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Bartz, M.*; King, G. E.*; Bernard, M.*; Herman, F.*; Wen, X.*; 末岡 茂; 塚本 すみ子*; Braun, J.*; 田上 高広*
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 644, p.118830_1 - 118830_11, 2024/10
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Geochemistry & Geophysics)The impact of climate on mountain relief is unknown, mainly due to the difficulties of measuring surface processes at the timescale of glacial-interglacial cycles. An appropriate setting for studying mountain erosion in response to Quaternary climate change is found in the Tateyama mountains in the Hida mountain range (northern Japanese Alps) due to distinct geomorphological features of glacial, periglacial, and fluvial processes. The Japanese Alps uplifted within the past ca 1-3 Myr and experienced multiple glaciations during the late Quaternary. We use ultra-low temperature thermochronometers based on the luminescence of feldspar minerals and the electron spin resonance (ESR) of quartz minerals, in combination with inverse modelling to derive rock cooling rates and exhumation rate histories at 10-10 year timescales from 19 rock samples from three transects in the Tateyama region. While luminescence signals have already reached their upper dating limit, ESR signals (Al and Ti centres) yielded ESR ages of ca 0.3-1.1 Ma, implying surface processes active in the Pleistocene. Based on a negative age-elevation relationship, local relief reduction at a cirque-basin scale is identified over the past 1 Myr, whereas a positive age distribution with elevation for samples close to the mountain top does not follow this trend. Inverse modelling reveals rock cooling rates on the order of 30-80 deg. C/Ma, with slightly faster cooling for cirque-floor samples, which equate with erosion rates of 0.5-1 mm/yr that exceed rates from periglacial and fluvial processes in the same locality. Thus, our data suggest that Quaternary climate change coupled with distinct surface processes modified the slopes of the Tateyama mountains leading to a localised decrease in relief over the second half of the Quaternary, whilst the mountain peaks were unaffected by the relief reduction.
末岡 茂; 河上 哲生*; 鈴木 康太*; 鏡味 沙耶; 横山 立憲; 芝崎 文一郎*; 長田 充弘; 山崎 あゆ*; 東野 文子*; King, G. E.*; et al.
フィッション・トラックニュースレター, (36), p.1 - 3, 2023/12
King, G. E.*; Ahadi, F.*; 末岡 茂; Herman, F.*; Anderson, L.*; Gautheron, C.*; 塚本 すみ子*; Stalder, N.*; Biswas, R.*; Fox, M.*; et al.
Geology, 51(2), p.131 - 135, 2023/02
The exhumation of bedrock is controlled by the interplay between tectonics, surface processes, and climate. The highest exhumation rates of centimeters per year are recorded in zones of highly active tectonic convergence such as the Southern Alps of New Zealand or the Himalayan syntaxes, where high rock uplift rates combine with very active surface processes. Using a combination of different thermochronometric systems including trapped-charge thermochronometry, we show that such rates also occur in the Hida Mountain Range, Japanese Alps. Our results imply that centimeter per year rates of exhumation are more common than previously thought. Our thermochronometry data allow the development of time series of exhumation rate changes at the time scale of glacial-interglacial cycles, which show a fourfold increase in baseline rates to rates of 10 mm/yr within the past 65 k.y. This increase in exhumation rate is likely explained by knickpoint propagation due to a combination of very high precipitation rates, climatic change, sea-level fall, range-front faulting, and moderate rock uplift. Our data resolve centimeter-scale sub-Quaternary exhumation rate changes, which show that in regions with horizontal convergence, coupling between climate, surface processes, and tectonics can exert a significant and rapid effect on rates of exhumation.
