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Journal Articles

Microscopic properties of the heavy-fermion superconductor PuCoIn$$_5$$ explored by nuclear quadrupole resonance

Koutroulakis, G.*; Yasuoka, Hiroshi; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Tobash, P. H.*; Mitchell, J. N.*; Bauer, E. D.*; Thompson, J. D.*

New Journal of Physics (Internet), 16, p.053019_1 - 053019_12, 2014/05

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:44.61(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We report $$^{115}$$In nuclear quadrupolar resonance (NQR) measurements on the heavy-fermion superconductor PuCoIn$$_5$$, in the temperature range 0.29 K $$leq Tleq$$75 K. The NQR parameters for the two crystallographically inequivalent In sites are determined, and their temperature dependence is investigated. A linear shift of the quadrupolar frequency with lowering temperature below the critical value $$T_c$$ is revealed, in agreement with the prediction for composite pairing. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate $$T_1^{-1}(T)$$ clearly signals a superconducting (SC) phase transition at $$T_c simeq $$ 2.3 K, with strong spin fluctuations, mostly in-plane, dominating the relaxation process in the normal state near to $$T_c$$. Analysis of the $$T_1^{-1}$$ data in the SC state suggests that PuCoIn$$_5$$ is a strong-coupling $$d$$-wave superconductor.

Journal Articles

Weak itinerant antiferromagnetism in PuIn$$_3$$ explored using $$^{115}$$In nuclear quadrupole resonance

Chudo, Hiroyuki; Koutroulakis, G.*; Yasuoka, Hiroshi; Bauer, E. D.*; Tobash, P. H.*; Mitchell, J. N.*; Thompson, J. D.*

Journal of Physics; Condensed Matter, 26(3), p.036001_1 - 036001_5, 2014/01

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:23.69(Physics, Condensed Matter)

The results of $$^{115}$$In nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurements on PuIn$$_3$$ are reported. Three of the four NQR lines of $$^{115}$$In expected for nuclear spin $$I$$=9/2 are observed. The equal spacing of these lines at 20 K yields the NQR frequency of $$nu_{rm Q}$$=10.45 MHz, and the asymmetry parameter of the electric field gradient, $$eta$$=0. The NQR line profile and the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate $$1/T_1$$ display an abrupt change at 14 K, which is associated with the onset of long-range antiferromagnetic order. The temperature dependences of the staggered magnetization $$M_{rm Q}(T)$$, extracted from the NQR spectra, and $$1/T_1$$ below $$T_{rm N}$$=14 K are well explained by the self-consistent renormalization (SCR) theory for spin fluctuations. In addition, scaling between $$T_1T$$ and $$M_{rm Q}(T)/M_{rm Q}(0)$$ is also consistent with the predictions of SCR theory, providing further evidence that PuIn$$_3$$ is a weak itinerant antiferromagnet in which spin fluctuations around the antiferromagnetic wave vector play a major role in the system's behavior at finite temperatures.

Journal Articles

Observation of $$^{239}$$Pu nuclear magnetic resonance

Yasuoka, Hiroshi; Koutroulakis, G.*; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Richmond, S.*; Veirs, D. K.*; Smith, A. I.*; Bauer, E. D.*; Thompson, J. D.*; Jarvinen, G. D.*; Clark, D. L.*

Science, 336(6083), p.901 - 904, 2012/05

 Times Cited Count:47 Percentile:85.58(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Oral presentation

NQR studies on Pu-based 115 superconductors

Yasuoka, Hiroshi; Koutroulakis, G.*; Bauer, E. D.*; Mitchell, J. N.*; Tobash, P. H.*; Thompson, J. D.*; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Sakai, Hironori

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

NMR/NQR study on the superconductivity and magnetism of Pu compounds

Yasuoka, Hiroshi; Koutroulakis, G.*; Chudo, Hiroyuki; Tobash, P. H.*; Richmond, S.*; Bauer, E. D.*; Ronning, F.*; Thompson, J. D.*; Clark, D. L.*

no journal, , 

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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