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Journal Articles

Corrigendum: Beam range estimation by measuring bremsstrahlung (2012 Phys. Med. Biol. 57 2843)

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Torikai, Kota*; Kawachi, Naoki; Shimada, Hirofumi*; Sato, Takahiro; Nagao, Yuto; Fujimaki, Shu; Kokubun, Motohide*; Watanabe, Shin*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; et al.

Physics in Medicine & Biology, 61(9), p.3638 - 3644, 2016/05

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:99.10(Engineering, Biomedical)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

A New method for monitoring beam range by measuring low energy photons

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Torikai, Kota*; Kawachi, Naoki; Shimada, Hirofumi*; Sato, Takahiro; Nagao, Yuto; Fujimaki, Shu; Kokubun, Motohide*; Watanabe, Shin*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; et al.

Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 2 Pages, 2013/00

Journal Articles

An Evaluation of three-dimensional imaging by use of Si/CdTe Compton cameras

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Nagao, Yuto; Kawachi, Naoki; Fujimaki, Shu; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Takeda, Shinichiro*; Watanabe, Shin*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; et al.

Proceedings of 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 3 Pages, 2013/00

Journal Articles

High-resolution Compton cameras based on Si/CdTe double-sided strip detectors

Odaka, Hirokazu*; Ichinohe, Yuto*; Takeda, Shinichiro*; Fukuyama, Taro*; Hagino, Koichi*; Saito, Shinya*; Sato, Tamotsu*; Sato, Goro*; Watanabe, Shin*; Kokubun, Motohide*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 695, p.179 - 183, 2012/12

 Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:82.76(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We have developed a new Si/CdTe semiconductor double-sided strip detector (DSD) Compton camera. The camera consists of a 500-$$mu$$m-thick Si-DSD and four layers of 750-$$mu$$m-thick CdTe-DSDs all of which have common electrode configuration segmented into 128 strips on each side with pitches of 250$$mu$$m. In order to realize high angular resolution and to reduce size of the detector system, a stack of DSDs with short stack pitches of 4 mm is utilized to make the camera. Taking advantage of the excellent energy and position resolutions of the semiconductor devices, the camera achieves high angular resolutions of 4.5 degrees at 356 keV and 3.5 degrees at 662 keV. To obtain such high resolutions together with an acceptable detection efficiency, we demonstrate data reduction methods including energy calibration using Compton scattering continuum and depth sensing in the CdTe-DSD. We also discuss imaging capability of the camera and show simultaneous multi-energy imaging.

Journal Articles

Applications and imaging techniques of a Si/CdTe Compton $$gamma$$-ray camera

Takeda, Shinichiro*; Ichinohe, Yuto*; Hagino, Koichi*; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Yuasa, Takayuki*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Fukuyama, Taro*; Saito, Shinya*; Sato, Tamotsu*; Sato, Goro*; et al.

Physics Procedia, 37, p.859 - 866, 2012/10

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:98.49(Physics, Applied)

By using new Compton camera consisting of silicon double-sided strip detector (Si-DSD) and CdTe-DSD developed for the ASTRO-H mission, an experiment was conducted to study its feasibility for advanced hotspot monitoring. In addition to hotspot imaging already provided by commercial imaging systems, the identification of the variety of radioisotopes is realized thanks to the good energy resolution given by the semiconductor detectors. Three radioisotopes of $$^{133}$$Ba (356 keV), $$^{22}$$Na (511 keV) and $$^{137}$$Cs (662 keV) were individually imaged by applying event selection in the energy window and the $$gamma$$-ray images was correctly overlapped by an optical picture. The detection efficiency of 1.68$$times$$10$$^{-4}$$ (effective area: 1.7$$times$$10$$^{-4}$$ cm$$^2$$) and angular resolution of 3.8$$^{circ}$$ were obtained by stacking five detector modules for 662 keV $$gamma$$-ray. The higher detection efficiency required in a specific use can be achieved by stacking more detector modules.