小形 学; King, G. E.*; Herman, F.*; 末岡 茂
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 591, p.117607_1 - 117607_14, 2022/08
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:49.72(Geochemistry & Geophysics)光ルミネッセンス(OSL)熱年代法(またはOSL温度計測法)は、侵食速度が遅い地域に対して、ボーリングコアを利用し深度ごとに長石の赤外光ルミネッセンス(IRSL)を測定することで古地温構造を復元することができる。しかし、この手法の先行研究は現在までに1例のみであり、また、ナトリウム長石を対象としたものである。本研究では、東濃地域で掘削されたボーリングコア(MIZ-1)から抽出したカリ長石にmulti-OSL熱年代法(またはmulti-OSL温度計測法)を適用し、カリ長石に対する本手法の適用性を検討した。深度約1km(約40C)の試料のIRSL 50Cから復元した古地温は、現在の地温と一致した。この結果より、ボーリングコアを利用したカリ長石のOSL熱年代法は古地温構造の復元に利用できることが示された。
河上 哲生*; 末岡 茂; 横山 立憲; 鏡味 沙耶; King, G. E.*; Herman, F.*; 塚本 すみ子*; 田上 高広*
Island Arc, 30(1), p.e12414_1 - e12414_11, 2021/01
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:27.26(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)Solidification pressure and crystallization age of the ca 5 Ma Shiaidani Granodiorite (Hida Mountain Range, central Japan) are determined based on Al-in-hornblende geobarometry and U-Pb zircon dating. Al-poor patchy replacements developed in amphiboles are common in this granite and petrographic study revealed that the replacements include chloritized biotite and albitic plagioclase. These are probably the hydrothermally recrystallized domains, and should not be used for solidification pressure estimates. Magmatic rim of amphibole is characterized by Si 7.3 a.p.f.u. (AlIV 0.7 a.p.f.u.), and utilized in solidification pressure estimate that yielded 0.17-0.29 GPa. The solidification age of the granite is estimated as ca 5.6-5.2 Ma using U-Pb zircon dating. From these data, the lower limit of an average denudation rate after ca 5.6-5.2 Ma for the area where Shiaidani Granodiorite is exposed is estimated as 0.93-2.5 mm/year.
King, G. E.*; 塚本 すみ子*; Herman, F.*; Biswas, R. H.*; 末岡 茂; 田上 高広*
Geochronology (Internet), 2(1), p.1 - 15, 2020/01
Fallon, P.*; Rodriguez-Vieitez, E.*; Macchiavelli, A. O.*; Gade, A.*; Tostevin, J. A.*; Adrich, P.*; Bazin, D.*; Bowen, M.*; Campbell, C. M.*; Clark, R. M.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 81(4), p.041302_1 - 041302_5, 2010/04
被引用回数:41 パーセンタイル:88.25(Physics, Nuclear)ミシガン州立大学の超伝導サイクロトロン研究所にて、不安定核MgビームをBe標的に当てることによってNeが生成される断面積を測定し、その脱励起線を測定した。Neの4と見られる状態を初めて観測するとともに、その断面積から、Neの核構造の情報を引き出した。この領域で標準的な核構造計算である、SDPF-M相互作用を用いたモンテカルロ殻模型計算による分光学的因子をグラウバー模型に代入して包括的断面積を計算したところ、実験値を過大評価した。核構造の観点からその原因について考察したところ、Ne核では従来考えられてきたよりも4粒子4空孔励起の侵入者配位が多く、それによってNeとMgの中性子部分の波動関数との重なりが小さいためであると結論づけた。この増大した4粒子4空孔励起のアイデアは、フッ素同位体において中性子ドリップ線が著しく延びる現象も説明することができる。
Bartz, M.*; King, G. E.*; Herman, F.*; Anderson, L.*; 末岡 茂; 塚本 すみ子*; 田上 高広*
no journal, ,
The interaction between rates of Earth surface processes, climate and tectonics determines the landscape in mountain regions. The Japanese Alps uplifted throughout the Quaternary and now reach elevations of up to 3,000 m. However, quantifying relief changes in response to tectonic activity, magmatism and Late Quaternary glaciation is challenging due to the young age of the Japanese Alps and the difficulty of measuring surface processes at the timescale of glacial-interglacial cycles. Here, we use ultra-low temperature thermochronometers based on the luminescence of feldspar minerals and the electron spin resonance (ESR) of quartz minerals, in combination with inverse modelling to derive rock cooling rates and time series of exhumation rates at 10-10 years timescales. We focus on the Tateyama region in the Hida range of the Japanese Alps, which was glaciated during the late Quaternary period. In total, 19 new samples were analyzed by luminescence and ESR thermochronometry. While most luminescence signals have already reached their upper dating limit, ESR signals (Al and Ti centres) yielded ESR ages of between 0.5-0.9 Ma. In general, thermal stability is lower for the Al centre compared to that of the Ti centre, but both centres constrain similar exhumation rates. Inversions reveal rock cooling rates on the order of 30-80 deg. C/Ma, which can be inverted to exhumation rates of less than 1 mm/a within the past 1 Ma. In the next step, we will relate the exhumation rates to the glacial and tectonic history of the Tateyama region.
