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検索結果: 36 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Composition dependence of bulk properties in the Co-intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide Co$$_{1/3}$$TaS$$_{2}$$

Park, P.*; Cho, W.*; Kim, C.*; An, Y.*; Avdeev, M.*; 飯田 一樹*; 梶本 亮一; Park, J.-G.*

Physical Review B, 109(6), p.L060403_1 - L060403_7, 2024/02

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:89.01(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Spontaneous Hall conductivity has recently been reported in the triangular lattice antiferromagnet Co$$_{1/3}$$TaS$$_{2}$$ under a zero magnetic field. This phenomenon originates from the distinctive noncoplanar triple-$$mathbf{Q}$$ magnetic ground state, possessing uniform real-space Berry curvature characterized by scalar spin chirality. We investigated the physical properties of Co$$_{1/3}$$TaS$$_{2}$$ by judiciously controlling the composition, revealing a drastic change in its bulk properties, even by slight variations in cobalt composition, despite the same crystal structure. For $$0.299 le x le 0.325$$, Co$$_{x}$$TaS$$_{2}$$ keeps all the characteristics of the ground state consistent with the previous studies --- two antiferromagnetic phase transitions at $$T_mathrm{N1}$$ and $$T_mathrm{N2}$$ ($$< T_mathrm{N1}$$), a large spontaneous Hall conductivity [$$sigma_{xy}(mathbf{H} = 0)$$], and a weak ferromagnetic moment along the $$c$$ axis. However, samples with $$x ge 0.330$$ exhibit distinct bulk properties, including the absence of both $$sigma_{xy}(mathbf{H} = 0)$$ and the weak ferromagnetic moment. Our neutron diffraction data reveal that Co$$_{x}$$TaS$$_{2}$$ with $$x ge 0.330$$ develops coplanar helical magnetic order with $$mathbf{q}_mathrm{m1} =(1/3, 0, 0)$$. This is entirely different from what has been seen in $$x le 0.325$$, explaining the observed composition dependence.


Nuclear structure in parity doublet model

Mun, M.-H.*; Shin, I. J.*; Paeng, W.-G.*; 原田 正康*; Kim, Y.*

European Physical Journal A, 59(7), p.149_1 - 149_6, 2023/07

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:57.65(Physics, Nuclear)

Using an extended parity doublet model with the hidden local symmetry, we study some properties of nuclei in the mean field approximation to see if the parity doublet model could reproduce nuclear properties and also to estimate the value of the chiral invariant nucleon mass $$m$$$$_{0}$$ preferred by nuclear structure. We first determine our model parameters using the inputs from free space and from nuclear matter properties. Then, we study some basic nuclear properties such as the nuclear binding energy with several different choices of the chiral invariant mass. We observe that our results approach the experimental values as $$m$$$$_{0}$$ is increased until $$m$$$$_{0}$$= 700 MeV and start to deviate more from the experiments afterwards with m0 larger than $$m$$$$_{0}$$ = 700 MeV. From this observation, we conclude that $$m$$$$_{0}$$ = 700 MeV is preferred by nuclear properties. We then calculate some properties of several selected nuclei with $$m$$$$_{0}$$ = 700 MeV and compare them with experiments. Finally, we study the neutron-proton mass difference in some nuclei.


The High temperature gas-cooled reactor

F$"u$tterer, M. A.*; Strydom, G.*; 佐藤 博之; Li, F.*; Abonneau, E.*; Abram, T.*; Davies, M. W.*; Kim, M. H.*; Edwards, L.*; Muransky, O.*; et al.

Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, Vol.1, p.512 - 522, 2021/06



HM and THM interactions in bentonite engineered barriers for nuclear waste disposal

Gens, A.*; Alcoverro, J.*; Blaheta, R.*; Hasal, M.*; Michalec, Z.*; 高山 裕介; Lee, C.*; Lee, J.*; Kim, G. Y.*; Kuo, C.-W.*; et al.