Journal Articles

Beam range estimation by measuring bremsstrahlung

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Torikai, Kota*; Kawachi, Naoki; Shimada, Hirofumi*; Sato, Takahiro; Nagao, Yuto; Fujimaki, Shu; Kokubun, Motohide*; Watanabe, Shin*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; et al.

Physics in Medicine & Biology, 57(10), p.2843 - 2856, 2012/05

 Times Cited Count:42 Percentile:79.49(Engineering, Biomedical)

Journal Articles

Three-dimensional imaging test for a head module of a Si/CdTe Compton camera for medical application

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Kawachi, Naoki; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Sato, Takahiro; Suzui, Nobuo; Fujimaki, Shu; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Watanabe, Shin*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2011-043, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2010, P. 145, 2012/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of head module for multi-head Si/CdTe Compton camera for medical applications

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Kawachi, Naoki; Suzui, Nobuo; Fujimaki, Shu; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Watanabe, Shin*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 648(Suppl.1), p.S2 - S7, 2011/08

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:19.50(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We are constructing a three-dimensional imaging system for medical and biological applications. The system will allow simultaneous imaging at high spatial and energy resolutions across a wide energy range, from several tens of keV to a few MeV. In this work, one prototype head module have been developed for a multi-head Si/CdTe Compton camera system. The performance of the prototype was evaluated with a sealed Ba-133 radiation source. The experiments confirmed that the imaging results were consistent with actual source position. In addition to the resolution for the parallel directions to the detector surface, the position resolution was evaluated for the depth direction at a point in near region of the head-module. These position resolutions were well reproduced by Monte Carlo simulation results.

Journal Articles

Counting rate performance measurement of newly developed Si/CdTe Compton camera for biological and medical applications

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Kawachi, Naoki; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Suzui, Nobuo; Fujimaki, Shu; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Watanabe, Shin*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; et al.

2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (CD-ROM), p.2004 - 2007, 2010/10

Journal Articles

Experimental results of the $$gamma$$-ray imaging capability with a Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera

Takeda, Shinichiro*; Aono, Hiroyuki*; Okuyama, Sho*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Watanabe, Shin*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; Nakazawa, Kazuhiro*; Tajima, Hiroyasu*; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 56(3), p.783 - 790, 2009/06

 Times Cited Count:57 Percentile:95.93(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Oral presentation

Imaging and polarization experiment by using Si/CdTe Compton camera

Aono, Hiroyuki*; Takeda, Shinichiro*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Watanabe, Shin*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; Kawachi, Naoki; Toyokawa, Hidenori*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Application of double-sided silicon strip detectors for a Si/CdTe Compton camera

Aono, Hiroyuki*; Takeda, Shinichiro*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Watanabe, Shin*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; Nakazawa, Kazuhiro*; Okuyama, Sho*; Tajima, Hiroyasu*; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

The Experimental results of a $$gamma$$-ray imaging with a Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera

Takeda, Shinichiro*; Aono, Hiroyuki*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Watanabe, Shin*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; Okuyama, Sho*; Nakazawa, Kazuhiro*; Tajima, Hiroyasu*; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Development of an image reconstruction method for quantitative profiling of $$gamma$$-ray sources at close range using Si/CdTe Compton camera

Nagao, Yuto; Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Kawachi, Naoki; Fujimaki, Shu; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Takeda, Shinichiro*; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Watanabe, Shin*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; et al.

no journal, , 

A conventional $$gamma$$-ray imaging system such as a gamma camera and SPECT has a fundamental problem that imposes a tradeoff between sensitivity and spatial resolution and restricts $$gamma$$-ray energy to low because of the physical constraints resulting from the mechanical collimation. On the other hand, a Compton camera, which applies kinematics of Compton scattering to the electronic collimation, is a next generation $$gamma$$-ray imaging system which decouples the tradeoff between sensitivity and spatial resolution and covers a wide range of energy. We study an application of a Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera being developed for space observation to in vivo tracer imaging in medicine and biology. Particularly, it is essential for a medical and biological application to estimate quantitative distribution of tracers in a field close to the camera. We developed an image reconstruction method to realize quantitative profiling of $$gamma$$-ray emitting sources.

