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Journal Articles

JENDL-5 benchmark test for shielding applications

Konno, Chikara; Ota, Masayuki*; Kwon, Saerom*; Onishi, Seiki*; Yamano, Naoki*; Sato, Satoshi*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(9), p.1046 - 1069, 2023/09

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:96.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)

JENDL-5 was validated from a viewpoint of shielding applications under the Shielding Integral Test Working Group of the JENDL Committee. The following benchmark experiments were selected: JAEA/FNS in-situ experiments, Osaka Univ./OKTAVIAN TOF experiments, ORNL/JASPER sodium experiments, NIST iron experiment and QST/TIARA experiments. These experiments were analyzed with MCNP and nuclear data libraries (JENDL-5, JENDL-4.0 or JENDL-4.0/HE, ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3). The analysis results demonstrate that JENDL-5 is comparable to or better than JENDL-4.0 or JENDL-4.0/HE, ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3.

Journal Articles

Analyses of JAEA/FNS iron in-situ experiment with latest nuclear data libraries

Konno, Chikara; Kwon, Saerom*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 284, p.15010_1 - 15010_4, 2023/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

For the JENDL development we analyzed the iron in-situ experiment at the DT neutron source facility FNS in JAEA with the two-dimensional Sn code DORT and the latest nuclear data libraries: JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3. As a result, we found that the result with ENDF/B-VIII.0 reproduced the measured data worse than those with JENDL-4.0 and JEFF-3.3 as follows: overestimation of neutron flux below a few keV, underestimation of the reaction rate of $$^{115}$$In(n,n')$$^{rm 115m}$$In sensitive to neutrons above 0.3 MeV and underestimation of neutron flux above 10 MeV. Our detailed study specified that the inelastic scattering cross section of Fe-56 in ENDF/B-VIII.0 mainly caused the overestimation of neutron flux below a few keV and underestimation of the reaction rate of $$^{115}$$In(n,n')$$^{rm 115m}$$In and that the angular distribution data of the elastic scattering and the cross section of the (n,2n) reaction of $$^{56}$$Fe in ENDF/B-VIII.0 were the reason of the underestimation of neutron flux above 10 MeV.

Journal Articles

Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library version 5; JENDL-5

Iwamoto, Osamu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Kunieda, Satoshi; Minato, Futoshi; Nakayama, Shinsuke; Abe, Yutaka*; Tsubakihara, Kosuke*; Okumura, Shin*; Ishizuka, Chikako*; Yoshida, Tadashi*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(1), p.1 - 60, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:122 Percentile:99.98(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Journal Articles

Problem on gammas emitted in capture reaction of TENDL-2019 and JEFF-3.3

Konno, Chikara; Kwon, Saerom*

JAEA-Conf 2022-001, p.123 - 128, 2022/11

We found that a lot of nuclei in TENDL-2019 had no high-energy gamma peaks in secondary gamma spectra from the capture reaction and several nuclei in JEFF-3.3 also have. This problem causes not only drastically small damage energy production cross sections for radiation damage calculations at incident neutron energies below a few keV but also smaller gamma productions in shielding calculations. The problematic energy distribution data for secondary gammas in TENDL-2019 and JEFF-3.3 should be revised.

Journal Articles

MATXS multigroup file problem due to NJOY unresolved resonance processing

Konno, Chikara; Tada, Kenichi; Kwon, Saerom*

Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Radiation Shielding and 21st Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division (ICRS-14/RPSD 2022) (Internet), p.440 - 443, 2022/11

Neutron spectra inside a sphere of 1 m in radius, made of one natural isotope with unresolved resonance data, with an isotropic neutron source of 20 MeV at the center were calculated with the ANISN code and JENDL-4.0 MATXS file MATXSLIB-J40. Then unphysical neutron spectra produced in unresolved resonance data processing with the NJOY code were obtained. We examined its reasons and specified that unrealistic cross sections in dips between resonances caused the unphysical neutron spectra. We also demonstrated that this problem was solved by modifying NJOY.

