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Sakurai, Satoshi; Magara, Masaaki; Usuda, Shigekazu; Watanabe, Kazuo; Esaka, Fumitaka; Hirayama, Fumio; Lee, C. G.; Yasuda, Kenichiro; Kono, Nobuaki; Inagawa, Jun; et al.
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Energy System for Future Generation and Global Sustainability (GLOBAL 2005) (CD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2005/10
no abstracts in English
Kameo, Yutaka; Fujiwara, Asako; Watanabe, Koichi; Kono, Nobuaki; Nakashima, Mikio
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 4(3), p.187 - 193, 2005/09
no abstracts in English
Hirayama, Fumio; Kurosawa, Setsumi; Magara, Masaaki; Ichimura, Seiji; Kono, Nobuaki; Suzuki, Daisuke; Inagawa, Jun; Goto, Mototsugu; Sakurai, Satoshi; Watanabe, Kazuo; et al.
KEK Proceedings 2005-4, p.184 - 192, 2005/08
no abstracts in English
Magara, Masaaki; Usuda, Shigekazu; Sakurai, Satoshi; Watanabe, Kazuo; Esaka, Fumitaka; Hirayama, Fumio; Lee, C. G.; Yasuda, Kenichiro; Kono, Nobuaki; Inagawa, Jun; et al.
Dai-26-Kai Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nihon Shibu Nenji Taikai Rombunshu, p.157 - 164, 2005/00
JAERI has conducted the analysis of domestic and the IAEA samples. JAERI is developing the analytical techniques to improve the analytical ability for the safeguards environmental samples. For bulk analysis, study is focused on the improvement of reliability of isotope ratio measurements by ICP-MS. New chemical separation techniques are under development and a desolvation module is introduced to reduce the polyatomic interferences. In particle analysis, the sample preparation procedure for SIMS method is modified to measure the U/
U and
U ratios for individual particles. We are also developing fission track-TIMS method to measure uranium isotope ratios in particles of sub-micrometer size. A screening instrument of X-ray fluorescent analysis is equipped to measure elemental distribution on a swipe surface.
Magara, Masaaki; Usuda, Shigekazu; Sakurai, Satoshi; Watanabe, Kazuo; Esaka, Fumitaka; Hirayama, Fumio; Lee, C. G.; Yasuda, Kenichiro; Kono, Nobuaki; Inagawa, Jun; et al.
Proceedings of INMM 46th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2005/00
JAERI has been developing analytical techniques for ultra-trace amounts of nuclear materials in the environmental samples in order to contribute to the strengthened safeguards system. Development of essential techniques for bulk and particle analysis of the environmental swipe sample has been established as an ultra-trace analytical method of uranium and plutonium. In January 2003, JAERI was qualified as a member of the IAEA network analytical laboratories for environmental samples. Since then, JAERI has conducted the analysis of domestic and the IAEA samples. From Japanese fiscal year 2003, the second phase of the project was started for the development of advanced techniques, such as analyzing minor actinides and fission products as well as uranium and plutonium, particle analysis using fission-track technique, more efficient particle analysis using ICP-TOFMS and screening by X-ray fluorescent analysis. This paper deals with the progress in the development of the new techniques, applications and future perspective.
Shinohara, Nobuo; Kono, Nobuaki; Nakahara, Yoshinori; Tsujimoto, Kazufumi; Sakurai, Takeshi; Mukaiyama, Takehiko*; Raman, S.*
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 144(2), p.115 - 128, 2003/06
no abstracts in English
Tsujimoto, Kazufumi; Kono, Nobuaki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Sakurai, Takeshi; Nakahara, Yoshinori; Mukaiyama, Takehiko*; Raman, S.*
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 144(2), p.129 - 141, 2003/06
Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:58.72(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Tsujimoto, Kazufumi; Kono, Nobuaki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Sakurai, Takeshi; Nakahara, Yoshinori; Mukaiyama, Takehiko; Raman, S.*
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 144(2), p.129 - 141, 2003/06
To evaluate neutron cross-section data of minor actinides, separated actinide samples and dosimetry samples were irradiated at the Dounreay Prototype Fast Reactor for 492 effective full power days. Based on the burnup calculations of major actinide and dosimetry samples, the neutron flux distribution and the flux level were adjusted at the locations where minor actinide samples were irradiated. The burnup calculations were carried out for minor actinides using the determined flux distribution and flux level. This paper discusses the burnup calculations and the validation of minor actinide cross-section data in evaluated nuclear data libraries. We find that we can obtain reliable FIMA (fission per initial metallic atom) values by using the Nd method except that the uncertainties in the FIMA values are large for
Pu, Am isotopes, and Cm isotopes because the
Nd yields are known poorly for these isotopes and are probably overestimated. For these isotopes, measurements to improve the fission-yield data are needed. We also find that, in general, the JENDL-3.2 nuclear data for the minor actinides are adequate for the conceptual design study of transmutation systems. But, there are some nuclides (especially
Pu and
Pu) for which new measurements are needed particulary if the minor actinides constitute a major part of the nuclear fuel.
