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Journal Articles

Polyelectrolyte-protein synergism; pH-responsive polyelectrolyte/insulin complexes as versatile carriers for targeted protein and drug delivery

Murmiliuk, A.*; Iwase, Hiroki*; Kang, J.-J.*; Mohanakumar, S.*; Appavou, M.-S.*; Wood, K.*; Alm$'a$sy, L.*; Len, A.*; Schw$"a$rzer, K.*; Allgaier, J.*; et al.

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 665, p.801 - 813, 2024/07

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:84.48(Chemistry, Physical)

The complexity of protein structure limits our ability to predict and tune the properties of the formed nanoparticles. The goal of our research is to elucidate the key triggers of the morphological transition in protein/PE complexes, evaluate their encapsulation efficacy, and assess particle stability by the systematic study of complexes formed by block copolymers with proteins and ionic drugs. We demonstrated that copolymers consisting of PE and neutral hydrophilic block co-assemble with insulin at pH values close to the protein isoelectric point. The insulin arrangement within the particle is controlled by electrostatic forces between protein molecules, and the morphology of the formed particles can be tuned by varying pH and ionic strength.

Journal Articles

Large-scale shell model study of $$beta^-$$decay properties of $$N$$ = 126, 125 nuclei; Role of Gamow-Teller and first-forbidden transitions in the half-lives

Kumar, A.*; Shimizu, Noritaka*; Utsuno, Yutaka; Yuan, C.*; Srivastava, P. C.*

Physical Review C, 109(6), p.064319_1 - 064319_18, 2024/06

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:95.29(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Chiral Dirac fermion in a collinear antiferromagnet

Zhang, A.*; Deng, K.*; Sheng, J.*; Liu, P.*; Kumar, S.*; Shimada, Kenya*; Jiang, Z.*; Liu, Z.*; Shen, D.*; Li, J.*; et al.

Chinese Physics Letters, 40(12), p.126101_1 - 126101_8, 2023/12

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:81.71(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Evolution of nuclear structure in the neutron-rich $$^{96,97,99}$$Nb isotopes; Evidence for shape coexistence in $$N$$=58 $$^{99}$$Nb

Kumar, V.*; Chapman, R.*; O'Donnell, D.*; Ollier, J.*; Orlandi, R.; Smith, J. F.*; Spohr, K.-M.*; Torres, D. A.*; 13 of others*

Physical Review C, 108(4), p.044313_1 - 044313_19, 2023/10

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Transport model comparison studies of intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions

Walter, H.*; Colonna, M.*; Cozma, D.*; Danielewicz, P.*; Ko, C. M.*; Kumar, R.*; Ono, Akira*; Tsang, M. Y. B*; Xu, J.*; Zhang, Y.-X.*; et al.

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 125, p.103962_1 - 103962_90, 2022/07

 Times Cited Count:76 Percentile:96.00(Physics, Nuclear)

Transport models are the main method to obtain physics information on the nuclear equation of state and in-medium properties of particles from low to relativistic-energy heavy-ion collisions. The Transport Model Evaluation Project (TMEP) has been pursued to test the robustness of transport model predictions to reach consistent conclusions from the same type of physical model. To this end, calculations under controlled conditions of physical input and set-up were performed by the various participating codes. These included both calculations of nuclear matter in a periodic box, which test individual ingredients of a transport code, and calculations of complete collisions of heavy ions. Over the years, five studies were performed within this project. They show, on one hand, that in box calculations the differences between the codes can be well understood and a convergence of the results can be reached. These studies also highlight the systematic differences between the two families of transport codes, known under the names of Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) and Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) type codes. On the other hand, there still exist substantial differences when these codes are applied to real heavy-ion collisions. The results of transport simulations of heavy-ion collisions will have more significance if codes demonstrate that they can verify benchmark calculations such as the ones studied in these evaluations.

