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Validation study of sodium pool fire modeling efforts in MELCOR and SPHINCS codes

Louie, D. L. Y.*; 青柳 光裕; 内堀 昭寛; 高田 孝; Luxat, D. L.*

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 407, p.112285_1 - 112285_5, 2023/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The paper describes progress of an international collaborative research in the area of SFR sodium fire modeling between the United States and Japan under the framework of the Civil Nuclear Energy Research and Development Working Group (CNWG). In this collaboration between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the validation basis for and modeling capabilities of sodium spray and pool fires in MELCOR of SNL and SPHINCS of JAEA are being enhanced. This study documents MELCOR and SPHINCS sodium pool fire model validation exercises against the JAEA's sodium pool fire experiments, F7-1 and F7-2. The proposed enhancement of the sodium pool fire models in MELCOR through addition of thermal hydraulic and sodium spreading models that enable a better representation of experimental results is also described. Both MELCOR and SPHINCS can capture the F7-1 and F7-2 experimental data well in the area of thermal hydraulics.


Sodium fire collaborative study progress; CNWG fiscal year 2022

Louie, D. L. Y.*; 青柳 光裕

SAND2022-14235 (Internet), 29 Pages, 2022/10



Validation study of sodium pool fire modeling efforts in MELCOR and SPHINCS codes

Louie, D. L. Y.*; 青柳 光裕; 内堀 昭寛; 高田 孝; Luxat, D. L.*

Proceedings of Technical Meeting on State-of-the-art Thermal Hydraulics of Fast Reactors (Internet), 6 Pages, 2022/09

The paper describes progress of an international collaborative research in the area of SFR sodium fire modeling between the United States and Japan under the framework of the Civil Nuclear Energy Research and Development Working Group (CNWG). In this collaboration between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the validation basis for and modeling capabilities of sodium spray and pool fires in MELCOR of SNL and SPHINCS of JAEA are being enhanced. This study documents MELCOR and SPHINCS sodium pool fire model validation exercises against the JAEA's sodium pool fire experiments, F7-1 and F7-2. The proposed enhancement of the sodium pool fire models in MELCOR through addition of thermal hydraulic and sodium spreading models that enable a better representation of experimental results is also described.


MELCOR validation study on sodium pool fire model with comparison to SPHINCS

Louie, D. L. Y.*; 青柳 光裕

Proceedings of International Topical Meetings on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics (ATH 2022) (Internet), p.316 - 329, 2022/06

This paper describes progress of an international collaborative research in SFR sodium fire modeling between the United States and Japan under the framework of the Civil Nuclear Energy Research and Development Working Group (CNWG). In this collaboration between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the validation basis for and modeling capabilities of sodium pool fires in MELCOR of SNL and SPHINCS of JAEA are being assessed. Additional model improvements for the sodium pool fire in MELCOR are discussed. The MELCOR results for the sodium pool fire model enhancement in MELCOR agreed well with the JAEA's F7 pool fire experiments and compared closely with SPHINCS.


Sodium fire collaborative study progress; CNWG fiscal year 2021

Louie, D. L. Y.*; 青柳 光裕

SAND2021-15469 (Internet), 45 Pages, 2021/12



Study of recent sodium pool fire model improvements for MELCOR code

青柳 光裕; Louie, D. L. Y.*; 内堀 昭寛; 高田 孝; Luxat, D.*

Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 28) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2021/08

The models in the MELCOR-NAC package have been assessed through benchmark analyses of the F7-1 sodium pool fire experiment within the framework of the U.S.-Japan collaboration. This study assesses the capability of the improved models proposed for the sodium pool fire in MELCOR through comparison with the test data and the results of the SPHINCS code. Pool heat transfer, pool oxide layer, and pool spreading models are improved in this study to mitigate the deviations exhibited in the previous study: the overestimation of combustion rate and associated temperature during the initial phase of the sodium fire relative to the experimental data and SPHINCS results, and the underestimation of them during the later phase. The analytical result of the improved sodium pool fire model agrees well with the experimental data and SPHINCS results over the entire course of the sodium fire. This study illustrates these enhanced capabilities for MELCOR to reliably simulate sodium pool fire events.


Study of sodium pool fire model improvement in MELCOR for SFR

Louie, D. L. Y.*; 青柳 光裕

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 124(1), p.824 - 827, 2021/06



Sodium fire collaborative study progress; CNWG fiscal year 2020

Louie, D. L. Y.*; 青柳 光裕

SAND2021-0136 (Internet), 53 Pages, 2021/01



Sodium fire analysis using a sodium chemistry package in MELCOR

青柳 光裕; 内堀 昭寛; 高田 孝; Louie, D. L. Y.*; Clark, A. J.*

Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2020/08



Numerical validation of AQUA-SF in SNL T3 sodium spray fire experiment

曽根原 正晃; 青柳 光裕; 内堀 昭寛; 高田 孝; 大島 宏之; Clark, A. J.*; Louie, D. L. Y.*

Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2020/08

ナトリウム燃焼における多次元効果の検証のために、原子力機構においてSNL T3ナトリウム燃焼試験をAQUA-SFおよびSPHINCSコードを用いて検証を行った。解析において、試験中の燃焼停止期間を模擬し、ナトリウム液滴径の最適化を行うことで、試験結果の再現を行った。その際、AQUA-SFにおけるBest estimateの液滴径は2.5mmとなり、ハイスピードカメラによる測定と矛盾しない結果を得ることができた。


Sodium fire collaborative study progress; CNWG fiscal year 2019

Louie, D. L. Y.*; 内堀 昭寛

SAND2019-15043 (Internet), 35 Pages, 2019/12

本報告書は、日米民生用原子力研究開発ワーキンググループ(CNWG: Civil Nuclear Energy Research and Development Working Group)協力における2019年度のナトリウム燃焼に関する研究の進捗をまとめたものである。本研究では、ナトリウムプール燃焼試験F7-1の数値解析により、軽水炉の事故進展解析コードMELCORへ組み込まれたナトリウムプール燃焼モデルの妥当性検討を実施した。本解析では、プールや雰囲気温度が計測値と同レベルまで上昇することを確認したが、解析後半では不自然な挙動も現れた。これに基づき、次年度の解析に向けた解析手法の改善策をまとめた。


シビアアクシデント統合評価解析コードSPECTRAのナトリウム燃焼モジュール開発; F7-1プール燃焼実験解析を通じたMELCORコードとのコード間比較

青柳 光裕; 内堀 昭寛; 高田 孝; Louie, D. L. Y.*

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