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Higa, Ryota*; Fujihara, Hiro*; Toda, Hiroyuki*; Kobayashi, Masakazu*; Ebihara, Kenichi; Takeuchi, Akihisa*
Materials Transactions, 65(8), p.899 - 906, 2024/08
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)It is indispensable to suppress hydrogen embrittlement (HE) to develop the strength of the Al-Zn-Mg alloy. Because intergranular fracture (IGF) is mainly observed when HE occurs in the alloy, we need to understand the IGF initiation to suppress HE. In the present study, we investigated the stress, strain, and H concentration, which influence the IGF initiation, in actual fractured regions by simulation of a crystal plasticity finite element method and H diffusion analysis in a 3D image-based model, which was created based on 3D polycrystalline microstructure data obtained from X-ray imaging technique. Combining the simulation and in-situ observation of the tensile test sample by X-ray CT, we examined the stress, strain, and H concentration, and discussed the IG crack initiation condition. As a result, it is revealed that stress normal to grain boundary induced by crystal plasticity dominates IG crack initiation while the accumulation of H due to stress has little impact on it.
Fujihara, Hiro*; Toda, Hiroyuki*; Ebihara, Kenichi; Kobayashi, Masakazu*; Mayama, Tsuyoshi*; Hirayama, Kyosuke*; Shimizu, Kazuyuki*; Takeuchi, Akihisa*; Uesugi, Masayuki*
International Journal of Plasticity, 174, p.103897_1 - 103897_22, 2024/03
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:96.45(Engineering, Mechanical)Hydrogen(H) embrittlement in high-strength aluminum(Al) alloys is a crucial problem. H accumulation at the interface of precipitates in Al alloy is considered to cause embrittlement. However, there is no quantitative knowledge regarding the interaction between H distribution and stress field near cracks. In this study, using a multi-modal three-dimensional image-based simulation combining the crystal plasticity finite element method and H diffusion analysis, we tried to capture the stress distribution near the crack, its influence on the H distribution, and the probability of crack initiation in the experimental condition. As a result, it was found that grain boundary cracks transition to quasi-cleavage cracks in the region where the cohesive energy of the semi-coherent interface of MgZn precipitates decreases due to H accumulation near the tip. We believe the present simulation method successfully bridges nanoscale delamination and macroscale brittle fracture.
Higa, Ryota*; Fujihara, Hiro*; Toda, Hiroyuki*; Kobayashi, Masakazu*; Ebihara, Kenichi; Takeuchi, Akihisa*
Keikinzoku, 73(11), p.530 - 536, 2023/11
In Al-Zn-Mg alloys, suppression of hydrogen embrittlement is necessary to improve their strength. In this study, the distribution of stress, strain, and hydrogen concentration in the actual fracture region was investigated using the crystal plasticity finite element method and hydrogen diffusion analysis based on a model derived from three-dimensional polycrystalline microstructural data obtained by X-ray CT. In addition, the distributions of stress, strain, and hydrogen concentration were compared with the actual crack initiation behavior by combining in-situ observation of tensile tests using X-ray CT and simulation. The results show that stress loading perpendicular to the grain boundary due to crystal plasticity dominates grain boundary crack initiation. It was also found that internal hydrogen accumulation due to crystal plasticity has little effect on crack initiation.
Kobayashi, Yoshinori*; Sato, Kiminori*; Yamawaki, Masato*; Michishio, Koji*; Oka, Toshitaka; Washio, Masakazu*
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 202, p.110590_1 - 110590_6, 2023/01
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:69.23(Chemistry, Physical)Because of their different charge states, positrons and positronium (Ps) behave quite differently in macromolecules. The behavior of positively charged positrons is strongly influenced by electrostatic interactions. In nonpolar macromolecules such as polyethylene, energetic positrons, if not incorporated into Ps, fall into a delocalized state. These positrons are sensitively trapped by polar groups, if any. On the other hand, charge-neutral Ps is localized in a free volume regardless of the macromolecule's chemical structure. In this study, we discuss the behavior and annihilation characteristics of positrons and Ps in various macromolecules, emphasizing their differences.