Journal Articles

Problems on neutron production data of Be-9 in TENDL-2017 and -2019 deuteron sub-libraries

Kwon, Saerom*; Konno, Chikara; Ota, Masayuki*; Sato, Satoshi*

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 169, p.108932_1 - 108932_7, 2022/05

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:38.50(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Recently, it was reported that one of three ENDF files of Be-9 in the TENDL-2017 alpha sub-library included strange neutron production data. Thus we have tested three ENDF files of Be-9 in the TENDL-2017 deuterium sub-library for nuclear designs of a new fusion neutron source A-FNS. As a result, we found out that neutron production cross sections and secondary neutron spectra were different among three ENDF files and specified reasons. We confirmed that the latest TENDL, TENDL-2019, still had some of the issues.

Journal Articles

A Negative probability table problem of heating number in FENDL-3.1d ACE file

Konno, Chikara; Kwon, Saerom*

Proceedings of Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo 2020 (SNA + MC 2020), p.320 - 325, 2020/10

We found out that p-table data in the FENDL-3.1d ACE file included negative values for 33 nuclei. Thus, we studied why p-tables for heating number included negative. As a result, it was found out that partial KERMA factors became too large because the energy-balance was broken in the 33 nuclei and that FENDL-3.1d adopted kinematics KERMA factors. Then NJOY could not process adequately the 33 nuclei data, which led to negative p-tables for heating number. We prosed two solutions for this issue, produced new ACE files of FENDL-3.1d with the above two methods and confirmed that the new ACE files had no negative p-tables of the heating number.

Journal Articles

Problems of DPA cross-sections above 20 MeV in FENDL-3.1d found in A-FNS neutronics analysis

Kwon, Saerom*; Konno, Chikara; Ota, Masayuki*; Kasugai, Atsushi*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(3), p.344 - 351, 2020/03

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.69(Nuclear Science & Technology)

We found out that there was a questionable iron DPA value just above 20 MeV neutron energy in neutronics analyses of A-FNS using FENDL-3.1d. Our detailed investigation on the iron data in FENDL-3.1d figured out that residual nucleus production yield data of $$^{56}$$Fe just above 20 MeV had a problem, which caused a sharp spike just above 20 MeV in the DPA cross section of $$^{56}$$Fe. Thus we modified the yield data of $$^{56}$$Fe and verified that the questionable DPA value disappeared using the modified data. We also examined DPA cross sections of other nuclei in FENDL-3.1d. It was found out that DPA cross sections of more than 70% of nuclei in FENDL-3.1d have similar problems as that of $$^{56}$$Fe.

Journal Articles

Problems of TENDL-2015 official ACE files

Konno, Chikara; Kwon, Saerom*

JAEA-Conf 2019-001, p.167 - 172, 2019/11

TENDL (TALYS-based Evaluated Nuclear Data Library) has been used as a standard nuclear data library worldwide, particularly in Europe. Since 2016 we also have used the official ACE files of TENDL-2015 for our study, where we found two problems. (1) There are no probability table data in the neutron sub-library ACE files of most of the nuclei with unresolved resonance data. Calculated results are not correct in the case that the self-shielding effect in the unresolved resonance region is large. (2) There are no secondary gamma data in a lot of the ACE files not only of the neutron sub-library but also of the proton, deuteron, triton, and helium sub-libraries. This is due to an inadequate NJOY input. MCNP reads particle production data in the official ACE files as gamma production data incorrectly and produces wrong secondary gammas. It is noted that the official ACE files in the latest TENDL-2017 still have these problems except for those of main nuclei, which have been revised based on our study.

