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石角 元志*; 高橋 竜太*; 山内 康弘*; 中村 雅俊*; 石丸 宙*; 山内 沙羅*; 河村 聖子; 吉良 弘*; 坂口 佳史*; 渡辺 真朗; et al.
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 41, p.011010_1 - 011010_7, 2024/05
Recent status of cryogenic sample environment equipment at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) has been reported. We have reviewed the specifications and performance of cryogenic sample environment equipment and a newly installed Gifford-McMahon (GM) cryofurnace, which are mainly managed by the Cryogenic and Magnet group in the sample environment team at the MLF. Moreover, the recent maintenance and update of each piece of equipment, the improved temperature-control function, and the expansion of the usable beamline of the cryogenic sample environment equipment are described.
宮崎 司*; 宮田 登*; 有馬 寛*; 吉良 弘*; 大内 啓一*; 笠井 聡*; 津村 佳弘*; 青木 裕之
Langmuir, 37(32), p.9873 - 9882, 2021/08
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:35.86(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)We investigated the structure of the crystalline adsorption layer of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in hot water by neutron reflectivity in two cases: when the adsorption layer is exposed on the substrate by leaching the upper bulk layer and when it is deeply embedded between a relatively thick PVA film and substrate. In both cases, the PVA adsorption layer consists of three layers on the Si substrate. The bottom layer, consisting of amorphous chains that are strongly constrained on the substrate, is not swollen even in hot water at 90C. The middle layer, consisting of amorphous chains that are much more mobile compared with those in the bottom layer, has no freedom to assume a crystalline form. Only the molecular chains in the top layer are crystallizable in the adsorption layer, leading to a heterogeneous layered structure in the film thickness direction. This layered structure is attributed to the crystallizable chains of PVA during the formation of the adsorption layer driven by hydrogen bonding. However, the structure and dynamics in the adsorption layer may differ in both cases because the molecular chains in the vicinity of the surface seem to be affected by surface effects even in the adsorption layer.
奥平 琢也; 奥 隆之; 猪野 隆*; 林田 洋寿*; 吉良 弘*; 酒井 健二; 廣井 孝介; 高橋 慎吾*; 相澤 一也; 遠藤 仁*; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 977, p.164301_1 - 164301_8, 2020/10
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:80.72(Instruments & Instrumentation)We are developing a neutron polarizer with polarized He gas, referred to as a He spin filter, based on the Spin Exchange Optical Pumping (SEOP) for polarized neutron scattering experiments at Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). A He gas-filling station was constructed at J-PARC, and several He cells with long spin relaxation times have been fabricated using the gas-filling station. A laboratory has been prepared in the MLF beam hall for polarizing He cells, and compact pumping systems with laser powers of 30 W and 110 W, which can be installed onto a neutron beamline, have been developed. A He polarization of 85% was achieved at a neutron beamline by using the pumping system with the 110 W laser. Recently, the first user experiment utilizing the He spin filter was conducted, and there have been several more since then. The development and utilization of He spin filters at MLF of J-PARC are reported.
阿久津 和宏*; 吉良 弘*; 宮田 登*; 花島 隆泰*; 宮崎 司*; 笠井 聡*; 山崎 大; 曽山 和彦; 青木 裕之
Polymers (Internet), 12(10), p.2180_1 - 2180_10, 2020/10
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:6.56(Polymer Science)A large background scattering originating from the sample matrix is a major obstacle for fine-structure analysis of a nanometric layer buried in a bulk material. As polarization analysis can decrease undesired scattering in a neutron reflectivity (NR) profile, we performed NR experiments with polarization analysis on a polypropylene (PP)/perhydropolysilazane-derived SiO (PDS)/Si substrate sample, having a deep-buried layer of SiO to elucidate the fine structure of the nano-PDS layer. This method offers unique possibilities for increasing the amplitude of the Kiessig fringes in the higher scattering vector (Qz) region of the NR profiles in the sample by decreasing the undesired background scattering. Fitting and Fourier transform analysis results of the NR data indicated that the synthesized PDS layer remained between the PP plate and Si substrate with a thickness of approximately 109 ;. Furthermore, the scattering length density of the PDS layer, obtained from the background subtracted data appeared to be more accurate than that obtained from the raw data. Although the density of the PDS layer was lower than that of natural SiO, the PDS thin layer had adequate mechanical strength to maintain a uniform PDS layer in the depth-direction under the deep-buried condition.