King, G. E.*; Wen, X.*; Bartz, M.*; Bossin, L.*; 塚本 すみ子*; Li, Y.*; Herman, F.*; 小形 学; 末岡 茂
no journal, ,
Whereas the luminescence thermochronometry system is limited to areas experiencing very rapid rock cooling (exhumation) of 10s of mm/yr, our data indicate that ESR thermochronometry can resolve rates of 1 mm/yr over Quaternary timescales. To determine a rock cooling history using ESR thermochronometry, signal accumulation and signal thermal loss must be robustly determined within the laboratory. We have collected a series of borehole samples with known isothermal histories to investigate the potential of this technique. Our objective is to use the latter rocks to confirm the validity of our laboratory measurements and data-fitting/numerical models by using the ESR-thermochronometry method to recover their known in-situ temperatures. Specifically, we have investigated known-thermal history samples from the MIZ1 borehole (Japan) and the KTB borehole (Germany). Preliminary data reveal that the ESR dose response and thermal decay of different quartz samples is highly variable. Whereas the Al-centre of some samples exhibits linear dose response to laboratory irradiation up to 15 kGy, the Al-centre of other samples exhibits exponential, or double-exponential growth and saturates at doses of 3-4 kGy. The Ti-centre of most samples is well described by a single saturating exponential function, however samples from the MIZ1 borehole exhibit pronounced sublinearity in the low-dose response region. Furthermore, whereas for some samples the Al-centre is less thermally stable than the Ti-centre, for other samples the inverse is observed. These observations suggest that a uniform measurement protocol and data-fitting approach may not be appropriate for quartz ESR data.
小形 学; King, G. E.*; Herman, F.*; 末岡 茂; 山田 隆二*; 小村 健太朗*
no journal, ,
光ルミネッセンス(optically stimulated luminescence: OSL)熱年代法は、閉鎖温度にして数十度以下の超低温領域の熱史を推定可能とするOSL年代測定法の応用手法であり、深度にして数百mオーダーの削剥史復元への利用が期待できる。OSL熱年代法の適用は、ルミネッセンス信号が数十万年で飽和するため、露頭試料においては削剥の速い地域(約5mm/yr以上)に制限される。しかし、大深度ボーリングコアを用い、ルミネッセンス信号が飽和していない深部の試料を利用することで、侵食速度の遅い地域にも適用できる可能性がある。本研究では、防災科学技術研究所が六甲山地で掘削した「甲山」コア試料にOSL熱年代法を適用した。このコア試料に対しては、フィッション・トラック熱年代法を適用した先行事例がある。六甲山地は、六甲変動から推測される隆起速度や宇宙線生成核種による削剥速度より、中程度の削剥速度(0.1-1mm/yr)が予想される。甲山コアの全長は1313mであり、408, 642, 818, 1048m地点の試料の測定を行った。本発表では、本研究の熱史モデリング結果と削剥速度が遅い地域で掘削されたコア(MIZ-1; 岐阜県瑞浪市; 0.1mm/yr以下)の結果との比較や、六甲山地の隆起・削剥速度の既往研究との整合性の確認結果、また熱史復元結果より推定される六甲山地の侵食史・地形発達史について報告する予定である。
Bartz, M.*; King, G. E.*; Anderson, L.*; Herman, F.*; 末岡 茂; 塚本 すみ子*; 田上 高広*
no journal, ,
The Japanese Alps uplifted throughout the Quaternary and reached elevations of up to 3,000 m. However, understanding the interaction between rates of Earth surface processes, tectonics and climate is challenging, partly due to the difficulties of measuring changes in the rates of Earth surface processes at the timescale of glacial-interglacial cycles. In particular, the youth of the Japanese Alps has made measurement of their exhumation histories complicated. Here we investigate the potential of ultra-low temperature thermochronometers based on the luminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR) of feldspar and quartz minerals