Journal Articles

TENDL-2017 benchmark test with iron shielding experiment at QST/TIARA

Kwon, Saerom*; Konno, Chikara; Ota, Masayuki*; Ochiai, Kentaro*; Sato, Satoshi*; Kasugai, Atsushi*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 144, p.209 - 214, 2019/07

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:37.41(Nuclear Science & Technology)

We performed a TENDL-2017 benchmark test with iron shielding experiments by using 40 and 65 MeV neutrons, in order to verify a nuclear data library above 20 MeV for neutronics analyses of A-FNS. We found out that the calculated neutron spectra with TENDL-2017 unnaturally increased near 30 MeV. We figured out that incorrect secondary neutron spectrum data in $$^{54}$$Fe, $$^{56}$$Fe and $$^{58}$$Fe at 30 MeV caused the increase of the neutron flux. Similar problems occurred in a lot of nuclei of TENDL-2017, TENDL-2015 and FENDL-3.1d from TENDL-2010 and TENDL-2011.

Journal Articles

Effect of IAEA patch for TRANSX2.15

Konno, Chikara; Kwon, Saerom*; Fischer, G.*

ANS RPSD 2018; 20th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of ANS (CD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2018/08

IAEA released two patches for TRANSX2.15 for the MATXS file of FENDL-2.0 in 1998. The first patch is required for all MATXS files, but it is not known well because it is not officially included to TRANSX2.15. Recently we investigated effects of the patch with a simple calculation. As a result, it is found out that the patch solves an overestimation problem of neutron fluxes in Sn calculations with self-shielding corrected multigroup libraries generated with the original TRANSX code. This patch should be officially included to TRANSX2.15 because it is essential.

Journal Articles

ENDF/B-VIII$$beta$$2 benchmark test with shielding experiments at QST/TIARA

Kwon, Saerom*; Konno, Chikara; Ota, Masayuki*; Sato, Satoshi*; Ochiai, Kentaro*

JAEA-Conf 2017-001, p.123 - 128, 2018/01

The $$beta$$-version of ENDF/B-VIII, ENDF/B-VIII$$beta$$2, was released in August, 2016. Thus we studied whether the overestimation problems due to the $$^{16}$$O and $$^{56}$$Fe data of ENDF/B-VII.1 were corrected in the iron and concrete shielding experiments with 40 and 65 MeV neutrons at TIARA. We produced the ACE files of ENDF/B-VIII$$beta$$2 with the NJOY2012.50 code and used the MCNP-5 code for this analysis. The nuclear data libraries, ENDF/B-VII.1, FENDL-3.1b and JENDL-4.0/HE, were also used for comparison. The following results were obtained; (1) the drastic overestimation of around 40 MeV due to the 5$$^{56}$$Fe data was improved, (2) the overestimation for around 65 MeV due to the $$^{56}$$Fe data was also slightly improved, though it was worse than that with FENDL-3.1b, (3) the drastic overestimation due to the $$^{16}$$O data was not improved. The final version of ENDF/B-VIII should also be modified based on these results.

Journal Articles

FENDL-3.1b test

Konno, Chikara; Kwon, Saerom*; Ota, Masayuki*; Sato, Satoshi*

JAEA-Conf 2017-001, p.117 - 122, 2018/01

The revised version of FENDL-3, FENDL-3.1b was released in October, 2015. Thus we have tested FENDL-3.1b neutron sub-library for the problems we reported to IAEA before. Most of the MATXS files above 20 MeV had no scattering matrix data of non-elastic scattering, but this problem was fixed by re-processing FENDL-3 with NJOY2012.50. As for the problem on KERMA factors and DPA data, IAEA revised the wrong Q value of the capture reaction in $$^{15}$$N and re-calculated KERMA factors and DPA data with NJOY2012.50. It was confirmed that most of the KERMA factors and DPA data were revised correctly except for huge gas production cross-section data. However a new problem on NJOY processing of gas production data was found out. It was pointed out that this problem was due to a bug of NJOY. Additionally we investigated a trouble on $$^{116}$$Sn and $$^{117}$$Sn NJOY processing at IAEA and specified that one of NJOY patches caused this trouble.