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 137, p.104572_1 - 104572_19, 2021/01

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:84.60(Engineering, Geological)

放射性廃棄物を地層処分した際に、廃棄体やその周囲で起こる熱-水理-力学-化学が連成する現象を表現する連成モデルの開発と確証を目的に、国際共同研究「DECOVALEX 2019 (DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments 2019)」が実施された。DECOVALEX-2019の一つのタスクでは、スイスのモン・テリ岩盤研究所およびグリムゼル試験サイトで実施されている原位置試験(それぞれ、EB試験およびFEBEX試験)を対象とした解析課題であり、廃棄体定置後のベントナイト材料からなる緩衝材等の人工バリア及び岩盤を対象に緩衝材が不飽和から飽和に至る状態までの熱-水理-力学連成現象のモデル化に関する検討が行われた。このタスクでは4つのチームが様々なコンピューターコード、構成則を使用して水理-力学および熱-水理-力学の連成解析を実行し、計測データと解析結果の比較が行われた。本論文は、DECOVALEX-2019プロジェクトのこのタスクで得られた成果や課題等について取りまとめた論文である。


DECOVALEX-2019 Task D; INBEB Final Report

Gens, A.*; Alcoverro, J.*; Blaheta, R.*; Hasal, M.*; Michalec, Z.*; 高山 裕介; Lee, C.*; Lee, J.*; Kim, G. Y.*; Kuo, C.-W.*; et al.

LBNL-2001267 (Internet), 210 Pages, 2020/10

放射性廃棄物を地層処分した際に、廃棄体やその周囲で起こる熱-水理-力学-化学が連成する現象を表現する連成モデルの開発と確証を目的に、国際共同研究「DECOVALEX 2019 (DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments 2019)」が2016年4月から2019年12月までの期間で実施された。DECOVALEX-2019のタスクDは、スイスのモン・テリ岩盤研究所およびグリムゼル試験サイトで実施されている原位置試験(それぞれ、EB試験およびFEBEX試験)を対象とした解析課題であり、廃棄体定置後のベントナイト材料からなる緩衝材等の人工バリア及び岩盤を対象に緩衝材が不飽和から飽和に至る状態までの熱-水理-力学連成現象のモデル化に関する検討が行われた。タスクDの参加チームは、IGN(チェコ), KAERI(韓国), NCU/TP(台湾), JAEA(日本)の4チームである。本報告書は、DECOVALEX-2019プロジェクトのタスクDの最終レポートであり、得られた成果や課題等について取りまとめたものである。


Topological characterization of classical waves; The Topological origin of magnetostatic surface spin waves

山本 慧; Thiang, G. C.*; Pirro, P.*; Kim, K.-W.*; Everschor-Sitte, K.*; 齊藤 英治*

Physical Review Letters, 122(21), p.217201_1 - 217201_5, 2019/05


 被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:81.75(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We propose a topological characterization of Hamiltonians describing classical waves. Applying it to the magnetostatic surface spin waves that are important in spintronics applications, we settle the speculation over their topological origin. For a class of classical systems that includes spin waves driven by dipole-dipole interactions, we show that the topology is characterized by vortex lines in the Brillouin zone in such a way that the symplectic structure of Hamiltonian mechanics plays an essential role. We define winding numbers around these vortex lines and identify them to be the bulk topological invariants for a class of semimetals. Exploiting the bulk-edge correspondence appropriately reformulated for these classical waves, we predict that surface modes appear but not in a gap of the bulk frequency spectrum. This feature, consistent with the magnetostatic surface spin waves, indicates a broader realm of topological phases of matter beyond spectrally gapped ones.


Comparative study on neutronics characteristics of a 1500 MWe metal fuel sodium-cooled fast reactor

大釜 和也; Aliberti, G.*; Stauff, N. E.*; 大木 繁夫; Kim, T. K.*

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 4(3), p.16-00592_1 - 16-00592_9, 2017/06

Under the cooperative effort of the Civil Nuclear Energy R&D Working Group within the framework of the U.S.-Japan bilateral, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) have been performing benchmark study using the Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR) design with metal fuel. In this benchmark study, core characteristic parameters at the beginning of cycle were evaluated by the best estimate deterministic and stochastic methodologies of ANL and JAEA. The results obtained by both institutions show a good agreement with less than 200 pcm of discrepancy in the neutron multiplication factor, and less than 3% of discrepancy in the sodium void reactivity, Doppler reactivity, and control rod worth. The results by the stochastic and deterministic approaches were compared in each party to investigate impacts of the deterministic approximation and to understand potential variations in the results due to different calculation methodologies employed. Impacts of the nuclear data libraries were also investigated using a sensitivity analysis methodology.