服部 高典; 佐野 亜沙美; 町田 真一*; 大内 啓一*; 吉良 弘*; 阿部 淳*; 舟越 賢一*
High Pressure Research, 40(3), p.325 - 338, 2020/09
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:37.51(Physics, Multidisciplinary)パリエジンバラプレスを用いた中性子回折実験における圧力伝達媒体の実際的な影響を調べるために、種々の圧力媒体(Pb, AgCl,常温および高温の4:1メタノールエタノール混合液(ME), N, Ar)を用いてMgOの回折パターンを約20GPaまで測定した。MgO 220回折線の線幅から見積もった試料室内の静水圧性は、Pb, AgCl, Ar,室温ME混合液, N, 高温MEの順に良くなる。これは、これまでのダイヤモンドアンビルセルを用いた結果と異なり、高圧下で固化した後も常温MEはArより高い性能を示す(パリエジンバラプレスで用いられたアンビルの窪みの効果と思われる)。これらの結果とより高い性能が期待されるNeが強い寄生散乱をだしてしまうこととを考えると、約20GPaまでの中性子実験においては、ME混合液(できれば高温が良い)が最良の圧力媒体であり、アルコールと反応する試料には液体Arで代替するのが良いことが明らかとなった。
河村 聖子; 高橋 竜太*; 石角 元志*; 山内 康弘*; 中村 雅俊*; 大内 啓一*; 吉良 弘*; 神原 理*; 青山 和弘*; 坂口 佳史*; et al.
Journal of Neutron Research, 21(1-2), p.17 - 22, 2019/05
MLF試料環境チーム低温・マグネットグループは、J-PARC MLFにおいて、利用者の実験のための冷凍機やマグネットの運用を行っている。これまでトップローディング型He冷凍機、ボトムローディング型He冷凍機、希釈冷凍機インサート、超伝導マグネットを導入してきた。これらの機器の使用頻度は、ビーム出力、課題数の増加に伴い、ここ2年間で急激に高くなってきている。この状況に対応するために運用経験を加味しながら、これらの機器の性能向上作業を進めている。例えば、He冷凍機の制御ソフトには、自動の初期冷却および再凝縮のプログラムが備わっていたが、新たに、He potにヒーターを焚くことなくsorbの温度制御のみでHe potを温調するプログラムも作成した。また2017年は、超伝導マグネット用に、揺動型ラジアルコリメーター付きのOVCテールを製作した。このラジアルコリメーターの導入によりデータの質は劇的に向上し、中性子非弾性散乱実験でも超伝導マグネットが使用できるようになった。
梶本 亮一; 石角 元志*; 吉良 弘*; 金子 耕士; 中村 充孝; 蒲沢 和也*; 稲村 泰弘; 池内 和彦*; 飯田 一樹*; 村井 直樹; et al.
Physica B; Condensed Matter, 556, p.26 - 30, 2019/03
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:10.27(Physics, Condensed Matter)Magnets are important for studying magnetism and are commonly used as sample environment devices of neutron scattering instruments. However, the use of magnets was prevented at the time-of-flight direct-geometry neutron spectrometer 4SEASONS in Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at J-PARC, because the instrument is surrounded by iron components, and it is equipped with a piece of equipment operated with magnetic bearings. In the present work, we investigate the influence of stray magnetic fields from a superconducting magnet which is shared among neutron scattering instruments in MLF. Based on the investigation, we modified 4SEASONS such that it can be used with the magnet. Finally, we successfully performed the first inelastic neutron scattering experiments with applied magnetic fields using this sample environment.
梶本 亮一; 中村 充孝; 稲村 泰弘; 蒲沢 和也*; 池内 和彦*; 飯田 一樹*; 石角 元志*; 村井 直樹; 吉良 弘*; 中谷 健; et al.
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1021(1), p.012030_1 - 012030_6, 2018/06
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:88.20(Nuclear Science & Technology)4SEASONS is a medium-resolution thermal neutron chopper spectrometer in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at J-PARC. Although 4SEASONS is routinely used for many experiments by internal and external users, upgrading and maintenance work is still underway. This paper reviews the recent improvements of the instrument.
河村 聖子; 奥 隆之; 渡辺 真朗; 高橋 竜太; 宗像 孝司*; 高田 慎一; 坂口 佳史*; 石角 元志*; 大内 啓一*; 服部 高典; et al.
Journal of Neutron Research, 19(1-2), p.15 - 22, 2017/11
J-PARC MLFにおける試料環境(SE)チームは、ユーザー実験のためのSE機器の運用や開発を行っている。メンバーは、低温マグネット、高温、高圧、ソフトマター、光照射、水素環境、He偏極フィルターといったサブチームに所属している。現在は、数台の冷凍機と、マグネット、高温炉、高圧実験用パリエジンバラプレス、偏極中性子実験のためのSEOPシステムが運用中で、ユーザー実験への提供、運転を行っているほか、パルス磁場システムの汎用化に向けた開発も行っている。またJ-PARC研究棟では、レオメーター、ガス蒸気吸着量測定装置などのソフトマター研究に必要な機器類も整備している。
坂佐井 馨; 佐藤 節夫*; 瀬谷 智洋*; 中村 龍也; 藤 健太郎; 山岸 秀志*; 曽山 和彦; 山崎 大; 丸山 龍治; 奥 隆之; et al.
Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 1(2), p.10_1 - 10_35, 2017/09
酒井 健二; 奥 隆之; 林田 洋寿*; 吉良 弘*; 廣井 孝介; 猪野 隆*; 大山 研司*; 大河原 学*; 加倉井 和久; 篠原 武尚; et al.
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 8, p.036015_1 - 036015_6, 2015/09
酒井 健二; 奥 隆之; 林田 洋寿; 吉良 弘*; 篠原 武尚; 及川 健一; 原田 正英; 加倉井 和久; 相澤 一也; 新井 正敏; et al.
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 528, p.012016_1 - 012016_7, 2014/07
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:69.04(Optics)中性子偏極実験において測定領域を熱外中性子まで広げることは興味深い。その実現には、He自身の核スピンを反転することで、冷から熱外まで幅広いエネルギー領域の中性子のスピン偏極と反転が可能な偏極Heスピンフリッパー(PHSF)が重要な役割を果たす。現在、J-PARC/MLFでは「可搬型PHSF」の開発を進めている。この装置は、Heガスを封入したガラスセルを、Heスピン偏極を保持するための直径20cm,長さ30cmの小型ソレノイド内に設置する。さらに、ガラスセルをレーザー照射することで、光ポンピング法(SEOP)によりHeを偏極した後に、ソレノイドごと中性子ビームラインに移動することで、可搬型PHSFとして利用する。われわれは、MLFの中性子ビームライン(BL10)で、PHSFの特性試験を行い、He核スピン反転前後の中性子透過率比の2次元分布測定から、本装置がPHSFとして十分機能することや、サンプルコイルの簡単な磁気イメージを測定できることを実証した。
酒井 健二; 奥 隆之; 篠原 武尚; 吉良 弘; 大井 元貴; 前川 藤夫; 加倉井 和久; 猪野 隆*; 有本 靖*; 清水 裕彦*; et al.
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 340, p.012037_1 - 012037_7, 2012/02
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:62.25(Physics, Condensed Matter)J-PARC物質生命科学実験施設(MLF)では、Xeの共鳴ピークを用いた中性子-原子核スピン相関項に起因する中性子偏極能力を検知する実験が計画されている。スピン交換光ポンピング(SEOP)法により低磁場,室温で高偏極可能なXeガスは、中性子光学定理(NOPT)検証に適した標的核になることが期待できる。われわれはNOPTに基づいて、実験の測定量を評価し、偏極Xeガス生成装置を開発し、装置特性のビーム試験を進めてきた。本論文は、実験の現状について報告する。
坂口 佳史; 吉良 弘; 奥 隆之; 篠原 武尚; 鈴木 淳市; 酒井 健二; 中村 充孝; 相澤 一也; 新井 正敏; 能田 洋平; et al.
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 294(1), p.012017_1 - 012017_7, 2011/06
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:65.35(Physics, Applied)A polarized He neutron spin filter has been applied to polarization analysis on the small-angle neutron scattering spectrometer SANS-J-II at JRR-3. Measurements were taken on silver behenate, which has several coherent peaks in the small-angle region with a background of spin incoherent hydrogen scattering. Here we demonstrate that the coherent and spin incoherent scattering were successfully separated by the polarization analysis using the He spin filter on the instrument.
吉良 弘; 坂口 佳史; 奥 隆之; 鈴木 淳市; 中村 充孝; 新井 正敏; 遠藤 康夫; Chang, L.-J.; 加倉井 和久; 有本 靖*; et al.
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 294, p.012014_1 - 012014_5, 2011/06
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:94.43(Physics, Applied)The pulsed neutron source of J-PARC has started to operate in 2008 in Japan. To study structure of magnetic material and soft matters, polarized neutron scattering techniques are very important and powerful tools. It is urgently necessary for us to develop neutron spin polarizers for pulsed neutron scattering experiments. So we began the development of the in-situ SEOP system aiming to use it as a NSF for incident beam polarization and polarization analysis. In previous test performed by Ino et al., the He polarization reached 50% and not saturated yet. After that experiment, we began improving the SEOP system by installing the high power laser diode, the prism beam splitter and optimizing the beam-transform optics. By using this improved system, we performed the polarization test at BL10 in J-PRC and achieved the He polarization of 73%. We keep improving this in-situ SEOP system aiming to use it s an incident neutron polarizer at J-PARC.
