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JAEA Reports

Controlled release of radioactive krypton gas

Watanabe, Kazuki; Kimura, Norimichi*; Okada, Jumpei; Furuuchi, Yuta; Kuwana, Hideharu*; Otani, Takehisa; Yokota, Satoru; Nakamura, Yoshinobu

JAEA-Technology 2023-010, 29 Pages, 2023/06


The Krypton Recovery Development Facility reached an intended technical target (krypton purity of over 90% and recovery rate of over 90%) by separation and rectification of krypton gas from receiving off-gas produced by the shearing and the dissolution process in the spent fuel reprocessing at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) between 1988 and 2001. In addition, the feasibility of the technology was confirmed through immobilization test with ion-implantation in a small test vessel from 2000 to 2002, using a part of recovered krypton gas. As there were no intentions to use the remaining radioactive krypton gas in the krypton storage cylinders, we planned to release this gas by controlling the release amount from the main stack, and conducted it from February 14 to April 26, 2022. In this work, all the radioactive krypton gas in the cylinders (about 7.1$$times$$10$$^{5}$$ GBq) was released at the rate of 50 GBq/min or less lower than the maximum release rate from the main stuck stipulated in safety regulations (3.7$$times$$10$$^{3}$$ GBq/min). Then, the equipment used in the controlled release of radioactive krypton gas and the main process (all systems, including branch pipes connected to the main process) were cleaned with nitrogen gas. Although there were delays due to weather, we were able to complete the controlled release of radioactive krypton gas by the end of April 2022, as originally targeted without any problems such as equipment failure.

Journal Articles

Study on immobilization technology of radioactive krypton gas by ion-implantation and sputtering process

Samoto, Hirotaka; Kimura, Norimichi; Otani, Takehisa; Sugai, Eiji; Hayashi, Shinichiro

Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle; Sustainable Options & Industrial Perspectives (Global 2009) (CD-ROM), p.458 - 463, 2009/09

JAEA has been developing technology to immobilize radioactive krypton gas to metal alloy by ion-implantation method as a stable storage technique of krypton gas recovered from a reprocessing plant. The characteristics of implantation of krypton gas and of krypton implanted alloy were investigated by the cold test performed so far. In this paper, we report the results of the hot immobilization test performed at the Krypton Recovery development Facility (hereafter called KRF) which is attached to the Tokai Reprocessing Plant (hereafter called TRP). In this test, we immobilized the radioactive krypton gas recovered from TRP by cryogenic distillation process of KRF and investigated the gas retention characteristics of the implanted alloy.

Oral presentation

Studies on krypton immobilization technology using ion-implantation and sputtering process; Parametric study of electrode geometry of enlarged krypton gas immobilizing chamber

Otani, Takehisa; Takahashi, Makoto; Akutsu, Tomoyuki*; Kimura, Norimichi; Tanaka, Yukiyoshi

no journal, , 

Optimum geometry of electrodes, which were equipped at the top and bottom of the krypton gas immobilizing chamber, was investigated for improvement of the immobilizing capability with enlarged krypton gas immobilizing chamber.

Oral presentation

Studies on krypton immobilization technology using ion-implantation and sputtering process, 19; Retention characteristic of radioactive Kr immobilized alloy

Samoto, Hirotaka; Kimura, Norimichi; Otani, Takehisa; Sugai, Eiji; Takahashi, Makoto; Hayashi, Shinichiro; Akutsu, Tomoyuki*

no journal, , 

Krypton is immobilized to metal alloy by ion-implantation and sputtering process. The retention characteristic of immobilized radioactive Kr with different storage temperature of the metal alloy is reported.

Oral presentation

Rationalization of maintenance at the Krypton Recovery Development Facility by adding nitrogen replacement equipment and removing liquid nitrogen storage tank

Furuuchi, Yuta; Okada, Jumpei; Kimura, Norimichi*; Watanabe, Kazuki; Hayashi, Yoshitsugu*; Hirayama, Yusuke*; Tashiro, Yoshiyuki*; Uchida, Naoki

no journal, , 

At Krypton Recovery Development Facility in Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP), the nitrogen gas, which was supplied from the liquid nitrogen tank, was used instead of compressed air to manage the enclosure function of the facility during the compressor was broken. It was necessary to remove the liquid nitrogen tank possible because it had the possibility of being tsunami debris which affect significant impact on the other TRP facility. Before the tank removal, the automatic switching function was attached to the air compressors as nitrogen replacement equipment. This function switches the starting and stopping the compressors, opening and closing valves after detection of equipment failure. When attaching this function, additional equipment was minimized by utilizing existing equipment. Then, the liquid nitrogen tank was dismantled after transporting outside TRP. These works eliminated the cost of purchasing liquid nitrogen and inspections of the equipment.

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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