Kobayashi, Yoshinori*; Sato, Kiminori*; Yamawaki, Masato*; Michishio, Koji*; Oka, Toshitaka; Washio, Masakazu*
Applied Physics Express, 15(7), p.076001_1 - 076001_4, 2022/07
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:20.28(Physics, Applied)We discuss the energy dissipation of short-lived -positronium (-Ps) in polymers and silica glass. The parameter characterizing the Doppler broadening of -Ps annihilation is determined from the previously reported systematic data of positron annihilation age momentum correlation for various polymers and silica glass. A comparison of the parameter with that expected for thermalized -Ps trapped in a free volume reveals that -Ps is not thermalized and possesses excess energy in fluorinated polymers and silica glass, indicating that it is difficult for Ps to lose energy in substances containing heavy elements such as fluorine and silicon.
Miura, Hiromi*; Watanabe, Chihiro*; Aoyagi, Yoshiteru*; Oba, Yojiro; Kobayashi, Masakazu*; Yoshinaga, Naoki*
Materials Science & Engineering A, 833, p.142531_1 - 142531_12, 2022/01
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:45.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)Ichikawa, Shoichi; Chiba, Yusuke; Ono, Fumiyasu; Hatori, Masakazu; Kobayashi, Takanori; Uekura, Ryoichi; Hashiri, Nobuo*; Inuzuka, Taisuke*; Kitano, Hiroshi*; Abe, Hisashi*
JAEA-Research 2017-001, 40 Pages, 2017/03
In order to reduce the influence on a plant schedule of the MONJU by the maintenance of dew point hygrometers, The JAEA examined a capacitance type dew point hygrometer as an alternative dew point hygrometer for a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer which had been used at the CV-LRT in the MONJU. As a result of comparing a capacitance type dew point hygrometer with a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer at the CV-LRT (Atmosphere: nitrogen, Testing time: 24 hours), there weren't significant difference between a capacitance type dew point hygrometer and a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer. As a result of comparing a capacitance dew point hygrometer with a high-mirror-surface type dew point hygrometer for long term verification (Atmosphere: air, Testing time: 24 months), the JAEA confirmed that a capacitance type dew point hygrometer satisfied the instrument specification (2.04C) required by the JEAC4203-2008.
Ichikawa, Shoichi; Chiba, Yusuke; Ono, Fumiyasu; Hatori, Masakazu; Kobayashi, Takanori; Uekura, Ryoichi; Hashiri, Nobuo*; Inuzuka, Taisuke*; Kitano, Hiroshi*; Abe, Hisashi*
JAEA-Research 2016-021, 32 Pages, 2017/02
In order to reduce the influence on a plant schedule of the MONJU by the maintenance of dew point hygrometers, The JAEA examined a capacitance type dew point hygrometer as an alternative dew point hygrometer for a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer which had been used at the CV-LRT in the MONJU. As a result of comparing a capacitance type dew point hygrometer with a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer at the CV-LRT (Atmosphere: nitrogen, Testing time: 24 hours), there weren't significant difference between a capacitance type dew point hygrometer and a lithium-chloride type dew point hygrometer. As a result of comparing a capacitance dew point hygrometer with a high-mirror-surface type dew point hygrometer for long term verification (Atmosphere: air, Testing time: 24 months), the JAEA confirmed that a capacitance type dew point hygrometer satisfied the instrument specification (2.04C) required by the JEAC4203-2008.
Tanase, Masakazu*; Fujisaki, Saburo*; Ota, Akio*; Shiina, Takayuki*; Yamabayashi, Hisamichi*; Takeuchi, Nobuhiro*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Kimura, Akihiro; Suzuki, Yoshitaka; Ishida, Takuya; et al.
Radioisotopes, 65(5), p.237 - 245, 2016/05
no abstracts in English
Ikuta, Masafumi*; Niwa, Masakazu; Danhara, Toru*; Yamashita, Toru*; Maruyama, Seiji*; Kamataki, Takanobu*; Kobayashi, Tetsuo*; Kurosawa, Hideki*; Kokubu, Yoko; Hirata, Takafumi*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 122(3), p.89 - 107, 2016/03
We carried out mineral composition analysis, morphological classification of volcanic glass shards and refractive index measurements of the glass shards and orthopyroxene from the eruption products from Sakurajima volcano. In this study, refractive indexes of hydrated and non-hydrated parts within each individual glass shard were measured separately. This measurements in consideration of hydration in glass shards made possible distinct discrimination of the pumice samples from the three eruption events of Bunmei, An-ei, and Taisho. Pumice layers in the core samples obtained from the southern part of the Miyazaki Plain were also identified as the Sakurajima-Bunmei tephra by the above mentioned analyses, and also by the data of radiocarbon dating for coaly materials included in the pumice layers. Occurrences of the pumice layers suggest that the Sakurajima-Bunmei tephra could have reached the southern part of Miyazaki Plain as pumice falls.