Journal Articles

Fission of $$^{180,182,183}$$Hg* and $$^{178}$$Pt* nuclei at intermediate excitation energies

Kozulin, E. M.*; Knyazheva, G. N.*; Itkis, I. M.*; Itkis, M. G.*; Mukhamejanov, Y. S.*; Bogachev, A. A.*; Novikov, K. V.*; Kirakosyan, V. V.*; Kumar, D.*; Banerjee, T.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 105(1), p.014607_1 - 014607_12, 2022/01

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:95.30(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Asymmetric and symmetric fission of excited nuclei of $$^{180,190}$$Hg and $$^{184,192,202}$$Pb formed in the reactions with $$^{36}$$Ar and $$^{40,48}$$Ca ions

Bogachev, A. A.*; Kozulin, E. M.*; Knyazheva, G. N.*; Itkis, I. M.*; Itkis, M. G.*; Novikov, K. V.*; Kumar, D.*; Banerjee, T.*; Diatlov, I. N.*; Cheralu, M.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 104(2), p.024623_1 - 024623_11, 2021/08

 Times Cited Count:25 Percentile:95.00(Physics, Nuclear)

For the purpose of the study of asymmetric and symmetric fission modes of $$^{180,190}$$Hg and $$^{184,192,202}$$Pb nuclei, mass-energy distributions of fission fragments of $$^{180,190}$$Hg and $$^{184}$$Pb formed in the $$^{36}$$Ar + $$^{144,154}$$Sm and $$^{40}$$Ca + $$^{144}$$Sm reactions, respectively, at energies near the Coulomb barrier have been measured using the double-arm time-of-flight spectrometer CORSET and compared with previously measured $$^{192,202}$$Pb isotopes produced in the $$^{48}$$Ca + $$^{144,154}$$Sm reactions. Conclusion is the studied properties of asymmetric fission of $$^{180,190}$$Hg and $$^{184,192,202}$$Pb nuclei point out the existence of well deformed proton shell at Z$$approx$$36 and less deformed proton shell at Z$$approx$$46.

Journal Articles

Nature of the Dirac gap modulation and surface magnetic interaction in axion antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{4}$$

Shikin, A. M.*; Estyunin, D. A.*; Klimovskikh, I. I.*; Filnov, S. O.*; Kumar, S.*; Schwier, E. F.*; Miyamoto, Koji*; Okuda, Taichi*; Kimura, Akio*; Kuroda, Kenta*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 10, p.13226_1 - 13226_13, 2020/08

 Times Cited Count:67 Percentile:95.88(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

Study of medium-spin states of neutron-rich $$^{87,89,91}$$Rb isotopes

Torres, D. A.*; Chapman, R.*; Kumar, V.*; Hadinia, B.*; Hodsdon, A.*; Labiche, M.*; Liang, X.*; O'Donnell, D.*; Ollier, J.*; Orlandi, R.; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 55(9), p.158_1 - 158_21, 2019/09

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

${it In situ}$ neutron diffraction study on the deformation of a TRIP-assisted multi-phase steel composed of ferrite, austenite and martensite

Lavakumar, A.*; Park, M. H.*; Gao, S.*; Shibata, Akinobu*; Okitsu, Yoshitaka*; Gong, W.; Harjo, S.; Tsuji, Nobuhiro*

IOP Conference Series; Materials Science and Engineering, 580, p.012036_1 - 012036_6, 2019/09

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:80.88(Engineering, Mechanical)

Journal Articles

Dirac gap opening and Dirac-fermion-mediated magnetic coupling in antiferromagnetic Gd-doped topological insulators and their manipulation by synchrotron radiation

Shikin, A. M.*; Estyunin, D. A.*; Surnin, Yu. I.*; Koroleva, A. V.*; Shevchenko, E. V.*; Kokh, K. A.*; Tereshchenko, O. E.*; Kumar, S.*; Schwier, E. F.*; Shimada, Kenya*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 9(1), p.4813_1 - 4813_17, 2019/03

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:66.99(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

Collectivity in the light radon nuclei measured directly via Coulomb excitation

Gaffney, L. P.*; Robinson, A. P.*; Jenkins, D. G.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Bender, M.*; Blazhev, A.*; Bree, N.*; Bruyneel, B.*; Butler, P.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 91(6), p.064313_1 - 064313_11, 2015/06

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:56.30(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Progress of the ITER central solenoid model coil programme

Tsuji, Hiroshi; Okuno, Kiyoshi*; Thome, R.*; Salpietro, E.*; Egorov, S. A.*; Martovetsky, N.*; Ricci, M.*; Zanino, R.*; Zahn, G.*; Martinez, A.*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 41(5), p.645 - 651, 2001/05

 Times Cited Count:58 Percentile:83.32(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

no abstracts in English

13 (Records 1-13 displayed on this page)
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