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Journal Articles

Fabrication and installation of equilibrium field coils for the JT-60SA

Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Kizu, Kaname; Murakami, Haruyuki; Kashiwa, Yoshitoshi; Yoshizawa, Norio; Yoshida, Kiyoshi; Hasegawa, Mitsuru*; Kuno, Kazuo*; Nomoto, Kazuhiro*; Horii, Hiroyuki*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 88(6-8), p.551 - 554, 2013/10

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:51.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The programme of constructing JT-60SA device is progressing under the framework of the Broader Approach project. Superconducting poloidal field (PF) coil system, which was decided to be procured by Japan, consists of a central solenoid (CS) with four solenoid modules and six equilibrium field (EF) coils. Each of EF coil has individual diameters, 4.5 to 12 m. Fabrication of EF4 coil, which is set at the lowermost of torus, was started from the beginning of 2009 as a first EF coil. EF4 coil has ten double pancake (DP) coils, and sizes of circularity were measured for all DP coil after curing process. Maximum error of circularity was 3.1 mm, which was nearly a half of the design tolerance, 6 mm. After stacking these DP coils, winding pack of EF4 was completed in the spring of 2012. After optimizing the positions of DP coils to cancel the error of circulation which each DP coil has, error of radial current centre of DP coils will be achieved in the range between + 0.2 to - 0.4 mm. Structural analysis of terminal structure was also performed. Terminal part has a pair of conductors bended toward the lower side of winding pack. A side of them (positive terminal) was covered by stainless steel armor to prevent the movement by electromagnetic force because a length of conductor was longer due to starting from the top of winding pack. Another side (negative terminal) was not covered by armor in the first design because this length was relatively short. However, it was clear on the structural analysis that mechanical strength of insulation around this terminal was not sufficient. Therefore, we also reinforced this side with stainless steel. From this April, fabrication of EF coils with large bore (larger than 8 m of diameter) will be started at the facility built in JAEA Naka site. In this paper, we will discuss about technological problem during the fabrication of large bore EF coils, such as temperature control at the winding process.

Journal Articles

Manufacture of the winding pack and development of key parts for the JT-60SA poloidal field coils

Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Kizu, Kaname; Murakami, Haruyuki; Yoshida, Kiyoshi; Kurihara, Kenichi; Hasegawa, Mitsuru*; Kuno, Kazuo*; Nomoto, Kazuhiro*; Horii, Hiroyuki*

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 22(3), p.4202304_1 - 4202304_4, 2012/06

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:43.88(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Manufacturing of JT-60SA equilibrium field coils

Hasegawa, Mitsuru*; Horii, Hiroyuki*; Nomoto, Kazuhiro*; Imai, Yoshio*; Murai, Takashi*; Minato, Tsuneaki*; Kuno, Kazuo*; Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Murakami, Haruyuki; Kizu, Kaname; et al.

Proceedings of 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC 24) and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2012 (ICMC 2012) (CD-ROM), p.571 - 574, 2012/05

JT-60U magnet system will be upgraded to the superconducting coils (JT-60SA) in the Broader Approach project. JT-60SA magnet system has 18 Toroidal Field coils, a Central Solenoid with 4 modules and 6 Equilibrium Field (EF) coils. This paper describes the manufacturing procedure of EF4 coil, that is the first manufactured EF coil of JT-60SA. The winding pack of EF4 coil was successfully manufactured within geometrical tolerance requirements.

Journal Articles

Critical issues for the manufacture of the ITER TF coil winding pack

Koizumi, Norikiyo; Hemmi, Tsutomu; Matsui, Kunihiro; Nakajima, Hideo; Okuno, Kiyoshi; Kuno, Kazuo*; Nomoto, Kazuhiro*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 84(2-6), p.210 - 214, 2009/09

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:70.03(Nuclear Science & Technology)

ITER-TF coil, whose height and width are 14 m and 9 m, respectively, is scaled up by about 3 times from TF model coil (TFMC), which was developed in ITER EDA and successfully tested in EU. Although major technique of TF coil fabrication has been demonstrated in the TFMC development, new technical issues are initiated because of the scale-up. The remaining major issues are feasibilities of high accuracy automatic winding and optimization of welding of cover plates to fix the conductor in a radial plate, which is structure to enhance mechanical and electrical reliability. The authors therefore develop one of major parts of automatic winding machine, bending roller head, and successfully performed trial winding for 1/3 scale D-shaped winding. In addition, cover plate welding test was carried out using 1-m RP section and distortion of the radial plate is estimated to be in the requirement.