Ishida, Takuya; Shiina, Takayuki*; Ota, Akio*; Kimura, Akihiro; Nishikata, Kaori; Shibata, Akira; Tanase, Masakazu*; Kobayashi, Masaaki*; Sano, Tadafumi*; Fujihara, Yasuyuki*; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2015-030, 42 Pages, 2015/11
The research and development (R&D) on the production of Mo/Tc by neutron activation method ((n, ) method) using JMTR has been carried out in the Neutron Irradiation and Testing Reactor Center. The specific radioactivity of Mo by (n, ) method is extremely low compared with that by fission method ((n,f) method), and as a result, the radioactive concentration of the obtained Tc solution is also lowered. To solve the problem, we propose the solvent extraction with methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) for recovery of Tc from Mo produced by (n, ) method. We have developed the Mo/Tc separation/extraction/concentration devices and have carried out the performance tests for recovery of Tc from Mo produced by (n, ) method. In this paper, in order to establish an experimental system for Mo/Tc production, the R&D results of the system are summarized on the improvement of the devices for high-recovery rate of Tc, on the dissolution of the pellets, which is the high-density molybdenum trioxide (MoO) pellets irradiated in Kyoto University Research Reactor (KUR), on the production of Tc, and on the inspection of the recovered Tc solutions.
Katata, Genki; Chino, Masamichi; Kobayashi, Takuya; Terada, Hiroaki; Ota, Masakazu; Nagai, Haruyasu; Kajino, Mizuo*; Draxler, R.*; Hort, M.*; Malo, A.*; et al.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(2), p.1029 - 1070, 2015/01
Times Cited Count:236 Percentile:98.81(Environmental Sciences)We estimated a detailed time trend of atmospheric releases during the Fukushima Dai-ichi Power Station (FNPS1) accident by combining environmental monitoring data with coupling simulation of atmospheric model of WSPEEDI-II, and oceanic dispersion model of SEA-GEARN-FDM. The new scheme of dry and fogwater depositions, in-cloud scavenging, cloud condensation nuclei activity, and wet scavenging by ice phase for radioactive iodine gas and other particles was incorporated into WSPEEDI-II. The results revealed that the major releases of radionuclides occurred in the following periods: afternoon on 12 March when the wet venting and hydrogen explosion at Unit 1, morning on 13 March after the venting event at Unit 3, midnight on 14 March when three-time openings of SRV were conducted at Unit 2, morning and night on 15 March, and morning on 16 March.
Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Nishikata, Kaori; Tanase, Masakazu*; Shiina, Takayuki*; Ota, Akio*; Kobayashi, Masaaki*; Yamamoto, Asaki*; Morikawa, Yasumasa*; Takeuchi, Nobuhiro*; Kaminaga, Masanori; et al.
Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ISMTR-6) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2013/10
no abstracts in English
Kokusen, Junya; Sumiya, Masato; Seki, Masakazu; Kobayashi, Fuyumi; Ishii, Junichi; Umeda, Miki
JAEA-Technology 2012-041, 32 Pages, 2013/02
Uranyl nitrate solution fuel used in the STACY and the TRACY is adjusted in the Fuel Treatment System, in which such parameters are varied as concentration of uranium, free nitric acid, soluble neutron poison, and so on. Operations for concentration and denitration of the solution fuel were carried out with an evaporator from JFY 2004 to JFY 2008 in order to adjust the fuel to the experimental condition of the STACY and the TRACY. In parallel, the solution fuel in which some kinds of soluble neutron poison were doped was also adjusted in JFY 2005 and JFY 2006 for the purpose of the STACY experiments to determine neutron absorption effects brought by fission products, etc. After these experiments in the STACY, a part of the solution fuel including the soluble neutron poison was purified by the solvent extraction method with mixer-settlers in JFY 2006 and JFY 2007. This report summarizes operation data of the Fuel Treatment System from JFY 2004 to JFY 2008.
Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Tanase, Masakazu*; Takeuchi, Nobuhiro*; Kobayashi, Masaaki*; Hasegawa, Yoshio*; Yoshinaga, Hideo*; Kaminaga, Masanori; Ishihara, Masahiro; Kawamura, Hiroshi
Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ISMTR-5) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2012/10
As one of effective uses of the JMTR, JAEA has a plan to produce Mo by (n, ) method, a parent nuclide of Tc. In case of Japan, the supplying of Mo depends only on imports from foreign countries. The R&D on production method of Mo -Tc has been performed with Japanese industrial users under the cooperation programs. The main R&D items for the production are (1) Fabrication of irradiation target such as the sintered MoO pellets, (2) Separation and concentration of Tc by the solvent extraction from Mo solution, (3) Examination of Tc solution for a medicine, and (4) Mo recycling from Mo generator and solution. In this paper, the status of the R&D is introduced for the production of Mo -Tc.
Tanase, Masakazu*; Shiina, Takayuki*; Kimura, Akihiro; Nishikata, Kaori; Fujisaki, Saburo*; Ota, Akio*; Kobayashi, Masaaki*; Yamamoto, Asaki*; Kawauchi, Yukimasa*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; et al.
Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Material Testing Reactors (ISMTR-5) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2012/10
Tc is used as a radiopharmaceutical and manufactured from the parent nuclide of Mo. Extraction method of Tc from (n, ) Mo have been developed, as a part of the industrial use expansion after JMTR will re-start. In this research, the method proposed would be applicable to a practical production of Tc obtained from (n, ) Mo in large quantities. The method proposed would be applicable to a practical production of Tc obtained from (n, ) Mo in large quantities.
Kameya, Hiromi*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Todoriki, Setsuko*; Furuta, Masakazu*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Hara, Hideyuki*; Shimoyama, Yuhei; Ukai, Mitsuko*
Shokuhin Shosha, 47(1), p.6 - 10, 2012/09
no abstracts in English
Kameya, Hiromi*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Hara, Hideyuki*; Furuta, Masakazu*; Todoriki, Setsuko*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*; Shimoyama, Yuhei
Applied Magnetic Resonance, 42(2), p.153 - 159, 2012/03
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:29.90(Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical)no abstracts in English
Kobayashi, Takanori; Sakon, Miyoji; Takada, Osamu; Hatori, Masakazu; Sakamoto, Tsutomu; Sato, Toshiyuki; Kazama, Akihito*; Ishizawa, Yoshihiro*; Igawa, Katsuhisa*; Nakae, Hideo*
JAEA-Review 2011-047, 48 Pages, 2012/02
I confirmed a leak of the effluent gas from cylinder part during a load examination after the check of the emergency generator C unit on December 28, 2010 of the facilities check average and confirmed crack in No.8 cylinder liner part. As a result, because it was not performed oil pressure management properly without attaching an oil pressure gauge when I removed cylinder liner about the cause, crack occurred by having been able to write excessive stress for the cylinder liner and reached damage. By a process of this investigation, a fall of the materials strength of some cylinder liner was confirmed, but because a lead ingredient got mixed with materials by a casting process at the time of the production of the cylinder liner, as for this, Widmannst tten graphite occurred, and it became clear that materials strength fell. In addition, I performed inspection by the supersonic wave velocity measurement as technique to distinguish this Widmannst tten graphite easily and confirmed that I was effective.
Okubo, Satoshi*; Nagasawa, Naotsugu; Kobayashi, Akinobu*; Oyama, Tomoko*; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Oshima, Akihiro*; Tagawa, Seiichi*; Washio, Masakazu*
Applied Physics Express, 5(2), p.027303_1 - 027303_3, 2012/02
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:17.65(Physics, Applied)Electron beam nanoimprint lithography was proposed for fabricating the micro-/nanostructures of cross-linked poly(-lactic acid) (RX-PLLA). PLLA with triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC) solutions were dropped on the Si-molds fabricated by the conventional EB lithography technique. PLLA/TAIC on Si-molds were imprinted and cross-linked with doses from 10 to 500 kGy at room temperature under vacuum. The micro-/nanostructures of RX-PLLA were successfully obtained with high accuracy. Hence, it was found that the imprinted structures of RX-PLLA (100 kGy irradiation) show low line edge roughness and high thermal durability at 120 C.