface tension is modeled mechanistically. Namely, the cavity radius is calculated in consideration of radial pressure distribution, saturated vapor pressure and the pressure jump condition at an interface. As the basic validation of the developed surface tension model, numerical analyses of a simple experiment under various velocity conditions are performed. The evaluation results give qualitatively appropriate tendency, that is, the cavity radius becomes larger with the higher liquid velocity and/or lower reference pressure which cause the larger pressure drop at the vortex. In addition, the authors evaluate the influence of the kinematic viscosity which plays an important role in the vortex cavitation occurrences in the experiments.
Watahiki, Shunsuke; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Imaizumi, Tomomi; Nagata, Hiroshi; Ide, Hiroshi; Komukai, Bunsaku; Kimura, Nobuaki; Miyauchi, Masaru; Ito, Masayasu; Nishikata, Kaori; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2013-021, 43 Pages, 2013/07
The number of research reactors in the world is decreasing because of their aging. On the other hand, the necessity of research reactor, which is used for human resources development, progress of the science and technology, industrial use and safety research is increasing for the countries which are planning to introduce the nuclear power plants. From above background, the Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center began to discuss a basic concept of Multipurpose Compact Research Reactor (MCRR) for education and training, etc., on 2010 to 2012. This activity is also expected to contribute to design tool improvement and human resource development in the center. In 2011, design study of reactor core, irradiation facilities with high versatility and practicality, and hot laboratory equipment for the production of Mo-99 was carried out. As the result of design study of reactor core, subcriticality and operation time of the reactor in consideration of an irradiation capsule, and about the transient response of the reactor to the reactivity disturbance during automatic control operation, it was possible to do automatic operation of MCRR, was confirmed. As the result of design study of irradiation facilities, it was confirmed that the implementation of an efficient mass production radioisotope Mo-99 can be expected. As the result of design study with hot laboratory facilities, Mo-99 production, RI export devised considered cell and facilities for exporting the specimens quickly was designed.
Imaizumi, Tomomi; Miyauchi, Masaru; Ito, Masayasu; Watahiki, Shunsuke; Nagata, Hiroshi; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Naka, Michihiro; Kawamata, Kazuo; Yamaura, Takayuki; Ide, Hiroshi; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2011-031, 123 Pages, 2012/01
The number of research reactors in the world is decreasing because of their aging. However, the planning to introduce the nuclear power plants is increasing in Asian countries. In these Asian countries, the key issue is the human resource development for operation and management of nuclear power plants after constructed them, and also the necessity of research reactor, which is used for lifetime extension of LWRs, progress of the science and technology, expansion of industry use, human resources training and so on, is increasing. From above backgrounds, the Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center began to discuss basic concept of a multipurpose low-power research reactor for education and training, etc. This design study is expected to contribute not only to design tool improvement and human resources development in the Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center but also to maintain and upgrade the technology on research reactors in nuclear power-related companies. This report treats the activities of the working group from July 2010 to June 2011 on the multipurpose low-power research reactor in the Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center and nuclear power-related companies.
Jo, Takahisa; Goto, Takehiro; Yabuki, Kentaro; Ikegami, Kazunori; Miyagawa, Takayuki; Mori, Tetsuya; Kubo, Atsuhiko; Kitano, Akihiro; Nakagawa, Hiroki; Kawamura, Yoshiaki; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2010-052, 84 Pages, 2011/03
The prototype fast breeder reactor MONJU resumed the System Startup Test (SST) on May 6th 2010 after five months and fourteen years shutdown since the sodium leakage of the secondary heat transport system on December 1995. Core Confirmation Test (CCT) is the first step of SST, which consists of three steps. CCT was finished on July 22nd after 78 days tests. CCT is composed 20 test items including control rods' worth evaluation, radiation dose measurement etc..