Journal Articles

Results of R&D on ITER-TF winding critical issues

Koizumi, Norikiyo; Nakajima, Hideo; Matsui, Kunihiro; Isono, Takaaki; Okuno, Kiyoshi; Takayanagi, Tadatoshi*; Kuno, Kazuo*; Senda, Ikuo*

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 18(2), p.475 - 478, 2008/06

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:62.18(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

ITER-TF coil is scaled up by about 3 times from TFMC, which was developed in ITER EDA and successfully tested in EU. New technical issues are initiated because of the scale-up. The major issues are feasibilities of high accuracy automatic winding, precise prediction of conductor elongation and/or shrinkage after heat treatment to transfer the conductor in narrow grove of radial plate. It is also necessary to develop insulation system, whose radiation resistance is enough to sustain irradiation in ITER TF coil and which enable vacuum impregnation in suitable duration, such as 24 h. The authors therefore develop one of major parts of automatic winding machine, bending roller head, and optimize TF winding shape to enable successive winding. In addition, the elongation of the TF conductors was evaluated in $$pm$$ 200 ppm after the heat treatment. Moreover, impregnation test of the conductor was performed. The test results indicate that it will take a several ten hours to impregnate TF double-pancake by the method developed in EDA.

Journal Articles

Overview of national centralized tokamak program; Mission, design and strategy to contribute ITER and DEMO

Ninomiya, Hiromasa; Akiba, Masato; Fujii, Tsuneyuki; Fujita, Takaaki; Fujiwara, Masami*; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Hosogane, Nobuyuki; Ikeda, Yoshitaka; Inoue, Nobuyuki; et al.

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 49, p.S428 - S432, 2006/12

To contribute DEMO and ITER, the design to modify the present JT-60U into superconducting coil machine, named National Centralized Tokamak (NCT), is being progressed under nationwide collaborations in Japan. Mission, design and strategy of this NCT program is summarized.

Journal Articles

Overview of the national centralized tokamak programme

Kikuchi, Mitsuru; Tamai, Hiroshi; Matsukawa, Makoto; Fujita, Takaaki; Takase, Yuichi*; Sakurai, Shinji; Kizu, Kaname; Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Kurita, Genichi; Morioka, Atsuhiko; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 46(3), p.S29 - S38, 2006/03

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:40.91(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

The National Centralized Tokamak (NCT) facility program is a domestic research program for advanced tokamak research to succeed JT-60U incorporating Japanese university accomplishments. The mission of NCT is to establish high beta steady-state operation for DEMO and to contribute to ITER. The machine flexibility and mobility is pursued in aspect ratio and shape controllability, feedback control of resistive wall modes, wide current and pressure profile control capability for the demonstration of the high-b steady state.

Journal Articles

Engineering design and control scenario for steady-state high-beta operation in national centralized tokamak

Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Akiba, Masato; Azechi, Hiroshi*; Fujii, Tsuneyuki; Fujita, Takaaki; Fujiwara, Masami*; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Hashizume, Hidetoshi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Horiike, Hiroshi*; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 81(8-14), p.1599 - 1605, 2006/02

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.78(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Design study of national centralized tokamak facility for the demonstration of steady state high-$$beta$$ plasma operation

Tamai, Hiroshi; Akiba, Masato; Azechi, Hiroshi*; Fujita, Takaaki; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Hashizume, Hidetoshi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiko; Horiike, Hiroshi*; Hosogane, Nobuyuki; Ichimura, Makoto*; et al.

Nuclear Fusion, 45(12), p.1676 - 1683, 2005/12

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:44.85(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Design studies are shown on the National Centralized Tokamak facility. The machine design is carried out to investigate the capability for the flexibility in aspect ratio and shape controllability for the demonstration of the high-beta steady state operation with nation-wide collaboration, in parallel with ITER towards DEMO. Two designs are proposed and assessed with respect to the physics requirements such as confinement, stability, current drive, divertor, and energetic particle confinement. The operation range in the aspect ratio and the plasma shape is widely enhanced in consistent with the sufficient divertor pumping. Evaluations of the plasma performance towards the determination of machine design are presented.

Oral presentation

Development of procurement for ITER-TF coil; Trial winding

Takayanagi, Tadatoshi*; Kuno, Kazuo*; Hasegawa, Mitsuru*; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Nakajima, Hideo; Hamada, Kazuya; Nunoya, Yoshihiko; Okuno, Kiyoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of highly accurate winding for ITER-TF coil

Takayanagi, Tadatoshi*; Kuno, Kazuo*; Ichihara, Tadashi*; Nomoto, Kazuhiro*; Hasegawa, Mitsuru*; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Matsui, Kunihiro; Okuno, Kiyoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

R&D study for ITER-TF coils fabrication technique

Hemmi, Tsutomu; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Matsui, Kunihiro; Hamada, Kazuya; Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Nakajima, Hideo; Okuno, Kiyoshi; Kuno, Kazuo*; Nomoto, Kazuhiro*; Sakai, Masahiro*; et al.

no journal, , 

Japan Atomic Energy Agency starts the procurement of ITER-TF coils from this year. ITER-TF coils are three times larger than TF model coil (TFMC), which is developed in ITER-EDA. From result of development of TFMC, the basic fabrication technique has been demonstrated. However, new technical issue has generated due to the scale-up from TFMC. In order to solve the issue, high accurate D-shaped winding technique, impregnation test using high radiation-resistant resin and cover-plate welding and deformation evaluation have been performed. In this presentation, these results of the fabrications and the tests are reported.

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