respectively for understanding changes in exhumation rates. We focus on Tateyama (Hida range), which was glaciated during the late Quaternary period. In total, eight samples were analysed by luminescence and ESR thermochronometry. While most luminescence signals have already reached their upper dating limit, ESR signals give insights into Pleistocene exhumation rates. We measured the ESR dose response and thermal decay properties of all samples, specifically targeting the Al and Ti centres. In general, thermal stability is higher for the Ti signals, resulting in ESR ages of between 0.5-0.9 Ma, although some signals are close to or above the upper dating limit of the Ti centre. In contrast, the Al signal still grows with time and is suitable for determining finite exhumation rates. Initial inversions reveal rock cooling rates on the order of 80 deg. C/Ma, which can be inverted to preliminarily rates of rock exhumation of <3 mm/a within the past 1 Ma. In the next step, we will relate these rates to the climatic (glacial) and tectonic history of the Tateyama region.
小形 学; King, G. E.*; Herman, F.*; 山田 隆二*; 小村 健太朗*; 末岡 茂
no journal, ,
Bartz, M.*; King, G. E.*; Herman, F.*; Anderson, L.*; 末岡 茂; 塚本 すみ子*; 田上 高広*
no journal, ,
To resolve exhumation histories of the Japanese Alps throughout the Quaternary, we investigate the potential of ultra-low temperature thermochronometers based on the luminescence of feldspar minerals and electron spin resonance (ESR) of quartz minerals, in combination with inverse modelling to derive rock cooling rates and exhumation rates histories at 10-10 years timescales. We focus on the Tateyama region in the Hida range of the Japanese Alps. In total, 19 new samples were analyzed by luminescence and ESR thermochronometry. While most luminescence signals have already reached saturation, ESR signals (Al and Ti centres) still grow with dose and are suitable for determining finite exhumation rates in the Tateyama region. We used the ESR single aliquot regenerative additive (SARA) dose protocol for dose evaluation including protocol optimization (i.e., preheat-plateau test). We checked for sensitivity changes due to the high-temperature annealing step within the SARA procedure using SARA vs. single aliquot additive dose response, repeated dose points (i.e., recycling ratio) and dose recovery of an artificially zeroed sample. Thermal stabilities of the ESR signals were analysed by using isothermal decay experiments and simulations of the isothermal decay using the experimentally constrained kinetic parameters. Our experiments showed insignificant sensitivity changes during measurements, resulting in Al and Ti ages of between 0.3-0.9 Ma and 0.5-1.1 Ma, respectively. In general, thermal stability is lower for the Al centre compared to that of the Ti centre but simulations yielded valuable thermal stability over Quaternary timescales for both ESR centres. Inversions reveal rock cooling rates on the order of 30-80 deg. C/Ma, much lower than those of the luminescence thermochronometry technique, which helps to resolve erosion rates histories on the order of few mm/a. Thus, preliminary erosion rates of 1 mm/a within the past 1 Ma could be inverted.