Suzuki, Kenji*; Kawamura, Masashi*; Shobu, Takahisa; Tanaka, Keisuke*; Akiniwa, Yoshiaki*
Zairyo, 55(7), p.634 - 640, 2006/07
no abstracts in English
Ikeshima, Yoshiaki; Ishida, Takuya*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Tomita, Kenji; Ebisawa, Hiroyuki; Magome, Hirokatsu; Nakamichi, Masaru*; Kitajima, Toshio; Kawamura, Hiroshi
JAERI-Tech 2005-005, 37 Pages, 2005/02
no abstracts in English
Shibayama, Tamaki*; Nakamichi, Masaru*; Uchida, Munenori*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Kinoshita, Hiroshi*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*; Takahashi, Heishichiro*; Nomura, Naoyuki*
JAERI-Conf 2004-006, p.216 - 219, 2004/03
no abstracts in English
Fukumoto, Masahiro; Nishikawa, Yoshiaki*; Kagawa, Akio; Kawamura, Kazuhiro
JNC TN8400 2001-002, 23 Pages, 2000/12
The soluble organic compounds generated by radiological degradation of asphalt ( ray) were confirmed as a part of influence of the bituminized waste degradation in the TRU waste repository. Especially, the influence of the nitrate was focused on. As a result, the concentration of the soluble organic compounds generated by radiological degradation of asphalt (10MGy,
ray which is correspond to absorbed dose of asphalt for 1,000,000 years) were lower (each formic acid : about 50mg/dm
, acetic acid : about 30mg/dm
and oxalic acid : about 2mg/dm
) than that of the formic acid, the acetic acid and the oxalic acid which Valcke et al. had shown (the influence of the organic at the solubility examination which uses Pu and Am). Moreover, the change in the concentration of TOC and the soluble organic compounds (formic acid, acetic acid and oxalic acid) is little under the existence of nitrate ion. That is, the formic acid and acetic acid which can be organic ligands were generated little by oxidative decomposition of asphalt in the process that nitrate ion becomes nitrite ion by radiation. The influence of the soluble organic compounds by the radiological degradation of the asphalt (
ray) on adsorption and solubility by the complexation of radionuclides in the performance assessment can be limited.
Ito, Kei; Ezure, Toshiki; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Kawamura, Takumi*; Nakamine, Yoshiaki*
no journal, ,
The prevention of vortex cavitation is one of key factors in the safety design criteria for sodium-cooled fast reactors. Therefore, the authors have developed a CFD-based evaluation method to determine the occurrence of the vortex cavitation. In this paper, the accuracy of the evaluation method is enhanced by developing a surface tension model by which the cavity radius is calculated in consideration of radial pressure distribution, saturated vapor pressure and the pressure jump condition at an interface. As a basic validation of the developed surface tension model, numerical analyses of a simple experiment under various velocity and pressure conditions are performed. The evaluation results give qualitatively appropriate cavity radius which becomes larger with the higher liquid velocity and/or lower reference pressure. Therefore, the developed surface tension model is considered to be physically-appropriate.
Suzuki, Hiroshi; Miyazaki, Takasato*; Kawamura, Hideki*; Akiniwa, Yoshiaki
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Ito, Kei; Ezure, Toshiki; Ohno, Shuji; Nakamine, Yoshiaki*; Kawamura, Takumi*
no journal, ,
In Japan Atomic Energy Agency, an evaluation method for the submerged-vortex cavitation at a pipe intake has been examined as a part of the establishment of the safety design criteria for a sodium-cooled fast reactor. The submerged-vortex cavitation is nonlinear and highly complicated phenomenon, and therefore it is difficult to predict the occurrence condition based on the macroscopic quantities, e.g. the flow rate. In this study, the authors proposes a new evaluation method based on a three-dimensional CFD.
Miyamura, Hiroko; Kawakami, Yoshiaki; Suzuki, Yoshio; Kawamura, Takuma; Nakajima, Norihiro
no journal, ,
When analyzing objects in mechanical design, the simulation results show physical data such as von Mises stress, distortion, maximum stress, and mean stress. These results can not only confirm already known phenomena but also provide new insights. Therefore, we propose a technique for visualizing the distribution changes over time of multi-variable datasets via graphical representation.