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Asahi, Yuichi; Padioleau, T.*; Latu, G.*; Bigot, J.*; Grandgirard, V.*; Obrejan, K.*
Dai-36-Kai Suchi Ryutai Rikigaku Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 8 Pages, 2022/12
We implement a kinetic plasma simulation code with multiple performance portable frameworks and evaluated its performance on Intel Icelake, NVIDIA V100 and A100 GPUs, and AMD MI100 GPU. Relying on the language standard parallelism stdpar and proposed language standard multi-dimensional array support mdspan, we demonstrate a performance portable implementation without harming the readability and productivity. With stdpar, we obtain a good overall performance for a kinetic plasma mini-application in the range of 20% to the Kokkos version on Icelake, V100, A100 and MI100. We conclude that stdpar can be a good candidate to develop a performance portable and productive code targeting Exascale era platforms, assuming this programming model will be available on AMD and/or Intel GPUs in the future.
Asahi, Yuichi; Padioleau, T.*; Latu, G.*; Bigot, J.*; Grandgirard, V.*; Obrejan, K.*
Proceedings of 2022 International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC) (Internet), p.68 - 80, 2022/11
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:80.12(Computer Science, Theory & Methods)This paper presents the performance portable implementation of a kinetic plasma simulation code with C++ parallel algorithm to run across multiple CPUs and GPUs. Relying on the language standard parallelism stdpar and proposed language standard multi-dimensional array support mdspan, we demonstrate that a performance portable implementation is possible without harming the readability and productivity. We obtain a good overall performance for a mini-application in the range of 20% to the Kokkos version on Intel Icelake, NVIDIA V100, and A100 GPUs. Our conclusion is that stdpar can be a good candidate to develop a performance portable and productive code targeting the Exascale era platform, assuming this approach will be available on AMD and/or Intel GPUs in the future.
Asahi, Yuichi; Latu, G.*; Bigot, J.*; Grandgirard, V.*
Proceedings of 2021 International Workshop on Performance, Portability, and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC) (Internet), p.79 - 91, 2021/11
This paper presents optimization strategies dedicated to a kinetic plasma simulation code that makes use of OpenACC/OpenMP directives and Kokkos performance portable framework to run across multiple CPUs and GPUs. We evaluate the impacts of optimizations on multiple hardware platforms: Intel Xeon Skylake, Fujitsu Arm A64FX, and Nvidia Tesla P100 and V100. After the optimizations, the OpenACC/OpenMP version achieved the acceleration of 1.07 to 1.39. The Kokkos version in turn achieved the acceleration of 1.00 to 1.33. Since the impact of optimizations under multiple combinations of kernels, devices and parallel implementations is demonstrated, this paper provides a widely available approach to accelerate a code keeping the performance portability. To achieve an excellent performance on both CPUs and GPUs, Kokkos could be a reasonable choice which offers more flexibility to manage multiple data and loop structures with a single codebase.
Asahi, Yuichi; Latu, G.*; Bigot, J.*; Grandgirard, V.*
Proceedings of Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo 2020 (SNA + MC 2020), p.218 - 224, 2020/10
Performance portability is expected to be a critical issue in the upcoming exascale era. We explore a performance portable approach for a fusion plasma turbulence simulation code employing the kinetic model, namely the GYSELA code. For this purpose, we extract the key features of GYSELA such as the high dimensionality (more than 4D) and the semi-Lagrangian scheme, and encapsulate them into a mini-application which solves the similar but a simplified Vlasov-Poisson system as GYSELA. We implement the mini-app with OpenACC, OpenMP4.5 and Kokkos, where we suppress unnecessary duplications of code lines. Based on our experience, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of OpenACC, OpenMP4.5 and Kokkos, from the view point of performance portability, readability and productivity.
Asahi, Yuichi*; Latu, G.*; Bigot, J.*; Maeyama, Shinya*; Grandgirard, V.*; Idomura, Yasuhiro
Concurrency and Computation; Practice and Experience, 32(5), p.e5551_1 - e5551_21, 2020/03
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:12.42(Computer Science, Software Engineering)Two five-dimensional gyrokinetic codes GYSELA and GKV were ported to the modern accelerators, Xeon Phi KNL and Tesla P100 GPU. Serial computing kernels of GYSELA on KNL and GKV on P100 GPU were respectively 1.3x and 7.4x faster than those on a single Skylake processor. Scaling tests of GYSELA and GKV were respectively performed from 16 to 512 KNLs and from 32 to 256 P100 GPUs, and data transpose communications in semi-Lagrangian kernels in GYSELA and in convolution kernels in GKV were found to be main bottlenecks, respectively. In order to mitigate the communication costs, pipeline-based and task-based communication overlapping were implemented in these codes.