末岡 茂; 河上 哲生*; 鈴木 康太*; 鏡味 沙耶; 横山 立憲; 芝崎 文一郎*; 長田 充弘; 山崎 あゆ*; 東野 文子*; King, G. E.*; et al.
no journal, ,
Exposure of young ( a few Ma) plutons have been reported in mobile belts, such as, along subduction zones in the Western Pacific, implying a rapid exhumation in the last few million years. We reconstructed exhumation history of the Pliocene-Pleistocene plutons in the Kurobe area, central Japan, for better understanding of exhumation process and mechanism of such young plutons. Because low-temperature thermochronology is difficult to extract an exhumation history in the Kurobe area due to the complex thermal history/structure related to the recent granitic intrusions, we constrained the exhumation history based on solidification depths and dates of the plutons obtained by using Al-in-hornblende geobarometry and zircon U-Pb geochronometry, respectively. The solidification depths obtained range c.a. 6-10 km regardless of location and solidification age, suggesting a uniform and subvertical exhumation after the solidification of the youngest pluton (c.a. 0.8 Ma). The mean exhumation rate since c.a. 0.8 Ma was computed to be c.a. 7-14 mm/yr, which is consistent with the shorter-term erosion rates obtained by other methods. This rapid and local exhumation might be attributable to localization of deformation along the hot and weak crust along the Kurobe area related to the high-temperature geothermal conditions. This interpretation is being verified by using numerical modeling incorporating the rheology, geothermal conditions, and horizontal compression.
小形 学; King, G. E.*; Herman, F.*; 山田 隆二*; 小村 健太朗*; 末岡 茂
no journal, ,
光ルミネッセンス(optically stimulated luminescence: OSL)熱年代法は、閉鎖温度にして数十度以下の超低温領域の熱史を推定可能とするOSL年代測定法の応用手法であり、深度にして数百mオーダーの削剥史復元への利用が期待できる。OSL熱年代法の適用は、ルミネッセンス信号が数十万年で飽和するため、露頭試料においては削剥の速い地域に制限される。しかし、大深度ボーリングコアを用い、ルミネッセンス信号が飽和していない深部の試料を利用することで、削剥速度の遅い地域にも適用できる可能性がある。本研究では、防災科学技術研究所が六甲山地で掘削した「甲山」コア試料にOSL熱年代法を適用した。六甲山地は、先行研究より0.1-1mm/yr程度の削剥速度が予想される。甲山コアの全長は1,313mであり、408, 642, 818, 1048m地点の試料の測定を行った。全試料のOSL熱年代測定の結果は、約10万年前から現在まで大きな温度変化がないことを示した。この結果は六甲山地の削剥速度と整合的であるため、大深度ボーリングコアを用いることで削剥速度が遅い地域に対してもOSL熱年代法を適用できる可能性が示された。今後は、OSL熱年代測定結果から削剥速度を推定する手法を開発する予定である。
小形 学; King, G. E.*; Herman, F.*; 末岡 茂
no journal, ,
King, G. E.*; Ahadi, F.*; 末岡 茂; Herman, F.*; Anderson, L.*; Gautheron, C.*; 塚本 すみ子*; Stalder, N.*; Biswas, R.*; Fox, M.*; et al.
no journal, ,
The exhumation of bedrock is controlled by the interplay between tectonics, surface processes and climate. The highest exhumation rates of cm/yr are recorded in zones of highly active tectonic convergence. Here, we use a combination of different thermochronometric systems, and notably trapped-charge thermochronometery, to show that such rates also occur in the Hida Range, Japanese Alps. Our results imply that cm/yr rates of exhumation may be more common than previously thought. The Hida Range is the most northern and most extensive of the Japanese Alps, and reaches elevations of up to 3000 m a.s.l. The Hida Range is thought to have uplifted in the last 3 Myr in response to E-W compression and magmatism. Our study focuses on samples from the Kurobe gorge, which is one of the steepest gorges in Japan. Previous work has shown that exhumation rates in this region are exceptionally high, as documented by the exposure of the ~0.8 Ma Kurobe granite in the gorge. We combined 12 new zircon (U-Th/He) ages and 11 new OSL-thermochronometry ages together with existing thermochronometric data to investigate the late Pleistocene exhumation of this region. We found that exhumation rates increased to ~10 mm/yr within the past 300 kyr, likely in response to river base-level fall that increased channel steepness due to climatically controlled eustatic changes. Our data allow the development of time-series of exhumation rate changes at the timescale of glacial-interglacial cycles and show a four-fold increase in baseline rates over the past ~65 kyr. This increase in exhumation rate is likely explained by knickpoint propagation due to a combination of very high precipitation rates, climatic change, sea-level fall, range-front faulting and moderate rock uplift. Our data show that in regions with horizontal convergence, coupling between climate, surface processes and tectonics can exert a significant effect on rates of exhumation.
