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Li, X.; 山路 哲史*; 佐藤 一憲*; 山下 拓哉
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 214, p.111217_1 - 111217_13, 2025/05
The decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPP Unit-2 requires understanding of reactor damage and fuel debris distribution for effective debris retrieval. This study numerically analyzes potential Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) boundary failure due to eutectic melting of Control Rod Drive (CRD) housings during reheating after debris bed dryout. The Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method, with an enthalpy-based temperature algorithm and Boussinesq approximation, is applied to simulate melt/solid interactions in a 2-D model of the lower plenum. The CRD housing melting temperature is set at 1523 K based on a quasi-binary phase diagram of 304 Stainless Steel (SS) and Zirconium (Zr) and ELSA experiments. Results suggest local RPV failure at CRD housings, leading to melt release and refreezing. The estimated failure occurs 8-12 hours post-dryout (ca. 12:00-16:00 on 3/15/2011), providing insights into melt progression and boundary breach scenarios in Unit-2.
Che, G.*; Fei, Y.*; Tang, X.*; Zhao, Z.*; 服部 高典; 阿部 淳*; Wang, X.*; Ju, J.*; Dong, X.*; Wang, Y.*; et al.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 27(2), p.1112 - 1118, 2025/01
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)芳香族分子の圧力誘起重合(PIP)は、様々な炭素系材料を合成するための効果的な方法として浮上してきた。目的とする構造や機能を得るためには、適切な官能基化された分子前駆体の選択が極めて重要である。本研究では、1,4-ジフルオロベンゼン(1,4-DFB)をPIPの構成要素として選択した。1,4-DFBをその場高圧で調べた結果、約12.0GPaで相転移が起こり、18.7GPaで不可逆的な化学反応が起こることがわかった。生成物の構造解析と反応のカイネティクスから、直線的な成長を伴う擬六方晶積層フッ素ダイヤモンドナノスレッドの形成が明らかになった。高圧下のベンゼンの結晶構造と比較して、1,4-DFBは[001]軸に沿って高い圧縮を示す。この異方的な圧縮は、[01]軸に沿ったより強いH
Li, X.; 山路 哲史*; 佐藤 一憲*; 山下 拓哉; 永江 勇二
Proceedings of 11th European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research Conference (ERMSAR 2024) (Internet), 12 Pages, 2024/05
For Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) Unit-2, the muon radiography investigation results indicate that the fuel debris are largely retained inside the RPV. The current study focuses on the analysis of metallic melt penetration behavior in the CRD housing with Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method. A three-dimensional CRD housing model with simplified inner structures was established. The injection of SS-Zircaloy eutectic melt into the CRD housing was simulated and its downstream penetration and freezing behavior under vertically varying temperature boundary conditions was analyzed. It is found that the melt would start to freeze and form channel blockages soon after it enters the region with a relatively cold boundary in the downstream.
Li, X.*; Zhu, R.*; Xin, J.*; Luo, M.*; Shang, S.-L.*; Liu, Z.-K.*; Yin, C.*; 舟越 賢一*; Dippenaar, R. J.*; 肥後 祐司*; et al.
CALPHAD; Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 84, p.102641_1 - 102641_6, 2024/03
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Thermodynamics)The phase transformations and pressure-volume dependencies of the Ti-45Al alloy with respect to pressure have been investigated by means of in-situ observation using multi anvil-type high-pressure devices and synchrotron radiation. Under hydrostatic compression from 0 to 10.1 GPa, about 2.3 vol. % of transforms continuously to
2. Lattice parameters as well as volume fractions of these two phases have been determined as a function of pressure. Bulk moduli estimated using Birch-Murnaghan's equation of state are 148 GPa for the
phase, 138 GPa for the
2 phase, and 149 GPa for their two-phase mixture of Ti-45Al alloy. First-principles have also applied to investigate bulk moduli of two single phases, and the deviation between calculations and measurements is discussed and attributed to mainly phase transformation. The presently study provides useful insights into thermodynamics of
2 and
phases under high pressure.
Huang, Z.*; Wang, W.*; Ye, H.*; Bao, S.*; Shangguan, Y.*; Liao, J.*; Cao, S.*; 梶本 亮一; 池内 和彦*; Deng, G.*; et al.