Shinohara, Nobuo; Kono, Nobuaki; Nakahara, Yoshinori; Tsujimoto, Kazufumi; Sakurai, Takeshi; Mukaiyama, Takehiko*; Raman, S.*
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 144(2), p.115 - 128, 2003/06
Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:61.41(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Takahashi, Masato; Magara, Masaaki; Sakurai, Satoshi; Kurosawa, Setsumi; Esaka, Fumitaka; Taguchi, Takuji; Takai, Konomi; Fukuyama, Hiroyasu; Lee, C. G.; Yasuda, Kenichiro; et al.
Dai-23-Kai Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai Nihon Shibu Nenji Taikai Rombunshu, 8 Pages, 2002/09
Based on the strengthen safeguard program of the IAEA to detect undeclared nuclear activities, the method of precise and accurate isotope ratio determination for uranium and plutonium in the environmental samples (cotton swipes) has been developed at JAERI. The samples should be treated in clean environment in order to secure the analytical reliability by eliminating external contamination from the samples containing trace amount of uranium and plutonium. Since the measurement by ICP-MS is favorable to bulk analysis from view points of analytical capacity and operation simplicity, we have studied sample preparation procedures for the trace amount of uranium and plutonium to be applied to ICP-MS. Up to the present, interfering factors involved during analytical processes and the ICP-MS measurement of uranium and plutonium were examined. As a result, uranium and plutonium isotope measurement more than 100 pg and 100 fg, respectively, became possible at JAERI clean facility. At presentation, other progress in the development will be reported.
Nakahara, Yoshinori; Suyama, Kenya; Inagawa, Jun; Nagaishi, Ryuji; Kurosawa, Setsumi; Kono, Nobuaki; Onuki, Mamoru; Mochizuki, Hiroki*
Nuclear Technology, 137(2), p.1 - 16, 2002/02
no abstracts in English
Uchiyama, Gunzo; Watanabe, Kazuo; Miyauchi, Masakatsu; Togashi, Yoshihiro; Nakahara, Yoshinori; Fukaya, Hiroyuki; Inagawa, Jun; Suzuki, Daisuke; Sonoda, Takashi; Kono, Nobuaki; et al.
Journal of Radiation Research, 42(Suppl.), p.S11 - S16, 2001/10
no abstracts in English
Shinohara, Nobuo; Kono, Nobuaki; Suyama, Kenya; Inagawa, Jun; Nakahara, Yoshinori; Kurosawa, Setsumi; Watanabe, Kazuo; Usuda, Shigekazu; Oshima, Masumi; Katsuta, Hiroji; et al.
Radiochimica Acta, 89(3), p.135 - 138, 2001/05
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:19.35(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)no abstracts in English
Shirasu, Noriko; Yamashita, Toshiyuki; Kanazawa, Hiroyuki; Kimura, Yasuhiko; Sudo, Kenji; Magara, Masaaki; Inagawa, Jun; Kono, Nobuaki; Nakahara, Yoshinori
JAERI-Research 2001-018, 23 Pages, 2001/03
no abstracts in English
Shinohara, Nobuo; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; ; Kono, Nobuaki
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 36(3), p.232 - 241, 1999/03
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:28.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Shinohara, Nobuo; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; ; Kono, Nobuaki; Ando, Masaki; H.H.Saleh*; W.S.Charlton*; Parish, T. A.*; S.Raman*
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 239(3), p.631 - 638, 1999/00
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:28.40(Chemistry, Analytical)no abstracts in English
Kono, Nobuaki; Watanabe, Kazuo
JAERI-Research 98-023, 20 Pages, 1998/03
no abstracts in English
Shinohara, Nobuo; ; ; Kono, Nobuaki
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 34(7), p.613 - 621, 1997/07
Times Cited Count:32 Percentile:89.31(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Shinohara, Nobuo; Kono, Nobuaki
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 34(4), p.398 - 401, 1997/04
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:37.18(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Nakamura, Jinichi; Uetsuka, Hiroshi; Kono, Nobuaki; ; ; Furuta, Teruo
HPR-345 (Vol. II), 0, 13 Pages, 1995/00
no abstracts in English