Journal Articles

Benchmark experiment on copper with graphite by using DT neutrons at JAEA/FNS

Kwon, Saerom*; Ota, Masayuki*; Sato, Satoshi*; Konno, Chikara; Ochiai, Kentaro*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 124, p.1161 - 1164, 2017/11

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:26.88(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Copper is used as a material for superconducting coil in magnetic confinement fusion reactor and for accelerator-driven neutron source such as IFMIF. In our previous copper benchmark experiment, we had pointed out that the elastic scattering and capture reaction data of the copper had included some problems in the resonance region, which had caused a large underestimation of reaction rates of non-threshold reactions. In order to corroborate this issue, we carried out a new benchmark experiment on copper with graphite in the neutron field with more low energy neutrons. We measured reaction rates using the activation foils. We analyzed the experiment with MCNP code and the latest nuclear data libraries. As a result, the calculated reaction rates related to low energy neutrons, still excessively underestimated the measured ones as in the previous benchmark experiment. We also tested the nuclear data of copper modified in the previous study, where the elastic scattering and capture reaction cross section of copper. Then the calculated reaction rates with the modified copper nuclear data reproduced the measured ones well. It was revealed that the modification of the specific cross sections had been sufficient in the neutron field with more low energy neutrons.

Journal Articles

Lead benchmark experiment with DT neutrons at JAEA/FNS

Kwon, Saerom*; Ota, Masayuki*; Sato, Satoshi*; Konno, Chikara; Ochiai, Kentaro*

Fusion Science and Technology, 72(3), p.362 - 367, 2017/10

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:48.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Lead is a candidate material as a neutron multiplier, a tritium breeder and a coolant in nuclear fusion reactor system, and a $$gamma$$ ray shielding for beam dump or shielding of components in accelerator-driven neutron source such as IFMIF. A benchmark experiment on lead with DT neutrons had been performed at JAEA/FNS seven, where the reaction rates related to neutrons below a few keV had included background neutrons scattered in concrete walls of the experiment room. Thus, we designed and carried out a new benchmark experiment with a lead assembly covered with Li$$_{2}$$O blocks absorbing background neutrons. We successfully measured reaction rates of the non-threshold reactions with the activation foil method. The experiment was analyzed with MCNP code and the latest nuclear data libraries. All the calculated reaction rates (C) tended to underestimate the experimental ones (E) with the depth of the lead assembly. Although reasons of the underestimation have not been specified yet, we discovered that there are remarkable different tendencies of C/Es each reaction rate among the nuclear data libraries.

Journal Articles

Important comments on KERMA factors and DPA cross-section data in ACE files of JENDL-4.0, JEFF-3.2 and ENDF/B-VII.1

Konno, Chikara; Tada, Kenichi; Kwon, Saerom*; Ota, Masayuki*; Sato, Satoshi*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 146, p.02040_1 - 02040_4, 2017/09

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:92.78(Nuclear Science & Technology)

So far we pointed out that KERMA factors and DPA cross-section data of a lot of nuclei in the official ACE file were different among nuclear data libraries for the following reasons; (1) incorrect nuclear data, (2) NJOY bugs, (3) huge helium production cross section data, (4) mf6 mt102 data, (5) no secondary particle data (energy-angular distribution data). Now we compare the KERMA factors and DPA cross section data included in the official ACE files of JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VII.1 and JEFF-3.2 in more detail. As a result, we find out new reasons of differences among the KERMA factors and DPA cross section data in the three nuclear data libraries. The reasons are categorized to no secondary charged particle data, no secondary $$gamma$$ data, wrong secondary $$gamma$$ spectra, wrong production yields and mf12-15 mt3 data for the capture reaction, some of which seem to be unsupported with NJOY. The ACE files of JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VII.1 and JEFF-3.2 with these problems should be revised based on this study.

