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Journal Articles

Formation behavior of gaseous iodine from sodium iodide under SFR severe accidental condition

Kikuchi, Shin; Kondo, Toshiki; Doi, Daisuke; Seino, Hiroshi; Ogawa, Kengo*; Nakagawa, Takeshi*

Proceedings of 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation, and Safety (NTHOS-14) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2024/08

Journal Articles

Development of safety design technologies for sodium-cooled fast reactor coupled to thermal energy storage system with sodium-molten salt heat exchanger, 1; Overview and Consideration on tube failure

Yamano, Hidemasa; Takano, Kazuya; Kurisaka, Kenichi; Kikuchi, Shin; Kondo, Toshiki; Umeda, Ryota; Sato, Rika; Shirakura, Shota*

Dai-28-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2024/06

This project studies investigation on safety design guideline and risk assessment technology for sodium-cooled fast reactor with the molten-salt heat storage system, development of evaluation method for heat transferring performance between sodium and molten-salt and improvement of the performance, and evaluation of chemical reaction characteristic between sodium and molten-salt and improvement of its safety. This paper describes the effect of sodium-molten salt heat transfer tube failure in addition to the project overview and progress.

Journal Articles

Development of safety design technologies for sodium-cooled fast reactor coupled to thermal energy storage system with sodium-molten salt heat exchanger, 3; Reaction on sodium-nitrate molten salt

Kikuchi, Shin; Sato, Rika; Kondo, Toshiki; Umeda, Ryota; Yamano, Hidemasa

Dai-28-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 4 Pages, 2024/06

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Thermophysical properties of dense molten Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ determined by aerodynamic levitation

Sun, Y.*; Takatani, Tomoya*; Muta, Hiroaki*; Fujieda, Shun*; Kondo, Toshiki; Kikuchi, Shin; Kargl, F.*; Oishi, Yuji*

International Journal of Thermophysics, 45(1), p.11_1 - 11_19, 2024/01

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Thermodynamics)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of safety design technologies for sodium-cooled fast reactor coupled to thermal energy storage system with sodium-molten salt heat exchanger; Project overview

Yamano, Hidemasa; Kurisaka, Kenichi; Takano, Kazuya; Kikuchi, Shin; Kondo, Toshiki; Umeda, Ryota; Shirakura, Shota*

Dai-27-Kai Doryoku, Enerugi Gijutsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/09

This project studies investigation on safety design guideline and risk assessment technology for sodium-cooled fast reactor with the molten-salt heat storage system, development of evaluation method for heat transferring performance between sodium and molten-salt and improvement of the performance, and evaluation of chemical reaction characteristic between sodium and molten-salt and improvement of its safety. The project overview is presented in this report.

Journal Articles

Thermophysical properties of molten (Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$)$$_{0.95}$$-(SiO$$_{2}$$)$$_{0.05}$$ measured by aerodynamic levitation

Kondo, Toshiki; Toda, Taro*; Takeuchi, Junichi*; Kikuchi, Shin; Kargl, F.*; Muta, Hiroaki*; Oishi, Yuji*

High Temperatures-High Pressures, 52(3-4), p.307 - 321, 2023/06

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Thermodynamics)

In order to establish an evaluation method/numerical simulation for nuclear reactor safety under severe accidental conditions, it is necessary to obtain the physical properties, especially fluidity of the relevant molten materials at very high temperatures. In this study, thermophysical properties such as density and viscosity were obtained for (Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$)$$_{0.95}$$-(SiO$$_{2}$$)$$_{0.05}$$, which is a representative composition in the early stage of severe accident. (Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$)$$_{0.95}$$-(SiO$$_{2}$$)$$_{0.05}$$ is produced by the contact between the molten oxide of steel, which is the main component of the reactor, and SiO$$_{2}$$, which is the main component of concrete. As a result, the physical properties of the (Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$)$$_{0.95}$$-(SiO$$_{2}$$)$$_{0.05}$$ mixture were almost the same as those of Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ obtained in previous studies, and it could be concluded that a small amount of SiO$$_{2}$$ (about 5 mol.%) did not significantly affect the fluidity of Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$.

Journal Articles

Development of safety design technologies for sodium-cooled fast reactor coupled to thermal energy storage system with sodium-molten salt heat exchanger

Yamano, Hidemasa; Kurisaka, Kenichi; Takano, Kazuya; Kikuchi, Shin; Kondo, Toshiki; Umeda, Ryota; Shirakura, Shota*; Hayashi, Masaaki*

Proceedings of 8th International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy Systems (NEFES 2023) (Internet), p.27 - 34, 2023/00

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Green & Sustainable Science & Technology)

This project studies investigation on safety design guideline and risk assessment technology for sodium-cooled fast reactor with the molten-salt heat storage system, development of evaluation method for heat transferring performance between sodium and molten-salt and improvement of the performance, and evaluation of chemical reaction characteristic between sodium and molten-salt and improvement of its safety. The project overview is presented in this report.

