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岡崎 伸生; 玉田 太郎; Feese, M. D.*; 加藤 優*; 三浦 裕*; 米田 俊浩*; 小林 和男*; 近藤 恵二*; Blaber, M.*; 黒木 良太
Protein Science, 21(4), p.539 - 552, 2012/04
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:11.10(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)Glycosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase (GTHase) is an -amylase that cleaves the
-1,4 bond adjacent to the
-1,1 bond of maltooligosyltrehalose to release trehalose. In order to investigate the catalytic and substrate recognition mechanisms of GTHase, two residues, Asp252 (nucleophile) and Glu283 (general acid/base), located at the catalytic site of GTHase were mutated (Asp252
Ser (D252S), Glu (D252E) and Glu283
Gln (E283Q)), and the activity and structure of the enzyme were investigated. The E283Q, D252E and D252S mutants showed only 0.04%, 0.03%, and 0.6% of enzymatic activity against the wild-type, respectively. The crystal structure of the E283Q mutant GTHase in complex with the substrate, maltotriosyltrehalose (G3-Tre), was determined to 2.6
resolution. The structure with G3-Tre indicated that GTHase has at least five substrate binding subsites and that Glu283 is the catalytic acid, and Asp252 is the nucleophile that attacks the C1 carbon in the glycosidic linkage of G3-Tre. The complex structure also revealed a scheme for substrate recognition by GTHase. Substrate recognition involves two unique interactions: stacking of Tyr325 with the terminal glucose ring of the trehalose moiety and perpendicularly placement of Trp215 to the pyranose rings at the subsites -1 and +1 glucose.
岡崎 伸生; 玉田 太郎; 三浦 裕*; Feese, M. D.*; 加藤 優*; 米田 俊浩*; 竹原 恭子*; 小林 和男*; 近藤 恵二*; 黒木 良太
no journal, ,
酸性,高温下で生息する古細菌には、可溶性澱粉から直接トレハロースを生成する高効率なシステムが存在する。このシステムには2つの酵素が働いており、-アミラーゼファミリーに属するグリコシルトランスフェラーゼ(Glycosyltransferase; GTSase; ECが、マルトオリゴ糖の末端2糖の分子内転移を行い、基質還元末端部位の
-アミラーゼ(Glycosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase; GTHase; ECにより加水分解され、最終生成物であるトレハロースが切り出される。われわれは古細菌Sulfolobus shibatae DSM5389由来GTSase及びSulfolobus solfataricus KM1由来GTHaseを基質との複合体状態で結晶化を行い、SPring-8で測定したデータを用いて立体構造を明らかにした。