Physical Review B, 109(1), p.014434_1 - 014434_9, 2024/01
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)TbMnSn
is a correlated topological magnet with a Mn-based kagome lattice, in which a Chern gap opens at the Dirac point at low temperatures. The magnetic moment direction of the ferrimagnetic order changes from in the kagome plane to the out-of-plane upon cooling, which is essential for generating the Chern gap, but the underlying mechanism for the spin reorientation remains elusive. Here, we investigate the spin-reorientation transition in TbMn
using neutron scattering. We provide direct evidence for the spin-reorientation transition and unveil the coexistence of two Tb modes at 200 K. To account for these results, we put forward a model based on SU(N) spin-wave theory, in which there is a temperature evolution of the ground state Tb
orbitals, driven by the crystalline electric field, single-ion anisotropy, and exchange interactions between Tb and Mn ions. Our findings shed light on the complex magnetism of TbMn
, despite its relatively simple ground state magnetic structure, and provide insights into the mechanisms for tuning magnetic topological materials.
Bao, S.*; Gu, Z.-L.*; Shangguan, Y.*; Huang, Z.*; Liao, J.*; Zhao, X.*; Zhang, B.*; Dong, Z.-Y.*; Wang, W.*; 梶本 亮一; et al.
Nature Communications (Internet), 14, p.6093_1 - 6093_9, 2023/09
被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:92.03(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Magnon polarons are novel elementary excitations possessing hybrid magnonic and phononic signatures, and are responsible for many exotic spintronic and magnonic phenomena. Despite long-term sustained experimental efforts in chasing for magnon polarons, direct spectroscopic evidence of their existence is hardly observed. Here, we report the direct observation of magnon polarons using neutron spectroscopy on a multiferroic FeMo
possessing strong magnon-phonon coupling. Specifically, below the magnetic ordering temperature, a gap opens at the nominal intersection of the original magnon and phonon bands, leading to two separated magnon-polaron bands. Each of the bands undergoes mixing, interconverting and reversing between its magnonic and phononic components. We attribute the formation of magnon polarons to the strong magnon-phonon coupling induced by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Intriguingly, we find that the band-inverted magnon polarons are topologically nontrivial. These results uncover exotic elementary excitations arising from the magnon-phonon coupling, and offer a new route to topological states by considering hybridizations between different types of fundamental excitations.
Fang, Y.*; Kong, L.*; Wang, R.*; Zhang, Z.*; Li, Z.*; Wu, Y.*; Bu, K.*; Liu, X.*; Yan, S.*; 服部 高典; et al.
Materials Today Physics (Internet), 34, p.101083_1 - 101083_7, 2023/05
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:68.49(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)層状ファンデルワールスハライドは、外部圧力に対して特に敏感であるため、目的とする性質を持つ構造にチューンすることが可能となる。一方で、圧力に非常に敏感であるという特性は、同時に目的とする機能の実現に有害な相転移や格子歪みを引き起こす可能性があるためその操作は依然として困難である。この研究では、層状RhI結晶が持つ極めて弱い層間結合と高い機能可変性を観察した。5GPaという適度な圧力をかけると圧力誘起相転移が起こり、積層構造に変化が現れた。驚くべきことに、この相転移は、圧力に対してほぼ直線的なバンドギャップ減少という傾向に影響を与えなかった。また、より高い圧力では、1.3eVの赤方偏移というかなり大きな調整幅を伴う金属相が観測された。さらに、RhI
Cao, Y.*; Zhou, H.*; Khmelevskyi, S.*; Lin, K.*; Avdeev, M.*; Wang, C.-W.*; Wang, B.*; Hu, F.*; 加藤 健一*; 服部 高典; et al.
