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Koie, Ryusuke*; Kawaguchi, Munemichi*; Miyahara, Shinya*; Uno, Masayoshi*; Seino, Hiroshi
Proceedings of 29th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 29) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2022/08
In order to investigate removal mechanisms of cesium aerosol from noble gas bubble in sodium pool, we performed a water simulation test to measure the decontamination factors of simulant aerosols with nitrogen gas bubbles rising through the water pool. As a result, it was found that the decontamination factors increased with the increase in the aerosol diameter and the water pool depth.
Koie, Ryusuke*; Kawaguchi, Munemichi*; Miyahara, Shinya*; Uno, Masayoshi*; Seino, Hiroshi
no journal, ,
To investigate the removal effect of Cs aerosol in a noble gas bubble rising in sodium pool, bubbling tests in water were performed using a simulated aerosol (FeO powder) and the decontamination factors were measured.