Comparative study on burnup characteristics of a 1500 MWe metal fuel sodium-cooled fast reactor

大釜 和也; Aliberti, G.*; Stauff, N. E.*; 大木 繁夫; Kim, T. K.*

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2017/04

Under the cooperative effort of the Civil Nuclear Energy R&D Working Group within the framework of the U.S.-Japan bilateral, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) have been performing benchmark study using the Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR) design with metal fuel. In this benchmark study, the atomic number densities and core characteristics at the end of cycle were evaluated by the best estimate deterministic methodologies of ANL and JAEA. The atomic number densities of plutonium isotopes calculated by both institutions showed a good agreement with less than 0.5% of discrepancy, except for the atomic number density of Pu-241. The atomic number densities of americium and curium isotopes showed less than 6% of discrepancy. The results of core characteristics at the end of cycle obtained by both institutions showed a reasonably good agreement with less than 400 pcm of discrepancy on the neutron multiplication factor, and less than 3% of discrepancy on the sodium void reactivity, Doppler reactivity, and control rod worth. A burnup sensitivity analysis was employed to identify the major factors of the difference in the calculated atomic number densities at the end of cycle.


Tradeoff analysis of metal-fueled fast reactor design concepts

Stauff, N. E.*; 大釜 和也; Aliberti, G.*; 大木 繁夫; Kim, T. K.*

Proceedings of 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2017/04

Within the framework of the U.S.-Japan bilateral, the Civil Nuclear Energy R&D Working Group (CNWG), a core design study was conducted by ANL and JAEA. Its objective was to compare the core performance characteristics of metal-fueled Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) developed with different design preferences: JAEA preferred a loop-type primary system with high coolant temperature, while ANL targeted a pool-type primary system with a conventional coolant temperature. The comparative core design study was conducted based on the 3530 MWth Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR) metallic-fuel core concept. This study confirms that both metal fueled SFR core concepts developed by ANL and JAEA based on different design preferences and approaches are viable options.


Comparative study on neutronics characteristics of a 1500 MWe metal fuel sodium-cooled fast reactor

大釜 和也; Aliberti, G.*; Stauff, N. E.*; 大木 繁夫; Kim, T. K.*

Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-24) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2016/06



Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering study of electronic excitations in insulating K$$_{0.83}$$Fe$$_{1.53}$$Se$$_2$$

Gretarsson, H.*; 野村 拓司; Jarrige, I.*; Lupascu, A.*; Upton, M. H.*; Kim, J.*; Casa, D.*; Gog, T.*; Yuan, R. H.*; Chen, Z. G.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 91(24), p.245118_1 - 245118_8, 2015/06

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:26.77(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We report an Fe $$K$$-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) study of K$$_{0.83}$$Fe$$_{1.53}$$Se$$_2$$. This material is an insulator, unlike many parent compounds of iron-based superconductors. We found a sharp excitation around 1 eV, which is resonantly enhanced when the incident photon energy is tuned near the pre-edge region of the absorption spectrum. The spectral weight and line shape of this excitation exhibit clear momentum dependence. In addition, we observe momentum-independent broad interband transitions at higher excitation energy of 3-7 eV. Calculations based on a 70 band $$dp$$ orbital model, using a moderate $$U_{rm eff}$$ = 2.5 eV, indicate that the 1 eV feature originates from the correlated Fe 3$$d$$ electrons, with a dominant $$d_{xz}$$ and $$d_{yz}$$ orbital character. We find that a moderate $$U_{rm eff}$$ yields a satisfying agreement with the experimental spectra, suggesting that the electron correlations in the insulating and metallic iron based superconductors are comparable.


Microstructural evolution and void swelling in extra high purity Ni-base superalloy under multi-ion irradiation

Kim, G.; 芝 清之; 沢井 友次; 井岡 郁夫; 木内 清; 中山 準平*

Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Structural Materials for Innovative Nuclear Systems (SMINS-2), p.273 - 279, 2012/12

In the present work, irradiation effects of high-purity Ni alloys were studied in terms of microstructural changes with respect to multi-ion irradiation by using JAEA triple-ion beam irradiation facility, TIARA. The alloys investigated are designed as the MA doped MOX fuel claddings for sodium cooled fast reactor and impurities, such as C, O, N, P, S were reduced less than 100 ppm in total to improve workability, irradiation embrittlement, inter-granular corrosion, and so on. Two types of alloys (Fe-40Ni-Cr-1.5Ti-1.5Al) with different Cr contents (20 or 25%) were used for the irradiation experiments. Single (Fe$$^{3+}$$ or Ni$$^{3+}$$), dual (single + He$$^{+}$$), and triple (dual + H$$^{+}$$) beam irradiation were conducted up to $$sim$$50 dpa, $$sim$$150 appmHe, and $$sim$$1500 appmH at 825K to evaluate the effect of radiation damage and the effect of transmuted gaseous elements. Void swelling was evaluated and compared with type 316 stainless steel. Other microstructural features, such as precipitation stability, dislocation structures were also evaluated to discuss irradiation resistance.