Journal Articles

Thermophysical properties of molten FeO$$_{1.5}$$, (FeO$$_{1.5}$$)$$_{0.86}$$-(ZrO$$_{2}$$)$$_{0.14}$$ and (FeO$$_{1.5}$$)$$_{0.86}$$-(UO$$_{2}$$)$$_{0.14}$$

Kondo, Toshiki; Toda, Taro*; Takeuchi, Junichi*; Kargl, F.*; Kikuchi, Shin; Muta, Hiroaki*; Oishi, Yuji*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(9), p.1139 - 1148, 2022/09

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:18.18(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Experimental study on aerosol transport behavior in multiple cells with expandable connecting pipe for safety assessment of sodium-cooled fast reactors

Umeda, Ryota; Kondo, Toshiki; Kikuchi, Shin; Kurihara, Akikazu

Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 28) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2021/08

In this study, in order to obtain the fundamental information on aerosol transport behavior between cells, the Multiple cells with Expandable connecting pipe Test facility (MET) was manufactured and preliminary experiments were performed. In the preliminary experiments, simulated particles were used in a test system with two cells connected horizontally or vertically, and their transport behavior was measured. As a result, it was possible to confirm the behavior of the simulated particles transporting to the horizontal or vertical cells from the results such as images and sedimentation data.

Journal Articles

Intercomparison of numerical atmospheric dispersion prediction models for emergency response to emissions of radionuclides with limited source information in the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

Iwasaki, Toshiki*; Sekiyama, Tsuyoshi*; Nakajima, Teruyuki*; Watanabe, Akira*; Suzuki, Yasushi*; Kondo, Hiroaki*; Morino, Yu*; Terada, Hiroaki; Nagai, Haruyasu; Takigawa, Masayuki*; et al.

Atmospheric Environment, 214, p.116830_1 - 116830_11, 2019/10

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:22.36(Environmental Sciences)

The utilization of numerical atmospheric dispersion prediction (NDP) models for accidental discharge of radioactive substances was recommended by a working group of the Meteorological Society of Japan. This paper is to validate the recommendation through NDP model intercomparison in the accidental release from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant in 2011. Emission intensity is assumed to be constant during the whole forecast period for the worst-case scenario unless time sequence of emission is available. We expect to utilize forecasts of surface air contaminations for preventions of inhalations of radioactive substances, and column-integrated amounts for mitigation of radiation exposure associated with wet deposition. Although NDP forecasts have ensemble spread, they commonly figure out relative risk in space and time. They are of great benefit to disseminating effective warnings to public without failure. The multi-model ensemble technique may be effective to improve the reliability.

Journal Articles

High order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes

Pirozhkov, A. S.; Kando, Masaki; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Faenov, A. Y.*; Pikuz, T. A.*; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Sagisaka, Akito; Koga, J. K.; Mori, Michiaki; Kawase, Keigo*; et al.

RAL-TR-2015-025, P. 22, 2015/00

Journal Articles

High order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes

Pirozhkov, A. S.; Kando, Masaki; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Gallegos, P.*; Ahmed, H.*; Ragozin, E. N.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T. A.*; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Sagisaka, Akito; et al.

New Journal of Physics (Internet), 16(9), p.093003_1 - 093003_30, 2014/09

 Times Cited Count:31 Percentile:80.65(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Report of the Special Symposium on the Transport and Diffusion of Contaminants from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant; Present status and future directions

Kondo, Hiroaki*; Yamada, Tetsuji*; Chino, Masamichi; Iwasaki, Toshiki*; Katata, Genki; Maki, Takashi*; Saito, Kazuo*; Terada, Hiroaki; Tsuruta, Haruo*

Tenki, 60(9), p.723 - 729, 2013/09


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Temporal contrast enhancement of petawatt-class laser pulses

Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Shimomura, Takuya; Sasao, Hajime; Nakai, Yoshiki*; Tanoue, Manabu; Kondo, Shuji; Kanazawa, Shuhei; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Mori, Michiaki; Fukuda, Yuji; et al.

Optics Letters, 37(16), p.3363 - 3365, 2012/08

 Times Cited Count:40 Percentile:84.90(Optics)

We demonstrate the temporal contrast enhancement in a petawatt-class Ti:sapphire chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) laser system. An extra saturable absorber, introduced downstream a low gain optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) preamplifier, has improved the temporal contrast in the system to 1.4$$times$$10$$^{12}$$ on the sub-nanosecond time scale at 70 TW power level. We have achieved 28 J of uncompressed broadband output energy with this system, indicating the potential for reaching peak powers near 600 TW.