Chemistry of Materials, 35(8), p.3249 - 3255, 2023/04
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:29.99(Chemistry, Physical)静水圧や化学圧力は、結晶構造を変化させる効率的な刺激であり、材料科学において電気的、磁気的特性のチューニングによく利用されている。しかし、化学圧力は定量化が困難であり、これら両者の定量的な対応関係はまだよくわかっていない。本研究では、負の熱膨張(NTE)を持つ永久磁石の候補である金属間化合物を調べた。放射光X線その場観察により、AlをドープしたHoFe
Yuan, X.*; Hu, Q.*; Lin, X.*; Zhao, C.*; Wang, Q.*; 舘 幸男; 深津 勇太; 濱本 昌一郎*; Siitari-Kauppi, M.*; Li, X.*
Journal of Hydrology, 618, p.129172_1 - 129172_15, 2023/03
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:38.44(Engineering, Civil)Mass transport in geomedia as influenced by the pore structure is an important phenomenon. Six rocks (granodiorite, limestone, two chalks, mudstone, and dolostone) with different extents of heterogeneity at six different particle sizes were studied to describe the effects of pore connectivity on mass transport. The multiple methods applied were porosity measurement, gas diffusion test, and batch sorption test of multiple ions. Porosity measurement results reveal that with decreasing particle sizes, the effective porosities for the "heterogenous" group (granodiorite and limestone) increase, whereas the porosities of "homogeneous" group (chalks, mudstone, and dolostone) roughly remain constant. Gas diffusion results show that the intraparticle gas diffusion coefficient among these two groups, varying in the magnitude of 10 to 10
/s. The batch sorption work displays a different affinity of these rocks for tracers, which are related to their mineral components. For granodiorite, mudstone, and dolostone, the adsorption capacity increases as the particle size decreases, due to higher specific surface area in smaller particle-size. In general, this integrated research of grain size distribution, rock porosity, intraparticle diffusivity, and ionic sorption capacity gives insights into the pore connectivity effect on both gas diffusion and chemical transport behaviors for different lithologies and/or different particle sizes.
Ye, X.*; 下川 航平*; 毛塚 有飛*; 畠山 拓也*; Li, H.*; 市坪 哲
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(11), p.5210 - 5218, 2023/03
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:15.14(Chemistry, Physical)In this study, wide-range compositions in Mg-Zn-Mn oxide systems were investigated to understand its phase stability for the development of high-energy-density rechargeable Mg batteries. The obtained results showed that the stability of the spinel structure can be significantly improved by compositionally incorporating stable XO (X = Zn, Mg) with -MnO
. In particular, (i) the equimolar mixing of XO and MnO
is essential to obtain a single-phase cubic spinel structure and (ii) a higher Zn/Mg ratio is effective for preventing the formation of an irreversible rock salt phase to decrease the overpotential during discharge/charge cycling.
Jiang, X.*; 服部 高典; Xu, X.*; Li, M.*; Yu, C.*; Yu, D.*; Mole, R.*; 矢野 真一郎*; Chen, J.*; He, L.*; et al.
Materials Horizons, 10(3), p.977 - 982, 2023/03
被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:93.00(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)現在の蒸気圧縮式冷凍機に代わる環境に優しい冷凍機として、バロカロリック効果に基づく固体冷凍機が世界的に注目されている。一般に、バロカロリック効果が発現する相はいずれも常圧でも存在する。ここでは、それらの物質と違って、KPFが高圧の菱面体晶相を生成することにより、巨大なバロカロリック効果を示すことを実証した。相図は、圧力依存の熱量測定、ラマン散乱測定、中性子回折測定に基づいて構築されたものである。本研究は、巨大バロカロリー効果に、高圧相の生成という新たな手法をもたらすと期待される。
金城 克樹*; 藤林 裕己*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; 本間 佳哉*; et al.
Physical Review B, 107(6), p.L060502_1 - L060502_5, 2023/02
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:94.11(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)UTe is a recently discovered spin-triplet superconductor. One of the characteristic features of UTe
is a magnetic field (
)-boosted superconductivity above 16 T when H is applied exactly parallel to the
axis. To date, this superconducting (SC) state has not been thoroughly investigated, and the SC properties as well as the spin state of this high-
SC (HHSC) phase are not well understood. In this letter, we performed AC magnetic susceptibility and nuclear magnetic resonance measurements and found that, up to 24.8 T, the HHSC state has bulk nature and is quite sensitive to the
angle and that its SC character is different from that in the low-
SC (LHSC) state. The dominant spin component of the spin-triplet pair is along the
axis in the LHSC state but is changed in the HHSC state along the
axis. Our results indicate that
-induced multiple SC states originate from the remaining spin degrees of freedom.