High performance computing for analyzing PB-scale data in nuclear experiments and simulations

立川 崇之; 手島 直哉*; 櫛田 慶幸; 宮村 浩子; Kim, G.; 武宮 博

High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2011, p.107 - 117, 2012/01



Full-scale 3D vibration simulator for an entire nuclear power plant on the simple orchestration application framework

Kim, G.; 中島 康平*; 手島 直哉*; 立川 崇之; 鈴木 喜雄; 武宮 博

Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet), 2, p.634 - 638, 2011/10



Irradiation behavior of precipitation hardened Ni-base super-alloys with EHP grade under multi-ion irradiation

Kim, G.; 芝 清之; 沢井 友次; 井岡 郁夫; 木内 清

Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol.1298, p.61 - 66, 2011/04



Application integration control system for multi-scale and multi-physics simulation

木野 千晶; 立川 崇之; 手島 直哉; Kim, G.; 鈴木 喜雄; 新谷 文将; 西田 明美; 武宮 博

Proceedings of Joint International Conference of 7th Supercomputing in Nuclear Application and 3rd Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2010) (USB Flash Drive), 4 Pages, 2010/10



Full-scale 3D vibration simulator for an entire nuclear power plant on the simple orchestration application framework

Kim, G.; 中島 康平*; 手島 直哉; 立川 崇之; 鈴木 喜雄; 武宮 博

Proceedings of Joint International Conference of 7th Supercomputing in Nuclear Application and 3rd Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2010) (USB Flash Drive), 5 Pages, 2010/10



Development of simple orchestration application framework and its application to burning plasma simulation

立川 崇之; 中島 康平*; Kim, G.; 手島 直哉; 鈴木 喜雄; 武宮 博

High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2010, p.107 - 120, 2010/09




鈴木 喜雄; 立川 崇之; Kim, G.; 木野 千晶; 宮村 浩子; 手島 直哉; 林 幸子*; 青柳 哲雄; 武宮 博; 中島 憲宏

計算工学講演会論文集, 15(2), p.1051 - 1054, 2010/05

われわれは、原子力研究のための計算基盤を構築するために、原子力グリッド基盤AEGISの研究開発を進めてきた。本研究開発では、スパコンやデータベース等をネットワーク接続した仮想研究環境の構築を目的とした国家プロジェクトITBL(Information Technology Based Laboratory)において研究開発したITBL基盤ソフトウェアの知見と技術を発展させ、安全性と利便性の向上に取り組んだ。安全性については、個人認証とマシン認証による認証機構の二重化を行った。利便性については、利用者端末からグリッドの機能を利用可能とするアプリケーションプログラムインタフェースを開発した。これらの研究開発により、われわれは、原子力施設全体規模の3次元振動シミュレーション,原子力施設の地震耐力予測シミュレータなどの原子力研究に貢献した。


Simple orchestration application framework to control "Burning Plasma Integrated Code"

立川 崇之; 中島 康平*; 手島 直哉; Kim, G.; 鈴木 喜雄; 武宮 博; 林 伸彦; 射場 克幸*

Proceedings of 3rd International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2010), p.322 - 326, 2010/05

We have developed the Simple Orchestration Application Framework (SOAF) on a grid infrastructure to control cooperative and multiple execution of simulation codes on remote computers from a client PC. SOAF enables researchers to generate a scenario of their executions by only describing a configuration file which includes the information of execution codes and file flows among them. SOAF does not need substantial modification of the simulation codes. We have applied SOAF to the "Burning Plasma Integrated Code" which consists of various plasma simulation codes which exist on distributed heterogeneous computers located in different sites. We succeeded in cooperative and concurrent execution of four plasma simulation codes without substantial modification.

36 件中 1件目~20件目を表示