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Journal Articles

Electrochemical adsorption on Pt nanoparticles in alkaline solution observed using in situ high energy resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Kusano, Shogo*; Matsumura, Daiju; Ishii, Kenji*; Tanaka, Hirohisa*; Mizuki, Junichiro*

Nanomaterials (Internet), 9(4), p.642_1 - 642_14, 2019/04

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:36.55(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Study of catalytic reaction at electrode-electrolyte interfaces by a CV-XAFS method

Kusano, Shogo*; Matsumura, Daiju; Asazawa, Koichiro*; Kishi, Hirofumi*; Sakamoto, Tomokazu*; Yamaguchi, Susumu*; Tanaka, Hirohisa*; Mizuki, Junichiro*

Journal of Electronic Materials, 46(6), p.3634 - 3638, 2017/06

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:19.58(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Oral presentation

Magnetism and local structures of new ferromagnet BaFeO$$_{3}$$ and related materials

Yoshii, Kenji; Hayashi, Naoaki*; Matsumura, Daiju; Kusano, Shogo*; Mizumaki, Masaichiro*; Mizuki, Junichiro*; Takano, Mikio*

no journal, , 

We have investigated the magnetocaloric effect of BaFeO$$_{3}$$ and related materials. The substitutions at Ba and Fe sites was found to lead to a suppression of ground-state antiferromagnetic ordering. Hence, hysteretic losses are suppressed by the substitution, a property which is favorable to practical application. From EXAFS measurements using synchrotron radiation, BaFeO$$_{3}$$ involves a local structural distortion around Fe, whereas such behavior is suppressed by the substitutions. This may be related to the suppression of antiferromagnetic state, whose details will be presented at the conference.

Oral presentation

XAFS study on effect of molybdenum addition on photo-induced particle formation of palladium

Saeki, Morihisa; Matsumura, Daiju; Yomogida, Takumi; Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Tsuji, Takuya; Kusano, Shogo*; Miyazaki, Tatsuya*; Takao, Koichiro*; Oba, Hironori; Nakashima, Nobuaki*

no journal, , 

Recently, we found that photo-induced particle formation of Pd$$^{2+}$$ was promoted by coexistence of molybdenum anion in aqueous solution. In this study, we performed in-situ time-resolved XAFS measurement in the photoreduction of Pd$$^{2+}$$ in presence of various concentration of molybdenum anion. The effect of molybdenum addition on photo-induced particle formation of Pd will be discussed based on the relationship between the photoreduction rate of Pd$$^{2+}$$ and the concentration of molybdenum anion.

Oral presentation

XAFS study on effect of molybdenum addition on photo-induced particle formation of palladium

Saeki, Morihisa; Matsumura, Daiju; Yomogida, Takumi; Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Tsuji, Takuya; Kusano, Shogo*; Miyazaki, Tatsuya*; Takao, Koichiro*; Oba, Hironori; Nakashima, Nobuaki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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