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JAEA Reports

Example of answers to the problems of the 37th examination for the chief engineer of nuclear fuel, 2005

Harada, Akio; Sato, Tadashi*; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Komuro, Yuichi; Shiraishi, Hirotsugu*; Hattori, Takamitsu; Ikuta, Yuko; Yachi, Shigeyasu; Kushita, Kohei

JAERI-Review 2005-026, 55 Pages, 2005/09


This report provides an example of answers to the problems of the 37th Examination for the Chief Engineer of Nuclear Fuel. This examination was done as a national qualification in March 2005. Brief explanations or references are added to some answers.

JAEA Reports

Example of answers to the problems of the 36th examination for the chief engineer of nuclear fuel, 2004

Yachi, Shigeyasu; Nakamura, Jinichi; Amaya, Masaki; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Komuro, Yuichi; Nakajima, Katsuaki*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Sato, Tadashi*; Suga, Shinichi*; Noguchi, Hiroshi; et al.

JAERI-Review 2004-020, 61 Pages, 2004/09


This report provides an example of answers to the problems of the 36th Examination for the Chief Engineer of Nuclear Fuel. This examination was done as a national qualification in March 2004. Brief explanations or references are added to some answers.

Journal Articles

A Report of the 7th Nuclear Safeguards Training Course in JAPAN

Komuro, Yuichi

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Senta Nyusu, 33(4), p.12 - 15, 2004/04

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Example of answers to the problems of 31st to 35th examinations for the chief engineer of nuclear fuel, 1999 to 2003

Yachi, Shigeyasu; Sato, Tadashi; Suga, Shinichi*; Komuro, Yuichi; Uchida, Masaaki; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Nakamura, Jinichi; Amezawa, Hiroo; Omura, Hideaki*; Minato, Kazuo; et al.

JAERI-Review 2003-025, 162 Pages, 2003/09


The report contains example of answers to the Problems of 31st(1999) to 35th(2003) Examinations for the Chief Engineer of Nuclear Fuel which were conducted as a national qualification examination. Brief explanations or references are given to some answers.

Journal Articles

A Report of the fifth regional training course on state systems of accounting for and control of neclear material (SSAC)

Komuro, Yuichi

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Senta Nyusu, 32(4), p.7 - 11, 2003/04

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

History and understanding of the double contingency principle

Komuro, Yuichi

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 45(4), p.265 - 269, 2003/04

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

What is Japanese for English "double contingency principle"?

Komuro, Yuichi

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 43(6), p.580 - 581, 2001/06

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Resent topics of nuclear criticality safety in the united states

Komuro, Yuichi

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 42(12), p.1301 - 1310, 2000/12

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

A Proposal to asian countries with operating research reactors for making nuclear criticality safety benchmark evaluations

Komuro, Yuichi

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 37(6), p.548 - 554, 2000/06

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The Subcritical mass limit, 2.4kg U, for the JCO's precipitation tank

Komuro, Yuichi

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 41(12), p.1238 - 1243, 1999/00

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

MAIL3.1; A Computer program generating cross section sets for SIMCRI, ANISN-JR, KENO IV, KENO V, MULTI-KENO, MULTI-KENO-2 and MULTI-KENO-3.0

Suyama, Kenya; Komuro, Yuichi; Takada, Tomoyuki*; Kawasaki, Hiromitsu*; Ouchi, Keisuke*

JAERI-Data/Code 98-004, 172 Pages, 1998/02


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Introduction to ``International handbook of criticality safety benchmark experiments''

Komuro, Yuichi

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 40(9), p.697 - 701, 1998/00

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Measurement of reactivity worths of Sm,Cs,Gd,Nd,Rh,Eu,B and Er aqueous solution samples

Komuro, Yuichi; Suzaki, Takenori; ; Sakurai, Kiyoshi; Horiki, Oichiro*

JAERI-Research 97-088, 19 Pages, 1997/11


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Criticality database user's manual

; Komuro, Yuichi; Arakawa, Takuya*

JAERI-Data/Code 97-004, 46 Pages, 1997/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Analysis using MCNP 4A of critical experiments at TCA for integral evaluation of fission product nucleus neutron cross sections; Preparation of benchmark problems

Sakurai, Kiyoshi; Arakawa, Takuya*; Yamamoto, Toshihiro; Komuro, Yuichi; Suzaki, Takenori; ; Nitta, Kazuo*; Horiki, Oichiro*

JAERI-Research 96-067, 41 Pages, 1996/12


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Criticality data of water-reflected and-moderated homogeneous mixed oxide fuel

Komuro, Yuichi;

JAERI-Data/Code 96-002, 73 Pages, 1996/02


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Measurement of reactivity worths of natural Sm, Cs, Gd, Nd, Rh, Eu, B and Er

Komuro, Yuichi; ; Sakurai, Kiyoshi; Yamamoto, Toshihiro; Suzaki, Takenori; Horiki, Oichiro*; Nitta, Kazuo*

PHYSOR 96: Int. Conf. on the Physics of Reactors, 1, p.L120 - L129, 1996/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Supplement report to the nuclear criticality safety handbook of Japan

Okuno, Hiroshi; Komuro, Yuichi; Nakajima, Ken; Nomura, Yasushi; Naito, Yoshitaka; Nishina, Kojiro*; ; ; Miyoshi, Yoshinori; ; et al.

JAERI-Tech 95-048, 168 Pages, 1995/10


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Study on criticality safety evaluation of a system where flood will never occur

Naito, Yoshitaka; ; Yamamoto, Toshihiro; Komuro, Yuichi

JAERI-Research 95-029, 69 Pages, 1995/03


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Supplements to the Nuclear Criticality safety Handbook of Japan

Okuno, Hiroshi; Komuro, Yuichi; Nakajima, Ken; Nomura, Yasushi; Naito, Yoshitaka

ICNC 95: 5th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Criticality Safety, Vol. I, 0, p.2.61 - 2.65, 1995/00

no abstracts in English

40 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)