Journal Articles

JENDL-4.0/HE benchmark test with concrete and iron shielding experiments at JAEA/TIARA

Konno, Chikara; Matsuda, Norihiro; Kwon, Saerom*; Ota, Masayuki*; Sato, Satoshi*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 153, p.01024_1 - 01024_6, 2017/09

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:89.49(Nuclear Science & Technology)

As a benchmark test of JENDL-4.0/HE released in 2015, we have analyzed concrete and iron shielding experiments with the 40 and 65 MeV neutron sources at TIARA in JAEA by using MCNP5 and ACE files processed from JENDL-4.0/HE with NJOY2012. As a result, it was found out that the calculation results with JENDL-4.0/HE agreed with the measured ones in the concrete experiment well, while they underestimated the measured ones in the iron experiment more for the thicker assemblies. We examined JENDL-4.0/HE in detail and it was considered that the larger non-elastic scattering cross sections of $$^{56}$$Fe caused the underestimation in the calculation with JENDL-4.0/HE for the iron experiment.

Journal Articles

Benchmark experiment on molybdenum with graphite by using DT neutrons at JAEA/FNS

Ota, Masayuki*; Kwon, Saerom*; Sato, Satoshi*; Konno, Chikara; Ochiai, Kentaro*

Fusion Engineering and Design, 114, p.127 - 130, 2017/01

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A new fusion neutron source is now under consideration in Japan. Type 316L stainless steel (SUS316L) which is a structural material of the target-system contains a few percent of molybdenum. In our previous benchmark experiment on molybdenum at JAEA/FNS, we found problems of the cross section data above a few hundred eV in Mo. We perform a new benchmark experiment on Mo with graphite in order to validate the Mo data in the lower energy region. Several dosimetry reaction rates and fission rates are measured in the assembly and compared with the calculated values with the Monte-Carlo transport code MCNP5-1.40 and the recent nuclear data libraries. It is suggested that the (n,$$gamma$$) cross section of $$^{95}$$Mo is underestimated in the tail region below the large resonance at 45 eV in the recent nuclear data libraries.

Journal Articles

New remarks on KERMA factors and DPA cross section data in ACE files

Konno, Chikara; Sato, Satoshi; Ota, Masayuki; Kwon, Saerom; Ochiai, Kentaro

Fusion Engineering and Design, 109-111(Part B), p.1649 - 1652, 2016/11

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:57.96(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Recently we have examined KERMA factors and DPA cross section data in the latest official ACE files of JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.2 and FENDL-3.0 in more detail and we found out the following new problems on the KERMA factors and DPA cross section data. (1) NJOY bugs and incorrect nuclear data generated KERMA factors and DPA cross section data of no increase with decreasing neutron energy in low neutron energy. (2) Huge helium production data caused drastically large KERMA factors and DPA cross section data in low neutron energy. (3) It seemed that NJOY could not adequately process capture cross section data in File 6, not File 12-15. (4) KERMA factors with the kinematics method are not correct for nuclear data libraries without detailed secondary particle data (energy-angular distribution data). These problems should be resolved based on our study.

Journal Articles

New integral experiments for a variety of fusion reactor materials with DT neutron source at JAEA/FNS

Sato, Satoshi*; Kwon, Saerom*; Ota, Masayuki*; Ochiai, Kentaro*; Konno, Chikara

Proceedings of 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2016/10

In the integral experiments on tungsten, vanadium and copper performed with the DT neutron source at JAEA/FNS over 20 years ago, the calculated results had largely underestimated the measured ones sensitive to low energy neutrons in the experiments. Since background neutrons scattered in the concrete wall of the experimental room were considered to cause these underestimations, in this study we performed new integral experiments with these materials covered with Li$$_{2}$$O blocks absorbing background neutrons. We also performed similar integral experiments on molybdenum and titanium. We analyzed these experiments by using MCNP5-1.40 with ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.2 and JENDL-4.0. The large underestimations observed in the previous tungsten and vanadium experiments disappeared in the present experiments, which led that the nuclear data of tungsten and vanadium had no problem. On the other hand, the underestimation was not improved so much in the copper experiment, and the calculation results also did not show good agreements with the measured ones in the molybdenum and titanium experiments. Detailed analyses with partly modified nuclear data clarified the problems of the nuclear data libraries on copper, molybdenum and titanium.

53 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)