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Irisawa, Keita; Komatsuzaki, Toshio; Kawato, Yoshimi; Sakakibara, Tetsuro; Nakazawa, Osamu; Meguro, Yoshihiro
JAEA-Technology 2015-008, 28 Pages, 2015/03
In JAEA, 16,671 drums of intermediate-radioactive bituminized waste products (BWPs) have been stored in asphalt solidification storages. As a way of reduction of uncertainty in assessment of disposal of the BWPs, a processing technique of separation of nitrate salts from the BWP by means of an aqueous leaching method was studied. As elemental techniques for the denitration process, (1) crushing techniques of a BWP and (2) denitration techniques for the crushed BWP by the aqueous leaching method were investigated. In order to promote leaching amounts of nitrates, the BWP was crushed, and the grain size distribution was investigated by sieving. Moreover, leaching behaviors of nitrate, nitrite and elements as radionuclides including in the BWP were investigated.
Irisawa, Keita; Komatsuzaki, Toshio; Kawato, Yoshimi; Sakakibara, Tetsuro; Nakazawa, Osamu; Meguro, Yoshihiro
JAEA-Technology 2014-039, 28 Pages, 2014/12
In JAEA, 13,296 drums of low-radioactivity bituminized waste products (BWPs) have been stored in asphalt solidification storages. In order to effectively utilize the space of the BWP in a repository site, we studied refilling techniques of the BWP from the drum to a box-shaped container. Tentative processes, which we devised, consisted of (1) take-off of BWP from the drum, (2) separation of a post filling part from BWP and (3) filling of BWP to a box-shaped container. Two methods for each process were selected, and work efficiencies of the methods were investigated by using a synthetic BWP.