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Journal Articles

Participation report of ICRP/JAEA Dialogue Meeting

Maeda, Tsuyoshi; Endo, Yuya; Uezu, Yasuhiro

Hoken Butsuri (Internet), 54(3), p.177 - 180, 2019/10

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Design of a 500kV electron gun for ERL light source at KEK

Yamamoto, Masahiro*; Honda, Yosuke*; Miyajima, Tsukasa*; Uchiyama, Takashi*; Kobayashi, Masanori*; Muto, Toshiya*; Matsuba, Shunya*; Sakanaka, Shogo*; Sato, Kotaro*; Saito, Yoshio*; et al.

Proceedings of 6th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (CD-ROM), p.860 - 862, 2009/08

A newly 500 kV electron gun (2nd - 500 kV gun) for an ERL light source is designed at KEK. A new concept and state of-the-art technologies of vacuum system, ceramic insulators, high voltage power supply, photocathode and preparation system will be employed. The details are described in this report.

Oral presentation

Summary of the dialogue meeting between local residents and experts for rehabilitation of Fukushima by ICRP and JAEA

Sato, Kazuyuki; Endo, Yuya; Maeda, Tsuyoshi; Uezu, Yasuhiro; Lochard, J.*; Clement, C.*; Fujita, Hiroki*; Ando, Ryoko*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

The Dialogue Meeting between local residents and experts for rehabilitation of Fukushima by ICRP and JAEA

Endo, Yuya; Maeda, Tsuyoshi; Uezu, Yasuhiro; Lochard, J.*; Clement, C.*; Fujita, Hiroki*; Ando, Ryoko*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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