Li, G.*; Duan, G.*; Liu, X.*; Wang, Z.
Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method; Recent Developments and Applications, 266 Pages, 2023/00
Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method has experienced decades of research and development since it was firstly proposed in 1996. The advanced numerical models have been developed. As the MPS method is becoming mature and stable, more and more researchers are engaging in its development and applying it to the simulations of complex multicomponent and multiphase flow in engineering. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the advanced numerical models of MPS method, including the improved discretization scheme, stabilization method, boundary condition, multiphase flow and fluid-structure interaction. The applications in the fields of nuclear engineering and ocean engineering are summarized as well. It promotes a deep understanding of the current challenges and the future development directions of the MPS method. This book is a valuable reference resource for the researchers, engineers and postgraduates with an interest in computational fluid dynamics and meshless particle methods.
Wei, D.*; Gong, W.; 都留 智仁; Lobzenko, I.; Li, X.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Do, H.-S.*; Bae, J. W.*; Wagner, C.*; et al.
International Journal of Plasticity, 159, p.103443_1 - 103443_18, 2022/12
被引用回数:86 パーセンタイル:99.65(Engineering, Mechanical)Face-centered cubic single-phase high-entropy alloys (HEAs) containing multi-principal transition metals have attracted significant attention, exhibiting an unprecedented combination of strength and ductility owing to their low stacking fault energy (SFE) and large misfit parameter that creates severe local lattice distortion. Increasing both strength and ductility further is challenging. In the present study, we demonstrate via meticulous experiments that the CoCrFeNi HEA with the addition of the substitutional metalloid Si can retain a single-phase FCC structure while its yield strength (up to 65%), ultimate strength (up to 34%), and ductility (up to 15%) are simultaneously increased, owing to a synthetical effect of the enhanced solid solution strengthening and a reduced SFE. The dislocation behaviors and plastic deformation mechanisms were tuned by the addition of Si, which improves the strain hardening and tensile ductility. The present study provides new strategies for enhancing HEA performance by targeted metalloid additions.
佐藤 一憲; 山路 哲史*; Li, X.*; 間所 寛
Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 9(2), p.21-00436_1 - 21-00436_17, 2022/04
Interpretation for the two-week long Unit 3 ex-vessel debris cooling behavior was conducted based on the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) data and the site data such as pressure, temperature, gamma ray level and live camera pictures. It was estimated that the debris relocated to the pedestal was in partial contact with liquid water for about initial two days. With the reduction of the sea water injection flowrate, the debris, existed mainly in the pedestal region, became "dry", in which the debris was only weakly cooled by vapor and this condition lasted for about four days until the increase of the sea water injection. During this dry period, the pedestal debris was heated up and it took further days to re-flood the heated up debris.
Li, S. X.*; 谷田 聖; Belle Collaboration*; 他197名*
Journal of High Energy Physics (Internet), 2022(3), p.90_1 - 90_11, 2022/03
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:65.00(Physics, Particles & Fields)We present the first measurement of the branching fraction of the singly Cabibbo-suppressed (SCS) decay with
, using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 981
, collected by the Belle detector at the KEKB
asymmetric-energy collider. A significant
signal is observed for the first time with a signal significance of 5.4
. The relative branching fraction with respect to the normalization mode
is measured to be
,where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. Using the world-average value of
, we obtain
,where the uncertainties are statistical, systematic, and from
, respectively.
Bao, S.*; Wang, W.*; Shangguan, Y.*; Cai, Z.*; Dong, Z.-Y.*; Huang, Z.*; Si, W.*; Ma, Z.*; 梶本 亮一; 池内 和彦*; et al.