Oral presentation

The Effect of scattering $$gamma$$ ray in a body on reconstructed images of Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera for medical imaging

Sakai, Makoto*; Kikuchi, Kimiko*; Torikai, Kota*; Arakawa, Kazuo*; Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Nagao, Yuto; Kawachi, Naoki; Fujimaki, Shu; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Odaka, Hirokazu*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Influence of scattered $$gamma$$ rays by body tissue on the image of semiconductor Compton camera for nuclear medical use

Sakai, Makoto*; Kikuchi, Kimiko*; Torikai, Kota*; Arakawa, Kazuo*; Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Nagao, Yuto; Kawachi, Naoki; Fujimaki, Shu; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Odaka, Hirokazu*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera for medical and biological application

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Nagao, Yuto; Kawachi, Naoki; Fujimaki, Shu; Arakawa, Kazuo*; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Takeda, Shinichiro*; Watanabe, Shin*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of Si/CdTe Compton camera for medical imaging

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Kawachi, Naoki; Suzui, Nobuo; Fujimaki, Shu; Ishioka, Noriko; Watanabe, Shin*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Kokubun, Motohide*; et al.

no journal, , 

We have developed a prototype of Si/CdTe medical Compton camera. To overcome low spatial resolution of one head camera, we have proposed multi-head Compton camera. In this work, we studied the spatial resolution by comparing the measured resolution with Monte Carlo simulation. The head of the Compton camera consist of two layers of Si strip detector and two layers of CdTe strip detector. Monte Carlo simulations were performed by using a camera simulator Geant4 toolkit. After the Monte Carlo simulations, imaging process using LM-ML-EM, algorithm was performed in a 3D-space. The measured result was well agree with the simulation result. The spatial resolution is about 6 mm for double-head case while the spatial resolution of depth direction is about 15 mm for single-head case. These results indicate that the spatial resolution is improved and clear 3D-image is taken by using multi-head Compton camera.

Oral presentation

Development of a head module for multi-head Si/CdTe Compton camera

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Kawachi, Naoki; Suzui, Nobuo; Fujimaki, Shu; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Kokubun, Motohide*; Watanabe, Shin*; Takahashi, Tadayuki*; et al.

no journal, , 

We are constructing a three-dimensional imaging system for medical and biological applications as a device that can provide simultaneous imaging, having high spatial and energy resolutions and wide energy range from several tens keV to a few MeV, by diverting the most advanced space-observation technology, Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera, developed in ISAS/JAXA. The Si/CdTe Compton camera was developed under the assumption that the use of moderate temperature and the Analog ASIC for signal processing. Moreover, because the solid and thin scattering layer allows close placement of the measured object, good angular resolution corresponds to good spatial resolution directly. These aspects allow construction of compact medical system. In contrast to space-observation use, three-dimensional imaging ability becomes important for life science research. In order to achieve a good three-dimensional spatial resolution, modularizing the Compton camera into a small camera head and allowing multi-angle imaging with multi-head structure is required. In this work, a head module has been developed as a prototype module of the multi-head system. Sensor and circuit modules are closely arranged and put in a compact vacuum-insulating cylindrical housing. Each of camera heads will be fixed on robot arms and be able to adjust the positions and the directions. Performance evaluation test was made for the prototype module with a sealed Ba-133 radiation source. We confirmed that the imaging result is consistent with the source positioning. The angular resolution measure, abbreviated as ARM, was estimated to be 4.5 degree. The result of the test was compared with a Monte Carlo simulation study. We will report the details of the prototype module and the result of the performance evaluation test. The expecting three-dimensional performance will also be reported.

Oral presentation

Development of a head module for multi-head Si/CdTe Compton camera

Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Kawachi, Naoki; Suzui, Nobuo; Ishioka, Noriko; Fujimaki, Shu; Watanabe, Shin*; Ishikawa, Shinnosuke*; Odaka, Hirokazu*; Kokubun, Motohide*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

24 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)