坂口 佳史; 吉良 弘; 奥 隆之; 篠原 武尚; 鈴木 淳市; 酒井 健二; 中村 充孝; 鈴谷 賢太郎; 相澤 一也; 新井 正敏; et al.
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 294(1), p.012004_1 - 012004_7, 2011/06
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:65.35(Physics, Applied)In spin-exchange optical pumping, there is unknown excess relaxation, called the X-factor, that limits attainable He polarization. It is known that the X-factor depends on the glass containers. Hence, it is expected that there are cell-to-cell variations in microscopic structure among the cells and that these variations affect the attainable He polarization. However, microscopic structure of the glasses for He neutron spin filters has not been clarified yet. In this paper, we have performed precise X-ray diffraction measurements for the glasses at SPring-8 using synchrotron radiation. The structural differences are observed between several types of glasses, and also, between the GE180 glass pieces with different thermal treatment. Based on the results, the structural influence on the performance of He neutron spin filters is discussed.
坂口 佳史; 吉良 弘; 奥 隆之; 篠原 武尚; 鈴木 淳市; 酒井 健二; 中村 充孝; 鈴谷 賢太郎; 相澤 一也; 新井 正敏; et al.
Physica B; Condensed Matter, 406(12), p.2443 - 2447, 2011/06
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:16.13(Physics, Condensed Matter)Glass cells play an important role in polarized He neutron spin filters. To evaluate the scattering and absorption contribution from glass cells during neutron scattering experiments, we measured small-angle scattering and neutron transmission in GE180 and other glasses. To pursue the possibility of being a structural influence on He spin relaxation in GE180 glass cells, we performed precise X-ray diffraction measurement using synchrotron radiation at SPring-8. From these measurements, a structural difference was observed among GE180 glasses with different thermal treatments.
坂口 佳史; 吉良 弘; 奥 隆之; 篠原 武尚; 鈴木 淳市; 酒井 健二; 中村 充孝; 鈴谷 賢太郎; 相澤 一也; 新井 正敏; et al.
Physica B; Condensed Matter, 406(12), p.2443 - 2447, 2011/06
Polarized He neutron spin filters have attracted much attention because of their available wide energy range for polarizing neutrons and their large solid-angle. To use He neutron spin filters for the experiments, it is necessary to produce glass cells with good quality. For this purpose, we made research on the glass cells from several aspects. Firstly, we investigated on the microscopic structure for several glasses by means of X-ray diffraction measurement and tried to find a good measure of evaluating the quality of the cells in terms of their structure. Secondly, we investigated on the glass window, which the laser beam passes through for optical pumping. Thirdly, the cells should be optimized for the polarized neutron scattering experiments and the background from the cells needs to be evaluated. The scattered intensity from the cell in small-angle neutron scattering will also be presented.
吉良 弘; 坂口 佳史; 奥 隆之; 鈴木 淳市; 中村 充孝; 新井 正敏; 加倉井 和久; 遠藤 康夫; 有本 靖*; 猪野 隆*; et al.
Physica B; Condensed Matter, 406(12), p.2433 - 2435, 2011/06
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:36.01(Physics, Condensed Matter)Polarized neutron scattering techniques are very important and powerful tools to study the fundamental structures of magnetic materials and soft matters. He has a very large absorption cross section for only neutrons in opposite spin state to that of the He nucleus. The scattering cross section of He is small. These two features allow nuclear spin polarized He gas to work as a NSF. Compared with other spin filters such as Heusler alloys and magnetic supermirrors, the He gas NSF have following advantages: it can polarize various energy of neutron such as cold, thermal and hot neutrons, it can work for broadband neutrons and it can be used for wide area and large divergence neutron beams. These characteristics of polarized He are convenient in use with J-PARC as NSF. We began the development of the on beam SEOP system aiming to use it s a NSF for incident beam polarisation and polarisation analysis. In this paper, we report the current development of SEOP system in Japan.
坂口 佳史; 吉良 弘; 奥 隆之; 篠原 武尚; 鈴木 淳市; 酒井 健二; 中村 充孝; 鈴谷 賢太郎; 新井 正敏; 武田 全康; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 634(1, Suppl.), p.S122 - S125, 2011/04
Polarized He neutron spin filters are promising neutron polarizers in polarized neutron scattering experiments at facilities with two-dimensional detectors and pulsed neutron source. Although they are now operational at several institutions, it is still desired to be developed. Among required factors for the development, the study on the glasses in the filters is one of the important issues. In this paper, we report our recent investigation on the glass cells such as X-ray diffraction measurements and the measurements of the degree of circular polarization of the transmitted laser light through the glass window in the filter.