末岡 茂; 河上 哲生*; 鈴木 康太*; 鏡味 沙耶; 横山 立憲; 長田 充弘; 山崎 あゆ*; 東野 文子*; King, G. E.*; 塚本 すみ子*; et al.
no journal, ,
小形 学; King, G. E.*; Herman, F.*; 末岡 茂
no journal, ,
過去10万年の侵食速度は、地質環境の長期安定性を評価する上で重要な情報である。光ルミネッセンス(OSL)熱年代法は、過去数十万年の数十度以下の超低温領域の熱史を推定可能とするOSL年代測定法の応用手法であり、深度数百m以浅の侵食史の評価が期待できる。OSL熱年代法の適用は、ルミネッセンス信号が数十万年で飽和するため、露頭試料においては侵食速度が速い地域(数mm/yr以上)に制限される。しかし、大深度ボーリングコアを用い、地表よりも温度の高い地下深部の試料を利用することで、侵食速度が遅い地域にも適用できる可能性がある。本研究では、10万年スケールの侵食速度が0.1mm/yr程度の東濃地域で掘削された「MIZ-1」ボーリングコア(岐阜県瑞浪市; 掘削長1300m)にmulti-OSL熱年代法を適用し、侵食速度が遅い地域に対するOSL熱年代法による古地温構造復元の適用性を検証した。復元された古地温構造は、過去約10万年間は数mm/yrを超えるような侵食が起きていないことを示し、東濃地域の10万年スケールの侵食速度(0.1mm/yr程度)と調和的な結果となった。これらより、侵食速度が遅い地域に対するOSL熱年代法による古地温構造復元の適用性を確認することができた。今後の課題は、OSL熱年代法の適用可能性のより詳細な評価及び最適なカイネティックパラメータの導出方法の確立によるOSL熱年代法の精度・確度の向上である。
King, G. E.*; Wen, X.*; Bartz, M.*; Anderson, L.*; Bossin, L.*; 塚本 すみ子*; Li, Y.*; Herman, F.*; 小形 学; 末岡 茂
no journal, ,
To determine a rock cooling history using ESR thermochronometry, signal accumulation and signal thermal loss must be robustly determined within the laboratory. We have collected a series of geological samples including rocks from boreholes that have known isothermal histories to investigate the potential of this technique. Our objective is to use the latter rocks to confirm the validity of our laboratory measurements and data-fitting/numerical models. Specifically, we have investigated known-thermal history samples from the MIZ1 borehole (Japan) and the KTB borehole (Germany) as well as samples from Sion in the Western European Alps. Preliminary data reveal that the ESR dose response and thermal decay of different quartz samples is highly variable. Whereas the Al-centre of some samples exhibits linear dose response to laboratory irradiation up to 15 kGy, the Al-centre of other samples exhibits exponential, or double exponential growth and saturates at doses of 3-4 kGy. The Ti-centre of most samples is well described by a single saturating exponential function, however samples from the MIZ1 borehole exhibit pronounced sub-linearity in the low-dose response region. Furthermore, whereas for some samples the Al-centre is less thermally stable than the Ti-centre, for other samples the inverse is observed. These observations suggest that a uniform measurement protocol and data-fitting approach may not be appropriate for quartz ESR data. Inversion of two KTB samples yielded temperatures within uncertainty of borehole temperature, however results for the MIZ1 borehole are more variable and can only recover temperature at best within c.a. 10%. Investigations into the cause of the poor results for the MIZ1 borehole are ongoing (i.e. measurement protocol, data-fitting/numerical model) and will be discussed. Preliminary data from Sion are promising and reveal consistent cooling rates.