Physical Review X, 12(1), p.011022_1 - 011022_15, 2022/02
被引用回数:29 パーセンタイル:94.47(Physics, Multidisciplinary)In the local or itinerant extreme, magnetic excitations can be described by the Heisenberg model which treats electron spins as localized moments, or by the itinerant-electron model where the exchange interaction between electrons leads to unequal numbers of electrons with up and down spins. However, the nature of the magnetic excitations has been elusive when both local moments and itinerant electrons are present in the intermediate range. Using inelastic neutron scattering, we provide direct spectroscopic evidence on the coexistence of and interplay between local moments and itinerant electrons in a van der Waals metallic ferromagnet FeGeTe
, which can sustain tunable room-temperature ferromagnetism down to the monolayer limit. We find that there exist ferromagnetic spin-wave excitations dispersing from the zone center at low energies resulting from local moments and a columnlike broad continuum at the zone boundary at high energies up to over 100 meV resulting from itinerant electrons. Unlike the two-dimensional crystal structure, the low-energy mode exhibits a three-dimensional nature, and the high-energy mode also has an out-of-plane dependence. Both modes persist well above the Curie temperature of 160 K. Our neutron spectroscopic data reveal that the low-energy spin waves at 100 K are more coherent than those at 4 K, which is evidence of the weakening of the Kondo screening at high temperatures. These results unambiguously demonstrate the coexistence of local moments and itinerant electrons and the Kondo effect between these two components in Fe
. Such behaviors are generally expected in heavy-fermion systems with heavy
electrons but are rarely clearly observed in materials with light
electrons. These findings shed light on the understanding of magnetism in transition-metal compounds.
大平 征史*; 片島 拓弥*; 内藤 瑞*; 青木 大輔*; 吉川 祐介*; 岩瀬 裕希*; 高田 慎一; 宮田 完二郎*; Chung, U.-I.*; 酒井 崇匡*; et al.
Advanced Materials, 34(13), p.2108818_1 - 2108818_9, 2022/01
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:86.74(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)DNA duplexes are ideal crosslinkers for building such gels because of their excellent sequence addressability and flexible tunability in bond energy. However, the mechanical responses of most DNA gels are complicated and unpredictable. The melting curve analysis of the DNA gels reveals the good correspondence between the thermodynamic potentials of the DNA crosslinkers and the presimulated values by DNA calculators. Stress-relaxation tests and dissociation kinetics measurements show that the macroscopic relaxation time of the DNA gels is approximately equal to the lifetime of the DNA crosslinkers over 4 orders of magnitude from 0.1-2000 s. Furthermore, a series of durability tests find the DNA gels are hysteresis-less and self-healable after the applications of repeated temperature and mechanical stimuli.
Shangguan, Y.*; Bao, S.*; Dong, Z.-Y.*; Cai, Z.*; Wang, W.*; Huang, Z.*; Ma, Z.*; Liao, J.*; Zhao, X.*; 梶本 亮一; et al.
Physical Review B, 104(22), p.224430_1 - 224430_8, 2021/12
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:12.24(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Dimerized magnets forming alternating Heisenberg chains exhibit quantum coherence and entanglement and thus can find potential applications in quantum information and computation. However, magnetic systems typically undergo thermal decoherence at finite temperatures. Here, we show inelastic neutron scattering results on an alternating antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic chain compound NaCu
that the excited quasiparticles can counter thermal decoherence and maintain strong correlations at elevated temperatures. At low temperatures, we observe clear dispersive singlet-triplet excitations arising from the dimers formed along the crystalline
-axis. The excitation gap is of
18 meV and the bandwidth is about half of the gap. The band top energy has a weak modulation along the [100] direction, indicative of a small interchain coupling. The gap increases while the bandwidth decreases with increasing temperature, leading to a strong reduction in the available phase space for the triplons. As a result, the Lorentzian-type energy broadening becomes highly asymmetric as the temperature is raised. These results are associated with a strongly correlated state resulting from hard-core constraint and quasiparticle interactions. We consider these results to be not only evidence for strong correlations at finite temperatures in Na
, but also for the universality of the strongly correlated state in a broad range of quantum magnetic systems.
Li, S. X.*; 谷田 聖; Belle Collaboration*; 他193名*
Physical Review D, 104(7), p.072008_1 - 072008_8, 2021/10
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:35.99(Astronomy & Astrophysics)Using 980.6 of data collected with the Belle detector operating at the KEKB asymmetric-energy
collider, we present a measurement of the branching fraction of the singly Cabibbo-suppressed decay
. A clear
signal is observed for
with a statistical significance of 9.1 standard deviations, and we measure the ratio of branching fractions
, from which we infer the branching fraction
. The first quoted uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic, and the third from the reference mode