Journal Articles

Relativistic high harmonic generation in gas jet targets

Pirozhkov, A. S.; Kando, Masaki; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Gallegos, P.*; Ahmed, H.*; Ragozin, E. N.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T.; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Sagisaka, Akito; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1465, p.167 - 171, 2012/07

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:45.76(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

High-order harmonics from bow wave caustics driven by a high-intensity laser

Esirkepov, T. Z.; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Kando, Masaki; Gallegos, P.*; Ahmed, H.*; Ragozin, E. N.*; Faenov, A.*; Pikuz, T.; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Sagisaka, Akito; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1465, p.172 - 180, 2012/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Applied)

The bow wave induced mechanism of high-order harmonics generation was discovered using simulations and catastrophe theory. This mechanism feasibility was successfully demonstrated in 3D and 2D PIC simulations. The mechanism and the simulations explained high-order harmonics in the XUV spectral region seen in recent experiments with terawatt lasers. Development of new XUV light and X-ray source based on the high-order harmonics generation mechanism is proposed.

Journal Articles

Soft-X-ray harmonic comb from relativistic electron spikes

Pirozhkov, A. S.; Kando, Masaki; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Gallegos, P.*; Ahmed, H.*; Ragozin, E. N.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T.; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Sagisaka, Akito; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 108(13), p.135004_1 - 135004_5, 2012/03

 Times Cited Count:72 Percentile:90.66(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We demonstrate a new high-order harmonic generation mechanism reaching the "water window" spectral region in experiments with multi-terawatt femtosecond lasers irradiating gas jets. A few hundred harmonic orders are resolved, giving $$mu$$J/sr pulses. Harmonics are collectively emitted by an oscillating electron spike formed at the joint of the boundaries of a cavity and bow wave created by a relativistically self-focusing laser in underdense plasma. The spike sharpness and stability are explained by catastrophe theory. The mechanism is corroborated by particle-in-cell simulations.

Journal Articles

Development of a compact high-spatiotemporal-quality Yb:YAG thin-disk laser system using an optical parametric preamplifier

Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Suzuki, Masayuki*; Daito, Izuru; Okada, Hajime; Ochi, Yoshihiro; Sato, Masatoshi*; Tamaoki, Yoshinori*; Yoshii, Takehiro*; Maeda, Junya*; Matsuoka, Shinichi*; et al.

Reza Kenkyu, 40(2), p.143 - 145, 2012/02

We demonstrate a compact, high-spatiotemporal-quality, high-intensity diode-pumped Yb:YAG thin-disk chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) laser system that incorporates a nonlinear preamplifier based on optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA). The stretched pulses are amplified in the OPCPA preamplifier and the following Yb:YAG main amplifier to $$sim$$100 mJ at 10 Hz. The broadband amplified beam quality of 1.1 (horizontal direction) and 1.4 (vertical direction) times diffraction limited and pulse compression down to 470 fs with contrast of better than 10$$^{-8}$$ have been achieved successfully.

Journal Articles

Development of a sub-MeV X-ray source via Compton backscattering

Kawase, Keigo; Kando, Masaki; Hayakawa, Takehito; Daito, Izuru; Kondo, Shuji; Homma, Takayuki; Kameshima, Takashi*; Kotaki, Hideyuki; Chen, L. M.*; Fukuda, Yuji; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 637(1, Suppl.), p.S141 - S144, 2011/05

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:47.45(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We report the present status of the sub-MeV X-ray generation via Compton backscattering by using 150-MeV electron beam and the Nd:YAG laser. In particular, we show the result of the X-ray generation experiment and of the laser pulse compression for increasing the X-ray flux.

Journal Articles

Ion acceleration in subcritical density plasma via interaction of intense laser pulse with cluster-gas target

Fukuda, Yuji; Faenov, A.*; Tampo, Motonobu; Pikuz, T.*; Nakamura, Tatsufumi; Kando, Masaki; Hayashi, Yukio; Yogo, Akifumi; Sakaki, Hironao; Kameshima, Takashi*; et al.

Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science VII, p.225 - 240, 2011/05

We present substantial enhancement of the accelerated ion energies up to 10-20 MeV per nucleon by utilizing the unique properties of the cluster-gas target irradiated with 40-fs laser pulses of only 150 mJ energy, corresponding to approximately tenfold increase in the ion energies compared to previous experiments using thin foil targets. A particle-in-cell simulation infers that the high energy ions are generated at the rear side of the target due to the formation of a strong dipole vortex structure in sub-critical density plasmas. The demonstrated method can be important in the development of efficient laser ion accelerators for hadron therapy and other applications.

89 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)