Asahi, Yuichi*; Grandgirard, V.*; Sarazin, Y.*; Donnel, P.*; Garbet, X.*; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Dif-Pradalier, G.*; Latu, G.*
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 61(6), p.065015_1 - 065015_15, 2019/05
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:23.29(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)The role of poloidal convective cells on transport processes is studied with the full-F gyrokinetic code GYSELA. For this purpose, we apply a numerical filter to convective cells and compare the simulation results with and without the filter. The energy flux driven by the magnetic drifts turns out to be reduced by a factor of about 2 once the numerical filter is applied. A careful analysis reveals that the frequency spectrum of the convective cells is well-correlated with that of the turbulent Reynolds stress tensor, giving credit to their turbulence-driven origin. The impact of convective cells can be interpreted as a synergy between turbulence and neoclassical dynamics.
Asahi, Yuichi*; Grandgirard, V.*; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Garbet, X.*; Latu, G.*; Sarazin, Y.*; Dif-Pradalier, G.*; Donnel, P.*; Ehrlacher, C.*
Physics of Plasmas, 24(10), p.102515_1 - 102515_17, 2017/10
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:42.44(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)Two full-F global gyrokinetic codes are benchmarked to compute flux-driven ion temperature gradient turbulence in tokamak plasmas. For this purpose, the Semi-Lagrangian code GYSELA and the Eulerian code GT5D are employed, which solve the full-F gyrokinetic equation with a realistic fixed flux condition. Using the appropriate settings for the boundary and initial conditions, flux-driven ITG turbulence simulations are carried out. The avalanche-like transport is assessed with a focus on spatio-temporal properties. A statistical analysis is performed to discuss this self-organized criticality (SOC) like behaviors, where we found spectra and a transition to
spectra at high-frequency side in both codes. Based on these benchmarks, it is verified that the SOC-like behavior is robust and not dependent on numerics.
Asahi, Yuichi*; Latu, G.*; Ina, Takuya; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Grandgirard, V.*; Garbet, X.*
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28(7), p.1974 - 1988, 2017/07
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:53.08(Computer Science, Theory & Methods)High-dimensional stencil computation from fusion plasma turbulence codes involving complex memory access patterns, the indirect memory access in a Semi-Lagrangian scheme and the strided memory access in a Finite-Difference scheme, are optimized on accelerators such as GPGPUs and Xeon Phi coprocessors. On both devices, the Array of Structure of Array (AoSoA) data layout is preferable for contiguous memory accesses. It is shown that the effective local cache usage by improving spatial and temporal data locality is critical on Xeon Phi. On GPGPU, the texture memory usage improves the performance of the indirect memory accesses in the Semi-Lagrangian scheme. Thanks to these optimizations, the fusion kernels on accelerators become 1.4x - 8.1x faster than those on Sandy Bridge (CPU).
Villard, L.*; Bottino, A.*; Brunner, S.*; Casati, A.*; Chowdhury, J.*; Dannert, T.*; Ganesh, R.*; Garbet, X.*; Grler, T.*; Grandgirard, V.*; et al.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 52(12), p.124038_1 - 124038_18, 2010/11
Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:60.74(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)Asahi, Yuichi; Maeyama, Shinya*; Latu, G.*; Garbet, X.*; Watanabe, Tomohiko*; Aoki, Takayuki*; Ogino, Masao*
no journal, ,
Under the JHPCN international collaboration with French researchers, we have integrated a kinetic electron model into the kinetic plasma turbulence code GYSELA developed in France. We also explore a performance portable for a kinetic fusion plasma turbulence code like GYSELA. For this purpose, we extract the key features of GYSELA such as the high dimensionality and the semi-Lagrangian scheme, and encapsulate them into a mini-application which solves the simpler version of Vlasov-Poisson system as GYSELA. We implement the mini-app with Open ACC and Kokkos to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, from the view point of performance portability, readability and productivity.
Asahi, Yuichi; Latu, G.*; Ina, Takuya; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Grandgirard, V.*; Garbet, X.*
no journal, ,
We present the optimization of kernels from fusion plasma codes, GYSELA and GT5D, on Tera-flops many-core architectures including accelerators (Xeon Phi, GPU), and a multi-core CPU (FX100). GYSELA kernel is based on a semi-Lagrangian scheme with high arithmetic intensity. Through the optimization of GYSELA kernel on Xeon Phi, we show the importance of the vectorization of a code. For GT5D kernel, which is based on a finite difference scheme, a sophisticated memory access is necessary for attaining high performance. Through the optimization of GT5D kernel on GPUs, we show the effective optimization for memory access with the help of the shared memory.
Asahi, Yuichi; Latu, G.*; Bigot, J.*; Grandgirard, V.*
no journal, ,
To prepare the performance portable version of the kinetic plasma simulation code, we develop a simplified but self-contained semi-Lagrangian mini-app with Kokkos performance portable framework and OpenMP/OpenACC which works on both CPUs and GPUs. We investigate the performance of the mini-app over the novel arm-based processor Fujitsu A64FX, Nvidia Tesla GPU, and Intel Skylake, where the arm-based architectures and GPUs are supposed to be major architectures in the exa-scale supercomputing era. The porting cost is highly suppressed with both Kokkos and directive implementations, where the code duplication is avoided. The higher performance portability is achieved with OpenMP/OpenACC, particularly for the compute intense kernels among the hotspots. Unfortunately, a relatively low performance is obtained on A64FX for kernels with indirect memory accesses. We also discuss what kind of Kokkos/OpenMP/OpenACC features are useful to improve the readability and productivity.
Asahi, Yuichi*; Garbet, X.*; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Grandgirard, V.*; Latu, G.*; Sarazin, Y.*; Dif-Pradalier, G.*; Donnel, P.*; Ehrlacher, C.*; Passeron, Ch.*
no journal, ,
Two global full-f gyrokinetic codes, which have been developed at CEA and JAEA, are benchmarked. Quantitative agreements between two codes are obtained regarding linear processes such as the linear stability of ion temperature gradient driven modes, the linear damping of zonal flows, and the collisional transport. Preliminary benchmarks on nonlinear turbulence simulations show some differences of calculation results, which arise due to differences in calculation models such as boundary conditions and heat source models, and the remaining issues towards quantitative nonlinear benchmarks are clarified.
Asahi, Yuichi*; Latu, G.*; Ina, Takuya; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Grandgirard, V.*; Garbet, X.*
no journal, ,
Computation kernels of fusion plasma turbulence codes based on the Semi-Lagrangian scheme and the Finite-Difference scheme are optimized on latest many core processors such as GPGPU, XeonPhi, and FX100, and 1.4x-8.1x speedup is achieved. Affinity between different memory access patterns in each numerical scheme and difference memory-cache architectures on each hardware is studied, and different optimization techniques are developed for each architecture. On Xeon Phi, thread load balance is improved, and an optimization technique for effective local cache usage is developed. On GPGPU, an optimization technique using a texture memory and an implementation to reuse registers are developed. On the other hand, on FX100, it is found that the conventional optimization techniques for CPU work.
Asahi, Yuichi*; Grandgirard, V.*; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Sarazin, Y.*; Latu, G.*; Garbet, X.*
no journal, ,
This talk reviews outcomes from BMTFF projects, which was conducted for FY2015-2016. In this project, in order to establish a firm basis of full-f gyrokinetic models, two major full-f gyrokinetic codes in EU and Japan, GYSELA and GT5D, were benchmarked. In FY2015, all the numerical implementations were examined, and boundary conditions were fixed to be the same. With this correction, collisional transport, linear zonal flow damping, and linear stability of the ion temperature gradient driven (ITG) mode were successfully benchmarked. In FY2016, the same source and sink models were implemented in both codes, and nonlinear turbulence simulations were benchmarked. Decaying ITG turbulence simulations without heat sources showed similar profile relaxation processes, and nonlinear critical temperature gradients agreed quantitatively with each other. On the other hand, driven ITG turbulence simulations with heat sources showed intermittent bursts of avalanche like transport, which indicate similar 1/f type frequency spectra.
Asahi, Yuichi; Latu, G.*; Ina, Takuya; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Virginie, G.*; Garbet, X.*
no journal, ,
We present the optimization of kernels from fusion plasma codes, GYSELA and GT5D, on Tera-flops many-core architecturesincluding accelerators (Xeon Phi, GPU), and a multi-core CPUs (FX100). GYSELA kernel is based on a semi-Lagrangian scheme with high arithmetic intensity. Through the optimization of GYSELA kernel on Xeon Phi, we show the importance of the vectorization on Xeon Phi. For GT5D kernel, which is based on a finite difference scheme, a sophisticated memory access is necessary for high performance. Through the optimization of GT5D kernel on GPUs, we show the effective optimization for memory access on GPUs.
Asahi, Yuichi; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Ina, Takuya; Garbet, X.*; Grandgirard, V.*; Latu, G.*
no journal, ,
In the so-called delta-f gyrokinetic simulations, the scale separation between the equilibrium and fluctuation plasmas is assumed, and the time evolution is solved only for the fluctuation part. In contrast, in the full-f gyrokinetic simulations, both of the equilibrium and fluctuation plasmas are solved on the basis of the same first principle, where the self-consistent simulations for the equilibrium and fluctuation plasmas are possible. So far, there are a plenty number of cross-code benchmarks for delta-f gyrokinetic simulations, which helps to improve the robustness of the simulations. However, this is not the case for the full-f simulations since the complicated full-f physics makes benchmarks more difficult. In the presentation, we will show the progress of the full-f benchmarks and discuss the confronting issues.